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Kayle Build Guide by Lawlmenade

AP Carry Season 4 Kayle: The AP Burst God

AP Carry Season 4 Kayle: The AP Burst God

Updated on June 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lawlmenade Build Guide By Lawlmenade 43 4 744,767 Views 55 Comments
43 4 744,767 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lawlmenade Kayle Build Guide By Lawlmenade Updated on June 8, 2014
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Table of Contents

Quick Guide


Basic Information

Advanced Tactics

Wrapping Up

Synergies and Counters
Summoner Spells

About Me
Who is Kayle?


Kayle's Skillset
Skilling Order






Starting Items

Core Build


Offensive Items

Defensive Items

Synergies and Counters

Kayle is good against:

Kayle is weak against:

Kayle works well with:

Summoner Spells




Kayle does good with Greater Mark of Attack Speed as she does puts out amazing sustain damage. The 17% attack speed is quite a bit and think they are superior over all other marks for her and will make up for you not building any more attack speed items other than Nashor's Tooth. I would run these over any penetration marks but can be changed depending on what you like.
Greater Seal of Scaling Health or Greater Seal of Health are now the best for mid laners since the +4 armor to all champions patch except a couple champions. I prefer the scaling of health as it gives you a little more health during the later game but the flat may save you from a gank or get you that kill early on so you must choose wisely. The Greater Seal of Armor can be used if going verse an AD mid laner but it still may be more beneficial to run flat health in this scenario if they have early kill potential.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist are great for mid lane as you should be versing another AP champion. You can swap these out for Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist if you are worried about the mid/late game as Kayle does not get any Magic Resist per level anymore. Typically the AP mid should not get to you if you have good positioning in team fights though so flat magic resist is probably better for laning phase purposes.


First off you want to put the first 4 points into Sorcery as Kayle is dependent on using her Righteous Fury to CS and harass. It also synergies well with your Reckoning and Intervention. You do not want to put the first 4 points into Fury as keeping your Righteous Fury up indefinitely is better than 5% attack speed unless you are going for the 100% late game as you will not get 40% CDR without Elixir of Brilliance. This also help out early laning phase due to the high cooldown on Righteous Fury, especially when you are being pushed into your own tower as you will need it up almost all the time.

Kayle is very effective with hybrid damage which is why you get 3 points into Brute Force and 1 point into Martial Mastery . Those hybrid points will help out your early damage a good amount and give you that little extra to CS without using Righteous Fury. It helps you put out a decent amount of damage with her Reckoning and Righteous Fury as well. Put points into Spell Weaving and Blade Weaving as these work well with each other since you do hybrid damage and get the hybrid penetration with your Devastating Strikes . They also stack at the same time while attacking.

The extra 9 points into the Utility tree is just a preference. I personally like Meditation for the extra 3 mana regen per 5 as Kayle's abilities cost quite a bit of mana. Fleet of Foot is nice for more movement speed as Kayle has not escapes and is very susceptible to ganks. Summoner's Insight is almost a must as you are a high priority to keep down early so you do not become big late game and will likely be getting ganked often. Also you passively push the lane as well making you a easier target as well. This will get your Flash back 30 seconds faster along with lowering your Ignite 21 seconds getting you more kill potential. Putting your last point into Runic Affinity is very nice so you can have buffs for an extra 30 seconds as well giving you more time to bully and spam spells with blue buff as you Kayle excels in the mid lane.

About Me

I have written this Kayle guide to better inform people on how to build and play Kayle correctly. My name is Lawlmenade and I am a Platinum player at the moment and have played Kayle almost exclusively up to this point and have learned how to play her at a decent level.

If anyone wants any help with Kayle you can contact me and I will help you with anything you may need. I will answer any question you may need to know and even play a game or two with you if you need more help than just an explanation.

Hope you guys enjoy the guide!


Kayle is one of the best hyper carries I have ever seen. She is best played in mid lane I feel as she has no escapes and can utilize the blue buff which allows her to spam out her abilities without really needing to worry about mana issues. Kayle used to be a nice pick for top lane but is no longer as she uses too much mana trying to take down champions with lots of sustain.

Kayle has very high kill potential at level 2. I would like everyone to watch this video to show you how to win your lane at level 2-3. Also since you push passively as Kayle this will make it so your wave will reset before the jungler is allowed to gank you. Also this will help you deny CS and if your opponent wants to go aggressive on you early you will have a creep advantage and maybe a level advantage giving you first blood most likely. This amazing video will help you win your lane early and dominate the game. /league-of-legends/champion/kayle-2

Who is Kayle?


+ High Burst
+ Get Slow With Reckoning
+ Good Wave Clear
+ Intervention Makes Diving Easy
+ High Utility
+ High Sustain Damage
+ Amazing Scaling
+ Kill Potential Level 2

Kayle's Strengths

Kayle can decide team fights with a very well placed Intervention. She does really good in team fights as she puts out heavy burst damage and very high sustain damage. Will shred tanks and can 2 shot carries if gets a hold of them in fights. Once you get Nashor's Tooth laning phase becomes a lot easier and the kill potential goes up again until you get your Lich Bane. The movement speed from Divine Blessing can make catching champions easy, as well as help you run away from ganks and fights. It got a nice little heal buff to it too. Reckoning is amazing for ganking and allowing you to orb walk.

Kayle's Limitations

Kayle is very easily ganked but is now a little easier for her to get away since they buffed her movement speed on Divine Blessing. Spamming abilities costs a lot of mana; 175 for one rotation at level 3 to use all of your abilities to try to harass or kill a champion. Kayle is somewhat dependent on cooldown reduction as it is needed to keep up your Righteous Fury, which you need to have 38% to have it up 100% of the time. It is only needed to be at 35% though as it would only be down for .4 seconds which is about the time of an auto-attack cooldown. You will get 35% with blue buff, 5% from masteries, and 10% from blue buff. You will also get capped at 40% late game with just a Elixir of Brilliance. Kayle needs to have good positioning in team fights; typically you want to stay in the back and peel for your ADC if you can so you can kite with your ADC and put out good damage being safe.


- Low Mobility
- No Escape
- Usually First Targeted
- Item Dependant
- Farm or Kills Needed
- Attack Speed Needed
- Cooldown Reduction Dependent for Righteous Fury

Kayle's Skillset

Holy Fervor
(Passive): This passive makes Kayle an amazing pick at the moment as everyone know this is the tank meta. Holy Fervor shreds the opponents armor and magic resistance by 3% per stack while stacking 5 times for a total of 15%. The 15% is stacked multiplicatively with your Void Staff meaning with Void Staff(35%) + Holy Fervor(15%) you would have 44.75% magic penetration. Remember though Holy Fervor stacks as armor penetration as well so it helps your auto attacks and Righteous Fury do more damage as well.

(Active): Reckoning is the ability you want to get at level 2 and then max as soon as you can. This makes your sticking better and your orb-walking easier as the slow gets better over levels. Using this right before you get ganked by movement speed based champions like Udyr or Volibear will stop them from being able to get to you while you use your Divine Blessing afterwords to make up for the time you used to turn and cast Reckoning. This is always maxed first but may be delayed to level 5 if you are getting pushed into your tower and need the extra clearing as you will not be harassing.

Divine Blessing
(Active): Divine Blessing is maxed last as the movement speed and healing scales with your AP. You would only put more points into Divine Blessingif you are in need of the little extra life and movement speed it gives per level, otherwise I recommend focusing on your other abilities. This ability lets you catch up to other champions so you can use your Reckoning and stick to them. With 500 AP and level 5 of this ability you will move 65% faster and heal yourself for 430 life or to your initiator which is very nice and easy to catch people out of position with.

Righteous Fury
(Active): Righteous Fury is your ranged ability that will increase your auto attack range by 400, from 125 (Melee) to 525. This ability acts as a AOE spell and you will only get 1/3rd effectiveness from any spell vamp items like Guinsoo's Rageblade or Hextech Gunblade which makes spell vamp very useless stat for Kayle and is not recommended to get. You need 37.5% cooldown reduction to have this skill up indefinitely, 35% will work though as it will only be off for .4 seconds which is about the cooldown of your auto attack. This ability also is no a projectile and will not be stopped by Yasuo's Wind Wall making it very effective verse him.

(Active): Intervention now does not cost mana which is a nice buff as Kayle's abilities cost a decent amount of mana to spam. When you hit level 6 you are able to tower dive with this very easily and come out with a kill if they are low enough as your Reckoning, Ignite, and a couple of Righteous Fury auto attacks should finish off your target while Flashing away if needed. Also if you are unable to with just yourself ask your jungler to come and dive.

How to use Intervention: The best way to is right before everyone would use their burst abilities and stuns to block as much damage as possible. It would be more beneficial to use it right away to absorb 2k damage than to get really low at and block 400 damage, think with this ability. This ability is wanted to be used on someone that will contribute to the team fight when used or to save someone when you are going to disengage, not saying it cannot or should not be used to bait people into a false kill. I would not recommend using this on a support as they will be low and just run out of the fight with it on and not be able to contribute to anything anymore. Use this to save carries or even your tank if they are healthy enough to stay in the fight.

Skilling Order



















*** Currently Working on guide and will update how to build Kayle soon but some information can be found in the comments, the very last ones. ***

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My name is Lawlmenade this guide has helped me go from being silver 4 to gold 1 with a 64% win rate. I am currently Platinum 4 with Kayle as my main. If you would like to learn how to play Kayle and build effectively this guide will teach you.

One thing I cannot stress enough is max your Reckoning first, as this does the most damage, and the quicker you can get your burst off the more the trade will be in your favor.

Kayle has amazing carrying potential, although it does take a little bit of time to get there. If you are behind try to just farm and keep your lane opponent from roaming by pushing your lane hard or try and roam yourself as a kill or 2 will help you a lot. Once you get your Nashor's Tooth and your Lich Bane your burst really starts to shine.

Also if anyone wants any help with Kayle you can contact me and I will give you some advice on her. I will answer any question you may need to know [Ex: Match ups, Builds, Situations.

Hope you guys enjoy the guide!

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Pros / Cons


-Amazing Burst / Sustain damage
-Great catch potential with other champions that have increase MS skills like Volibear or Udyr
- Intervention is amazing and you can easily kill a champion in the duration
-Kill potential at level 2 is high
-Great trading ability as you have a heal and good burst
- Reckoning is a very strong slow for orb walking


-No real escape / Easily ganked
-Squishy as you have little armor or magic resist
-Uses a lot of mana
-Usually focused because of high damage output
-A little weak earlier
-Needs to farm a good amount if does not get any kills
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You always want to get 1 or 2 Doran's Ring as it will give you a little more damage and sustain from all the mana regen from it. Amazing item after getting first blood or on first back.

1st core item you want to get is Nashor's Tooth, as this will make it so your E is down for only 2 seconds, which will make your CSing from a safe distance and harassing a lot easier. This item is a must as the attack speed is really important on Kayle and the item does not have 1 stat that this build does not want or need.

2nd you should get Sorcerer's Shoes for getting away from ganks, chasing, and for the extra magic penetration. I prefer these over Berserker's Greaves as Nashor's Tooth has all the attack speed needed for your items.

3rd This is your burst damage item Lich Bane. This will increase your damage output tremendously with your Reckoning + Righteous Fury combo. As your Q will proc Lich Bane and your E will execute it from a distance.

4th or 5th is Rabadon's Deathcap this is a no brainer for any champion that needs a good damage upgrade. Once you reach this 4th item point you should be doing amazing damage with this 4 items as these are the core of Kayle burst.

4th or 5th Void Staff is a really good item to pick up if you do not have much money and cannot afford the Rabadon's Deathcap or the enemies have 60+ magic resist

6th Guardian Angel or Zhonya's Hourglass are preferred items on Kayle as the Guardian Angel is great if you are versing someone who can 100-0 you before you can use Intervention on yourself. Otherwise the Zhonya's Hourglass is amazing for the extra armor and the invulnerability so you can use your Intervention on another carry. Also makes you stupidly annoying with 2 invulnerability's. Also people will hate you.

Abyssal Mask is a really good item that you may want to change with Void Staff if they have less magic resistance and you need some magic resist. I would say only take this over Void Staff if you are versing someone with magic damage who can 100-0 you without you being able to use your Intervention.

Liandry's Torment would be a good item that you can change out your offensive item with as it does shred tanks and gives you a little more health. This would replace your Void Staff as it does have magic penetration on it but may not be enough if they have a lot of magic resist. Otherwise you can replace your defensive item for this for more damage if you have good positioning. (Not usually recommended)

Enchantment: Furor or Enchantment: Homeguard I prefer the Furor if you really do not need the extra defense of your base as this helps the kiting of Kayle and the chasing is amazing with furor and your heal.

Guinsoo's Rageblade is a lackluster choice, if you go this route get it after Lich Bane or Rabadon's Deathcap. I do prefer the Void Staff more as it helps you do a lot more burst damage. This item will not be needed for sustain damage when you 2 shot carries.

I do not recommend getting Deathfire Grasp on any Kayle build unless your really looking to burst tanks like Renekton otherwise it is not necessary as you would need to forfeit your defensive item. Which you need to have amazing positioning for.
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Ability Choices and Reasoning

Reckoning is the first skill you should level as it does the most damage with its 1.0 AP + 1.0 AD ratio and great base damage. It also helps you trade a lot better then maxing your E as you do not need to keep attacking for a long period of time while your opponent has already done their damage. This skill makes orb walking a lot easier as it increases the slow up to 55% as it levels. This is a skill that must be leveled first.

The reason I level up Divine Blessing at level 8 is because it helps you sustain in lane better as well you should be getting the blue buff going mid and be able to stay there the whole time. The heal and movement speed can also help you escape from ganks as you have no escapes. Also heals a lot once you get your Rabadon's Deathcap Also gives Kayle an amazing chase potential. In a 1v1 I like putting a few points into it since if you are going to lose you can run or just need a extra HP. Although Righteous Fury does add a decent amount of damage, your Divine Blessing is a safer way to go, especially if you are losing the trades. Remember when you level your Divine Blessing put only 4 points into it as it only gives your heal an extra 10 hit points and another 3% MS at level 5.

Righteous Fury does good damage but since I am going for burst I will only really use this for procing Lich Bane after I use my Reckoning taking down half of their life or even all of it if they have under 2k life and no resistances at about 4 items. You can put a couple points into this earlier if you are versing someone who is pushing harder then you can, I usually only put 2 into Righteous Fury after I get 2 into Divine Blessing for a little more AOE damage on creeps.

If you are just straight owning your lane opponent you can max your Righteous Fury before putting too many points into Divine Blessing if you would like but, Divine Blessing may still be the better option since it can save you and your teammates in team fights.

You can alter points into your Divine Blessing and Righteous Fury as needed. This is preferred by me as it makes your heal useful and helps your Righteous Fury do a little more damage. At least put 2 points into your E for better wave clear once you get 2 points into your Divine Blessing depending on the situation.
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Spell Weaving and Blade Weaving are amazing for Kayle as she can stack both of these at the same time with her Righteous Fury. I do not recommend taking these points away for the extra points into Executioner and Dangerous Game .

Martial Mastery is really good to have as it benefits Reckoning at a 1.0 AD ratio which is really nice for early game damage and also helps out Righteous Fury as it has a 20% - 40% AD ratio at max levels. That can be the difference between getting a kill or not. It also gives you more flat AD for CSing.

Archmage I do not really like as it does not really shine until mid - late game. You could get this if you went something like 23-0-7 masteries and just take out 1 point from Executioner .

Runic Affinity is really nice to have for your blue buff as it adds an extra 30 seconds. Which is a good amount of time and can be the difference of you having to go back for potions or not.

Take 2 points into Fleet of Foot so you can get 3 points into Summoner's Insight as you have no escape and will want to keep your flash up as much as possible. Fleet of Foot is amazing for chasing / running away as it multiples with your Divine Blessing

I do not recommend getting Feast as it is okay but you would need to take out points from other places that would drop your damage.
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Greater Mark of Attack Speed: These are really nice and can be interchanged with Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration if you like. These do help you out pretty good as Kayle does really good with +Attack speed. Either one is fine to use.

Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration: You can run these if you have these or are going to be versing someone who you want a little more penetration for Cho'Gath, Nasus, Renekton. I like the Hybrid Pen is because Kayle does a good amount of hybrid damage and adds to the hybrid masteries. The Hybrid Penetration are nice for early fights it helps do a little more damage for a kill at level 2 and for later shredding is nice too.

Greater Seal of Scaling Health: You can run all 9 of these if you would like as it is good verse AP

Greater Seal of Armor These are not only great if you are versing AD mids. I definately recommend these as they help nicely with early game minion damage and auto attacks from your other Mid even if they are AP.

Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration: These are not mandatory, just a preference. The reason I run 3 of these and not just 9 HP/Per Lvl is because the extra mana is nice in lane to keep your sustain up and keep spamming spells as Kayle uses A LOT of mana. Also I can start out with about 3 mana per second at level 1 with my masteries and a Doran's Ring start.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist are great for mid lane as you should be versing another AP champion. You can swap these out for Greater Glyph of Magic Resist if you are worried about dying early from stronger champs like LeBlanc and Annie but I still like the scaling better as most AP champions do not do that much damage until 6+ so you are already almost passing them up as scaling are better at level 9.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power can be used if you do are versing a AD champion mid or just want a more ability power as these are better then the flat ability power glyph at level 7 which is about the time you want make a play.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: These are hands down best in slot.
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Remember if anyone wants any help with Kayle you can contact me and I will give you some advice on her.

I will be updating this guide and adding more information as needed.

If you have ANY comments or constructive criticism please comment below.


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Lawlmenade Kayle Guide
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