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Home // News // League of Legends Early Patch 13.15 - Aatrox gutted in one patch

League of Legends Early Patch 13.15 - Aatrox gutted in one patch

Kai'Sa finally getting more nerfs, buffs to Camille, changes to Summons, and nerfs to Shyvanna Top? Find here the details on this League of Legends Patch 13.15

Last patch 13.14 we saw buffs that turned Aatrox into the best top lane champion, made Lissandra return into the meta, and even allowed Shyvanna to be a menace in the top lane. All of this happened and Kai'Sa was still dominating the rift (again).

Although a minor patch, it is going to bring balancing to Champions' Summons, nerf to overperformers such as Aatrox and Kai'Sa, neat buffs to a few forgotten champions like Caitlyn, Taliyah and Camille.

League of Legends Patch 13.15 also begins the preparations ahead of Worlds patch, so without further ado, let’s jump into the changes.

Soul Fighter Gwen

Soul Fighter Gwen joins the fray

More “manageable” Champions' Summons in LoL Patch 13.15

One of the more significant changes for this patch is the reduction of resistances in Champions' Summons. Since Ivern domination in the last few patches, Riot has been looking for ways to improve how players deal with these creatures to no avail.

Annie Splash Art

Summon Pets are a little too strong~

That’s why in this patch, Riot Phroxzon has stated the wish to fine tuning the summon champions (Annie, Heimerdinger, Ivern, and Yorick). This time they want to improve the ability of the other roles to have more avenues to deal with the summons, instead of relying on your Graves using Smite to avoid getting run down by a Daisy.

Yorick Splash Art

Changes to Maiden will improve her team fights and split push

First of all, the popular tree in the block Ivern is getting nerfs to Daisy (Ultimate). The bigger nerf is to her up-time duration, going from 60 to 45 seconds, overall making her up-time feel less impactful. The other changes are skewed towards both Ivern and Daisy's AP ratio, these tweaks will mainly affect his AP builds.

Talking now about bears, Annie’s Summon: Tibbers HP is getting nerfed overall, from 1300 at level 6 to 1150, although late-game game numbers are better from 3100 to 3500. That is the same case with her resistances (nerfed early, buffed later), it now scales based on levels 6-18 instead of leveling up the ultimate.

The third summon being addressed is Heimerdinger’s evolved turret. UPGRADE!! H-28Q Apex Turret (Evolved Q) HP is adjusted from 850-1450 to 725-1525. Although numbers seem better, the scaling is going from +25-200% to +50%, so a big nerf. Resistances for turrets are getting better though.

Heimner Splash Art

Evolved turret getting some buffs/nerfs?

Finally, Yorick’s Maiden adjustments. Now the Maiden is going to have much less HP, to compensate though she’s getting brand new resistances that scale with level (10-50) along with HP regeneration of 2.5% (she didn’t have that previously).

To wrap up this section, Smite damage on Champions is reduced from 600/900/1200 to 20-160 (based on level) to match the damage to champions.

Are these changes affecting the way we interact with Summons? As always time will tell.

Buffs and Nerfs in League of Legends Patch 13.15

Although a minor patch, the biggest changes in this one has to be to the Jungle role and the Top lane (Hello Camille!). This time ADC, Support, and Mid will be left to the side, but you can even argue that Kai’Sa AP build being nerfed is big.

Jungle – Tank junglers getting nerfs

Shyvanna Splash Art

Cut her some slack Riot

A ton of changes to junglers mostly nerfs and one unexpected buff to an earth-bender champion. Lately, pro meta has revolved around the use of Tank junglers too often, and ahead of Worlds, Riot is starting to address those.

Tank junglers getting nerfs are Sejuani (Less damage in her W), and Maokai’s Bramble Smash (Q) bonus damage to monsters reduced.

After just being buffed, Shyvanna is getting nerfs. Right now her AD build is overperforming, although this build is getting more traction in the top lane, so before things get out of hand Riot is shipping preemptive nerfs to the Half-Dragon.

Talking about unfun and degenerate states, Ivern is getting nerfs finally. Despite being too strong, Ivern rework has increased his pick rate a ton, and even make it into pro play.

That’s why Riot is not trying to render him useless, so they hitting parts of his kit that are doing too much while leaving in a good state those that do fine.

Are these changes stopping the Tree? Well, we shall see in the next patch.

Last, but not least, Taliyah is getting a massive buff to both her scaling but also her jungle clearing. Threaded Volley (Q) damage is increasing and Unraveled Earth (W) Damage ratio is increased from 150% to 175%, and the cooldown is reduced. So expect the Stoneweaver to be seen a lot in your Solo Queue games… even Worlds.

Taliyah Splash Art

Jungle Taliyah is making a comeback!

ADC - Kai'Sa AP going down

The OP Void champion is finally getting nerfs, and no… it’s not Kog’Maw.

Kai’Sa is getting her per-missile AP ratio reduced on her Icathian Rain (Q), her base HP is reduced from 670 to 640, and her evolved Void Seeker (W) cooldown is reduced from 77-75. These changes appear small, but they will make a huge reduction of damage to AP Kai’Sa. She’s still going to be OP with her AD build though, only be more careful in the early game.

Talking about ADC champion getting buffs, we only have Caitlyn. For quite a while she has not performed as well with a win rate of only 47%, but this could change with her increase in critical strike ratio in both her Passive and Ultimate. Although we don’t know exactly how this change will help her poor mid-game and tough matchups.

Caitlyn Splash Art

Buffs to the Sheriff

Supports - Nami Changes

Moving into the support role, this time will not get as many changes, only one in fact, and is to Nami. Even though the balance team did announce a change to Rell, it did not end up going through.

Nami is getting more damage to her Aqua Prison (Q), and her passive Surging Tides movement speed buff is increasing. These changes aren’t going to make her meta or anything like that, but the passive changes can make strides, especially with Nami mains who abuse it to its fullest potential. So what do we know? Maybe a new build with Q as the main ability will change our minds.

Top Lane - Camille buffed, Aatrox nerfed

Camille Splash Art

Expect Camille's resurgence in LoL Patch 13.15

Aatrox being OP is not something Riot likes, and after receiving a set of buffs in patch 13.14 it was enough to make the competent pick into a blind pick meta top. That’s why he’s receiving a nerf to his The Darkin Blade (Q) AD ratio reduced by 10% at level 5.

Another champion that’s hard to balance in pro play is Gwen. Her buffs are minor, improving her base HP regeneration and improving the resistances in her Hallowed Mist (W). These changes though, probably will not mean as much to Solo Queue but be impactful in pro play.

Finally, the last change is to Camille. Despite rising in popularity, the Steel Shadow is getting love. First, her AD per level is increased from 3.5 to 3.8. And the second change, and the most interesting one, is to her Hextech Ultimatum (Ultimate) bonus magic damage on-hit increased from 5/10/15 to 20/30/40.

We will need to wait until changes are live, but we may see a new build taking advantage of the bonus magic damage in Camille’s Hextech Ultimatum.

Mid - Yasuo and Yone getting buffs

Yone and Yasuo

These brothers are receiving another round of buffs. Source: Foritis Wang's Art Station

Last but not least, changes to the Mid lane. Only two champions are going to receive changes and that spot is reserved for both of the Ionian brothers: Yone and Yasuo.

Yasuo is getting more survivability in the early game with improvements to his Shield from the passive Way of the Wanderer (+30 at level 3 for instance). Although numbers are not quite as big, so we need to wait until the patch goes live to learn how this will affect the Unforgiven..

Finally, Yone is getting a buff also to her early game with a change to his Spirit Cleave (W) shield, now it grants 55-75 (based on level), from 45-65 making it a 10, small but significant to Yone.

With Infinity Edge's build getting more popular with both brothers, there’s a possibility of them becoming way stronger in the next patch.

System Nerfs

Wrapping this up, System nerfs to Glacial Augment and Night Harvester. The meta of engage supports is making Glacial Augment the go-to pick keystone for meta supports like Rell and Nautilus. That’s why the rune is getting nerfs.

Glacial Augment slow adjusted from 30% (+3% per 100 AP) (+4% per 100 bAD) to 20% (+6% per 100 AP) (+7% per 100 bAD). This change will make the slow in early way less impactful, on the other side it can open up possibilities for other champions to get the extra slow scaling and use it better (Veigar comes to mind).

The last change is to Night Harvester, now the passive Soul Rend will proc only on abilities, attacks, and pet damage, so indirect sources of damage like Statikk Shiv or Luden’s Tempest proc will not activate Soul Rend. This means, nerfs to Leblanc (She will still abuse it with her autos).

Below is the entire list of changes, for more of a detailed breakdown of the changes.

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List of Changes - League of Legends Patch 13.12



  • The Darkin Blade (Q) AD ratio reduced 60/70/80/90/100% >>> 60/67.5/75/82.5/90%


  • Headshot (Passive) Critical Strike Chance ratio increased 120% >>> 130%
  • Ace in the Hole (R) Critical Strike Chance ratio increased 2.5% per 10% >>> 3.5% per 10% Critical Strike Chance


  • AD per level increased 3.5 >>> 3.8
  • The Hextech Ultimatum (R) bonus magic damage on-hit increased 5/10/15 >>> 20/30/40


  • Base HP regeneration increased 8.5 >>> 9
  • Hallowed Mist (W) resistances increased 17/19/21/23/25 >>> 22/24/26/28/30

Ivern - PBE, subject to change

  • Base Magic Resistance reduced 32 >>> 30
  • Magic Resistance per level reduced 2.05 >>> 1.30
  • Brushmaker (W) ally damage increased 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 >>> 10/15/20/25/30
  • Triggerseed (E) shield adjusted 80/115/150/185/220 (+75% AP) >>> 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% AP)
  • Daisy! (R) adjustments:
  • Duration reduced 60 >>> 45 seconds
  • HP adjusted 1300/2600/3900 >>> 1000-4400 (+50 per level until 12, then +400 per level)
  • Resistances adjusted 20/60/100 (+5% AP) >>> 30-90 (based on level)
  • Daisy AD AP Ratio reduced 30% >>> 15%
  • Shockwave rescripted so that AD nerf does not affect total shockwave damage.


  • Base HP reduced 670 >>> 640
  • Icathian Rain (Q) per-missile AP ratio reduced 30% >>> 20%
  • Evolved Void Seeker (W) cooldown refund reduced 77% >>> 75% (8% cooldown nerf)


  • Bramble Smash (Q) bonus monster damage reduced 100/120/140/160/180 >>> 80/100/120/140/160


  • Surging Tides (Passive) Move Speed increased 90 (+20% AP) >>> 100 (+25% AP)
  • Aqua Prison (Q) damage increased 75/130/185/240/295 >>> 90/145/200/255/310


  • Winter's Wrath (R) total damage reduced 50/95/140/185/230 >>> 30/75/120/165/210


  • AD per level reduced 3.4 >>> 3
  • HP per level reduced 109 >>> 104


  • Threaded Volley (Q) damage increased 45/65/85/105/125 >>> 50/70/90/110/130
  • Unraveled Earth (E) buffs:
  • Cooldown reduced 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds
  • Monster damage ratio increased 150% >>> 175%


  • Way of the Wanderer (Passive) shield scaling adjusted to +30 at level 3, +75 at level 6, +125 at level 9, +79 at level 16 (shield value is the same at 125-600)


  • Spirit Cleave (W) shield increased 45-65 >>> 55-75 (based on level)

Summon Pet Changes


  • Summon: Tibbers (R) adjustments:
  • HP adjusted 1300/2200/3100 (+75% AP) >>> 1150-3500 (nonlinear, based on levels 6-18) (+50% AP)
  • Resistances reduced 30/60/90 (+5% AP) >>> 30-90 (based on levels 6-18)


  • UPGRADE!!! H-28Q Apex Turret (R) adjustments:
  • HP adjusted 850-1450 (based on level 6-18) (+25-200% AP (based on levels 8-18)) >>> 725-1525 (+50% AP) (based on level 6-18)
  • Resistances increased 10-80/25-65 (Armor/Magic Resistance) (based on levels 6-18/8-18) >>> 30-90 (based on level)


  • Eulogy of the Isles (R) Maiden of the Mist adjustments:
  • HP regeneration per second added 0 >>> 2.5
  • HP reduced 350/1100/3300 (+75% Yorick's tHP) >>> 400-1950 (+66-90% Yorick's tHP) (nonlinear, based on levels 6-18)
  • Armor and Magic Resistance added 0 >>> 10-50 (nonlinear, based on levels 6-18)

System Nerfs

Glacial Augment

  • Slow adjusted 30% (+3% per 100 AP) (+4% per 100 bAD) >>> 20% (+6% per 100 AP) (+7% per 100 bAD)

Night Harvester

  • Soulrend will only proc on abilities, attacks, and pet damage (Luden's proc paradigm + attacks, no indirect effects)

Smite on Champion Pets

  • Effects on non-lane minions changed:
  • Damage reduced 600/900/1200 >>> 20-160 (based on level) to match damage to champions Slows 20% Move Speed for 2 seconds after unlocking Unleashed Smite

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