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Morgana Build Guide by NewAkra

Ultimate Morgana Guide

Ultimate Morgana Guide

Updated on October 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NewAkra Build Guide By NewAkra 17,351 Views 1 Comments
17,351 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NewAkra Morgana Build Guide By NewAkra Updated on October 23, 2011
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This is my Morgana build, Makes you almost unkillable, Nice ap And tons of fun and frustrated enemies :).
I really dont like the full AP Morgana, becouse she is squilly and if you die fast (Morgana is always focused) and needs to be surrounded by enemies to make a good use of it's ult, and even without ap items morgana is still usefull becouse her skills rock.

I had some problems making JPG the TGA Screenshots so they will look weird :B
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Coming soon in the guide :B

-Early game guide (With video)
-Mid game guide (With video)
-Late game guide (With video)
-Bonus Tips & Trivia
-Who And Who Not To Lane With/Against
-Team fights
-Skills and champs you can counter with Black Shield (Almost everyone so i need time to make it)
-How to use your Dark Binding Trough walls / trees / or with flash
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Pros / Cons

-Great AoE Stun Soul Shackles
-Your Bind Rules Dark Binding
-Almost imposible to gank with:
Great Armor + Great M.Resist +
Black Shield
-Can Change the tides of a team-fight.

-Always focused.
-This is a kind of support champ so if you dont have good team-mates you are in a big trouble.

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Soul Siphon 10% - 20% - 30% Spell Vamp :D One of the most op Innates.
Dark Binding "Q Spell" You catch the enemy champ by 3 seconds and makes good damage
Tormented Shadow"W Spell" Your way to farm, It infects an area doing damage + Reducing M.Resist. With this spell you can heal yourself by hitting minions with it becouse of your passive ( Morgana never uses Hp Pots And always stays in her lane becouse of this )
Soul Shackles"R Spell" This is your ult (SO FREAKING OP), it damages all the nearby enemy champs, Slows them and if they dont get away from you they are stuned and damaged again. Great way to win Team fights or a great way of escape becouse you use it and if they stay around you they get stuned and you just walk away.

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Dark Binding

Well this is a pretty awesome skill, You damage and grab enemies for 3 Seconds.

What makes this skill so awesome ?
-Can go trough walls
-Can be used in atack as in defense
-Can be used to check the brushes

This is a very funny skill, you will get some crazy ultra pro bindings, like with Blitzcrank Grab :B.
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Just use Tormented Shadow In the midle of the melee and ranged minions and watch the minion wave vanish (and last hit the ones that survive).
With Tormented Soil Lvl. 3 you should kill the minion wave without atacking.

One tip:
NEVER Auto-atack minions, Your chances to get succesfully ganked increase and you won't necessarily kill the minion.
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Black Shield

One of the most OP Skill's ever, Use it when u see some enemy CC and remember you can use it on your allies, dont be mean and remember you are kind of support :B
And When to use it:
-When you ult.
-When someone has a channeled skill that really hurts ( Warwick or Malzahar )For example
-When you know someone is going to get a CC for example Annie stun, or Taric stun or Warwick ult or Ashe Arrows and ult or Karthus ult or Veigar Pentagon, Etc
-When you might get ganked
-When you're about to enter in a suspicious brush
-When you see Mushrooms or Bear-Traps in the floor
-When someone is about to die, a shield never hurts :P
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How and When To Use Your Ult.

Rembember this photo (Ignore the colors) Becouse this is the range of your ult. Is a big range so is hard to miss-hitting it.

Well lets start with this section of the Guide:
This ult doesnt make an inmmediate Stun/Slow/Etc like the other ults, you need to be in the middle of the 5 enemies to use it correctly and stay around them for a while, so How and when to use it
-If the start already started or is about to start wait your enemies to be together, If in a circle better, use Dark Binding to catch the off-tank or who you think it's better, Then Flash in the middle of them, Cast Soul Shackles. Then just spam skills like no tomorrow and do what you can to keep you and your team-mates alive, they'll know what to do
-If you are ganking and you used the Q+W combo and still not enough and enemies are escaping use it, if you are not sure it will kill them dont use it, has a kinda long CD so dont waste it
-If you or your allies are about to get killed (Includes when you save the day taking an ally back from a certain death) use Q then ult and just run sticked to the one that's chasing you, he won't wanna be away from you even when he knows he is not going to catch you

One tip ;) :
This spell and Dark Binding Can catch people trough walls, people in brush and invisible ones :B dont forget that. If you are not sure, just use Q
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Summoner Spells

Flash You are nearby ungankable and unkillable, With this you are closer to be that :).
Teleport You can recall and be back in your lane in like 10 secs, you can save allies from ganks and u can use it to save towers from enemies backdooring
Not Recomended:
CleanseYou have your shield.
IgniteLeave that spell for the killers.
Exhaust Same as ignite killers will get it.
FortifyMeh this spell sucks, if your tower can be bringed down in 6 seconds nothing will stop them 10 seconds later, doesnt worth it.
GhostMorgana doesnt need to run, she can just walk away.
Clarity It's nice at early but in mid/late game you realice that isnt that useful.
Heal Heal I personally dont like it.Becouse you heal with your innate + Will Of Ancients.
Smite Oh you are jungling ? DONT DO IT.
Why? Why you have to do that? Morgana is great in all the lanes and is a great support no need to jungle.
Rally Rally I never liked this spell it's not bad but it isnt good either.
Revive Revive Not a bad spell but the idea is not dying :B
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Regular items:
Sorcerer's Shoes All The champs needs some boots in my way to look it (Except Karthus) And this gives you M.Resist penetration :D.
Archangel's Staff This will be your main source of Ap and gives mana and mana regen, thats really important in early/Midle Game.
Banshee's Veil Gives mana ( That means + Ap ) gives hp ( you are going to get focused so it's important ) And gives you M. Resist and the most importan it has his Cool passive "Blocks one negative Spell every 45 seconds" that means it can counter almost all the Slows/Stuns and it can block nasty spells like Karthus or Lux ults. ;)
Frozen Heart This gives you a LOT of Defense, gives mana ( Again more ap ! ) and has CDR and lowers your enemys atack speed by 20% :O Great item for Morgana.
Will of the Ancients Lots of ap champs in your team? Support them with Extra AP and vamp spell ( This vamp spell + Your innate rocks ;) )
Abyssal Mask If you have Hard ap nukers in the enemy team you will need extra M. Resist +Its passive + Extra AP it's a great item.
Elixir of Brilliance Gives AP and CDR and IT DOESN'T NEED A SPACE ON YOUR INVENTORY

Situacional or alternative items:
Randuin's Omen The AD enemy champs are feeded and you just cant face them ? With this they will slow themselves. It gives extra Defense and Extra HP And a nice slow active. Great way to counter fast Ad Champs like Master yi.
Guardian Angel Enemies are not Heavy AD ? Change thornmail for this, you get M.Resist, Defense, And you revive :D (Once per 5 minutes) nice item if you want to suicide taking down a tower or a inhibitor. (When you die get ready becouse when you revive you will need to escape in the most pro way you find :D like binding someone that it's in the air, shielding yourself 0.01 seconds before a stun and flashing the wall that keeps you away from freedom)
Rabadon's Deathcap Got fed and you know you are going to win ? With this you will get lots of kills more than without it, Just enjoy the game (Only if you get fed and the team score is like 38/11) Is a good item but you are not supposed to be a heavy AP champ.
Mana Potion Well... in early when you dont have Tear of the Goddess yet you will need something for mana regen :B
Oracle's Elixir Stealthed enemies ?? Use this, never buy Vision Ward( Becouse it is an expensive item if you really use it )
Mejai's Soulstealer U.U People wants it, The thing is that It's cheap, gives AP , And with 20 stacks gives 15% CDR. And you are suport so you get tons of assists. So why this isnt in the Main items? Becouse you dont need more CDR with the main items and Blue buff you are ok.
And yes it gives a total of 180 ap for 1235 gold :O. I just dont like using items like this (For example Leviathan) Why? becouse you die and when you are back you are weaker than before and you dont really need that much ap.
Thornmail A lot more of Defense ( Plus frozen heart you are really hard to kill ) And returns 30% of damage. That means if you get focused by the wrong enemies they will take half of their HP by their own, But with Frozen heart you get more Armor, Nerfing this passive.
Rylai's Crystal ScepterGives Ap :D ( your second source of ap ) Has Hp bonus (You get even harder to kill ) And you slow everything with your ofensive skills :B .
Force of Nature Gives you a lot of M.Resist and movement speed (Great item if you have heavy ap enemies) And gives you more Hp regen (You really dont need this so this is just a bonus) But if you need M.Resist i recommend Abyssal Scepter.A good item but not enough.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
It's true more CDR isn't bad but more Magic penetration is better (I Think), but if your enemies dont get M. Resist you can sell the other boots and buy this ones.
Mercury's TreadsThis give you tenacity so makes you harder to gank and gives us a extra M. Resist.

Why you dont get Void Staff ??
It's just logic, You are not a hard hitter you are a kind of support champion you are suposed to stun/trap/Protect your allies And the most important .. Look pretty, dont forget about that.

Why you dont get Zhonya's Hourglass ??
Well, it gives you a great AP but as i said you are not a heavy AP champ, and the defense bonus is not that good as Thornmail or Guardian Angel that means if you need ap you are doing it wrong and if you need defense this is not a good item.
And about its Active it is great but i dont like it becouse of 2 things:
-First: You are invulnerable for 2 seconds :O "this guy is crazy saying this is not a good item for morgana" Wrong 2 seconds aren't enough to say wow look at that. And while active you are like a destroyed tower, you just are there to use the space becouse you cant atack, cast spells or do anything.
-Second: I ALWAYS forgot to use the active u.u when im about to die i think in hitting some one for my vamp spell, i dont think in "Muajaja im getting useless for 2 seconds, yeah that is definitely going to save me" NO when that 2 seconds finish you are doomed.
And About Ultimate+Active.... It's better using shield on yourself and dont waste inventory slots.

Why you dont get Soul Shroud ??
._. Are u kidding when you ask right ?? Low hp Bonus, mana regen aura ._. why you need that , and decent CDR aura. The CDR aura is the only that it's good from it but its not good enough, you have only 6 slots in your inventory :B dont fill the slots with **** items please.

Why you dont get Rod of Ages ??
Well the thing is that 80 Ap - 630 HP - 725 Mana Aren't that great as all says, isn't a bad item But it is really expensive u.u just doesn't worth it for Morgana.

Vital Item:
Sight Ward Always get this :) at least 2 in your inventory ( Put this in your blue buff, Baron, Dragon And mid bushes to prevent ganks )

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Vamp. Spell

Your innate Soul Siphon + Will of the Ancients Give you 55% Spell vamp, that means you heal the half you hit.
So if you are hurted just look for a minion wave of jungle and use Tormented Shadow And watch your Hp Regen as hell. NEVER BUY HEAL POTIONS!
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