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League of Legends Articles

Check out all the latest League of Legends news! LoL updates, patch notes, and more.

League of Legends Patch 13.6 Summary

Patch 13.6 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

League of Legends Early 13.6 Balance Patch notes: Buffs, Nerf and System Changes.

Huge Vayne Buffs, Love for Galio and Talon - Heavy Nerfs to Yuumi, Aurelion Sol, Veigar ADC... and much more in this Early LoL 13.6 Patch Notes...

The most OP Bot lane pick is... Veigar ADC!?

The Tiny Evil Master is terrorizing Korean Master+ with a ban rate of over 46.86%!

LoL Champion Pricing Updates: Champions will cost a lot less

Huge changes for the Champion price system are live, and it come with heavy price reductions (Around 140,606 BE and 4,905 RP for the Champion...

TFT Set 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out!

TFT Set 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out is right around the corner, featuring plenty of new traits, champions and exciting changes! Find out all...

LoL Devblog: New Champion prices, Gamemode, Wild Rift Skins and more...

In the new recent LoL dev blog presented by Riot Brightmoon and Riot Meddler, they talked about champion updates, ASUS, changes to prices,...

What we know about Milio, The Gentle Flame - the New LoL Champion

After going dark for almost two months, Riot have finally revealed more info about the new LoL champion Milio, and it was a heck load of...

League of Legends Patch 13.5 Summary

Patch 13.5 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

The Mageseeker: New League of Legends Game Feat. Sylas

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story features Sylas as a protagonist in a thrilling Action RPG story fighting the Mageseekers - anti mage...

What is CGU, ASU, VGU, Mid-Scope Updates, etc? A guide to understand League of Legend Champion Reworks.

If you've been wondering what the heck is a CGU after Riot changed Aurelion Sol, you are not alone. Do they change their skills? or just Champion's...

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide