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Maokai Ability (LoL): Bramble Smash

Bramble Smash Maokai

Maokai Ability: Bramble Smash
Range: 600
Cooldown: 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5
Cost: 40
Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 / 245 (+40% of ability power) plus (+2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4% of the target's max health) magic damage and briefly slowing. Nearby enemies are also knocked back.

Maokai's Abilities

Maokai Ability: Bramble Smash Maokai Ability: Bramble Smash Maokai Ability: Bramble Smash Maokai Ability: Bramble Smash
Bramble Smash is used by Maokai

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HateThyKing (6) | April 4, 2011 6:27am
I think the range or the AOE of this skill should be bigger. In teamfights, it isn't that much of a threat when compared to Cho'Gath's rupture or Alistair's slam.
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