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Vladimir Build Guide by zjozwiak

Sick of Squishy? - Tanky Vlad

Sick of Squishy? - Tanky Vlad

Updated on August 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zjozwiak Build Guide By zjozwiak 16 4 25,829 Views 38 Comments
16 4 25,829 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zjozwiak Vladimir Build Guide By zjozwiak Updated on August 28, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Vladimir
  • LoL Champion: Vladimir


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


I - Intro

Hello, and welcome to "Sick of Squishy - Tanky Vlad", the guide. Now, before I begin, know this: this guide is not a conventional Vlad guide. This is not meant for everybody. Most Vlad guides are much more AP heavy than this one. I love Vlad because of how Tanky he can become, and after playing so many squishy mages, I tried him out for his passive ( Crimson Pact) to see how tanky I could become. What I found was that I could still deal enough damage to feel like an AP Carry, but I also had enough survivability for personal preference.

So, if you want to be near invincible and love AP, then this is the guide for you.

8/4/12 4th highest build! Huzzah! Hopefully, I don't get trollvoted. Thank you everybody for the help.
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II - Explanation

Why use this build?

Well, I'm glad you asked. If there's one specific section I want you to read, it's this one. This build works not just to do damage and to win you lane, but to decisively win team fights. How?

This build messes with standard thinking. You hit for a lot of damage - you're definitely a force to be reckoned with in team fights, especially with 3 AoE abilities. If you're in the middle of a battle, the enemy is going to want to drop you to stop that Tides of Blood - fast.

But you're also tanky. That means you can stay in the middle of that fight longer, take the hits, and let your team wreak havoc on their health bars while you get focused. You're strong enough and have the Mercury's Treads and Juggernaut to take their CC, a Sanguine Pool to survive a bit longer, and probably a Zhonya's Hourglass, just for another 2 seconds of "Hey! Can't kill me!"

If they don't focus you, you kill them. If they focus you, your team kills them.

STORY TIME!!!! I once made a bad decision and got caught off by myself... in the enemy base... as 4 of them spawned. I couldn't get out fast enough, so I figured I'd do some damage. My bud playing as Shen went to ult me, and decided against it - I wasn't worth the cooldown ( Stand United). My Ezreal started hitting the enemy from afar as I got focused a ridiculous amount. Then, as my health slowly dropped, the enemy foursome's health started to drop dramatically. When I was almost dead, I pooled, and the enemies waited for me to come back, rather than focus Ez. Seeing how hurt they all were, my Shen ulted me, keeping me alive even longer. The enemies started dying. I got a double, then died, as Ezreal got a double on the other two.
I had tanked them almost single-handedly for so long, while dealing so much damage, that a one for four swap was made, and we won the game.
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III - Screenshots

7/25/12 I GOT A PENTA!!!!! Unfortunately, my laptop is weird and doesn't screenshot unless it's a tab, so I have no "screenshot or it didn't happen". But I know it, and I'm happy, so oh well. FuhrerAndrew, page 2 of the comments, is my witness.

8/1/12 MY SECOND PENTA!!! Again, no in-game screenshot cuz I forgot LoL recorder, but I got one of the lobby screen.

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IV - Pros and Cons

herpaderpaherp +Nearly invincible
+Lots of damage
+Sustain for days
+OP Pool
+Great team-oriented ulti
+Cool auto-attack
+Tells puns
herpaderpaherpwoop -Long cooldown for defensive ability
-Vulnerable to CC
-Slow movement speed
-Abilities that can come with high cost
-Only CC is a slow
-Making this build involved math
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V - Runes


Phase Rush

Typical AP Marks. No other choices, to be honest.


Phase Rush

In my opinion, Greater Rune of Force is the best set of glyphs Vlad could roll with. Much eetter than Greater Glyph of Ability Power, considering Force is better than Potency by level 6. Another choice is Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction, but considering Vlad's Transfusion and Tides of Blood already have epically low cooldowns, Celerity isn't as good of a choice. Since you'll often be midlaning, if you think the enemy is going to stomp all over you, feel free to take Greater Glyph of Magic Resist for survivability.


Fleet Footwork

My favorite for Vlad is by far Greater Quintessences of Potency. 15 AP is great for early game, and ~21 health is also fantastic. I prefer them to Greater Quintessence of Endurance and Greater Quintessence of Health, because Crimson Pact gives more health for AP than AP for health. Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed is also a good choice, since it helps your sustain with dodging enemy skillshots.


Phase Rush

I prefer to roll with Greater Seal of Endurance, for reasons explained below. However, suggested by IceCreamy, you should roll with Greater Seal of Armor if you'll be toplaning against someone like Riven or Darius.


So why Greater Seal of Endurance and not Greater Seal of Vitality? Here's why.

Greater Seal of Vitality yields 19.44 health at level 18. So we need to find when Greater Seal of Endurance would yield more than that.

19.44 = .005 x H

Algebra tells us that H = 3,888 Health

So now we know that if we can get 3,888 health, the seals will equal the same amount, so if my build yields more than that, Greater Seal of Endurance is a better choice.

Health Stuff
Warmog's - 1,270 Health
Rylai's - 500 Health
Masteries - 30 Health (Not including Juggernaut ; not sure if that's calculated before or after runes)

AP Stuff
Rabadon's - 140 x 1.3 = 182 AP
Rylai's - 80 x 1.3 = 104
Will - 50 x 1.3 = 65
Zhonya's - 100 x 1.3 = 130
Masteries - 3 x 1.3 = 3.9 (Round to 4)
Runes - 42.39 x 1.3 = 55.1

All of that AP added together = 540.1 AP
Crimson Pact 540.1 x 1.4 = 756 Health

So now, we add the health.
+ 500
+ 30
+1930 (The amount Vladimir normally has at level 18)
=4,486 health. This means that Greater Seal of Endurance is worth 22.4 health per seal. And that's not even including Juggernaut .

So, assuming you read this whole section, you can see that Greater Seal of Endurance is a better choice for this build than Greater Seal of Vitality.

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VI - Masteries

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VII - Summoner Spells

The summoner spells I choose are specific to me and my play style, which I will explain a little later in this guide. Choose which ones are best for you, and play that way.

A usual summoner spell for an AP carry. Helps secure kills, as well as stunting healing for pesky Dr. Mundo and... well... Vladimir.

In my opinion, a better choice than Flash. Why? Flash is great for things like jumping over walls to escape, or a quick jump to chase. I take it on my other carries. However, Ghost synergizes well with Sanguine Pool. The speed buff will stay on during the pool, and since it's a percent increase, the movement speed from your pool gets even bigger. This makes it great for escaping with your pool, and since it lasts longer than Flash, it's better for distance chases.

Other good choices

This one makes a lot of sense for a super tanky Vlad. A good way to surprise the enemy, and a Sanguine Pool + Heal combo can take you from almost dead to surviving that gank.

Another usual for carries. Good for chasing, escaping, ambushing, etc. I would use this one if it weren't for the fact that Ghost lasts so long. Everybody should take utility, and if you don't have Ghost, use this.

A decent amount of midlaners roll with this. Allows you to get back to base and back in the fight as fast as possible, and can help with ganking other lanes.

Those are the only ones I would reccommend. Any other summoner spell such as Cleanse or Exhaust would not be as useful, even considering you're a tank. You have a slow built into your Pool, and it is unlikely you'll ever die from burst powerful enough to drop you before you can pool.
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VIII - Items

Like I said, this is a tanky guide for a tanky Vlad. The point is to be able to take mad amounts of damage. You should obviously adapt this guide to deal with the enemy team, but this basic build should work for most games. You will end up with over 5,000 health and over 500 AP.

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50

A normal starting build. Potions for sustain while your Transfusion doesn't hit so hard, and Boots to dodge skill shots.

Item Sequence

Ruby Crystal 400
Amplifying Tome 400

Begin being tanky. This will only give you10.75 AP, but that's pretty decent, considering it's a health item. This will help give you a bit more strength and arm in the lane, and suits my playstyle. If you HAVE to go back, and can't yet afford this, settle for Ruby Crystal, then Amplifying Tome.

Item Sequence

Warmog's Armor 3100
Mercury's Treads 1100
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100

Your early game items, which begin to define you in your roll as off-tank. The Hextech will get you the sustain you need to beat outlast almost anybody in lane. Now, 2 of your abilities heal you, and all of your ability damage heals you. It also gives56 health. Then your first major purchase, a Warmog's. This really rounds you out as a tank. When it's fully charged, it gives 1,270 health and 31.75 ability power. Lasty, the boots will help you outlast CC to pop your Sanguine Pool, and generally makes you tankier. Sorcerer's Shoes are nice if they build against you, but I hardly grab them.

Item Sequence

Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Will of the Ancients 2300

Next, the items that start to seriously add to damage. First, a Rylai's - 80 ability power, 500 health, a great passive. But that's just on the surface. This gives a total of612 health and 92.5 AP. The passive will definitely help your team secure kills, as well. Next is Rabadon's. You should have a decent amount of health and AP by now, and so the 140+passive will still give you plenty of health, and will keep you from dropping off damage-wise at this stage of the game. Finally, the Will. Finish this off for the passive it gives your team, as well as the AP it gives you personally. Gives you 70 health, not counting Rabadon's passive, and will increase your Spell Vamp.

Item Sequence

Abyssal Mask 2400
Spirit Visage 2900

The 6th item is all about screwing over the enemy team. You'll be getting armor, magic resist, or sustain - anything to keep you alive longer, and hopefully add to your damage. My favorite is Zhonya's -100 AP, 140 health, 50 armor, and a passive that works so well with Sanguine Pool that the enemy team will rage. 4 SECONDS OF UNTARGETABLE INVULNERABILITY?! SIGN ME UP!!! So OP. Anyways, this is what I get most of the time, simply because most teams have a nice mix of AP and AD, and you already have some magic resist. Also a good option, Abyssal Scepter. This one will help stop pesky Madred's Bloodrazor and Deahtfire Grasp wielders. Choose this one if the enemy team is AP heavy, or if they're building magic resist. Comes with 70 AP, with an added 98 health. Finally, and least recommended, Spirit Visage. 250 health, 6.25 AP, 30 magic resist, 10% CDR, and a passive meant for characters like Vladimir. It stacks well with (har har) stacks of Tides of Blood, giving you mad amounts of sustain and regen. However, it lacks the punch that Zhonya's Hourglass or Abyssal Mask will give you with AP.

Sometimes, you don't need more armor or MR. What then?

Item Sequence

Deathfire Grasp 3100

Some good choices for adding to your damage. The item you hate most, Deathfire Grasp, as well as Void Staff in case they build magic resist. One has a burst super-active, the other has a passive that will last a little longer, as well as being able to affect multiple targets. But beyond the unique, Deathfire has cooldown reduction as well, while also having 10 more AP. It comes down to this - how many of the enemies have built magic resist?

Situational Items

Item Sequence

Mejai's Soulstealer 1600
Thornmail 2700
Quicksilver Sash 1300

All for specific reasons. A VERY AP heavy opponent team? Force of Nature. Absolutely dominating? Mejai's Soulstealer. I've only ever bought the item once - it's usually not worth the risk, unless you're sure it's not a waste of gold. If the team is AD heavy rather than AP, go Thornmail and beg the to target you. Quicksilver Sash is also very specific - only recommended for enemy Malzahars or the like. Use on extremely CC heavy teams, to the point where your Mercury's Treads aren't getting it done.
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IX - Spells & Farm

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Start off with your Transfusion for some minion last-hits. Next, your Sanguine Pool, for 2 reasons - first, it's too early to farm with Tides of Blood, sicne it's flat health it'll be taking, and you don't have enough to spare. Secondly, in case of a level 2 gank, from either side. If your jungler tries to gank, you can slow the enemy. If the enemy jungler tries to gank, you'll survive. Then, max dat Transfusion, since it's your main laning ability. Max Tides of Blood, as your second farming ability and big team fight attack. Obviously, hit Hemoplague whenever you can, and finish off Sanguine Pool last.


Farming as Vlad is pretty basic. Early game, just drop your Transfusion on minions, as well as basic attacks. This will help you deal with harass as well as farm. However, if the enemy laner attacks every time you drop dat Q, than switch to basic attacks only. Stay in lane as long as you can in order to farm ahead of your opponent.

At later levels, your Tides of Blood becomes your main farm tool. Early on, use it sparingly, as it is quite costly. However, at later levels, you can toss it around without a problem, and with Hextech Revolver, heal for as much as it hurts. In fact, you can likely begin spamming your E as soon as you get your Revolver.

DO NOT Sanguine Pool FOR MINIONS. EVER. It is simply not worth the cooldown. Pooling like that will get you killed.
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X - AP Build

I tried this for one game, just because a friend of mine suggested that I try a more AP heavy approach. The score for this game was not exactly fantastic - however, my team was garbage. I carried the team to victory, tearing apart the enemy team single-handedly. To quote a friend of mine who spectated the game, "Does your back hurt?"

So while it is not my favorite way to build (personal preference) it is very viable.

Masteries: Credit goes to Incendiax's guide for the inspiration here. His reasoning is this - you'll get a little bit of AP if you lean 21-0-9, but since Vlad is more complicated than normal AP Carrys, 9-0-21 is the better choice. The small amount of AP isn't worth the sacrifice of getting Vlad better summoner spells and Spell Vamp.

Runes: Doing the math for Greater Seal of Vitality, it becomes a better choice than Greater Seal of Endurance with this build. They can also be for armor rather than for health, since the AP bonus is, to be honest, minimal. Other than that, same deal - AP glyphs, standard marks, and AP quints. These can, again, be switched for a few Greater Quintessence of Movement Speeds. Or however that's made plural.

Items: Many standard items for an AP carry, with a lean towards items that also come with durability - health from Rylai's Crystal Scepter, armor and active from Zhonya's Hourglass, and the magic resist from Abyssal Mask.

By end game, your Sorcerer's Shoes won't make a huge difference. But the tenacity from Mercury's Treads will.

Other Possibilities:

Item Sequence

Deathfire Grasp 3100

Great for tearing apart enemy tanks, either way. Do tthey have lots of health? Deahtfire. Magic resist? Void.
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XI - Playstyle

Ok, I've mentioned it a lot, but never actually explained this. This method is why I think Vlad is so extraordinarily OP. It's a method that's slow at first, but can usually secure you a kill before level 6, and will DEFINITELY get you one at 6.

Step One: Sustain & Poke

You begin with the usual - farming. Go for minions with auto attacks and your Q. If the enemy steps out of position, you hit them immediately with a Q. Punish them for their every mistake.

Step Two: Push to Tower

Since you can out-sustain just about anybody, you will eventually get them back to their tower. Be careful of ganks - keep your Sanguine Pool ready to go. It might be a good idea to start stacking Tides of Blood, if you have enough health. Be careful about it, though - it's not worth taking out tons of health if you're not ready for Step 3.

Step Three: Bravery!

Tower dive like a hero. If you're before level 6, wait for them to be 33% health or less. If you're at level 6, you might be able to do it at 50%. Pop everything, hold nothing back. Start with Ghost - it'll last long enough for the process. Sprint up, Hemoplague, Tides of Blood, Transfusion, Sanguine Pool, Tides of Blood, Transfusion, Ignite. If they're low on health, you will definitely drop them.
People near turrets have an invincible mentality - they think nothing can touch them. You can pop your first 2 abilities quickly enough to maybe avoid the turret altogether, and though you'll take a couple of shots when you come up, becuase you bought that Giant's Belt so early, you'll be fine.

After the first couple of kills like that, you'll need less and less of the combo in order to take them down. They might die during your Pool. Vlad snowballs off of this, and you terrify the enemy champ. If they're not safe at their turret, where are they safe?

You need to know your own power, though. If they're tough enough to take you, don't try it. This method isn't worth seriously injuring. You need to drop them.

Here are 4 screenshots from the same game - all successful dives. Each picture ended in a kill.

Bravery Part 1: Harass.

Bravery Part 2: Get up in their grill.

Bravery Part 3: Pool to escape.

Bravery Part 4: Enjoy the kill.

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XII - Sanguine Pool

A prime example of pooling.

Sanguine Pool is honestly one of the most OP abilities in the game. You're suddenly dodging Pyroclasm, Finales Funkeln, Mega Inferno Bomb, etc. If it's a skill shot, you can avoid it. This makes you incredibly durable.

It's also very hard to master. If you can't use it correctly, you will die. A lot.

You should only pool when you: A) will die if you don't. B) will lose a kill if you don't. C) to tower dive like a hero. D) are on cooldown with Tides of Blood and Transfusion, and have used Hemoplague. This way, you take advantage of its 15% extra damage.
Other than those moments, you should be dodging skillshots or staying out of range until you're ready to harass. The reason you need to be so stingy with it is that first off, 20% of your current health is a lot. It will hurt more than a lot of enemy abilities, assuming you have full health. Another reason is it's long early-game cooldown. If you get ganked but you thought it'd be easy to kill that minion wave with it, whoops, now you have no escape except for your summoner spell, which has a massive cooldown.

Sanguine Pool is the ultimate defense ability, but you have to use it right to survive.
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XIII - Teamfights

Vlad has a very specific job. The passive from his Hemoplague is very useful in the right hands, and you need to use it wisely. Don't always pop it at the very beginning - wait until AT LEAST 3 of them are in a single spot. As long as you're getting more than half of their team, I'd say it's worth it.

I will be adding screenshots to show correct timing.

Your job until then is to run around spamming Tides of Blood and targeting their AD Carry or AP with your Transfusion. It might even be a good idea to start hitting Tides of Blood before the fight, if you know it's going to happen. Doubling its damage is a great idea. If you're about to die, pop your Sanguine Pool. When you come back up, if you haven't already, drop Hemoplague, since you'll likely be dead in a moment. Remember the How to Pool section - if they're grouped up and you've already hit R, then pool for max damage.
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XIV - Opponents

This chapter is dedicated to who you'll be facing and how it'll work out for you - hopefully. Results will inevitiably vary based on your skill and the enemy's skill. Please leave constructive criticism based off of your experiences.

They are rated Very easy, easy, normal, hard, very hard.

I don't have much experience toplaning, so it will be midlane champs. I will begin toplaning more often to find out what works with who.

Very easy
As for her, you shouldn't have too much trouble. Everything she can do rides off of her Charm - which is a skill shot. That means you can dodge it, or Sanguine Pool it. I don't reccommend the latter, for one reason. ALL of her moves can be dodged with your pool, and if you waste it on Charm, she'll nuke you with everything else. Just wait until she's in a combo and then pool - you throw her off SO BAD. Just dodge her harass and hit dat Transfusion, and you're fine.

Depends on how she builds. They usually go into an AP focus - these, you'll have little trouble with. She throws Twilight Shroud, you hit your Tides of Blood and hit her anyway. She can't stand a lot of damage. However, I once faced one that rushed the same build as me - a Warmog's. Worst stalemate ever. Skirmish after skirmish, and we'd just lifesteal it all back. You shouldn't lose the lane, but your hope for money might be farm, not kills.

Again, everything can be pooled under. Her combo also rides off of a skill shot - her Flash Frost. If she hits that, she'll hit her Frostbite, and it'll suck, cuz you can't dodge that nonsense. You'll be stunned. You'll also need to adjust the diving method to stop her egg from screwing with you. Overall, not too hard if you can dodge that Q, considering how squishy Anivia is, but it is complicated.

I hope you like psychology. Be careful with this strategy - it can backfire. She can farm all day long, and isn't likely to get on the offensive - she'll wait for you to. So you do it. Charge her, and right before she pops a shot at you, Sanguine Pool. She'll waste her stun and a lot of her damage, and then you can just hit her while she rages. She's also easy to dive. If you aren't comfortable with the strategy, or if she's smart, then just try and passively farm. If she goes to attack, hit your Sanguine Pool and back off. Just play defensively, or she'll nuke you.

He's all about that combo. All about Sear. If you pool it, or if you pool his Pyroclasm, he'll lose. A smart Brand will level up Conflagration against you - it'll hit you for sure, and its range is similar to your Transfusion. However, he's very mana dependant. FORCE him to use it on you by hitting him with your spells, and he'll go low on mana AND health before you're low on health, because you lifesteal like a champ.

She will mess you up all lane long. Deadly Cadence means she can match you with sustain, and if you try to Transfusion her, she can Noxious Blast you and follow up with Twin Fang. Vlad is great with harassing and then dropping the enemy when they're low. She will counter-harass you all day long, and one up you. She's got range, she's got faster damage than you do. Heaven forbid she goes Hextech Revolver, because you won't even get creepscore. If she's in game, run to toplane and ask someone to take mid.

Dat Bountiful Harvest... Your pool cannot avoid. He heals more than you do, while doing comparable damage. You have no CC to stop him. Your only choice is a buddy with a stun and out-farming. You better hope Fids is jungling, because if he lanes against you, you'll lose.

His Seastone Trident stops one of Vlad's main pros - his lifesteal. He also has Playful / Trickster, which is the yin to the yang of your Sanguine Pool. He can also hit it without taking 20% of his own health. His harass is close to yours, his grievous wounds will weaken you, and his utility will have him dodging you. It's possible, but it won't be easy.


I've only ever had trouble with one Gragas. Other than him, all you have to do is dodge his Barrel Roll, and this alne is yours. His sustain is nice, with Happy Hour and Drunken Rage, but it still doesn't match yours. You can out harass. Just be careful about diving when his Explosive Cask is up.


Very Easy
Karthus' rage about you. Unless he buys Hextech Revolver, he's incredibly squishy. Just keep moving and he won't land a Lay Waste, so your harass is better. His Defile does low early game damage, so getting up in his grill is easy. And the best part! You can Sanguine Pool his Requiem!! Now his biggest kill move is literally worthless. You should easily take this lane.

Hard before 6, Impossible after.
His silence has similar range to your Transfusion, so while you can out-harass him with your heal, after level 6, he'll just smack you around without a problem. Your only hope is to trick him with your Sanguine Pool - and that's your only hope to survive, not to win. You will NOT win this lane.

Very Easy
As of the Mid-August 2012 patch... HA!!! All she had on you was her Bouncing Blades harass, which would also stunt your healing. They changed it so that the healing stunt is only on Death Lotus, which is super easy to pool. So now, her only decent harass is weaker, her main damage/counter ability is laughably easy to Sanguine Pool. Overall, she might be getting a buff, but against Vladimir, she's cake.

You can pool everything shortstuff has, making this lane rather easy. Just harass him with your Transfusion, dodge his shurikens, and pool his ult; you'll win no problem. But you should definitely focus him in teamfights, cuz not everybody can dodge that ult. A group stun will mess you up.

I'm hesitant to write this because it's usually so hard to take her early game damage. But... I've really never had a problem. You smack her around with your Transfusion and you can sustain through her abilities no problem. You just have to be careful about her getting her Sigil of Silence off, which she'll probably hit Distortion for. Harass hard pre-6, and you'll probably score a kill, and snowball from there.

You would think that this would be an easy lane - you can pool under literally all of her offensive moves. However, a smart Lux will force you to choose what to pool under, and if you make a mistake, you're a goner. She's also got a lot of range, giving her easy harass. And if she snares you when you're far away, you won't be able to hit her with anything. Just dodge the skill shots and pool the Finales Funkeln if you can.

Stupid Null Zone. Drops a percent of your health, and that's gonna suck for you. He also has a silence that can last up to 3 seconds, and Malefic Visions, which will continue to damage you even after a pool. His Nether Grasp will hurt a LOT, but your tenacity will help. Buy a Quicksilver Sash and ask for ganks.

AP Yi. Between his Meditate and Alpha Strike, he has both better sustain (OP sustain) and better harass than you. You can kill him, but it won't be easy at all. He gains MR during his Meditate, so you won't be doing much damage, and you have no CC to stop him. Once again, ask for ganks.


She's not the worst for you, but she's not easy. Her sustain can match yours with Soul Siphon, and if she hits Soul Shackle and it connects, you can't dodge the stun with your pool. Try and use it right before the stun goes off to be untargetable while vulnerable. Harass with your Q, dodge hers, and be careful about her Black Shield.



He'll certainly give you a run for your money. He builds mana, and his ult has spell vamp, so you won't be outsustaning him easily. He can match your harass with his low cooldowns and similar range. And worst of all, mana items often come with health or armor/mr. He'll be a tanky, harassing, sustained machine, and it won't be easy for you to take him, especially when he has no skillshots to pool under.

This lane is legitimately fun. It's a challenge, and comes down to who's better. He has spellvamp in his Ravenous Flock, but since he has to drop mad amounts of mana to keep it up, you can Ignite through most of his sustain. You can pool his ult and he won't be hitting you; you can also pool his Nevermove. Just outharass him, be careful of his Decrepify, and you should be good to go.



Very Easy
I have never had a problem with one. At early levels, just hit him with Transfusion. He's forced to make a decision; harass back with Baleful, or just take the damage? Either way, he loses. He won't be able to farm AP if he retaliates, and if he does, you steal health and win. Watch when he shoots Primordial Burst, and pool as it's on its way. It's difficult and takes timing, but if you can do it, you negate almost all of his damage. Just pound him early game, and he'll have nothing to hit back with.


Obviously, kidding. It's you. You can do everything he can. Just try to outplay him. There's not a lot to say. At least you can prove my build is better than his. =D


This lane depends heavily on you. You have a target harass, so there's not a lot he can do but run away. However, he has a skill shot, so it all comes down to your ability to dodge skillshots. If you have no problem with it, you'll whipe the floor with him. However, if he can hit you, you're gonna have a lot of problems. His ult - Mega Inferno Bomb - is easy to pool, considering the warning you get. Take advantage of that, and his finisher will have nothing on you.

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XV - Conclusion

Vlad is a champ that will have people complaining about how OP you are. By end game, you hit like a truck, and if a truck hit you, you'd hardly notice it. Or, you can just Sanguine Pool under that truck, and boom, you're fine. His Crimson Pact gives him an advantage over any other mage - taking damage, while still giving it.

Thanks to jhoihoi for her guide to making guides, as well as her inspiration for coding. She also made all of my banners, which was a huge boost to my guide - you can get your own here. Also, Hawkken for his BBCode Codex.
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