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Kog'Maw Build Guide by rhysyo

Candy Panda Kog' Maw

Candy Panda Kog' Maw

Updated on October 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rhysyo Build Guide By rhysyo 31 8 47,818 Views 62 Comments
31 8 47,818 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rhysyo Kog'Maw Build Guide By rhysyo Updated on October 31, 2011
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Thanks toThe_Nameless_Bard for the new banner

I have searched mobafire for an attack damge Kog'Maw build, and here it is.I'm going to show you Candy Panda's take on him. It’s very different, but you might like it. I saw an excellent way of playing Kog'Maw in the tournaments recently for IEM New York. I mean, it works well for them, and I use it to dominate normal solo games. It is applicable from noobs to ascending pros to the pros themselves with practice.

Some music if you like dubstep during reading
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Who is Candy Panda

Candy Panda is a high elo player and SK gaming's attack damage carry player here is some of his games with this build
credit to 4deman for the videos top guy
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Why you would you build him this way and pros/cons

First of all, you're probably wondering why you would want to build straight up attack damage instead of magic damage. Well, many people know Kog'Maw is a primarily magic damage champion, and by buying attack damage we place Kog’maw into the Hybrid category meaning he's harder to counter; the enemies will have to buy Magic Resist and Armor. Basically this means Kog'Maw will do more damage. And has lots of range can out range Caitlyn at level six and our harass other ranged attack damage carries like her making this guide bully effective so can really bully champions like her in the lane from level six and can out damage her onward from that if you land you're skills. also this time more magic defence candy panda using build shows you can dominate with his build videos will be up soon.

Really good at backdoring
Massive damage per second
Can make other attack damage carries cry
Here is an obvious one its CANDY PANDAS BUILD

Ultimate does not hit as hard

Why no madreds because you have your W Bio-Arcane Barrage is to stop them pesky health stackers no point getting more magic damage when this build focuses on attack damage and builds on some health and some resistance. Also because his ability's don't scale to great with ability power but his ultimate and all attack speed means nothing to towers so bad at backdoring that way later on when you have more attack damage built sure first item mostly magic=bad.Because you can get later if needed after Bloodthirster so you can stack more attack damage and life steal also Phantom Dancer movement speed critical chance attack speed.Would work well with Madreds and helps survivability and pushing then maybe after that Madreds would be fine depending on the situation get it whenever you feel you need it.

This is an example of how over powered Kog'Maws Bio-Arcane Barrage truly is you know some things broken when you can hit them on the summoner platform with basic attacks and notice he is running more of an speed build with on hit effects which is ok late game but early game is bad same with mid but I think attack damage is the way to go because the damage on the ultimate and being a sort of hybrid so it makes it difficult for enemies to defend against you credit to Kithas for the video.

This is an example of how to use Void Ooze Living Artillery in combination together to make really hard for them to escape your team and your shots and notice how he predicts were there going to go you might have to do that most the time especially when chasing thanks to Thisonesminexboxlive for the video and also ability power Kog'Maw has good burst but no sustained damage like the attack damage build.
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Summoner Spells

Combined with flash ucan near enough run away from anything if you use them correctly or you can catch up and finish your enemies off.

Can be used to stop some champion that heals by fifty percent and deals damage of time and also is true damage e.g Soraka won’t be able to heal of your damage using this skill.
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Some armour penetration since it’s an attack damage Kog ‘Maw build more penetration more cool down more spam ability which means BioArcane Barrage is up more of the time. Mana regeneration because as I have mentioned before he has some mana issues these help address that what is not to love.

Optional runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
I also believe that the additional attack speed helps early game and makes Bio-Arcane Barrage a lot more effective but the benefits don't go into late game were as the best runes are the ones I recommend. In my opinion because they are best late game and all games is about late game and the original ones help you to do this better than these ones.

If you can afford these are best runes for Kog'Maw rhysyo recommends


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Some movement speed because he has low base speed this helps sort that problem makes it easier to duke skill shots and get in range for attacks more cool down more spamming more armour penetration for more damage mana regeneration seals he has some mana problems.
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This is the standard 21/9 setup for ad carries which provides more damage earlier in the game and a good early game. A good mid to late game is amazing and can be helped by the masteries you choose. But why not time spent dead less time spent dead is good because it can sometimes win games thanks to PSI guard for pointing this out.

Optional masteries
Use these masteries if you like them and feel like you can keep the buffs in the lane and would like some extra movement speed more mana regeneration but doesn't have less time dead which could save you. I do suggest the original masteries 10% more critical damage 4% more physical and magic damage is too good to ignore. And you will be doing both so If you're feeling adventurous and feel you can maintain buffs until they go away or if you're more of an aggressive player like me take the original I feel there the Best masteries for this Build.

Other optional masteries
Caster set on attack damage what on earth reason is Kog'Maw is better with his summoners up provides a lot of cool down reduction mana regeneration movement speed increased buff duration less time spent dead
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Kog'Maw and his abilities

Gives Kog'Maw a lot of armour and magical shredding power and also some attack speed so even them tanks or bulky damage per second dealers do not seem that durable when you hit them with this amazing ability.
A mini madred's and grants his auto attacks huge range to decimate his enemies with the damage is insane just what you need against health stackers.

Area of effect slow and can help you and allies line up your skill shots and make it very difficult for the opposing team to escape your team
The ultimate long range harass skill only Kog'Maw skill that scales with attack damage but still does magic damage so a hybrid skill mostly extremely low cool down can reach a high mana cost if you spam it too much do not spam to much with it on wait six seconds or unless you know you can kill them fire away.

Combo time use these at all times
How you should play him before 6

How you should play him at 6
Why these combos because the majority of the time they will be too fast to skill shot also if they know how to duke Void Ooze ensures they are not and so you can land your remaining spells.
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Starter items

This is the start with the most staying power if you want to get right into your build I suggest trying this out combined with Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed will give you the chance to poke at them before they even get in range of you the majority of the time.

I suggest starting with this if you are laning bottom with a support champion like the ones I like to lane with further into my guide this start gives you great damage output early game four percent life steal and some much needed health if you are not with a support this is risky.

This and five health potions will help you rush Madred's Razors and build into a Wriggle's Lantern sooner and will be more cost efficient this way you get wards sooner saving some gold and gaining some better map coverage earlier and faster dragons and barons.
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Item Table Candy Pandas survivability burst

Item Sequence

Boots 300
Doran's Blade 450
Berserker's Greaves 1100
B. F. Sword 1300
Bloodthirster 3400
Zeal 1100
Phantom Dancer 2800
Phage 1100
Frozen Mallet 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Quicksilver Sash 1300
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Items Table Balanced rhysyo recommends

Item Sequence

Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Infinity Edge 3300
Banshee's Veil 3100
Black Cleaver 3000
Bloodthirster 3400
You can mix and match depending on the situation like I added wriggles some armour life steal you may want to get sooner or later all depends damage faster buff grabbing can be grabbed sooner depending on the situation I am just putting some here for newer players and this build are adaptations of candy pandas build developed by me to be sustainable and still deal some decent damage.
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Items Table rhysyo's hybrid attack speed proc Kog'Maw

Item Sequence

Malady 2035
Madred's Bloodrazor 3800
Wit's End 2800
Sword of the Divine 2200
Nashor's Tooth 3000
Some people thought it would be a good idea to have a build like this to add some variety I don't really like it but just try it out just take magic penetration instead of armour penetration in my recommended runes and 9/0/21 masteries or 21/0/9.
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Items Table rhysyo's hybrid ability power attack speed Kog'Maw

Item Sequence

Fiendish Codex 900
Nashor's Tooth 3000
Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Rylai's Crystal Scepter 2600
Void Staff 3000
This gets rid of the drawbacks of ability Kog'Maw just having burst damage and gives him some sustained and burst damage and helps his mana I suggest running 9/0/21 masteries magic penetration reds mana regeneration yellow cool down reduction blue and insight quintessence’s for runes.
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Item Table Burstmore

Item Sequence

Infinity Edge 3300
Black Cleaver 3000
Trinity Force 3333
Banshee's Veil 3100
Madred's Bloodrazor 3800
get this if you have no worry of survivability bare this in mind this build is an adaptation of candy pandas I made it so you can deal loads of damage to push towers hard and decimate there carries.
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Laning and great lane partners

This makes level 1 team fights in the jungle fights possible for kog maw because of Void Ooze it's like area of effect mini Exhaust in terms of the slow

Special thanks to for the suggestion by Lv100 Feraligatr
This skill set up makes ganking easier for your jungle and has a higher success rate of netting a kill. Compared to the standard build and makes chasing and ganking a lot easier mid to late game.
Basically it mostly is this simple harass with Bio-Arcane Barrage every chance you get even if it’s just a shot or two it will eventually either make them go back or flash and kill them then when they try and flash away. Void Ooze Then just but first Caustic Spittle Bio-Arcane Barrage and end them and watch them cry.

TaricWhy Taric he has one very lovely stun Dazzleand does decent damage early so you can get a few hits of with Bio-Arcane Barrage he also has a heal with Imbue.He can has Shatter so basicly other attack damage champions will do nothing to you and is great when it is usually when you get up the elo in ranked or in some normal games you will normally go against a support and a ranged attack damage carry bottom. You will make the enemy go back in no time my opinion is that Taric is the best lane with Kog'Maw.

SonaNext is Sona her Q skill Hymn of Valor gives bonus damage and ability power which is great but still the attack damage isn't enough as Janna gives more.She also has a nice little speed buff called Song of Celerity which is handy but early levels Jannas permanent global speed buff is a lot better. Rules sona's ultimate is Crescendo which makes dance party three for a second or two which can help you land all of youre skill shots.

JannaMy all time favourite support Janna is quite situational if she knows how to put her Eye of the Storm on you by that I mean just before you will get hit and not after you take damage. And not have to go back often because she’s spamming it at the wrong moment her next skill Howling Gale knocks them up into the air providing she aims and times it correctly. And finally her ultimate Monsoon can be used with Flash to pull them into you and normally away from you depending on her location around youre team.


Lee Sin
Lane lee sin Rhysyo really? Indeed he has slow because of his Tempest / Cripple and some good burst also he can protect you with Safeguard / Iron Will safe guard leap in and save you from some damage. Also he can initiate the fight if he builds off tank and uses Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike which is great.And also he can Dragon's Rage Chuck Norris kick away or into you depending on his position can really change the tide of a battle.

Xin Zhao Passive ability Challenge makes him very durable in lane he has knock-up because of Three Talon Strike so he can keep them in one place for a long time and deal lots of burst damage.Along with Battle Cry to make it faster for the knock ups and faster cool downs perfect.He also has a slow Audacious Charge it is also a gap closer so they will not escape and a - health ultimate Kog'Maw perfect melee champion to lane with.

tanks off tanks and tank ability power and attack damage

GarenHe has great burst all game with the spin to win skill JudgmentHe can just get a bit of health and be amazingly durable throughout the game cannot be bullied out of lane he dominates his lane and zones very well and can block skill shots for Kog'Maw all day.With Courage and silence their faces off with Decisive Strike and can either execute or get the enemy's low with Demacian Justice and has so much sustainability due to Perseverance which makes him a good lane with Kog'maw.

Cho'GathCan be played in a number of ways I prefer tank ability power way because he can deal some amazing damage output and is sustainable because of his passive Carnivore.This is a skill I adore if the player can land it of causes mass knock up and slow after combined with Void Ooze they will not escape the wrath of Chog'Maw along with Feral Scream silence knock up the burst is amazing. Finally his ultimate you might notice Cho'Gath become huge this is why and deals nice damage as well as if he kills an enemy or minion with it goes huge also my opinion if he isn't solo top you want him with you.

BlitzcrankEpic much he is very durable throughout the game or can be a great burster or even an of tank because of his passive Mana Barrier and if he is experienced he will get you fed no problem. How using Rocket Grab to pull them out of safety and then burst them down with you're combo then he will follow it up with Power Fist and chase with Overdrive and repeat the process again. When blitzcrank gets his ultimate Static Field he can stop channelling like absulute zerosilence is extremely short but effective the passive also helps his burst.

Nunu & WillumpHe is great can be built ability power and has very high scaling on his ability's he has a lot of sustain thanks to Visionaryso will not run out of mana often which is great along with Consume he can sustain a lane so easily. And can also give you that amazing thing that is known as Blood Boil attack speed movement speed yes please. Also nuke them with Ice Blast slows them a lot. While you're speeded up with Blood Boil to easily take them down and his ultimate Absolute Zero can do so much damage he is such a great lane with Kog'Maw.

GragasHe has so much lane stability with and his harass is very good with the skill barrel toss does lots of damage and a small are of effect makes him great. To top that of Drunken Rage makes him one durable alcoholic also along with Body Slam makes him hard to catch and is also a good initiation tool and finally Explosive Cask makes him push them into you or away depending on the positioning this is why I like laning with him.

Shen Shen's first skill Vorpal Blade can heal shen and you which is nice does not heal as much as soraka but none the less it is a spam ability his passive Ki Strike along with this his next skill is Feint which shields himself his Shadow Dash is a low cool down multiple taunt and finally the icing on the cake shen's ultimate Stand United can shield you no matter where you are on the map and teleport to you


MalzaharHe makes up for all of Kog'Maw disadvantages Early game he makes sure they cant poke at him because they will be silenced due to Call of the Void and does great burst.And has decent range he has a area of effect anti health stack nuke which is Null Zone so this compliments with you very well.Then there is Malefic Visions nice strong damage over time spell and finally his ultimate Nether Grasp can pin the target in place and can only be escaped by cleanse and silencing malzahar.

ZileanEverything about him is great for a duo lane with Kog'Maw his passive Heightened Learning gets you up in levels so much faster and his poke is great with Time Bomb and Rewind combination. Then there is Time Warp no one will get out of range from you now and finally his ultimate Chronoshift high scaling with ability power low cool down better than a guardian angel if timed correctly.
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Kog Maw and blue and red buff and using Kog'Maw at level 6

Blue buff is essential on him it’s like Anivia without it shes not as effective cant nuke much but with it=GOD MODE. The same accounts for Kog'Mawless cool downs more spam easier and faster tower pushing everything about blue buff Kog'Maw needs to help him perform better but not required I just like having it but if you're ability power carry by all means let them have it like anivia or swain.

Also red buff works wonders also slow more damage per second yes please Kog'Maw with double buff and a Sona Janna or Taric shouldn't be allowed. Is all I am going to say for the moment try it out and see what I mean try and get them whenever possible.

Living ArtilleryUse this to harass with this every six seconds so you use the minimum mana amount but if you know you can kill them in a few of these feel free to do so. Combined with Void Ooze you have a small chance of missing.
Void OozeThen with the blue the mobs then Living Artillery over them then if there still alive last hit push tower.
Without blue Two words last hit it really is that simple but hard to master.

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Why I have chosen these items

Kog'MawCan effectively stack this so easily just last hit more attack damage and life steal which will help you as you progress through the levels and help you carry hard what is not to love so you must farm that creep score as high as you can get it to make this a very good item in general for all attack damage carries.
Like I say slow on Kog'Maw is so over powered no one will escape you most of the time as long as phage applies the slow you should be able to either get them considerably low or have killed them their demise is now because its FEEDING TIME.

Also about one two of these sometimes may not be needed this item early game will give you the upper hand and more survivability which is very important on Kog'Mawand helps because he is really squishy and gives him another ten attack damage some health and 4% life steal that is why this item is used so much.

The move speed attack speed critical chance make this item cost efficient what more do you want great item on Kog'Mawespecially attack damage Kog Maw because the attack speed can decimate there carries before they even get close to you.

Slow every attack Lots of health combined with the other items you will be one beefy Kog'Maw that can stay in a team fight and shut them down with constant slow so your team can take them out which is what this build and guide is all about.

This can be used to get out of Nether Grasp Infinite Duress click it and say bye bye to them hard crowd control nasty spells not always needed but helps against them sort of crowd control spells it is a lot better than Cleanse sometimes banshee's veil is the better choice if you don't have enough get this is an optional item.
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Rhysyo's optional items in descending order of preference

If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control effects like a stun Cryptic Gaze slow Mocking Shout snare Dark Binding taunt puncturing taunt I would suggest getting these boots if you keep getting focused with these effects.

More spamming of skills combined with Trinity Force can proc nearly every second which will severely burst low health and resistant enemies and can keep Bio-Arcane Barrage up since they have changed the length to eight seconds from ten seconds I prefer these boots but the choice is yours.
Gives a lot of survivability faster pushing some armour and faster dragon and baron kills along with a free ward every three minutes and it’s worth the gold my new favourite item on him due to all these key factors.

Use this to make you're critical strikes do insane damage to low armoured targets and take their carry out in a matter of shots This is a must buy if you feel you are beefy enough and can survive and burst them down before they burst you down.

Can deal lots of burst combined with his skills and is a very effective item If you want to wreck faces without much survivability also it is three thousand gold and will take a long time to build other items are better depending on the circumstances.

This will rip through high armoured targets like Rammus with ease and the extra attack speed is good to get more shots of with and lowers the armour of the Target you are hitting so the melee attack damage carry can do more damage that is why I chose this item to add thanks to Restrictnine for the suggestions

This item can take down health stacker's in no time at all which will really make them pay for stacking health when you are around the only drawback is its mostly magic damage and does not add a lot of attack damage I prefer Trinity Force or Infinity Edge for that kind of price also is good against tanks Madred's deals magic damage, which is actually really good if they are trying to stack armor to counter you.

If you keep getting caught out of position and feel you need that one crowd control spell of you to do your job properly please go ahead and take it.
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Teamwork and ranked play

Void OozeSlow the enemy team poke Living Artillery then get in range and Caustic Spittle Bio-Arcane Barrage
Kog'Maw would be good in ranked once you master all of his tricks and were to position yourself and knowing when to push and when not to is the ultimate thing you must master and landing you're shots is very important and having a high creep score when you master them things you're ready to play him in ranked.
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Kog'MawI believe so overpowered being played in this particular way and has very little drawbacks being played this way with the runes items and masteries and a skilled Kog'Maw player. Victory is ahead. Please tell me what you like and don't like and what I can do to improve and get a vote of you thank you for reading this guide.
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Thank you SK Candy Panda for an amazing build +The_Nameless_Bard signature

I hope I have done it justice.

thanks reppinFTC for my end banner
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