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[Community Spotlight] - Koksei

Creator: jhoijhoi January 21, 2015 1:08am
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 1:08am | Report

MOBAFire's January Community Spotlight!
Welcome ladies and gents! Last Community Spotlight we interviewed Wayne3100, one of MOBAFire's newer admins. This month's interview will feature koksei, a guy who... well... let's find out! koksei has been a contributing member to MobaFire since 2011, back when you could tag your guide as "awesome". You've probably noticed him most through his now archived guides and mingled with him among the forums over the years, where he's posted about his solo ranked queue journey smurfing in OCE and his experiments with signature making. The following questions are from the Veteran's Hall, and half the fun is guessing which vet asked which question :D

Your Journey with MOBAFire
"MOBAFire is a strategy guide tool and community for League of Legends"; or at least that's what the little blurb at the bottom of the page says. In the following questions, koksei talks about his role at MOBAFire, his experiences here and why every LoL player should check MOBAFire out - at least once.

||| First things first, why aren't you so active around MobaFire anymore?Invisible text, hooooooo!

I am actually on Mobafire everyday I just don't find all too many topics I am interested in. The one section of MobaFire I really used to like was the competitive scene with all the ranked threads. I guess I'll make a S5 thread in there eventually.

||| You knew this sort of question was coming: Would you recommend MOBAFire to LoL players? If yes, why? If no, get out :P

I'd recommend MobaFire just as much as other guide pages. I never joined another guide page since I was quite happy here, mainly with the community. To be honest I haven't looked at a single guide in like 2 years now... The guide section was always a bit weird to me; I mean sure there aren't a lot of bronze guides high up, but ye... But I honestly dunno how to "repair" Mobafire without changing its brand of "we value every user just as much, doesn't matter if bronze 5 or challenger".

||| If you could trade places irl with any MOBAFire member, who would it be and why? Extra hidden text here. Who will find it, eh? :D

That'd obviously be jhoijhoi since I miss Australia! Living in Sydney was the good life.

||| Okay, this question is obligatory... How do you pronounce your username, and why did you choose it? Tosh has some strange ideas about this one.

I'll give ya the story first... Once upon a time there was a 11 yo Koray, 6th grade, bored with his mates in computer class. We browsed the web and found this browser game called "World of Crime". As the name suggests you basically dealt drugs and bought/sold cars and could have gang fights. I had to come up with a name for that and since my rl-name is Koray and koks = cocaine I kinda went ahead and combined them. Ever since then I just kept it.

Regarding the pronunciation... I don't even know. Wayne, Khazem and most of them get it right, some people still call me koksi since that was my LoL name at first because your account name couldn't be your ig name.

I guess I'll just explain the "D" and "Panda" in my ign koksei D Panda real quick... "D" because "Tenacious D" and "One Piece", Panda cuz Storm Panda in WC3 Dota was my main and in Dota2 they turned him into a fat Asian rapist T.T So it's kind of a tribute to the old Storm Panda R.I.P.


||| Lastly, it wouldn't be a MOBAFire community spotlight without heckling the community... In your opinion, who are the Most Memorable Members of MOBAFire and why? (see dat dere alliteration?)

Wintermond: He was the first guy I actually talked to.
Icecreamy: Our Lux guides competed for #1 and we met at gamescom 2 (or 3?) years ago.
And just people that pop to my head when I think about MobaFire: Wayne, Khazem, Luther, GMD, Fox, ichi, Maw, Pengu, Oxide. I've known these guys for ages now and we had some fun times!

Addicted to League of Legends?
League of Legends is one of the world's largest online gaming communities that started as a spin-off DotA from W3. Since its humble beginnings in 2009, it has grown into a game consisting of over 100 champions battling it out across 4 maps and has spread to regions all over the world. Koksei discusses his journey with LoL and shares some tips and tricks regarding his favourite champions.

||| You've been a LoL player for quite a few years now and have climbed the ladder all the way to Platinum. What are your plans for Season 5?

Welp, sadly I never actually got Diamond. Plat 1 with 6LP was the highest. I either had to catch a plane to Australia or just straight up lost, so never progressed. I'm currently sitting at Plat 2, dropped a couple of days ago. As for goals, I want to get at least 1-2 roles other than support back to a good level as I'm kinda rusty on everything but support at the moment. Oh and obviously get Diamond. EZPZ.

Here's a Basic How To At Least Get Gold Pack:
a) Have 1-2(3) main roles, be decent at the others.
b) Go into a bot game once a day (at least) and practice CSing - you last hit for 10 min and try to get as many minions as possible. If I recall correctly 107 minions is max - anything above 90 is quite alright.

||| Having played on the OCE server, how would you say the strength of it compares to EUW/NA? Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!

Just a small weird story beforehand... As I was leveling up my smurf on OCE, I met a level 21 guy with rather good CS so I assumed he was also a smurf - turned out he wasn't and he was so "good" at it because he played a MOBA on his tablet. That surprised me quite a bit, anyway he was quite a chill dude so we played quite a bit and I tried to teach him a bit. So climbing on OCE was just slightly easier than EUW, then again I always played support. To be honest I don't think the difference at lower elo (Bronze-Plat) is all too big between OCE/EU/NA... Then I went ahead and watched the OCE regionals... and oh my god that was horrible to watch. Not sure if those guys were just super nervous or something like that, but damn that was horrible to watch. In general, I had the feeling that the people there were more willing to learn, and honestly didn't have more than a handful of trolls in all my games there.

||| League is not perfect. Riot does try their best, but over time champions become outdated or maps become stale. What's your biggest quality of life suggestion for LoL?

Never really thought anything got stale in LoL, I mean sure it got a bit more boring from time to time but in the end it's still fun.

||| Who's the best champion in League of Legends and why is it Talon? If you can't guess who asked this question in one go, you really underestimate the power of Cloth Armour.

I main the support role. I like that supports impact the game so much with their vision control and a lot of them are playmakers, such as Thresh, Leona and Janna. I dislike dumb champions like Fizz, Talon, Zed and LeBlanc who can oneshot people without a whole lot of counterplay. Nice try, Uzi Junior.

||| Now that we've got that important question answered, here's another that's a little less existence-shattering: Who are your three favorite champions, and why?

I really enjoy that you can play aggressive and passive so well with her and have sick engage/disengage.

For the sick plays you can do with him.

Always liked her and now that she can one-shot people she's even more fun.

Since I main support, my favorite champions reflect that role. I like to have my hands free for shot-calling, timing flashes and be the one mainly responsible for our vision. Carrying as a support is just as hard as any other role, if you are a good support you should always win favorable matchups and at least go even in matchups in your opponents favor. In laning it's a lot easier to have a derpy ADC than vice versa.

||| Those who don't know you may think this question is silly, but we're genuinely curious: Why did you like playing Lux jungle and are you still into it? ... and for the meta-breakers out there, could you give us a quick run down on how you made it work?

Excellent question, sadly I must tell you that my 100% win ratio on her got destroyed. As always, I was destroying people all over the map but some of my heavy team mates (namely "Skygoat" and someone else whose name I'll keep a secret for their own sake), sucked mayor ballseck and so my reign as 100$ winrate Lux jungle was destroyed. The strategy for Lux jungle? Basically you go for a level 2 gank with red, fck **** up, get Trinity Force and Max W. Then you get BOTRK or basically whatever you want. I haven't tried in the new jungle yet, but should be easy with the soft reset on Golems. BTW, return of the support MF soontm too, it's so good you can't even argue against it - ask Davy.

Psychoanalyzing You :D
Koksei's time at MOBAFire and seeing victory screens in LoL are only small parts of this multi-faceted man. Join us as koksei reminiscences about his past, talks us through his irl career and reveals secrets about himself in this tell-all interview!

||| What is that one thing that happened in the past that you did (preferably from your teenage years for the cringefactor), that comes back to haunt you every now and then?

Well, it wasn't so cringe-worthy for me but apparently Penguin and some others from here thought otherwise. Back in 2012, 16yo Koray is in Austria with some friends and we visit a gorge. It's raining like **** and I don't have rainproof pants. The young and smart me went ahead and put on a garbage bag. I totally pulled that look off.

||| What kind of music style do you like? koksei seems to be the type who likes dubstep. Surely. Everyone loves dubstep. Wub wub wub. DROP THE BASS.
My music style is basically everything that rocks:

> Disturbed
> Rise Against
> Foo Fighters
> Avenged Sevenfold
> Tenacious D
> Eminem and German rap
> some Drum n' Bass...

||| A lot of us here at MobaFire do things irl that is completely different to playing LoL. What's your thing other than sitting in front of the computer facerolling QWER?

I did an apprenticeship in Media Design and finished it 2013. I then went to Australia for a year. This year I'll start studying again in April. At the moment I'm just working in some factory. Other than work-related stuff, I've been into gymnastics for about 15 years now, started Muay Thai a bit ago, gym... Occasionally I like to get drunk with my friends, I love eating, used to play chess, surfing (prolly going France or Netherlands in summer to do that again) oh and obviously I am Challenger Tier with the ladies.

We know you recently visited and lived in Australia. These last questions are related to your time there...

> Have you ever doinked a kangaroo?

> What kinda friends did you make in Australia?

> And what was your impression of Oz in general?

I kinda hit a roo with my car, couldn't 100% stop the car and hit it with like 10kmh - it stayed alive tho. AFAIK you are allowed to doink a roo as long as you are drunk. Australia's got a reputation with dangerous animals, but I got no problems with spiders, reptiles etc... but when I was surfing and saw fins in the water I was just like "K that's it, was a good life". Turned out those fins belonged to 5 really fat dolphins chasing salmon, my Australian mate actually surfed a wave with the dolphins. Roos are nice so are koalas and echidnas ^_^

I've made quite a few friends with a lot of Australians - mainly co workers and some peeps we met clubbing. Like: really fckd up English people, funniest French I'll prolly ever meet, South Americanos with funny accents, not so stuck up Germans like you meet in Germany, Swedish lads, Finish ladies, Italianos, Japanese, Koreans... basically people from just about everywhere, some of them plan on coming to the next Oktoberfest in Munich ^_^

Australians seem quite lax, all my coworkers were really chill and great to hang out with. Speaking from personal experience (I might not have seen enough of them, but wherever I went this was pretty much it), it's kind of a shame most Aborigines are real bums. I'd be interested in Aboriginals who live in their "old ways"... if these even exist that is.

Past Spotlights
Ladies and gents, that concludes the January 2015 Community Spotlight! Thank you, koksei, for your contributions to MOBAFire! And thank you, dear readers, for coming along for the ride. If you're still hankering to read about other people's endeavors at MOBAFire, click the spoiler below to show a list of the previous spotlights. Cheers!

||| Whelp, that's all folks! I hope you enjoyed reading this, as I enjoyed writing it. Was heaps of fun to code all this stuff too :D

Want to nominate someone for next month's spotlight? You can do so here!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
Foxy Riven
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 1:25am | Report
Fun read, A for effort :)
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 3:09am | Report
I liked this one a lot. Very well structured, questions ran into various fields, I think it's a great improvement!
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 5:13am | Report
Was a interesting read.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
<Inhouse Regular>
TheRedPenguin's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 6:08am | Report
The garbage bag was not cool! Buy a ******* umbrella.
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 7:09am | Report
It's been 2,5 years, my friend. Time to go to Gamescom this summer :D

But was a great read, job well done :)

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 7:10am | Report
I actually attached the picture in the msg I sent jhoi, prolly over saw it lel.

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 7:35am | Report
**** sea 2hot4me <3

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 7:42am | Report
Wish you found a place for that baby picture somewhere in the interview =D

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2015 7:51am | Report
So jealous abot the Australia thing .. A friend of mine also went there last year for half a year and she actually prefers going back there again after graduation. I'd follow her to swim over to New Zealand

Nice read, Germans rule :p
Thanks to Natuhlee for this sig!
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