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Ahri Build Guide by SirenX

AP Carry Ahri Carry: Charm Through Divisions [Season 5 Patch 4.2 UPDA

AP Carry Ahri Carry: Charm Through Divisions [Season 5 Patch 4.2 UPDA

Updated on January 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SirenX Build Guide By SirenX 10,272 Views 0 Comments
10,272 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SirenX Ahri Build Guide By SirenX Updated on January 10, 2015
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Welcome to my Ahri Guide.

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This Guide will teach you general strategies with Ahri and I'm trying to explain it as easy as possible.
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Why Ahri? Pros and Cons

I chose Ahri, because she is a champion which fits into many play styles. She is a strong laner and has a great late game. Currently she is seen pretty often in Ranked Games.

Pros and Cons:

Source of pictures:
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You run your normal AP Masteries on Ahri. 21-0-9
But why?

You are an AP carry. So you take as much AP as you can from your masteries. The Offense tree is possibly the best choice for Ahri. Maybe you are wondering about the Utility tree. This is something personal. I like to have my Flash back up faster than healing a bit better with potions. Many people like to skill it and advance it to the Cookie. But i like longer blue buffs and faster summoners. You can decide pretty freely there.
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As well as in the mastery tree you can take what you personally like best. I do recommendations here.

My personal favourite Runes:

My Tree:

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Normally your lane opponent is AP too. You don't want to get nuked by him so you run these runes to lower the damage output a lot.

Greater Seal of Armor: It's the same like above. But now you go against an AD laner like Zed or Talon. You also take less damage from the ADC when you roam to Bot Lane.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: Yes you also want to get through their magic resist. As an AP laner you normally take this because the most damage you deal is magic damage.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: It gives you a high damage output. Three of them give you 15 Ability Power. This is in my opinion enough.



Greater Glyph of Ability Power: For even more AP. If you like running these you can do it. It's also pretty strong and gives you a great burst. Recommended for getting early kills.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power: You run these if you think you need more AP in late game. Already at level 7 you have the same amount of AP given you by the normal Glyph of Ability Power.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: It gives you a lot MR in late game. At level 9 you get more resist than the normal Glyph. You can run it for more sustain in late. But you run in danger to get killed in early game.


Greater Seal of Scaling Armor: The same rule like the MR Glyphs. At level 7 the amount of armor given is higher than the normal Seal. More armor in late -> less in early game.

Greater Seal of Health: Yes, there are people who do it. And it is effective. You will miss out some armor but health is also important. It's up to you.

Greater Seal of Scaling Health: I also see people running these seals. It's pretty rare but it's also effective. Even though i prefer armor Seals this is also viable. At level 6 you have the same amount of health given by the normal seal.

What about Mana Regen?

I don't think you will need this. Due to the lowering of the Mana Costs of the Orb of Deception you don't really need it. Also most junglers give you the blue buff. With good Mana management you will not need these.


I can't recommend other Marks than the Magic Penetration. You won't need the greater mark of hybrid penetration because your AD is pretty low. You mostly harass with your spells so I don't think you need it.


You already have everything you want: MR, Armor, Magic Penetration. What about AP? Also here you can take Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power. But flat AP Quints are the best choice for AP mid laner.
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Summoner Spells

You take this on most Mid laners. You have no escape pre-6 and your Ult has a Cooldown. You can use this to escape for jungler ganks or saving yourself. You can also flash to dodge skillshots ( for example Morgana's Dark Binding, Lux's Light Binding ). Use it wisely. It has a long cooldown!

You need this to secure kills. You got somebody low? Ignite him. This will give you the kill for sure or let them waste a summoner like Heal. If they flash away and you ignited them you made a perfect trade. Summoner down and a kill.

This is a Flash replacement. Normally Flash is much better but if you haven't unlocked it take Ghost. Otherwise it's not pretty good because ganks will still get you down really fast.

People run this instead of Ignite. It's to get back fast on lane or to TP gank other lanes. I don't recommend it unless you want to do a farming lane. But it's recommended that at least one in your team has Teleport ( Your Top laner or Jungler normally take this ).

Even though i don't like it it's effective against nuking lanes. For example Veigar and Syndra can get you down pretty fast so this will save you from at least 1 death. You can take this instead of Ignite. Also people use it for a surprising comeback in a 1 vs 1.

People started to take this after the huge Heal buff. It can sometimes even get an
Ignite away. You are a solo lane so Heal is not recommended but viable. It heals two and is better for ADC's. People take this because they think they could lose the lane or think "I will finish them off with my Ult" ( You are not Lux, better try ignite ).

Trust me. You won't never ever need it on Ahri. If you miss every skillshot you will run out of Mana, thats right. But this thing has such a high cooldown... Why just don't buy a Chalice of Harmony or Mana Potions? It's better than wasting a whole spell.

I don't see a reason to take this. You are not Hecarim on steroids and I don't think you will ever need to revive fast. Just wait until you respawned in fountain. The cooldown is not worth it ( only in URF ).

I really see this. People take this against Malzahar to surprisingly counterkill him when he Ults. Seriously, buy a Quicksilver Sash or kill him pre 6. It's not worth a summoner spell. This is something more for ADCs.

I see people taking this against Zed. You can just outplay him as Ahri. It's not very effective and not worth a summoner slot.

Who takes this? Nobody. Trust me wards are better. You won't need the "eye". Also the blue trinket does the same.
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PASSIVE: Essence Theft
You are a Mid Laner with sustain! You can get 3 charges per spell. This is a full hit Fox-Fire, a good placed Orb of Deception or 3 Charm's. You basically want to heal up as fast as possible. So you get your stacks as fast as possible and try to hit a good Orb of Deception. Get it on a fresh minion wave ( and maybe the enemy ) to get the best possible heal.

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Q-Ability: Orb of Deception
This is your Main-Damage spell. It gets charged and does magic damage. On the way back it does TRUE damage. This will be way more because they have some magic resist to block a bit of the damage. True damage isn't affected by magic resist so you will do a great burst.

Range: 880 | Cooldown: 7 | Mana Costs: 55/60/65/70/75 | Basic Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+35% AP ) on way back and on way out.

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W-Ability: Fox-Fire
This is a follow Up spell. It charges 3 "Foxfires" which hit multiple enmies. It also hits minions but prioritizes champions. You mostly charge this to follow up after a successful Charm. You can also poke with it when you see that an enemy comes to near. If you hit all 3 on the same target you will get bonus damage on it.

Range: 800 | Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 | Mana Costs: 50 | Basic Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+40% AP) | Maximum Base Damage (when all 3 hit): 64/104/144/184/224 (+64% AP)

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E-Ability: Charm
This is a reason why many people play Ahri. This is hard crowd-control for the enemy. It's not a taunt. It makes them harmless. If you hit this you will also get a 20% damage bonus for all abilities (even the true damage). It also makes it easy to land your Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire. It's used to finish off people in lane or to oneshot squishy targets in late. Don't miss it too often, or the enemy opponent will punish you.

Range: 975 | Cooldown: 12 | Mana Costs: 85 | Basic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+35% AP) | Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds

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R-Ability: Spirit Rush
Your last and ultimate ability is your Spirit Rush. It makes you very mobile and fires 3 essence bolts at enemies (also minions, prioritizes champions). You can use this on multiple ways. First of all it's a great gapcloser to chase down enemies. It also provides a great escape from jungler ganks ( or from missplays ). Most important it's an engage + disengage. You can dive people with it and get away as fast as you can.

Range: 450 | Cooldown: 110/95/80 | Mana Costs: 100 | Basic Damage: 70/110/150 (+30% AP)

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Ability sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Your Q is your main damage source. Max it first. It does true damage on the way back and we all know: true damage is very strong!

I like to take my W on second place. It provides you great damage and is in my opinion better than a longer Charm duration. Some people max the E second. Do this if you like, but i prefer Fox-Fire.

At last take your E. Longer Charm = Harder CC. Use this as your advantage later.

Always take your R Spirit Rush when you can. This doesn't have to be explained.


There are people who run everything on smartcast. Or maybe nothing. But i can recommend to use smartcast at Ahri. You can followup your Orb of Deception immediately after you hit your Charm. When you are chased down you can simply hit your charm by pointing your mouse to it.
It's your own play of style. I don't want to change it. If you don't like it, don't do it.
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What do you buy first? What does the most damage? What's the best choice?

It's individual. You can build almost every AP Item. You normally build what's good against the enemies. Let's take a closer look:


Doran's Ring:
The most common start on Ahri. You can buy some more of them when you are behind in lane. It gives you health and that helps a lot. Also the passive gives you mana sustain. You can build this almost every time as starting item.

If you want to dodge a lot: start with boots. They don't offer you any sustain. So take Mana Potions and Health Potions. Great start against Syndra.

Crystalline Flask:
If you feel like you will get poked down a lot buy this. It has 3 charges, all give you mana and health. Use the leftover gold to buy Mana Potions and Health Potions.


Deathfire Grasp:
This is my favourite item on Ahri. You can oneshot many champions with it. I have this item almost every game. Use it, follow up with Charm and burst them down with your other abilities. In teamfights use it for the enemy ADC or the a fed enemy ( not the tank ).

Rabadon's Deathcap:
You build this as second or third item. The passive will offer you a lot of bonus AP. And more AP means more damage. It's core on almost every AP midlaner.

Void Staff:
The enemies will build magic resist if they see you get fed. You need to get some of it down. So you buy this item. Usually this is the third or fourth item. If the enemies don't build magic resist it's still a viable choice: They have some basic MR and it also lowers it.

Other AP Items:

Zhonya's Hourglass:
Many people consider this as Core item on Ahri. And yes it is great when they focus you in teamfights or for surprising comebacks. But I feel like the other items are more important.
Still you sometimes need to rush this. Against Zed it's a great choice as it will deny his deathmark from exploding. 50 Armor are also a lot and this will help you against enemy ADCs.

Athene's Unholy Grail:
Great build for utility. Normally you can rush Chalice of Harmony to spam your abilities a lot. But actually you don't need it. I made some rules for me:

1. Don't buy it against AD lanes like Zed or Talon. The magic resist will be wasted.
And you normally want to rush Chalice of Harmony.
2. Don't rush it if you are behind! 20 or 25 Magic Resist aren't enough to survive a lane. You should better rush Abyssal Mask.
3. Buy Chalice of Harmony. Build into Athene's Unholy Grail later in game. You can decide when you need it. Look when you need the cooldown reduction. I normally upgrade it as fifth or sixth item. When i need it badly i build it as fourth.

So I buy it when I'm ahead or even in an AP lane. Be careful with this item.

Abyssal Scepter:
This item can save games! You should rush it when behind in AP lane ( great choice against Fizz for example ). Also you can buy it later in game when their AP Carry is fed and you can't oneshot him. Look what you need the most in the situation. It also lowers the enemy magic resist. So it's always a good choice to bully lane enemies.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter:
Let's face it. Many people hate this item. But on Ahri? It offers you 400 health. And a great amount of AP. But what makes this item so good on her? The passive. You can slow the enemies with your Spirit Rush. This is great for chasing down. This can be a great fifth or sixth item. Earlier i can't recommend it too often.

Liandry's Torment
I actually never build this. But it can be a good replacement for Rylai's Crystal Scepter for some health and magic penetration. If the enmies are building heavy magic resist it can be pretty helpful. You want to use the full potential of this item. So look for the situation.

Lich Bane:
Decent choice. You can autoattack after every Spirit Rush and do a great damage with it. Also it's a good choice for pushing towers. Build this when you are going heavy AP build and aim for splitpushing.

Is a good choice against heavy health regeneration like Swain. It will add grievous wounds. They will reduce the incoming healing. Like Ignite does. This can counter pretty much the enemy laner. Many people build this nowadays. In my opinion you can build it 1 time instead of Athene's Unholy Grail. It's much cheaper and only the Passive is missing. I wouldn't recommend double Morellonomicon, because you can build Rabadon's Deathcap in this time and it gives you a lot more burst. Against heavy healers like Fiddlesticks it's core.

Rod of Ages:
Not the best choice in my opinion. I never saw it on Ahri. It gives you some tanky stats but needs time to stack up. I wouldn't really recommend it, but if you want to play more tanky take this.

Defensive choices:

Guardian Angel:
Good last item when you are the important part of your team. You get some defensive stats against AP and AD. Sometimes you can build it earlier, if needed badly. Also a good last item when they have enough AD and AP.

Banshee's Veil:
Nice item when the enemies have a lot of AP. The passive is good against Morgana or Blitzcrank for example. Great passive. Great magic resist! Look for the situation you need it.

Sometimes you will need Randuin's Omen or another item. Look for the situation. These two items are the most common ones.

For boots I usually go Sorcerer's Shoes. The cooldown boots or Mercury's Treads are situational and possible too. As enchantment you can go Alacrity or Homeguard. Homeguard when behind and you need to def the base, Alacrity when you are ahead.

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A great part of Ahri is her decent laning. The idea is simple: Poke down, hit Charm, take the kill. But it's not that easy.

First of all you start your game farming. You don't want to miss a last hit. Farm is more important than kills. First of all you can autoattack while your Orb of Deception is flying. So make sure, if the minion will get really low give it an extra autoattack. You need to learn her damage. Try to use as few spells as possible for farming. You don't want to push your lane too hard. But also you don't want to get pushed under your tower.

Here are the danger zones:

What is the solution now?

Look at your enemy. If he pushes too hard, push with your spells to keep yourself in the middle of the lane. In some matchups you want to keep them under their tower so they lose as much CS as possible. So much about pushing your lane.

As I said before CS is the most important thing on lane. You don't want to miss a creep. But you also want that your enemy misses them. So start harassing! Keep poking the enemy with your Orb of Deception and get them as low as possible. You want to hit it as maximum range so you get the true and the magic damage immediately.
SAVE YOUR MANA! When you have a good situation you want to do your full burst combo on the enemy to get a kill in lane.

I usually don't do my Charm combo very often when I don't get a clear kill. It cost too much mana. Sometimes it's useful. Sometimes not.


Nothing much to say here. They have 6 ways to gank you. And junglers love to gank midlane.
When your jungler wants to gank, hit a good Charm to secure a kill.

What can you do to prevent ganks? Warding, warding, warding! You can carry 3 wards and you can use the leftover gold you have for them. Also you can sell your normal yellow trinket to replace it with the red one. Clearing vision will be more important in late game, but can be pretty useful on lane, so your jungler can gank easier.

Don't overextend. A good gank can force your Spirit Rush or even a Flash. Another gank is an easy kill. Use your escape to make them tired of ganking your lane.

When am I strong? It's pretty easy. When your Charm is up. It's a strong CC which hurts a lot. When it's down they can go more aggressive on you. Never waste it.


As a midlaner you own the center of the map. That means you are allowed to help out other lanes. If you pushed your lane a lot or the enemy is in base you have the opportunity to visit other lanes. With your Spirit Rush roaming is very easy. Ask your jungler to gank bot together. This is a good way to pick of kills. Always ping when your lane is MIA ( SS ).
Many people don't listen to this question mark on the map. So you can ping more with the sign to be careful.

Tip: Roaming is great when you are ahead and the other lanes are behind or even. But be a teamplayer and think:
1. When you are behind, don't be scared if you take the kill. You can snowball your lane with it and the other one can be happy with an assist and free farm.
2. Leave the kill to lane when you are ahead. If you already snowballed your lane, why do you need another kill? Be a teamplayer. Let them get the kill. Take it if there's no other possibility. But think of them and let them snowball too.
3. If the enemy pushes you a lot don't roam. Take the farm. It has no risk of failure.
4. Follow up your lane or push! The most common mistake made. Your enemy is at bot and the only thing you do is staring at them. Push your lane or follow your enemy. Get the tower, so you can roam better than them.
5. Ask your teammates if it's warded or not. Sometimes it's just impossible to gank even though you have your Spirit Rush. Why waste your time walking up and then back? Asking is a lot easier.

Objective control:

When your team did a dragon call which is kind of risky help them. But don't use your Charm on the dragon. You have the task to keep the enemies off the drake! CC the enemy jungler for example to prevent him from smiting it away. Or kill the enemy ADC so they can't get the dragon without suiciding.

Great warding places for laning phase:
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Mid Game Strategies

The mid game of Ahri is pretty strong. This is the time you can easily set up kills with your Charm. Simply you should catch up as many enemies as you can. Work together with your team, group on different spots on the map and take objectives! When ahead, try to close the game so you don't have it hard later on.

This is something I want to discuss in depth:

How do you close the games early?

It's pretty simple. Don't get greedy. You are stronger. Teamfights should be in your favor. You got many objectives. You have many opportunities! But I want to tell you which scenarios are the most common ones.

The first is making the lead better and close the game slowly. This is more dependent on your late game. You simply rush all the objectives and try to trap as many soloing enemies as possible. As a team you push down the lanes. And slowly take the inhibitor. It ends almost all the time in a final teamfight. Who wins it wins the game. This is sometimes pain when playing ranked. Yes, there is a strategy behind it. But it consists of many throws, fail positionings and is team dependent. If they have a stronger late game like Vayne or Jax you are screwed. And many times you lose games like this. But you also know that this is the way most games end. This is what you want to avoid. If you have the lead you don't have to go this way.

The other scenario is the simplest one. But it's seen so few times in lower ELOs. First of all you should all start to roam. As Ahri you have the mobility and the CC. But after you took the kills you start to push. Don't go back. Take as many towers as possible. Group for objectives. It gets hard at the Inhibitor Turrets. Punish them for every mistake. If you took down the enemy ADC get the turret together. If you have 1 inhibitor down you should push the other lanes down. They will be busy defending the Nexus. So take the time and take the other inhibitors! 2 inhibitors down is almost all the time a free Baron Buff. 3 inhibitors down should be a win for you because the minions will crush the base. They can't do much against it when they are behind. This is a strategy you can finish your games in like 15-30 minutes. It works great at lower ELOs but isn't played often.

All I want to tell you here is: Play Safe! You don't need to throw. Stop Solos. Go with your team. As Ahri your normally don't splitpush. Let this be the task of a Zed or a Shen. Your team needs you and you need them. Avoid flaming.
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Late Game/Teamfights

If the game is or got even it starts with heavy teamfights. As Ahri your task is simple:
Charm an important enemy and kill him.
But it isn't that easy.

First of all you are a target that the enemies should focus. Carrying a Zhonya's Hourglass can help in a lot of cases. But also your ultimate should be able to get you away from the focus spot.

If you aren't running away from heavy damage you can peel for an important team member.
Your charm can help to get for example an APC away from your ADC. If your ADC keeps up a good positioning you can go together and kill the other enemies. Normally you aren't the only one peeling. This is a strategy where a tank can go in and tank a lot of the damage. The important carries of you are still in and the others important carries are out. That's a way you can finish off a game.

Also you can go in and take down the enemy ADC or APC. First of all this is a very risky strategy. Against coordinated teamfights it will fail almost all the time. You aren't supposed to engage. But sometimes you can see the enemies all out of position. You quickly take an important target down and the teamfight will be in your favor. Most of the time the enemies will simply run away. Catch low mobility targets up if possible. Don't chase too far. Better go for turrets or Dragons/Barons.

A last often happening scenario is peeling for yourself. While your team is fighting a 4vs4 an enemy will get you out of the fight to 1vs1 you. This is sometimes good if it's an important team member trying to fight you like a fed Riven. But if it's a 0 kills Urgot don't fall for that bait. Try to go for the important squishys. Outplay them with your Spirit Rush and kill them with your combo + Deathfire Grasp.

Tl;Dr: Don't rush into the enemy team if they are grouped. Take out enemies out of position and take down the squishys. Peel for teammates are peel for yourself! Don't Die. You do massive AOE Damage with your Orb of Deception and will get focused pretty often.
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Matchup Section

I'm listing all the current played champions on the Mid Lane. You will get some tips for making laning easier. First of all: No matchup is impossible. Everything is playable. There are no hard counters to Ahri and later counters won't be a factor if you win or lose your lane. If you are good with Ahri the enemy can't counterpick you and win the matchup "just because the played this champ". They have to know how to play him and how to play against you.


Counter Strategies:
This is one of the harder matchups. You will dominate her early game. She is very weak before she hit level 6. Simply poke her down and let her miss as many CS as possible! Try to get an early kill, maybe with an early gank and dominate her out of lane. You can Charm her Mid Air while she is casting Shadow Dance. Carry a pinkward with you to kill her in her Twilight Shroud. Late game she will be more an issue as she can burst down many targets. Kill her before she can do that. Ignite can lower her spell vamp.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 7/10


Counter Strategies:
She isn't picked very often but is actually a strong pick. Her late game burst is insane but she isn't the strongest laner due to her high mana costs. As Ahri you should use your early trading power to get some early kills. She is one of the squishiest champions in the whole game. Force an early passive and keep harassing her. Try to avoid her Flash Frost. It is easy to dodge but if you get hit you will get a lot of damage by her Frostbite. Focus her later in game if she is an threat to your team. A Charm will interrupt her ultimate Glacial Storm.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
Not an often seen pick, but actually a good matchup against Ahri. The first levels you can harass her with your Orb of Deception freely. But after she got her level 6 she gets very scary. With a little bit of harassing she can oneshot you with her stun and ultimate combo. Often they Flash into you to make it more a surprise. Her burst is huge. Take the lead early and try to pick of an early kill. 1vs1ing her will be hard during the game with no great lead. So stay more safe after she hit her level 6. Jungler ganks will help a lot as she has no escape spell. Wait until she used up her stun before ganking her.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 7/10


Counter Strategies:
To be honest we all hate his late game. Luckily your early game is the time to take the lead. You can't use your Spirit Rush through his Emperor's Divide. Keep that in mind. He has high mana costs early game and wants to focus on farming. Harass him as much as possible and go for an all in. After he finished his Cooldown Items he will get scary and may turn the lane to his favor. You don't want to experience his teamfight potential as he can stay back and let the soldiers do their work. So try to put him as far behind as possible.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
Also not seen very often. But his gameplay is pretty similar to Ahri. He wants to harass you with his Pillar of Flame. He has a strong All In just like you so avoid getting stunned. Use your mobility at level 6 to dodge his skillshots and to turn the lane for you.
Delete him fast in teamfights as his Pyroclasm does a high amount of AOE damage. Zhonya's Hourglass can deny him a lot of damage.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Once a lane bully but after her gameplay changes with a weak early game. Avoid getting hit by her Noxious Blast and bully her out of lane. She has a strong late game but can be shutdown pretty easily. Pushing her under tower can make her lose a lot of CS. With fast reaction time you can dodge her ultimate with yours. Shouldn't be the hardest matchup.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3/10


Counter Strategies:
A great pick against mobile Champs! Her Ultimate Lunar Rush can be cast twice when she hit her Crescent Strike before. Does a great burst and has a good shield. She is a melee champ and can be harassed freely before she hit level 6. Ask for a gank as she has no real escape. Try to use your early game and dodge her Crescent Strike. Care for a 1vs1 as she can destroy almost every APC.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 8/10


Counter Strategies:
Middlesticks is a not often seen pick. He is more of a jungler in the current meta. But you can face him in the mid lane. This is a more complicated matchup. First of all you should move away from your minions to avoid getting hit twice by his Reap. Also I recommend rushing Morellonomicon as it will decrease the incoming healing from his Bountiful Harvest. Your Charm can interrupt his Crowstorm channeling. Constantly poke him down. He'll lose his Mana fast if he spams his abilities. You can pick off some early kills on him as he isn't really scary before level 6. When he reaches that level you need to constantly ward blind spots to avoid getting Ulted by him. He can burst you down really fast and due to his Terrify you cannot escape with your Spirit Rush. Ping when he is out of lane as he is good in roaming.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3/10


Counter Strategies:
Ok we all hate him as he can burst you down even when hes behind after he finished his Lich Bane. And also Ahri isn't the best pick as he can dodge your Charm with his Playful / Trickster. But you need to pressure the lane very early! Stop him from farming and even kill him in early levels. He is a great all in champ with good roaming and an insane lategame. Picking up a Zhonya's Hourglass can safe you many times from his ultimate. Also I recommend building one defensive item as his burst is huge like Abyssal Mask or even Banshee's Veil later in game. Try to outplay him with your Spirit Rush and save your Charm so he can't dodge it. Care for his roaming. I usually keep him banned in Ranked Games, but the matchup is possible but hard.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 7/10


Counter Strategies:
He is an anti-mage who profits from building magic resist due to his passive. Luckily his early game isn't strong and he's also not seen pretty often. He has high mana costs and can be zoned pretty easily. Also your Orb of Deception does true damage which can't be denied by his Magic Resist heavy build. When he uses his Shield later on he will just get healed when you try to damage him. So bait it out first. Also don't clump as his ultimate can't be reduced by tenacity any more. Zone him early and get an early kill to snowball the lane. Also Magic Penetration can be pretty useful.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Not seen often anymore but one of the easier matchups as Ahri. You can poke him down, because of his melee range. Also you have enough sustain yourself to keep up with his. His Body Slam can be easily avoided with your Spirit Rush and will make him an easy target. Pushing him to his tower early will make him lose CS. Use this as your Advantage.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 2/10


Counter Strategies:
Skill matchup which depends on the playstyle of Heimerdinger. First of all ganking him as pretty hard and can result in a kill for him. Normally he pushes the lane really hard with his H-28G Evolution Turrets. First you should focus on harassing him and farming. If you poked him down enough you can go for an All-In but don't jump into his turrets. Try to catch him with your Charm if he's out of position and kill him before he can spawn his upgraded turret. Avoid running straight into him as he can stun you very easy with his grenades and kill you with his turrets. Clear the turrets first then you can go aggressive. Building aggressive can oneshot him and deny him very easy.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Jayce normally has an easier time on the mid-lane. But not against Ahri. You can sustain pretty good with your passive Essence Theft. Poke him down with your Orb of Deception and outplay him with you Spirit Rush when he uses To The Skies!. If you leave the area where he jumps at you, you won't get damage and can Charm him pretty easily. Use this as your advantage and avoid getting poked down by his E-Q Combo. He usually builds offensive so going for hard damage can oneshot him later in game.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
Strong late game with his spamable Lay Waste and a perfect Kill "Securing" Ultimate with Requiem. To be honest this guy gets his kills always. If somebody is low he will simply press the R-Key and gain some kills or assists. But his channeling can be interrupted for example by your Charm. His early is weak, just harass him and kill him as often as possible. In teamfights simply focus him down so he can't output his damage. Careful of his passive as he will still deal some damage. I would go an offensive build here for sure to keep him out of game.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 2/10


Counter Strategies:
A hard matchup once he reached level 6. He can spam his combo and get away with not much damage due to his Null Sphere shield. I would recommend to save your mana here. He will go aggressive for sure and if you always Charm him when he's onto you, you will be out of mana in a few seconds. Building at least 1 defensive item is not a bad idea as he will do great damage in late game. If he goes in aggressively later in the game Charm him and nuke him with your team. He can't escape when he's cced. Don't go to ham on him, a good Kassadin will know what to do. Use your power pre 6. Care for his great roaming.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 7/10


Counter Strategies:
A very good snowball champion that is countered by hard CC. For example your Charm. But you need to use it wisely. If you use it aggressively she will Shunpo to dodge and will kill you with her Death Lotus. Your kit is a counter kit to Katarina. The mobility and the CC is great against her. Also the early poking power. But most Katarinas play it wisely and go for Boots to dodge and Health Potions to sustain. You have a slight advantage in this matchup. But a good Katarina can make this lane very hard.
Tip: Careful when she jumps on you. Make sure she casted her Death Lotus and then Charm her. Many Katarinas use their W first to bait your Charm out! Careful for her roaming.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
More a top laner nowadays. But an even matchup. You can poke a bit better than her. And you have the mobility to escape her Q. She also has sustain just like you. This lane should be a skill matchup. In teamfights try to bait her Ultimate out or just focus her so she can't use it. Building magic resist won't help much as she is build in Hybrid attack speed ( Guinsoo's Rageblade, Runaan's Hurricane ). Go the offensive path to oneshot her. An early Abyssal Mask can help, because usually they'll rush a Nashor's Tooth.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Once was the only Ahri hard counter with her silence on her Mimic. Now still a strong pick because she can oneshot every squishy. She has a scary level 2 and has to offer a slow and a snare for you. I would recommend playing a safe lane against her. She is scary early and late but can be outplayed with your Charm. Just like against Akali you can Charm her in mid air when she is casting her Distortion. She is also very squishy and can be bursted down pretty easily. You should focus her in later teamfights! She can delete so many targets with her low cooldown and escape. Asking for jungler ganks when her W is on cooldown is a great option. Careful with her. She doesn't hard counter you anymore but is scary to everyone. Mercury's Treads tenacity can save you many times. Seen pretty often in the last time.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 9/10


Counter Strategies:
The ice witch is pain to many mid lane champions. Luckily not to you. You have a good range to poke her down with your Orb of Deception. Also you can Charm her when she reactivated her claw. Lissandra hates mobility. She normally claws into you to cast her Frozen Tomb and nuke you down. You can dash away with your Spirit Rush and turn this fight into your favor. Her poke is easy to dodge and you won't experience a hard time. This matchup should be in your favor. Tenacity is good against her perma CC.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3/10


Counter Strategies:
This should be a fair matchup for you. The kits are similar and great for early poke. Before level 6 this is a poke matchup. While your Orb of Deception has low mana costs, Lux's Lucent Singularity has high mana costs. She can't spam like you. Use this as your advantage. Afer you gained your Spirit Rush you can kill her over and over again. Dodge her Light Binding and go for an All-In Combo. She is very squishy and her shield breaks pretty easily early game. Don't get snared. You have the better trading power. But when she hits you with it and you are low you are dead. She can also oneshot you later in game when she only hits her Light Binding. That's why a Zhonya's Hourglass is a great counter item. An easy to medium matchup.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3-5/10


Counter Strategies:
Not an often seen pick in the mobility meta. But he has great burst damage and can kill your mobility with his Nether Grasp. Avoid getting ulted by him and you are on the safe side. You can poke him a lot but you need to dodge his Call of the Void and to stay away from minions who are dying from his Malefic Visions. With a good jungler you are always an easy kill. So try to ward as much as possible. Buying a Quicksilver Sash will remove his ultimate. Sadly you can't build this into anything because you are an AP Carry. Selling this item later on may be useful. Poke him down and go all in when he's low. Play aggressive when his ultimate is on cooldown. Focus him on teamfights. His damage is a threat to the whole team.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Can't tell you much about this matchup. It's basically stay out of her Tormented Shadow and dodge her Dark Binding. She can't cast her Black Shield fast enough if you Charm her fast enough. This matchup is even, as she can nuke you later in lane when you got hit by her Dark Binding.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Dodge her Javelin Toss and you should be fine. Poke her down as much as you can and if she jumps on you Charm her right away to secure a kill. Your Spirit Rush is great for dodging and disengaging. Also you can chase her if you hit the Charm fast enough. Avoid chasing her for a long time as she is good in turning this around. Ignite will reduce her heal.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
You can make this matchup very easy or very hard. As Ahri you have the advantage early. You can poke her down, as most Oriannas will focus on farm. An aggressive playing Orianna is way harder to handle, as her burst combo is great even in early game. She can easily pick up kills with her Command: Shockwave And gets pretty scary after she finished 2 items. Luckily a well timed Spirit Rush can dodge her ultimate and turn this fight in your favor. Ahri has everything that she hates. A gapcloser/dodging spell, hard CC and high 100-0 burst. Use this as your advantage. Basically you can consider yourself as a counter. But a good Orianna will know what to do. Be careful. This matchup can be very easy or hard sometimes.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3-6/10


Counter Strategies:
And now it gets weird. I'm always talking about Ahri's good early game advantage. But hell this matchup is annoying. She has better poke with her Dark Sphere, an easy to hit stun and a slow. That's not enough if she caught you one time in late you are dead. Yes her burst is huge and she has a great early power. This is a skill matchup more in favor for Syndra. Her spells can be avoided but it's really hard. Don't get zoned too early and try to fight her back as much as you can. In late Charm her before she can stun you. If you delete her before she deletes you, you will have a better time. I recommend picking up a Zhonya's Hourglass as it will save you from her ultimate sometimes. Also you can play aggressive with your Spirit Rush when her Scatter the Weak is on cooldown. A good Syndra can win every matchup and only struggles a bit against Fizz.
Start with Boots if you have problems dodging.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 6/10


Counter Strategies:
Used to be a hard matchup but after his silence was removed your mobility is great against him. If he cutthroats on you Charm him an follow up with your combo. Also it's easy to dash away from him. Don't get hit by his combo as it can delete you really fast. Poke him early and pick up a Zhonya's Hourglass for the armor. If he goes ham on you go ham on him. Don't let him dodge your Charm with his cutthroat. Carrying a Vision Ward can help you if he wants to run away. His cutthroat also applies a short slow which is enough for him to proc his passive. Play aggressive when it's on cooldown.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
Good news your kit is great against Twisted Fate. Your Charm range is longer than his Pick A Card and you can usually burst him down pretty easy. Also you can push your lane to avoid him roaming with his ultimate. His Wild Cards are easy to dodge and shouldn't be an issue. You can keep him under control if you play this out really good. Poke him, and go for an All-In. You can snowball him pretty well and keep him out of game. Try to interrupt the channel of his Destiny if possible.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 2/10


Counter Strategies:
Weird matchup. You really can't take a Veigar out of game, as his ultimate gets stronger when you have more AP. Avoid his stun! Deny him farm early. That's a way to play against him. Also Mercury's Treads will help you a lot against his stun. Don't get hit by his Dark Matter it does great damage even early on. Zone him as much as possible and try to pick off some early kills. After that bully him or the other lanes. He will come back in the game if you are fed enough. So better help out the other lanes and focus on that. You can't really take him completely out of the game. So do the best with the time when he's behind.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
Not seen pretty often in the mobility meta. But your kit is great against him. Charm to stop his Ultimate. He has 4 Skillshots. 4 things to dodge with your Spirit Rush. He is also very squishy and doesn't like sustain from your passive. Avoid getting hit by the passive 3 times, as it will deal true damage. This matchup should be yours. But as always a good Vel'Koz can make it harder than it should be.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 3/10


Counter Strategies:
He has a strong late game but lacks of early power. You can take him out of the game by bullying him in lane. Poke him down and try to pick off many kills. A fed Viktor is scary and can burst down squishies instantly. If he plays safe and farms up you'll get more of a problem with him. Try to ask for an early gank. Snowball the lane as good as possible.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 5/10


Counter Strategies:
Yes my favourite matchup as Ahri. Poking him is pretty easy while he's channeling his Q. Also he can be shut down with your full combo pretty easily. All his spells are dodgeable. And he hates gapclosers. Begin with dodging his stun with your Spirit Rush and go straight on him after you poked him a bit. Charm him and you will get a kill. Many people do pretty bad against Xerath. It's because his long range poke. Try to dodge it as good as possible. Maybe even start with Boots. I think his abilities are easy to dodge and he's not the greatest champion against Ahri. Also he hates your sustain. Go for offensive build when ahead.

Tip: Stay away from minions when he is casting his spells. He hast to decide if he hits you or take the farm. He will lose a lot of CS like this. Also if you want to get a gank place behind minions so he pushes the wave really fast.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 1/10


Counter Strategies:
A great time when nobody played him. But he's back. Luckily his early isn't that strong. Poke him down as good as possible and pick off some early kills. If Yasuo is out of game he'll stay there. You can snowball him and bully him pretty good. A good Yasuo will know how to behave and will most likely play safe with his Wind Wall. Careful if he wants to All-In you. And don't get to close to him when he's fed. He can be pain for your whole team.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 4/10


Counter Strategies:
And there he is. So often banned nowadays. But I can't understand why. He is easy to counter with items. First of all you can poke him and zone him pretty easy in lane. Try to let him miss as many CS as possible. Engage on him when he is low. But wait. Don't waste your Charm. You need to know that you clearly hit it. This is your ticket to win this. When he engages on you dash away with your Spirit Rush. Charm him when you can see him again and burst him. If he moves back to his shadow follow him with your 2 last charges of Spirit Rush. This is a way to outplay him. This lane is difficult if the Zed is good but it's possible. Rush your Zhonya's Hourglass before everything as it will save you from his explosion of the Death Mark. If he engages in team fights charm him so he can't harm your carry. He usually won't ult you when he sees that you have your Hourglass. Some people like to run Exhaust. It is great against Zed but I like my method with the Spirit Rush so I won't need it. If you want to use it do so.
Counter Items/Spells:

Difficulty: 6/10
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That was my Ahri Guide! I hope you enjoyed it and learnt something new. Feedback is very welcome as this is my first guide on MOBAFIRE. To make you remember this is the way I play Ahri. Grab some tips out there but make your own playstyle. It's important really important to play how you like it.
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