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Caitlyn Ability (LoL): Headshot

Headshot Caitlyn

Caitlyn Ability: Headshot
Every 6 Attacks, Caitlyn fires a Headshot. Attacks while in brush count as 2 for building towards a Headshot.

Headshots deal an additional 60 / 90 / 120% AD bonus physical damage. They have double range and deal a further 110 / 115 / 120% AD bonus physical damage against enemies hit with Yordle Snap Trap. They have double range against enemies hit with 90 Caliber Net.

Caitlyn's Abilities

Caitlyn Ability: Headshot Caitlyn Ability: Headshot Caitlyn Ability: Headshot Caitlyn Ability: Headshot
Headshot is used by Caitlyn

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mralcapone | May 2, 2013 5:27pm
Don't know if people know, but hurricane shots will proc the passive for each target hit, so 1 shot = 3 stacks, from a bush, 1 shot = 6 stacks, headshot every shot xD
LordeYordle-inni | February 23, 2021 7:40am
You are a blessing sir
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