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It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 5 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool. 🏆

League of Legends Articles

Check out all the latest League of Legends news! LoL updates, patch notes, and more.

League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: January 20th - January 27th

Find out which champions and skins will be on sale for the week between the 20th of January and the 27th of January by scanning our article below!

Patch 25.S1.2 PBE Preview

Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming Patch 25.S1.2.  Highlights include new Mythmaker and Dumpling Darling...

[TFT 13.4] Festival of Beasts Returns

Celebrate the Lunar New Year by playing through the Revival of the beloved 2021 set Fates: Festival of Beasts!

League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: January 13th - January 20th

Find out which champions and skins will be on sale for the week between the 13th of January and the 20th of January by scanning our article below!

[V25.S1.2] New Champion: Mel

Learn everything you need to know about Mel before she comes live in just under two weeks. Hop on PBE to try her out now!

League of Legends Patch 25.S1.1 Summary

Patch 25.S1.1 is here with various champion changes, system changes, item changes, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick...

TFT Into The Arcane Patch 13.3

Into The Arcane is receiving its third update! Read on to learn about all the changes that are going live on Wednesday in Teamfight Tactics.

League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: January 6th - January 13th

Find out which champions and skins will be on sale for the week between the 6th of January and the 13th of January by scanning our article below!

League of Legends Champion & Skin Sale: December 30th - January 6th

Find out which champions and skins will be on sale for the week between the 30th  of December and the 6th of January by scanning our article...

Patch 25.S1.1 PBE Preview

Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming Patch 25.S1.1, the first patch of the 2025 Season! Learn about the new Battle...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide