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Wåffles' 3v3 Jungle (OUTDATED)

Wåffles' 3v3 Jungle (OUTDATED)

Updated on October 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Teh Turtl Xpress Build Guide By Teh Turtl Xpress 9 1 44,819 Views 30 Comments
9 1 44,819 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Teh Turtl Xpress Build Guide By Teh Turtl Xpress Updated on October 27, 2012
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Ok, so Riot finally launched the new TT map and it looks awesome. But that's just about all I like about it, it looks great, but it has taken all the essence of the old TT away and replaced it with a miniature Dominion.

Jungling is more viable now, but it's less challenging.

IMHO they just made it more noob friendly, easier to just do a few games and know just about every tactic. There is no hiding in bushes, juking through narrow corridors, no ward wars.

A good comparison would be that the old Map was a vintage Ferrari, where the new one is a brand spnaking new Hyundai. Who wouldn't want the Ferrari, even with AC like coughing mice and rattling?

I am very disappointed in the new map and I will most likely not be playing it.

Still, thanks for checking out my guide while the old TT still existed, it was fun to make and very rewarding with so many taking contact and showing their appreciation of my work. :')

The guide might still be viable in matter of builds and such, but I won't bother adapting them to fit with the extra starting gold.

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Greetings, Random People of teh Internetz!

I am the guy known to some as Wåffles, to some as Teh Turtl Xpress and to some as some other completely random nickname. You might know me for my activity on 3v3 forums or my former position as the jungler for the once #8 3v3 team on the EUNE ladder.

I made this guide because I never was able to find a comprehensive guide to jungling on the Twisted Treeline map, so instead of QQ'ing on the LoL forums I decided to make my own guide for jungling on the Twisted Treeline map (And I've been asked for it >15 times) - It's quite long, but I wanted to make it very clear, in-depth and foolproof, I hope you enjoy/learn new things from it!

It will also be educational on how to play Twisted Treeline in general, so if you just want a Twisted Treeline guide, this will maybe do as well.

This is my first longer guide and as I'm from Denmark, I do not have flawless English, but feel free to PM me if you find some unacceptable flaws.
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Update Log

23/08/2012 - Guide Published - Rengar Patch

25/09/2012 - Restarted work on a supplementary Guide, that will focus on alternate, but viable, jungle picks.

08/10/2012 - Hit 10k views!

18/10/2012 - Put supplementary guide on hold until I have had time to assess the applicability of this guide to the new Twisted Treeline.

27/10/2012 - Scrapped all further development, there will be no more 3v3 for me. Leaving the guide available to the public, just in case Riot comes to their senses or in the case it might yet interest some1.
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Nigga, if u ain't down wid le nerd lingo, here's a terminology guide to explain some of the expressions I will use a lot:

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Wait.. What..?

I know what most of you will be thinking; Are there really people that still play Twisted Treeline? The answer is simple; Yes.

And I know what comes to mind next for even more people, even most of those who play Twisted Treeline often; Do people jungle on Twisted Treeline? And the answer is again simple; Yes.

Warning: This will be quite a wall of text, but I find it necessary to explain these things before this guide will make sense to most people.

I will now commence explaining not only why I play Twisted Treeline, but also why I prefer jungling.

The Twisted Treeline, also known as TT or just 3v3, is known for its fast pace and the imbalance between champions. It is also more prone to snowballing and one tiny mistake can just spiral out of control and turn the tides irreversibly. These thing can be seen as either good, bad, or partly good/bad.

I personally love TT for the fast pace and the impact one player can have on a game. You will not as often on TT experience that even though you are Legendary after 20 minutes, you might still lose because of the rest of the team's poor playing, as you might on Summoner's Rift. On Summoner's Rift, you might be faced with the task of carrying 4 team mates, on TT you'll only have to carry a maximum of two. I also feel that good knowledge of priorities and strategy can win a game on TT against more skilled players gameplay-wise. They might last hit every minion and land every skill shot, but if they do not know which champions are strongest and when/how to do Dragon, you will still beat them. The same goes to extend also for Summoner's Rift, but laning is much more important on SR than on TT, as laning is usually over in 7-10 minutes. From there it is all about objectives, such as Dragon and Lizard, and roaming/ganking all the time - whilst CS-ing enough to still have potency late game.

This is partly why I, a mediocre player usually found at around 1550 elo solo queue, can be in one of the top 30 teams on the ladder in 3v3. I know the map and what to do. Insight in the meta game is therefore crucial.

As I previously said, I love TT for the fast pace, the lesser focus on laning and the sensation, that your effort always matters.

As some might know, but most people don't know, is that there is a meta game champion-wise for TT. On Summoner's Rift you will have AD Carry and Support bot lane, AP Carry mid lane, a Bruiser, Tank or even second AP Carry top lane and a Bruiser or Tank jungling. There may occur exceptions to this, of course, but generally that would be the best setup. It's a little different on TT. You will still want to have somewhat equal amount of magic and physical damage as you will then force opponents to buy both armor and magic resistance to counter you. The general setup in most normal games and <1400 elo ranked 3v3 would be to have a solo lane top and a duo lane bot. You would like your carry top lane so he/she can get farmed and champions in the bot lane that doesn't need the same kind of farm, since they will be sharing the minions. I've seen people run ranged AD Carry and support bot lane, but they support will be plain useless 15 minutes into the game. The botlane is best when they synergize to some extend - like having Sion and Pantheon. They both have hard CC in form of stuns and good bursts. Sion stuns from afar and Pantheon uses the time you are stunned to close the gap and stun you again, whilst he and Sion unload their damage. This combo will often result in a Firstblood in level 2.

This is where jungling comes into the picture. The whole point of jungling is that there is unused gold and experience in the jungle, when everybody lanes. That means that team, that is successful in using this ressource will get a significant gold and experience advantage. If you have a solo laner that will not feed and is able to get a decent CS when laning against two enemies and a jungler, that can help the solo laner by destroying the other team's carry and giving yours an advantage, and securing objectives like buffs, Lizard and Dragon, you will be able to win much more easily. This goes for both SR and TT, no difference.

The best methods of countering a jungler is usually to either spend time trying to find and kill him/her in the jungle, but this may result in loss of significant gold and experience if unsuccessful. Another strategy is to switch lanes - having two laners top and the carry bottom lane. This is easier than on SR as the distance between lanes is so small, but also more inefficient as the other team has the same short distance to walk to switch themselves. This can give an advantage against players that doesn't bother to switch themselves - but it's stupid to have to rely on enemies' stupidity/bad playing to win. The last and final option is to have a jungler yourself. That will allow you to fight on even terms and once more the games becomes more about personal skill and insight. This is why almost every team above 1000 rating solo queue will have a jungler and most teams on TT with more than 1500 elo will do so too. It is, though, rarely recommendable to jungle in normal games unless you duo with someone who can handle a 1v2 lane. You should also point out your intention of jungling, as most people find it highly unorthodox to say the least - you'd rather have a champion selection dodge than an intentional feeder, someone going AFK or someone not being able to handle his lane because he thought he was going 2v2.

This is why I jungle on 3v3: It gives an advantage that not many people are able to counter.

Now that I'm done with all this, here's the actual guide!

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Another Warning

After the jungle remake, jungling on SR was made very easy, you can jungle almost any champion and the stronger ones entirely without runes.

This is NOT the case with TT. Quite the opposite. It is quite challenging to jungle on TT and will be quite inefficient without proper runes. The creeps hit harder, are more difficult to kill and after the remake they provide much less gold. It is easy to die a lot in the 3v3 jungle, too. Jungling on TT was much easier before the jungle remake, but it is still effective and when mastered, it works very, very well!
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What I call Objectives, are the things that you will have to acquire to win the game.

The most obvious are the five Turrets, the two Inhibitors and the Nexus. But there are also some quite central side-objectives, that you have to claim and/or protect. You have to protect your own Turrets, Inhibitors and Nexus, but also Ebonmaw the Terror of Zaun (which I will from now on refer to as the Dragon), Grez the Lizard Lord (which I will refer to as the Lizard), the Rabid Wolf (I refer to him as the buff he provides, the Green buff), and Ghast (I'll refer to this as the White buff). These four buffs are crucial gold and more important - the buffs they provide are awesome. The Lizard is similar to the SR one and the Dragon buff is comparable to the Baron buff, almost the same gold and buff. Needless to say, the dragon is the main objective apart from pushing. You should get Dragon as soon as you get the chance. The stronger junglers can solo it in level 6-7 with Madred's Razors, and most others by level 8-9, but you should get the entire team to come and help you/keep the other team away. The best way to do the first Dragon is to get it sneakily. Make sure they have no ward by putting a Vision Ward in front of it. If they have, destroy it and go away - the enemy will then often come to check if you're doing it and go away again once they see you're not. If there's no ward, proceed to killing it. As mentioned, you should get at least your solo top to help you or just scout for enemies. When Dragon is being contested by your enemy and they don't have a jungler, you should try to let them start on it, wait until the one tnaking it is low or before Dragon dies and engage, kill their team and secure dragon with Smite. If they have jungler too, you can try the same, just engage before the Dragon gets low enough for the other jungler to Smite it. Kill them all, or just some of them, and get it.
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Jungle Route

There are a number of possible jungle routes in TT, I will cover the ones I find best. First though, I would like you to familiarize yourself with the TT map and the various camps that can spawn at any of the camps:

Some camps may spawn two different sets of creeps as indicated with the "/". The camps with "Golems/Wraiths" may therefore spawn either Golems or Wraiths at random. It's therefore also possible that the two buffs that spawn in these camps are similar.
I'll just describe the camps:
  • Golem + small Lizards consists of a Golem, a small Lizard and a tiny Lizard. The tiny Lizard is ranged, the other two melee. You should always kill the Golem first as it provides the most gold and experience and hurts the most.
  • Wraiths consist of a large Wraith and three small Wraiths. They are much easier to kill than the Golem + small Lizards, but hurts more too. They provide less gold and experience than Golem + small Lizards. They are all ranged. Again, go for the big one first.
  • Golems consist of two Golems. They hurt a lot early levels and are hard to kill. Be careful not to die to these as their melee attack range is larger than you would expect. They provide the most gold and experience of the non-buff camps.
  • Wolves consist of a large Wolf and two small Wolves. They are much easier to kill than the Golems and also hurt less. They do not, however, provide as much gold and experience. They are all melee, but often crit.
  • Green Buff consists of a huge Wolf and two large Wolves. They hurt quite a lot and have a lot of HP. Do not try to kill these before at least level 4 and only when at full HP and with Smite ready. They provide a lot of gold and experience and the huge Wolf provides a Green Buff, that increases Attack Speed and lowers Cooldowns. They are all melee, but often crit.
  • White Buff consists of a huge Wraith and three large Wraiths. They hurt much more than the Green Buff, but are also easier killed. Again, do not try to kill these before at least level 4 and only when at full HP and with Smite ready. They provide a lot of gold and experience, although less than the Green Buff, and the huge Wraith provides a White Buff, that increases Movement Speed. They are all ranged.
  • Lizard consists only of a huge Lizard. It hurts a bit and has a lot of HP. Do not try to kill it before at least level 3 and only when at full HP, with at least one Health Potion ready and with Smite ready. It provides good gold and experience and a Red Buff, that slows and applies a DoT to targets hit by your auto attacks. It is melee.
  • Dragon consists only of an enormous Dragon. It hurts like hell and have tons of HP. Do not try to kill it before at least level 5 and only when at full HP, with a couple of Health Potions ready, with Smite ready and preferrably not alone. It provides tons of global gold and experience and a Brown Buff, that boosts a lot of stats. It is ranged.

I will split this section into a part for jungling when the other team has no jungler and one for when they do have. Playstyles should be adjusted to accommodate this.

I also only show the route you should take for the first 4 minutes or so - it will be explained later on.

Jungling when the other team has no jungler

I like to start with the lower small camp with most junglers as this is the easiest to start with, the easiest to pull and the easiest to counter a gank. When you spawn and buy, just go to the bush not far from the wall of your base and camp until the creeps spawn. They do so at 1.40. Have your team cover all entrances to the bush, you're standing in as shown in this picture:

You do this, as it secures your view to all entrances and enables you to react to ganks and not get caught off guard and killed. And do not think that they never go through the blind patch at top and get behind you, it happens.

If no one comes to gank, then just follow this route:

It is always preferable to get a pull, some call it a leash.
This is the easiest route to jungle on TT.
The green arrows indicate walk pattern, the blue ones indicate recalling.
  1. If you get Golem/small Lizards, Smite the Golem to prevent it from damaging you and kill the Lizards, starting with the largest of them. If you get Wraiths, Smite the large one and kill the small ones, unless the one, if any, pulling them damages the large one and you have an AoE ability (like Shyvana's Burnout) - then you will be able to kill them without Smiteing and only lose 50 HP or so by hitting the large Wraith and letting the AoE take care of the small ones. You might want to use a Health Potion if you lose more than 100 HP. When you are finished, just move towards the next camp, but be careful with facechecking if the entire enemy team is missing. They might wait for you in a bush.
  2. If you get the Wolves, kill the large one first and then smaller ones. If you get the Golems, simply kill one of them ASAP and then the other. Whichever camp you get, you should have a Health Potion on whilst fighting them, especially the Golems. If you didn't use Smite on the large Wraith, you have to use it now to get it off cooldown to get Lizard. Use on the large Wolf or either Golem.
  3. Do the exact same as camp #2, but remember, you do not need full HP when you're done, as you're going to recall in the bush right after. If you just survive camp #3, it means you've used the least amount of Health Potion as possible, thereby giving yourself an advantage.
  4. After you've recalled, you should always buy Health Potions and either a Sight Ward or a Vision Ward. You want to have four or five Health Potions. The ward should be placed on top of the Lizard and will help both your laners to avoid ganks. Buy a Sight Ward if the enemies either haven't placed one themselves and/or if you suspect that they are stupid enough not to do so at all. If you suspect they have planted a ward themselves and/or seems to have a brain, buy a Vision Ward. It is worth the gold to secure your laners' safety - it is also worth the 50gold extra to buy a pink if they have warded, because it allows you to get red and gank freely. You will either be level 3 or almost level 3 by now, if you are still level 2, kill the first camp again. If you are level 3, however, proceed to killing the Lizard. Before you do, watch whether the enemies might be hiding in a brush and can see the Lizard or if they might check on it. If the enemy laner(s) are at lane or has pushed your bottom lane, you can kill the Lizard almost risk free. Just damage it until it is low HP and Smite when below 495 HP, which is what Smite will deal when you're level 3. Remember to use Health Potions for the entire fight with it.
  5. You have now completed the first few minutes of the game and will be either level 3 or 4 and will have to decide whether to gank or just continue jungling. You have to watch if there is an opportunity to gank and whether you have enough HP left to do so.

If they do come to gank, you have to make a decision on whether to fight them or to run. If you fight, you will either end up dead and/or getting kills or just get each other to low HP. In any case you should recall and just carry on with the ordinary route depicted above. But if you decide to run as they might have a superior team for a level 1 fight or because some of your team mates are not present, you might want to take this route over the ordinary one:

This route is faster, but also grants less gold and experience. The route is simlar to one before, just use your Smite on the large Wolf or on either Golem at the first camp and always get the lower camp, that you would ordinarily start at.

These are the jungle routes I use for every champion. They are relatively easy in comparison to trying to take either Green or White buff early on and they are far less risky. I've won plenty of ranked games where I died in the jungle, but nowadays I don't die anymore because I feel like I've perfedted the routes as much as I could.

Jungling when the enemy has a jungler

This much more tricky than when you have the jungle to yourself; not only do you have to mind jungling and ganking the lanes, you also have to keep track of the other jungler and evaluate at all times the risk/value of taking any camp.
You should always try to keep track of your enemy jungler's movement - is he taking a camp ATM, and if he is, which one? Is he setting up a gank or is he back?
You should also watch his HP, his farming and build. All this will help you predict how soon he will be able to do Dragon, if he can gank your lanes and if you could intercept and possibly kill him in the jungle. You should note, though, that some junglers are better duelists than others - I will try to evaluate specific junglers' abilities to duel well in the "Counter Jungling" section of their specific descriptions.

When facing another jungler, I like to start by getting a decent bit of farm and do a ninja-Lizard. When you've done this, you will have an early advantage, allowing you to try counter jungling him or just ganking the lanes without losing on farm and items.
For this purpose, I use this route when facing another jungler:

It is very similar to the route I use when I'm ganked and run. It allows you to stay clear of the other jungler and do a ninja-Lizard.
Just do the same as in the first route, but don't go to their upper camp since the enemy jungler will most likely already have taken it when you arrive and you might get in trouble.


There is one single exception to these all these routes - he is one of the most feared junglers on both 5v5 and 3v3, and if possible, he is even more effective on TT than he is on SR. I am, of course, talking about Shaco. There are two usual routes for Shaco and I'll just get to them right away:

The most usual route is this:

This route is pretty simple. The Green or White buff spawns at 1.55 and since the duration of Shacos Jack In The Box' are now 60 second, you should begin placing them at 0.55. You will be able to place 4 Jack In The Box' and that's enough for you not to take any damage.
The Jack In The Box' can be placed different places and will be almost equally effective any places. The most usual places are marked in this picture:

The solid red X marks my favourite position for the Jack In The Box'. It is right in front of the creeps when they spawn and will activate at that point. All you have to do is to backstab them and Smite the buff creep.

The transparent red X marks an alternate, but often used placement for the Jack In The Box'. When placing them in the bush, they will not activate upon the creeps spawn, you will instead have to attack them first and pull the towards the Jack In The Box'. The advantage of this placement is that it is very hard to interrupt. Walking into a bush full of 4 Jack In The Box' in level 1 is suicide. The downside is that unless you have a good pull, you might sustain quite a bit of damage. I personally prefer the first option.

When you are done, you will be level 2 and you can Deceive over the wall between the Dragon pit and top lane. This will often land you a Firstblood. Just be patient as the enemy top laner knows that you might gank, but at some point they start taking risks and when they go too far you trigger the trap.

The optional route is actually my favourite. As explained above, the top laner will often be wary for a early gank and will be hesitative until you have shown yourself. The optional route is so:

For this route you start på stacking Jack In The Box' in the side of the Lizard pit. The Lizrd spawns at 2.10, therefore you should start stcking Jack In The Box' at around 1.12. You shouldn't start stacking right at 1.10, as it is safer to stack them in the side, making them less vunerable to interruption by the enemy team. It is depicted here:

The X in the Lizard pit is where the Jack In The Box' should be stacked. When the Lizard spawns, hit it and pull it to your trap. The Jack in the Box' will instill fear in it and you will be able to backstab it. It is possible to kill it without Smite and it is preferable to do so. If you, however, for some reason don't damage it enough, it is better to Smite than to sustain too much damage.

The second X marks the spot where you should place a single Jack In The Box to instill fear in the camp and the kill enough of the creeps to gain level 2. The large creep usually suffices. If you still have Smite, use it now. When you have level 2, just leave the camp for now and gank either lane.

There are several benefits of the second route:

  • It provides the Red buff, a stronger ganking tool than both the Green and White buffs.
  • It takes a bit more time to finish - the enemy laners will get paranoid or begin to feel safe. Either is good.
  • It provides the ability to easily ganks either lane, not just top.
  • It secures the Red buff early on.
  • It is more unusual. The enemies might come disturb you in the top jungle, but very few check Lizard.
  • If the enemies come to gank you/steal yor Golem + small Lizards/Wraiths camp, they will get a nasty surprise and be an easy Firstblood.

When you have cleaned a buff and possibly ganked, you should continue to jungle and gank, showing your presence and maybe disturb the enemy jungler.
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Alternative Jungle Routes

I had the opportunity to discuss jungle routes briefly with another high-level 3v3 jungler. He did it somewhat differently, whether it was better I can't say, but when he demonstrated it, it failed somewhat..

The idea was to instead of starting at a small camp, you'll get a strong pull and help on a Green/White buff camp and then solo the other. It can only be done with the strongest of junglers ( Shyvana) and is risky because if the pull wasn't good enough, you'll die. It also wastes a lot of time for the top laner and losing 6 CS and half a level will mean almost certain defeat to an aggressive top laner. You can experiment, but I suggest that you stay with something simple (like my routes) for a start. I like to keep a simple, reliable jungle pattern that allows you to be certain that you'll perform well!

PM me if you have an alternative jungle route you want me to comment on and showcase here!

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As a jungler, it is almost always an advantage to get a pull from one of your team mates on ypur first camp. Some champions are better for it, obviously, and if you only have champions with no range at all, the they shouldn't pull for you, as they will sustain a bit of damage, which will then hurt their laning. It is much easier if you have to use one more Health Potion instead of your laner being 200 HP down going into lane.

As a jungler, it is partly your responsibility to inform your laners about the ease it gives you to receive a pull. You should instruct them according to some of my suggestions below or to personal preference. Just keep in mind not to hurt their laning by taking damage or taking a weak spell level 1.

I always request a pull if taking the ordinary route (the one I described first) and the route against another jungler. When I evaded a level 1 gank I usually don't want a pull as the route is so easy in comparison to the other two. There is no need for them to pull if you have no benefit of it - you just waste their time, mana or HP.
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This might be what you feel once you get to a decent Elo and begin getting matched with decent teams. The 3v3 jungle is, believe it or not, big enough for 2 junglers. However, do not expect to be able to farm freely, being against another jungler means that you'll be fighting a constant 1v1 with the other jungler for control. Whoever wards the best, is able to gank the other, steal the buff camps etc. will gain a massive advantage. If you get pushed out of the jungle by the other jungler, your chances of winning are very low, you'll be left without farm and they'll get fed.

So it's crucial to regain at least an equal balance of control. You can either be aggressive or passive, get your laners to help or fight alone and let them farm. You have to make these choices and the basis of your decision should largely be which champion you play and which champion the enemy jungler is; If you're confident you can beat him level 2, go find him and kick his ***. If you get first blood, you've practically won the struggle for jungle if you don't screw up. If you think that he is superior in duels, either get your top laner to help gank him while taking camps or just ward, farm passively, avoid fights and gank. Later on, if he used all his time trying to find you, you'll get ahead. In each champion section I've tried to describe the individual champions' ability to duel and counterjungle.

If you Dr. Mundo or Shyvana who hit very hard in level 2 and clear the 2 first camps in an instant, you can try catching him doing his second camp and kill him before he gets level 2 and while he has aggro from the creeps, do it like this:

If you want to avoid confrontation because he has a stronger duelist, you can also be sneaky and steal his second camp while he does his first, this way, he'll only be able to get a single camp before recalling, while you get 3:

As previously said, make sure to ward the Lizard and get it ASAP, if you get it and continue to do so, you'll get far ahead. Same goes for Dragon, control, get it, get ahead. It's a constant struggle to stay ahead and push your opponent entirely out of the jungle. Once you get the upper edge, just ward the entire jungle and kick his *** every time he tries to take even the small camps, make sure he doesn't get anything, he'll get frustrated and your opponents will be flaming and lose all team work.

An important part of counterjungling is control, you get control with vision, you get vision with wards. I will always keep a few key parts of the map warded AT ALL TIMES. From 3 minutes into the game, your team shouldn't have less than 2 wards on the map at any time. The next section will go in detail on warding.
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Many people do not ward while playing TT. "No reason, the map's so small, you kinda know where people are all the time, l0l".

Lemme tell you something.. If you don't ward like a ****ing Teemo on LSD, you'll lose to any decent team!

Just.. Just ward like I tell you and have the positions warded at all times or you'll miss Dragons, Lizards, get counterjungled and your enemies will roam and get kills constantly. Some of the wards need to be pinks to make sure your opponents don't have vision too. A Vision Ward costs 50 gold more than a Sight Ward, but you also get 25 gold per ward kill AND spoil his vision, forcing him to buy a Vision Ward himself. This way, a Vision Ward will gain you a 100 gold lead if you remove 1 of his wards! It might escalate, though, into what is commonly known as a "Ward War", where you and your enemies take turn placing pinks, removing the other teams' ward. This just goes on continually, the trick is to keep doing it if you're ahead in gold, as you'll just make sure that they either use their much needed gold on wards or they lose vision. If you're behind on gold, just place the wards in bushes out of the range of the Vision Ward, so that although the ward provides less vision, you'll also get to keep it without using all your gold.

Wards should be placed like this IMO:

The "1"'s represent the most important wards, these should be present at all times - 1 Vision Ward for the Lizard pit, 1 Vision Ward for the Dragon pit (make sure to place it right in the middle of the entrance to the pit, as it will only spot wards put in the lower corners of the pit if placed low enough) and 1 Sight Ward in the bush for the Green/White buff camp furthest from your base. This ward is especially genious as it let you know every enemy presence apart from their wolf/golem camp. Keep the Lizard and the Green/White buff warded at all times and the Dragon when it's about to spawn.

The "2"'s represent secondary wards that will tell you something more about your enemies' whereabouts, specifically the enemy jungler. These are very good if you're ahead, just gank that ****er. The "3"'s are for whenever you're sieging their base, trying to find an opening to make the final push. They will tell you if the enemies move out their base, allowing you to catch and kill them, winning you the game.

If you find smarter ways to ward or have other opinions, please either comment or PM me and I'll add it!

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The Champions

As I have already mentioned, one of the traits of TT is the unbalance between champions. Some are strong, some are very weak. Some people complain about imbalance on SR, they have obviously never played TT. I agree to some extend with the Reign of Gaming TT tier list (found here), it can, at least, give you an idea of the potency of certain champs.

I might add a list of my own some time if requested.

The characteristics of a good jungler is ability to farm, gank and counterjungle well. A given jungler may be more proficient in one aspect than the others, but should possess them all the some extend. The best junglers are the ones, that can do all three very well - that's my list of strong junglers.

I will make a section of the guide for each champion including comments on proficiency in the three jungler requirements, as well as Masteries, Runes, Summoners, skill sequence, build and additional things worth noting.
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Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Lee Sin

(Bruce) Lee Singa


Lee Sin is a relatively fast jungler. His AoE Tempest/Cripple does good damage and his passive Flurry increases his speed a lot too. He is also one of the most sustained junglers - once he has a Wriggle's Lantern you only have to recall to buy items. He can easily solo the Dragon very early, even as early as level 5, because his Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike is such a good single-target damage.


Lee Sins ganks are some of the best. He has not only one, but two abilities that allow him to jump walls, making ganks on top lane a breeze. His combination of mobility, slow and execution makes him one of the best gankers. With the addition of Exhaust, a gank will almost definitely result in a kill.


Lee Sin is good at disrupting enemy junglers, as he has suck high burst and mobility. He can dash in, deal a lot of damage and be gone the next second. As Lee Sin you also have an extra benefit from warding extensively - you will increase your mobility even further, allowing you to escape most situations.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. Lee Sin, however, is a little different, he relies on getting kills early and hurting the enemies' early game, therefore, I go 21/9/0 for the damage it provides. Glasscannons are really risky, but for Lee Sin, it's often worth it. I go for the nine point in defense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. As Lee Sinhas an excellent gap-closer, you only need either more damage or more tankiness. I opt for damage, you might think something else is better. Other viable options are AS, HP or Armor Pen Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I like Exhaust on Lee Sin as he doesn't really need Flash and Exhaust is the most proficient ganking tool of the Summoner Spells.

Alternatively, you can swap Exhaust in favour of Flash for the extra escape mechanism. You could also switch it for Heal or Ignite for the extra team fight strength and kill securance.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike get priority thereafter for the insane damage and ability to execute an enemy. Lee Sin is a good assassin and is really strong fed - Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike helps you succeed in both of that. In most game I will then max Safeguard / Iron Will or keep Safeguard / Iron Will and [{Tempest / Cripple]] at equal levels. I like to get points in Safeguard / Iron Will for the tankiness, but if you're behind on farm or need AoE, max Tempest / Cripple before or alongside Safeguard / Iron Will.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then Bloodthirster or Maw of Malmortius for some real damage. Get Frozen Mallet last for some HP. When you're done with this consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Atma's Impaler, Warmog's Armor, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Lee Sin and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Last Whisper, another Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Lee Sin is, even after the nerfs, in the 3v3 "God Tier". He is one of the strongest champions and of the junglers he arguably has the best sustain, ganks and counter-jungling potential of all the champions. I do not play as much Lee Sin as I used to, but mainly because my team mates want high priority picks and because he is banned so often. Lee Sin is IMO the best all-round jungler on TT and one of the five strongest characters on TT in general. I have 70% win ratio in 30 ranked games with him.
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Shyvana is arguably the fastest jungler there is. Her Burnout just tears through the jungle and gives clear times like no other jungler. As her CC is weak, even non-exsistant pre-six, she should focus on farming instead of ganking as her weak ganks will rarely lead to kills.


Shyvana is a meh ganker. She doesn't have any CC pre-six and even post-six it's pretty weak. The thing that prevents her ganks from being plain bad is her speed buff from Burnout, her awesome damage and her ability to jump walls with ult.


Shyvana is a decent counter-jungler due to her speed buff from Burnout and her small nuke from her Twin Bite, enabling her to steal from or damage the other jungler and make a quick getaway. With ult she is almost impossible to catch.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. Shyvana, however, is a little different, she relies on getting kills early and hurting the enemies' early game, therefore, I go 21/9/0 for the damage it provides. Glasscannons are really risky, but for Shyvana, it's often worth it. I go for the nine point in defense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Burnout scales with AS and the Greater Mark of Attack Speeds gives you a nice boost. Greater Mark of Attack Damage will provide more burst on Twin Bite and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Shyvana's main disadvantage is her lack of gap-closer and CC pre-6, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I like Exhaust on Shyvana as she doesn't really need Flash and Exhaust is the most proficient ganking tool of the Summoner Spells.

Alternatively, you can swap Exhaust in favour of Flash for the extra escape mechanism. You could also switch it for Heal or Ignite for the extra team fight strength and kill securance.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I then max Burnout because it gives insane jungle speed and movement speed, then I go for Twin Bite and last comes Flame Breath. I max Flame Breath last because only its (poor) damage scales and not the important part, the armor reduction. There is therefore no reason to get more than one point in Flame Breath since Twin Bite scales MUCH better.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. After Phage, you have to get some serious AS going. I do that with Wit's End. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish either Maw of Malmortius or Frozen Mallet, depending on whether you need damage or HP. When you're done with this consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Atma's Impaler, Warmog's Armor, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Shyvana and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Last Whisper, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Shyvana is one of the fastest and hardest-hitting junglers there are. Her Dragon's Descent makes her very durable and therefore also gets quite tanky. The only downside to her is her lack of CC - you should therefore not play Shyvana if you other team mates play Mordekaiser and Master Yi. You might hit much harder than the enemies do, but they'll just CC you down and kite you around for ages. I would say, though, that she is the second strongest jungler overall after Lee Sin if in the right team and she is not nearly as often picked/banned as he is. I have 73% win ratio in 35 ranked games with her.
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Why so scared, brah?


Shaco has no AoE ability, some hard-hitting DoT or skills, that speed up his jungling as all the other junglers. He is, in fact, rather slow. He can take a single camp incredibly fast in the beginning of the game, but after that it takes ages to take a camp. He can take a camp without losing much HP by placing a Jack In The Box and let it tank the creeps, but he'll still be slow - even with the help of the Jack In The Box. He also saves HP because of the passive on Two-Shiv Poison, which makes minions miss a percentage of their hits.


What Shaco lacks in jungle speed, he makes up for with his ganks. Nothing is as feared as Shaco ganks. If you're lucky you'll see the small orange cloud before you get violated with a pair of giant daggers. He has a jump, that stealthes him, a built-in slow in hit auto attacks, a fear and a ranged finisher. Because of his Jack In The Box he can also gank very early - even before the laners are level 2.


If Shaco didn't make up for his poor farming with his ganking, then his abilities as a counter-jungler certainly would. He is free to roam the map, knowing that if he finds the other jungler, he will either kill him or just stealth away. He can invade and counter-jungle without much risk. If you are mindful of the position of you enemies and allies, then you can't be killed in the jungle as Shaco.


Masteries Link

Even though I often use the mantra "you will die a lot if not tanky on TT", Shaco is one of the few exceptions to that. Because of his ability to stealth, durabilty is less important - positioning and timing is more impactful.



Again, I put aside the tankiness in order to get more damage. This is more standard set of runes for jungling on SR. These runes have a lot of damage early on and are still somewhat useful later on. The AS helps Shaco's slooooow jungling and give some damage for ganks. AD marks and Quints are every bit as viable as they help your burst in ganks, I just prefer the faster jungle.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I like Exhaust on Shaco as he doesn't really need Flash and Exhaust is the most proficient ganking tool of the Summoner Spells.

Alternatively, you can swap Exhaust in favour of Flash for the extra escape mechanism. You could also switch it for Heal or Ignite for the extra team fight strength and kill securance.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I then max Two-Shiv Poison because it has an AD scaling and helps you gank/execute enemies. It also helps your jungling speed and sustain with the passive that makes a percentage of minions' hits miss. I then go for Deceive as it also helps your ganks and escapes, but also because AD Shaco has little use for levelling Jack In The Box, which I therefore level last.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Avarice Blade isn't mandatory, but it will give you some crit, a solid gold income and will be upgraded later. After Phage, you have to get some serious AD going. I do that with Hexdrinker. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, upgrade Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish either Youmuu's Ghostblade (If you got Avarice Blade) or Trinity Force, depending on whether you need AD or more utility. When you're done with this consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Frozen Mallet, Warmog's Armor, Guardian Angel, Banshee's Veil or any tanky item that complements Shaco and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Last Whisper, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Shaco is an exceptional ganker and will make your opponent fear you. They will let your lanes free-farm because they know that the second they get aggressive, they'll be ganked. There is a risk, however. If your ganking fails and you don't get any kills, you risk getting far, far behind. Shaco doesn't scale well into late game as he is easily nuked, so what you have to do is to win the game early- and mid game. I haven't played much Shaco because I don't like the playstyle he requires, but it would be wrong to leave him out of the guide and I've tried my best to make up for my lack of experience with research and contemplation.
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Warwick is one of the slowest junglers. He has no AoE, just an attack speed buff. His autoattacks hurt a bit, but they aren't that good either. His forté is, however, his infinite sustain. When his Hunters Call gets some levels he will eventually get more speed. He is, though, the best jungler at securing objective. He can do the Dragon with little help in level 5 and solo it by 6.


Warwicks ganks are pathetic. And then great. That's the difference between having level 6 or not. A Warwick gank post-6 is an almost sure kill. Therefore you should focus on getting to level 6 ASAP. His ganks CAN net a kill pre-6, but then the laner has to have some sort of CC (or the enemy laner has to be ******ed). Bad ganks just postpone your progress towards level 6.


You can counter-jungle as Warwick, but he has no escaping tools so if you get caught, you'll die. If the laners are low and under control though, feel free to make the other junglers life miserable. Warwick is good at stealing buffs with his Hungering Strike and Smite and can sniff out a low-HP enemy in the jungle with Blood Scent.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offence as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs.


9xGreater Mark of Avarice

I use similar runes to those I use on SR. More AS means faster jungling than more AD does and the Greater Mark of Attack Speeds gives you a nice boost. Greater Mark of Magic Penetration will provide more burst on Hungering Strike and damage on Wit's End, and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Warwick's main disadvantage is her lack of gap-closer and CC pre-6, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places. Flash + Infinite Duress is also very feared.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for jumping walls. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I'll just start by explaining why I level Blood Scent last right now. If you've watched Guardsman Bob, who is an excellent Warwick player, you'd have seen that he maxes Blood Scent second. I can understand this on 5v5, as his job is to hunt down low-HP carries and there will be people below 50% HP much of the time as there is 5 enemies. This, however, is obviously not the case with 3v3. You only have 3 enemies and the team fights are over very quickly. Besides, you won't have as much distance between you and enemies as in 5v5. It is not a bad ability, but just not as usefull as it is in 5v5. The choice for first ability to max is then Hunters Call and Hungering Strike. The ordinary thing would be to max Hungering Strike first, but I don¨t like that. I max Hunters Call first, which will help your jungle speed the best and improve your team fight potential - It also required much less mana than Hungering Strike, which is good, as you don't have a blue buff. I often play together with an AD carry, like Kennen, Corki or Graves, and they benefit A LOT from Hunters Call. I then get Blood Scent third for the increased speed and revealing-thingy.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions, Warwick can also start with a Longsword and 1 Health Potion because of his sustain - these options are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots of Swiftness or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Wit's End. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. After Wit's End, you often have to get some more serious HP going. I do that with Phage. Only then would I ordinarily get boots. Often, I'll just get Sorcerer's Shoes for extra damage on Hungering Strike, Wit's End and Infinite Duress. If you feel like Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi is more suitable in a given situation, you should get those instead. Then finish Frozen Mallet for the extra HP and the much needed CC. When you're done with this consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy a Sprirt Visage, Guardian Angel, Frozen Heart or Banshee's Veil or any tanky item that complements Warwick and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Madred's Bloodrazor, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Warwick is pretty slow and his pre-6 ganks are bad, but he can pin down a carry and hunt the enemy team down. He is a very safe jungler and is a good starting point for anyone just trying to jungle on TT for the first time. I haven't played him much in rankeds, but A LOT in normals with my team when the ranked queue was down.
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Rammus is not very fast. He's not slow either, though. He has no AoE ability to constantly damage camps, but his Defensive Ball Curl helps your speed a lot. Your Powerball will take you from spawn and from camp to camp faster, thereby also making your clears better. Rammus is, and always will be, a ganking jungler and it's therefore easy to get underleveled. A way to prevent this is to try to soak as much experience from lanes as possible without hurting your laners.


This is where Rammus is in his ace. There are few junglers, that provide such incredible ganks as Rammus. When you've reached level 3, you should almost always try to gank. No matter how prepared people are, they will at least Flash, but often you will get the first blood. Continuous ganking is the key with Rammus. Keep the pressure on the lanes and jungle, without getting outleveled.


This is where Rammus is misunderstood. He is a poor counterjungler in 5v5, but he is a god in 3v3, as most 3v3 junglers are bruisers dependant on their auto attacks to deal damage. If you have warded properly, you can just call your top laner to come into the jungle and you can gank/steal his buff. Rammus is also excaptionally good at stealing Dragons and buffs. Just Powerball in, Smite, turn around, and roll away. In the worst case scenario, you might have to Powerball and then Flash into the enemy team trying to take the Dragon. If you time it right, you will knock the enemy jungler back, unabling him to Smite and then just Smite it yourself. This will often result in your own death, but will in almost every case be worth it.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for 9 points in defense, since you won't benefit much from any offense.



I have previously run all Armor runes on Rammus, but I've decided, that it just isn't worth it. I felt like I needed more jungle speed and some MR when ganking early. I went for Greater Mark of Attack Speed for the extra jungle speed AS gives, it's easy to feel the difference. Other viable Marks would be Armor and Magic Pen. I also felt that the new masteries provided enough Armor Penetration, that it wouldn't hurt my speed to have just AS Marks. As with all the other junglers, I use Greater Seal of Armor and wouldn't recommend any other, especially on Rammus. Greater Glyph of Magic Resist provides MR for the early ganks, they might be switched out in favor of Armor Glyphs, but you have enough Armor already. For Quints, I like Greater Quintessence of Armor as they provide that extra Armor, making your jungle faster. Options include HP, AS or MR vs a heavy Magic team.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape - this will also help you to jump over creeps when ganking. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

I wouldn't recommend any other summoners, as you both need the Smite and the Flash a lot.

Skill Sequence:

>Puncturing Taunt> >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I then max Puncturing Taunt because it scales so well from being leveled and it will make your ganks impossibru to escape from. I then go for Defensive Ball Curl as it adds additional tankiness and damage. Powerball is maxed last as it really doesn't get much more usefull from getting leveled, it only gains slow and damage, neither of which you really need as you will often taunt people right after Powerball'ing them.


Philosopher's Stone

I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. After Boots get a Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold. They give you everything Rammus needs; Mana Regen, HP Regen, HP and last, but not least, a solid gold income and will be upgraded later. They are more or less mandatory IMO, but it's still totally up to you. After G/10 items, you have to get some serious tankiness going. I do that with Aegis of the Legion. It provides MR, Armor and HP - as an Aura! Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. This covers my core and the rest is very situational. Don't forget to upgrade your G/10 to Shurelia's Reverie and Randuin's Omen. Now consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Frozen Heart, Warmog's Armor, Guardian Angel, Banshee's Veil, Sunfire Aegis, Abyssal Mask or any tanky item that complements Rammus and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Wit's End, Sunfire Aegis, Abyssal Mask, Atma's Impaler or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Rammus is one of my favourite junglers. He is espacially good in combination with a squishy carry, as he can initiate fights and keep the carry alive while he just wrecks the enemy team. His ganks are among the strongest there are and will make your enemies fear you. And once you've taunted people into the spawn laser, you never stop playing the turtle. I have 72% win ratio in 70 ranked games with him.
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Mundo jungles as he Pleases!


Next to Shyvana, Dr. Mundo is the fastest jungler there is. He has such incredible speed, that you might have the problem of having nothing to jungle, when you've cleaned out the entire jungle. Dr. Mundo is, because of his relatively weak ganks, better played as a farmer jungler.


Dr. Mundo has decent ganks from the low CD Infected Bonesaws, which means that as long as you position yourself decently and just hit, you'll have your enemies perma-slowed. His lack of hard CC means that it will help your ganks a lot if your lanes are CC heavy.


Dr. Mundo is a capable duelist and can beat most champions in a 1v1 in the jungle. Once he has his Infected Bonesaws, he can pretty much just kite everyone/chase them forever. His massive steroid from Blunt Force Trauma and the escape from his Maximum Dosage will enable to duel almost anybody and get away from it.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offence as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. I take AD, CDR and Magic Pen, as I like to max Infected Bonesaw second, but if you want more physical damage, you can max Blunt Force Trauma second and get AD, AS and Armor Pen in offense.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. More AS means faster jungling than more AD does and the Greater Mark of Attack Speeds gives you a nice boost. Greater Mark of Magic Penetration will provide more damage on Infected Bonesaw and Heart Zapper, and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Dr. Mundo's main disadvantage is his consumption of HP, but this can be fixed by increasing his HP. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Health, you can also use AS, Armor or even Spellvamp Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I like Exhaust on Dr. Mundo as he doesn't really need Flash and Exhaust is the most proficient ganking tool of the Summoner Spells.

Alternatively, you can swap Exhaust in favour of Flash for the extra escape mechanism. You could also switch it for Heal or Ignite for the extra team fight strength and kill securance.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. From that on, it's pretty much up to the individual game. Dr. Mundo is very versatile damage-wise. He can max his Infected Bonesaws and Heart Zapper to deal mostly magical damage, or he can max his Blunt Force Trauma first to gain more physical damage. It all depends on your opponents and your own team composition. If you need faster jungle, put points in Heart Zapper, if you're against high-HP champions or need more magical damage in general, put points on Infected Bonesaw, and if you want to be a melee DPS, just level up Blunt Force Trauma.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions or even a Doran's Shield- they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. After Boots get a Heart of Gold. You need to have HP as Dr. Mundo and a solid gold income will help you. Heart of Gold is more or less mandatory on Dr. Mundo IMO, but it's still totally up to you. After Heart of Gold, you have to get some serious tankiness going. I do that with a Phage for some additional HP, CC and damage. After that, get a Warmog's Armor ASAP. It provides insane amounts of HP and HP Regen and is the single most crucial item for Dr. Mundo. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If you opt for Ninja Tabi you can get them earlier as they will not slow your Warmog's Armor too much. This covers my core and the rest is very situational. I will most times want to get more damage as you're almost unkillable to 3 people with Warmog's Armor and Maximum Dosage. I like to get AS, as you already have an AD steroid in Blunt Force Trauma that will grant you sometimes near 200 bonus AD at max rank! I like Wit'øs End for the relatively cheap cost and the awesome damage. Now consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade Phage to Frozen Mallet or buy a Aegis of the Legion, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage or any tanky item that complements Dr. Mundo and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Maw of Malmortius, Zeke's Herald or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Dr. Mundo was for a long time underestimated as a jungler. Shortly after I began using him, Moscow 5 tried to use him in a tournament and failed miserably, but he soon gained momentum and was FOTM for some time. He is super fast as a jungler and has good damage, good ganks and awesome tankiness. He is also very versatile and almost every team functions well with Dr. Mundo. I have 84% win ratio in 20 ranked games with him.
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You CAN milk those.


Alistar is far from the fastest jungler. He has some AoE in his Pulverize and Trample, but as your auto attacks are near negligible you'll be totally relying on these two skills for farming. Once you get a Sheen, you'll have a significant boost in jungling speed.


This is where Alistar shines and should put his focus. He has so much hard CC, that can't be mitigated by Tenacity, that it borders the ridiculous. His early game damage is good and he gets so stupidly tanky in no time - After level 6 a towerdive is no problem. You should practice the Headbutt/ Pulverize combo so that you can close the gap and knock up an enemy - it's what divides bad and good [Alistar players - you shouldn't miss more than 5% of these combos. The only definitive rule with Alistar is to gank, gank, gank and then gank some more. And you should also remember to gank.


Alistar is a mediocre counterjungler. He can walk in, steal something or try fighting an opponent (He will almost always lose unless the opponent is much lower HP) and if you're losing, just Pulverize and Headbutt him away, letting you just walk away. With his ultimate you can easily go in for a Dragon steal - you just Headbutt to get in there fast, Pulverize right before the Dragon is low enough on HP to be Smited, thereby unabling your opponent to Smite. You can then Smite it and walk out with Unbreakable Will.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offence as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. You need the 9 points in offense on Alistar to help your early jungle. Alternatively, you can go for 0/21/9, but I wouldn't do that personally as the offense helps you so much. 9 points in magical offense is bad, just don't.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Even though your skills scale with AP, the ratios are to miniscule to depend on. A tanky AD bruiser is better and scales well with the damage boost of your ultimate. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is vital early game. I can't find any other Marks I would consider nearly as good. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on for all your ganks. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. One of Alistar's main disadvantages is his lack of MS, his base MS is super slow for a melee champion and as you'll be roaming, you need some decent MS. This problem can be fixed with Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AS, HP or Armor Quints, but it's not as good as MS.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape - this will also help you to jump over creeps when ganking. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

I wouldn't recommend any other summoners, as you both need the Smite and the Flash a lot. Especially Alistar can use it to Flash/ Pulverize.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. After that, I max Pulverize for CDR and the extra damage. This is your main CC and one of the best CCs in the game. I then prioritize Headbutt over Triumphant Roar because you mainly will be using Triumphant Roar to trigger your passive Trample for farming the jungler - it doesn't get decreased CD with leveling and the heal is pathetic without AP. Another advantage of not leveling it is that it's mana cost continues to be very low, allowing you to spam it in the jungler. Headbutt, on the other hand, gets lower CD with leveling and the increased damage which is much better.


Philosopher's stone

I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. After Boots get a Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold. They give you everything Alistar needs; Mana Regen, HP Regen, HP and last, but not least, a solid gold income and will be upgraded later. They are more or less mandatory IMO, but it's still totally up to you. Only then would I ordinarily get Mobility Boots. I like the Mobility Boots on Alistar because it improves his roaming potential so much, but alternatively go for Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. After G/10 items and boots, you have to get some tankiness and damage going. I do that with Trinity Force. It provides So many stats - the only one of which you won't really use being crit chance. Start with either Sheen or Phage depending whether or not you need HP or damage. Sheen adds tons of damage because Alistars CDs are so low, you will have a Sheen proc one every other attack you make. This covers my core and the rest is very situational. Don't forget to upgrade your G/10 to Shurelia's Reverie and Randuin's Omen. Now consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Frozen Heart, Aegis of the Legion, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, Sunfire Aegis or any tanky item that complements Alistar and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. You don't need more damage than Trinity Force, but if you really think you need, you should experiment yourself. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Alistar is highly reliant on his ganks. He has to gank constantly to compensate for his slow jungling. It's not a bad thing because his ganks are so brutally awesome - the enemies will fear the cow. Just remember to like Riot's Youtube channel so you can get his skin, a cow without a skin is a sad cow... I haven't played much Alistar in rankeds, but he's certainly valid.
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Jarvan IV



Jarvan IV is by no means the fastest jungler but his Martial Cadence and Demacian Standard gives him an acceptable clear time. As Jarvan IV I won't focus on farming, but more on ganking, which is his clear forté.


If you had 3 kinds of CC, a good burst, the ability to jump walls and a shield, what would you be doing as a jungler? Ganking, of course. Jarvan IV is one of champions with the most CC, his ganks are so hard to get away from, especially if your opponent's Flash is down and he doesn't have a dash. Ganking from the Dragon or Lizard pit will make top lane ganks very easy. Going from Lizard pit, you can just wait for cooldowns in the bushes and then appear right behind an opponent with all your lovely CC ready. You can also use his Demacian Standard/ Dragon Strike combo to gank the bottom lane without revealing yourself in the Lizard pit, which will almost always be warded.


Jarvan IV is not the best duelist, but he certainly isn't the worst either. He can easily get away form a fight and he is exceptionally good at stealing Dragons. You just Cataclysm in, shocking the enemy jungler, Smite the Dragon and Demacian Standard/ Dragon Strike away, unableing the enemy team to chase.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. More AS means faster jungling than more AD does and the Greater Mark of Attack Speeds gives you a nice boost. Greater Mark of Attack Damage will provide more damage on Dragon Strike and more burst on autoattacks, and is the best other option - Armor Pen is bad as Dragon Strike lowers your enemies' armor in percentages, which is bad when combined with flat Armor Pen. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Jarvan IV is a tanky champ, he gets plenty of Armor from his Demacian Standard, so for early jungling and tankiness, all you need is more HP. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Health, you can also use AS, MS, Armor or AD Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I like Exhaust on Jarvan IV as he doesn't really need Flash and Exhaust is the most proficient ganking tool of the Summoner Spells and just another CC in his already well-stocked arsenal.

Alternatively, you can swap Exhaust in favour of Flash for the extra escape mechanism. You could also switch it for Heal or Ignite for the extra team fight strength and kill securance.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I max Demacian Standard second because it provides such an awesome Armor and AS buff, it helps you jungling and is great for when your team is pushing a tower. I often choose to max Golden Aegis third, as I like to build a tanky Jarvan IV and Golden Aegis is great shield and slow]]. Lastly, I max Dragon Strike. It's decreased CD with leveling isn't too usefull, since Demacian Standard's CD isn't reduced with leveling, you might be able to do some neat tricks with jumping to the same flag twice, but that's it. The Armor Pen, though, is noticeable and whether you should max Golden Aegis or Dragon Strike ultimately depends on whether you need damage or tankiness.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Jarvan IV can get incredibly tanky with few items, the best for getting that tankiness is Aegis of the Legion it gives him good, usefull stats. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Jarvan IV and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Jarvan IV is one of the most funny junglers and has a very complex skillset that takes a long time to master. Landing your Demacian Standard/ Dragon Strike combo and knowing when to and, more importantly, not to use Cataclysm. If you miss your combo, your ganks fail, you lose a teamfight, a tower or a Dragon. If you fail your ultimate, you might trap your team mates with 3 angry opponents or under a tower. Jarvan IV is very versatile and is a good tank and a good off-tank, he can adapt well to very different builds. I have 63% win ratio in 35 games with Jarvan IV, but of the first 13 ranked games I played with him, I didn't lose a single match.
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Nocturne's jungle speed is not the best, but is much helped by his many DPS steroids, his Umbra Blades, Duskbringer and Shroud of Darkness all gives damage and jungle speed. More AS will mean more procs of Umbra Blades and even faster speed. Nocturne should put his focus on farming until level 6 and then transition into a focus on ganks.


Nocturne's ganks are awesome - if you have level 6. They're still good pre-6, he has a MS boost, a Fear, a magic shield and awesome damage. But his ultimate is so stupidly good in a 3v3 game. The map is so small that his Paranoia is almost global in level 16, making it very hard to predict where is strikes.


Nocturne is a good duelist and is good at running too. His massive single target damage and Unspeakable Horror will win against almost any other champion in a 1v1 and he has good mobility/roaming capability. He is also very good at stealing Dragons with Paranoia and can get away with Duskbringer/ Shroud of Darkness.


Masteries Link

I Like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. Nocturne, however, is a little different, he relies on getting kills early and hurting the enemies' early game, therefore, I go 21/9/0 for the damage it provides. Glasscannons are really risky, but for Nocturne, it's often worth it. I go for the nine point in defense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Even though your skills scale with AD, the ratios are to miniscule to depend on. AS is much better for proccing Umbra Blades for increased jungle speed. I can't find any other Marks I would consider nearly as good, but AD can work if you don't have AS. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on for all your ganks. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. One of Nocturne's main disadvantages is that his only form of CC can be counteracted by moving away from Nocturne. To stay on people's tails, I like to use Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, they also help your roaming ability. You can also use AS or HP, but it's not as good as MS.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the flexibility. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. I max Duskbringer second because it provides such an awesome AD and MS steroid, it helps you jungling, it is great for ganking and when your team is pushing a tower. I max Unspeakable Horror third, as the Fear of Unspeakable Horror is an incredibly strong CC, I will sometimes max it second when iI get just 1 or 2 ranks in Duskbringer if I plan to gank a lot. Lastly, I max Shroud of Darkness. It's AS steroid is nice, but no where near as usefull as either more damage, AS and Fear duration and the magic shield is unchanged with leveling.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. After Phage, you have to get some serious AS going. I do that with Wit's End. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish either Maw of Malmortius or Frozen Mallet, depending on whether you need damage or HP. When you're done with this consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, buy an Atma's Impaler, Warmog's Armor, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Shyvana and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Last Whisper, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster, Infinty Edge or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. For added tankiness, I suggest Aegis of the Legion, Randuin's Omen]], Zeke's Herald or, again, whatever you feel suits Nocturne in the particular situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Nocturne is a fast jungler, a good ganker and a strong duelist. Basically, he is good at everything, but not the best at anything. He is somewhat reliant on a good early game, but won't fall off late game as Lee Sin, Shaco etc. He is strong the entire game and very flexible. He will make your enemies fear you all the time and force them to play safe, one wrong move and they're dead. I have 61% win ratio in 20 games with Nocturne.
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What's up with the Turtle Shell..?

I like Heart of Gold. In fact, I like it so much that I will get on almost any jungler in almost every game.

The reason for my non-sexual(?) love affair with Heart of Gold is that it provides HP and G/10. If you do some math, which I'm not gonna bother to find unless if asked repeatedly, it's NEVER efficient to buy any resistances before you have at least 1500 HP. And having 200 of any resistance isn't efficient either, unless you have 4000 HP! So if you have 2500 HP and 250 Armor, you're not tanky, you're just stupid. Always get as much HP as possible, then get some resistances.

A significant drawback of TT jungling is the, well, lack of jungle. There isn't much jungle, especially if there's two junglers. That's why your only advantage, apart from getting kills, must come from either farming lanes or G/10. And you wouldn't really be jungling if you were farming lanes constantly, would you?

For Shaco I often opt for Avarice Blade instead to build it into Youmuu's Ghostblade later on, but Heart of Gold can still pay off if you get killed when ganking. On tanks, I'll get both Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold for the mana and extra, extra gold, because they're slow farmers.

You can either upgrade Heart of Gold to Randuin's Omen or Locket of the Iron Solari. I would almost every time opt for Randuin's Omen, but a lot of times, I'll just sell it. If you have your Heart of Gold for 20 minutes, you'll have earned 600 gold and when you sell the Heart of Gold it's the same as 1 free kill even with the initial cost. So you got 200 HP and 1 kill for an item that you need anyway. Damn good deal!
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Other viable Picks

I mainly chose Mobafire as the site to write my guide on, because it allows me to make build-, mastery-, rune- etc. presentations for 10 champions.

In this guide, there's 10 junglers, that I personally consider the best and most easily used junglers for 3v3, but there are several other viable picks. Basically, most viable junglers for 5v5 is also viable for 3v3, only with a few exceptions; Junglers that rely heavily on getting a blue buff in 5v5, won't work in 3v3

This rule is the reason why I don't jungle champions like Amumu, Skarner and Nautilus on 3v3. They're all strong, but very reliant on blue buffs, because they have skills that need to be spammed to clear jungle early on. If they don't spam, they're slow as hell and you'll get behind in no time.

Apart from that, feel free to pick any other 5v5 jungler, my personal favourites not previously mentioned in this guide are Cho'Gath, Jax, Malphite, Maokai, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Sejuani, Trundle, Volibear and Xin Zhao. Just find a 5v5 guide for them and maybe make small adjustments as you please.

I haven't played them as 3v3 junglers against a competitive team, but I theorize that both Diana and Rengar should be highly viable. Diana's fast clear speed combined with her mobility should make for a nice 3v3 champion, only problem is that she might not get the gold she requires. Rengar should be much more viable as a jungler than he is for 5v5, as he can use his leap passive much more because of the many bushes on the TT map. He also seems like a good single target hunter, which is also good.
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Choosing your Jungler

So many options for junglers.. Wåffles, which one is the best, can't I just pick one that will always work and get me 2k elo?


Your choice of jungler depends on a wide range of parametres! You have to adapt your pick, build and playstyle to accomodate these parametres. The most important things to consider when choosing a jungler is;
  • Your team's damage distribution. It's important that your team's damage in teamfights are amount 50/50 magic and physical damage, this way, opponents can't counter the entire team by buying either MR or Armor. It's often better to have a little more magic damage for several reason; Champions' base stats provide more Armor than MR, Armor is cheaper and your opponents get more from building Armor as it also protects them from creeps and towers. You must pick whatever fits damagewise or you'll get hard counterbuilt.
  • Amount and Kind of CC. CC is very underrated. In TT, where there's narrow corridors and smaller lanes, CC is more effective than SR. Always get as much CC as possible and as many kinds as possible. A combination of slows, fears, roots, stuns etc. is best. And it goes without saying that if your team mates play Tryndamere and Mordekaiser, you can't go Shyvana. on the other hand, if your team is Jarvan IV and Singed, there's no need for you to be Sejuani. You have to be a buddhist in this matter, always go for the middle path, not extremes.
  • Tankiness/Damage. Again, balance is key. You wan't to deal as much damage as possible in TT, but be tanky too. There often aren't a main tank and support to protect a carry so the carries have to protect themselves. A all tank team like Malphite, Rammus and Galio can be hard to fight, but they're just so weak late game that you can ignore them. An AD carry, on the other hand is easy to kill, but will rape a 3 man team in seconds if protected. You need to balance your amount of tankiness with your damage. I will go through team compositions in another section, but keep in mind to find the balance and try different things for yourself to see what works for YOU!
  • Your Opponents' amount and distribution of damage, their tankiness and their amount of CC. Not only do you have to mind how your own team is built up, but also your opponents'. Pick, play and build according to it. Do they pick Tryndamere? Pick Rammus. Use your brain and don't just pick a champion that is considered WTFBBQZOMFGOPBROKEN****ER.
  • Experience. If you've played a specific champion more than the others, of course you'll be able to perform better with that champion. Often to a point that picking this champion might not be as advantageous as picking a champion that fits the criteria above better, but your skill and experience makes up for that and then some. Always pick something you're comfortable with, but I strongly suggest that you get as many champions as possible and practice them to the point that you can play them all at (around) the same level. I can play every jungler in the game with very few percentages difference in performance, because I tried them all and noted strengths, weaknesses, limits and tricks of them. SOme champions may suit your playstyle better, but I also suggest that you practice at making your playstyle more flexible so that you do not play the exact same way always, but accomodate the specific cer***stances.
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Team Compositions

As previously stated, there are certain parametres to be accounted for when creating a successful lineup of champions.

Your comp should: Have 50/50 magic and physical damage, enough CC, Tankiness/Damage ratio and you opponents' team comp.

To have equal amounts of magic and physical damage, you often end up with either;
  1. 2 physical bruisers and 1 magic bruiser, where a physical bruiser jungles.
  2. 1 physical bruiser and 2 magic bruisers, where the physical bruiser jungles.
  3. 1 physical bruiser, 1 mixed bruiser and 1 magic bruiser, where either the physical or mixed bruiser jungles.
  4. 2 physical bruisers and 1 AP carry, where a physical bruiser jungles.
  5. 1 physical bruiser, 1 tank, 1 AP carry, where the ´physical bruiser or tank jungles.
  6. 1 AD carry, 1 tank and 1 magic bruiser, where the tank jungles.

These would be typical setups when using a jungler. I do not recommend the first two as it will most likely result in an offset in damage distribution, but it will work in some cases. Specific examples of the different comps could look like this:
  1. Renekton top, Lee Sin jungle and Rumble bot.
  2. Vladimir top, Nocturne jungle and Ryze bot.
  3. Riven top, Dr. Mundo jungle and Mordekaiser bot.
  4. Xin Zhao top, Jarvan IV jungle and Brand bot.
  5. Olaf top, Alistar jungle and Ahri bot.
  6. Corki top, Rammus jungle and Singed bot.

I would consider all these comps highly viable and some of them are very effective. The used categories I put the champions into are; Physical bruisers, Magic bruisers, Mixed bruisers, Tanks, AP carrys and AD carrys. I will list viable champions for TT below for each category. This is to show what kind of champions you're nmost likely to have to accomodate and for your team mates to get good ideas. Some champions might be in several caterories, but that is because they're versatile enough to fill different roles.

Physical Bruisers

Fiora, Gangplank, Garen, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Olaf}}, [[Pantheon, Renekton, Riven, Shaco, Shyvana, Sion, Talon, Trundle, Tryndamere, Wukong and Xin Zhao.

Most bruisers are viable, they deal good damage and are still tanky.

Magic Bruisers

Cho'Gath, Galio, Gragas, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nunu & Willump, Rumble, Ryze, Singed, Sion, Swain and Vladimir.

Tanky AP's are never bad, these are good because of their inherent tankiness and ability to still deal damage.

Mixed Bruisers

Dr. Mundo, Hecarim, Irelia, Jax, Jayce, Nasus, Poppy, Skarner, Udyr, Volibear, Warwick and Yorick.

These are very versatile and fit in many places, they deal and damage and are tanky.


Cho'Gath, Dr. Mundo, Galio], Jarvan IV, Malphite, Maokai, Nunu & Willump, Rammus, Sejuani, Shen, Singed, Udyr and Volibear.

Full tanks deal less damage than bruisers, but they are also significantly tankier and have more CC - Some bruisers are good tanks if built right.

AP Carrys

Ahri, Akali, Anivia, Brand, Cassiopeia, Diana, Fizz, Gragas, Kassadin, Katarina, Kennen, LeBlanc, Lux, Morgana, Orianna, Ryze, Veigar, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean and Zyra.

For TT, you want your AP carry to either have plenty of CC, range or an escape - all of them is even better.

AD Carrys

Caitlyn, Corki, Ezreal, Graves, Kayle, Kennen, Kog'Maw, Sivir, Talon Tristana and Vayne.

AD carrys on TT needs to either be able to look after themselves or have an escape. Kog'Maw is the one exception because as long as he is protected, he'll shred bruisers and tanks to microscopic bits.

Apart from Jungler + 2 Solo lanes, you might encounter Support/AD and Solo on higher Elos. this setup has become more popular and is very effective. the support will zone the solo laner and will roam the bot lane to gank. He will also search for the jungler and make his life miserable. It's strong if the support succeeds at zoning the opposing solo laner and puts the jungler far enough behind, but if the solo laner farms well and the jungler can avoid being disturbed, it'll backfire as the support will be weak without farm. This setup also leaves the jungle for the jungler and allows him to get fed on buffs and get better Dragon and Lizard control. You can try it, but I prefer jungler + 2 Solo lanes.

Make your own comps and try them out, just remember my tips. If you want my opinion on a comp, just PM me and I'll try to answer!

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In this section, I'll post Replays of matches I had with my ranked team versus some good teams. I'll just describe who it was and make a brief commentary on the game.

  1. We played against the, at that time, #3 team on the EUNE ladder, "The Best". They were at that time 1830 elo and we were around 1300. They ran Support/AD carry, which is quite unorthodox on TT, but have apparently been quite successful with it (Their support player had >90% win ratio with Sona in A LOT of games). Our Jarvan IV wasn't too confident against them, so the laners switched and won lanes hard because of Mordekaisers poor farming and the duo lane's inability to zone our Singed. I made two mistakes that game; I decided to Flash after Sona too late when i made a gank, although I prolly wouldn't have gotten the kill anyway, and I stayed too long under a tower, that was doomed and died (barely). Although they got the Firstblood, we got the Dragon and it just spiralled from there with our Jarvan IVs incredible farm. Here's the link to download the replay.

  2. We've also played versus a team, that usually is to find at around spot #10-20, "Squirrels Gaming". They went with a jungler too. We simply outplayed these guys - although we have lost to them in the past. They are among the most rutined teams and play very reliably. Here's the link to download the replay.

  3. The best team, we've played against was two guys from the long time top team on the ladder on TT, "Fck it", which is just under 2k elo. They were playing with another decent player on a smurf team. Their team name is a mockery of a player they, and I too, used to play with, who has a horrible attitude and flames/griefs all over the place ans therefore can never get a team. Their AP Maokai was insanely good and, unfortunately, outplayed our Morgana, who is not as routined a Morgana as he is a Rumble or Singed - both of which they banned. We made some stupid mistakes and they did a fast Dragon, which just made them snowball even harder. It was a good fight, but those guys are really good. Here's the link to download the replay.

As my team disbanded, I don't play too much 3v3 anymore, so I prolly won't be uploading too many interesting games, but I'll add them if I happen to get one!

If you have some replays you would like me to showcase here, please PM me and I'll add them and make comments when I have some time to spare!

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Yes. Right here.

This was my guide for 3v3 jungling and some general 3v3 tips n' tricks, it was fun, but also hard work to make - I've put more hours into this than all my school assignments last year (I didn't really do any, though..)! I really hope you like it and find it educational and entertaining. I realize it's veeeeery long, but I didn't want to leave something out, I wanted to make sure every rock had been turned (ofc that's not the case, but I'll keep adding and making it more and more complete as we go).

I want to thank Banders, Sunat and others for pressuring me to finish this guide so that I didn't just leave it half-way finished and I also want to thank TheEverlasting and Banders for input and feedback in the process!

I want to thank the people who expected this guide and waited patiently, but first and foremost, I want to thank you for reading this and hopefully realize/raise awareness of how fun a map, Twisted Treeline truly is!

Please, please, please feel free to PM me for any questions/possible additions and add me in LoL on the EUNE server and I'll be willing to play, coach etc.! I also have accounts on other servers, so just PM me and we can play on NA and EUW too! Just remember that I can't be everywhere at all times, we can only do a few games once in a while!

Please leave a +1 if this guide helped you and thank you again, I'll smell ya later on the Fields of Justice!
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