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Nocturne Build Guide by Luze

Other Luze's Twisted Treeline Nocturne

Other Luze's Twisted Treeline Nocturne

Updated on June 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Luze Build Guide By Luze 22 4 70,976 Views 11 Comments
22 4 70,976 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Luze Nocturne Build Guide By Luze Updated on June 15, 2014
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This guide is meant to help you create your own Nocturne, as opposed to making you follow my example, so do not just look at the cheat sheet, but learn from the guide to make your own playstyle.

spaceHi! I'm Luze and this is my first guide on Mobafire. My English is not perfect, so please pardon any mistakes and PM me to fix it as needed. Also, please don't downvote without reading a thing because of my weird choices in masteries and summoner spells. All up/down votes with useful comments and constructive criticisms are appreciated.

spaceAlso I noted that most guides are for Summoner's Rift and not for Twisted Treeline, many logics do not apply here.

spaceEver since season 2, I have been playing TT practically my whole career, and start playing ranked on early preseason 3, only touching summoner's rift(or proving ground, for that matter) when my friends bid me to do so. Twisted Treeline is addicting once you get the hang of it, the early game objective, the fancy items, and the entirely different gameplays, which I meant to cover along with Nocturne play in this guide.
spaceThis guide will be updated constantly, so please come back every once in a while to check the changes, mainly aiming to make it easier to read/understand and add things I might have missed.
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Writer's History

spaceI start out LoL around the time Lulu was out, and I start as a mage, namely Xerath, Vladimir, Ryze and guess what? I failed epicly at them. A week after my start, Nocturne becomes free and I tried him. Works wonder. He's a champion with a low skill requirement but high skill cap, meaning even someone new to him can play him well and pros can have fun and be technical with some of his play.
spaceMy first time on Twisted Treeline is when I got bored from Summoner's Rift and decided to check things out to discover a whole another world. That time, the map was a mini version of SR with a much faster pace. Because of the setup of the map, casters and carries are barely viable because the game enters ganking phase before they can even get their core and tanks and bruisers are roaming around because of their early game and snowball capabilities, forming a public meta of 1 tank 2 bruisers. This is until the riot decided to change some TT items.

spaceThe two maps became two different games then. This only lasted when season 3 approached. Mages are now highly viable again and strange builds became viable, like Hybrid Damage AS Lulu. Now we have to be much more careful around casters and magic resist items become widely used again in TT.
spaceAs of date, I have over 1000 normal games with Nocturne and have played many alternate styles before coming up with this, so I dare say I'm experienced to a level.
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*CAUTION: Before I start, Please do note that this is a "Personal Playstyle", and not a "Must Follow Guide". I will give you a hand in finding your style, but not strictly saying that "YOU MUST DO THIS AND NOT DO THIS", any "must" in this guide is just an expression/exaggeration to say how important I think it is. This is NOT the only way to play Nocturne in Twisted Treeline.*
This will also be a long guide, so please bear with it.

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My choices

spaceI understand that my choices of items, masteries and summoner spells are a bit weird, this is true, it came from experimenting and researching. Both my play style, Runes, Masteries are from countless trials and errors to find what would make me play best as, well, me. I'll explain these weird choices one by one.
  • Why no Flash???
    spaceBecause of map's size, speed, and rapid ganks, you either die anyway after flashing or have your flash on cooldown when you need it. I'm not saying Flash is bad, many of my friends perform cool assassinations and great escapes with flash. Take it if you feel like it.
  • I didn't hear you say jungle! Why Smite?!?
    spaceNo, I do not jungle but i need Smite. Please refer to my gameplay section for more information. When not using Flash, Smite can make you get ahead of your opponent in gold and exp.
  • What Trinity Force?!?
    spaceYes I know, Trinity Force is a weird choice on a non spammer but if you tweak how you press your skills a little, you can proc it several times in a fight(item skills does count toward the proc). It also gives all the stats nocturne need, providing Health, Mana, Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Movespeed, a nice proc, and sticking power with Phage boost. Ability Power on this item may be wasted, but that tiny bit of boost on Unspeakable Horror helped me finish my target more than once.
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern?
    spaceCorrect, THE Twisted Treeline lantern. This is an absurdly strong early game item that grants you all the stats you need to do everything you need plus vision from the active to reduce death rate from face checking and render your opponent unable to juke Paranoia. As a tip, this beats BF sword in a one on one duel. Oh, and unlike Summoner's Rift lantern, The Lightbringer actually offers great dueling potential.
  • No Sunfire Aegis?
    spaceNo, while it is a cheap item to get and the magic dps certainly is useful, to me, this is a weaker version of Randuin's Omen. Because the size of Twisted Treeline, you'll likely aggro jungle mobs and reveal your ambush with this item. To trade Randuin's Omen's slow for this is not worth it.
  • Why no Ravenous Hydra?
    spaceTo me, the item is not efficient enough on Twisted Treeline. That much gold for AoE attacks are just not worth it. Firstly, when farming, a combination of Nocturn's Duskbringer and Umbra Blades already did the job on the minions, you absolutely do not need Tiamat's passive for this, and secondly, there are only 3 opponents on the map, the passive and active, for that matter, will be less efficient in team fights. You should be focusing on stray squishies in the back anyway. 31/3/2014 note: Never, no matter how much I test it, Ravenous Hydra is not worth it on Twisted Treeline Nocturne. As a replacement for Blade of the Ruined King, the damage output(even when taking hitting multiple enemies at once into consideration) is too low and you never really find a good chance to abuse the active. As a final slot, it pales in comparison to the burst of Trinity Force and the penetrative power of Last Whisper.
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Nocturne in Twisted Treeline



spaceSince there are so many Nocturne guides out there, I will try not to tell you the same thing others did. This >>here<< is not only a very good Summoner's Rift Nocturne guide, but also a good guide to study Nocturne overall, please check it out if you are new to Nocturne. I'll talk about Nocturne in Twisted Treeline specifically, if you are new to the map, please refer to >>this guide<<. It contains some very good information on the map and how to properly play Twisted Treeline.


spaceIn Twisted Treeline, Nocturne is a strong champion. He can easily move around the map and has the ability to take on both the jungle AND top lane at the same time, which I will Explain how in the Gameplay section. Nocturne can take Vilemaw as early as level 9, which is quite a feat to do, and will surprise the enemy and sometimes teammates! He can rush towers with his Duskbringer(the way towers are positioned makes it easier to protect, both from the other lane and from base, making tower rushing more difficult) and gank easily thanks to his Unspeakable Horror. His ultimate Paranoia can go about half the map at rank 3.
spaceHe is most effective when playing as a top laner, since he can take nearly any enemy 1v1 if you use his Shroud of Darkness effectively and can out damage most opponents with the boost from Duskbringer. The Ghost Relic in the middle of the map solve his Mana problem and, with the recovery from big jungle mobs, he can recover from fights and engage in another one easily after you have some lifesteal.

Short Summary:

  • He's great 1v1 if you know your opponent. Even Darius and Jax will fall if you keep your calm.
  • His jungle clear speed is above average, there are faster champs, but he's still good.
  • He can deal both burst damage via Duskbringer into Umbra Blades and sustained damage via Duskbringer trail with Shroud of Darkness Attack Speed boost.
  • With my playstyle, he both deal tons of damage and can take quite a punishment.
  • He is actually extremely flexible, being able to play in at least 5 different styles(look around mobafire) with different itemization and do perfectly well in all of them. Of course there's more weird builds, like magic DPS, Full MS, Anti tank, Anti caster etc.

  • He has no instant hard CC, tho this is not as serious in Twisted Treeline.
  • Despite his rushing ability, he is actually prone to kiting. I once got kited by Caitlyn and Ashe when I got my guard down, thinking they'll be scared when I approach.
  • If not careful, he stood no chance against the likes of Malphite and Singed 1v1.
  • Needs to be technical against real duelist like Olaf, Jax, Fiora. Head on fights against these 1v1 specialists are stupid anyway.
  • He is still mana hungry even with the pseudo manafont of Twisted Treeline map if you're not careful.
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Most of the runes are self-explanatory.
Masteries are another story, while most are understandable, I know some of my choices are a bit weird. I take these instead of going deeper in either tree.
  • Block and Unyielding are absolute musts for someone who wants to pressure the enemy 1v1. A total of 4 damage reduction each basic attack will let you outdamage many enemies.
  • Double-Edged Sword actually is an okay choice, however, since he needs to absorb more damage than you think, you should consider it carefully.
  • Evasion is simply too good to miss. You should have an idea how most magic damage from champion comes in the form of AOE, Noxious Trap, Final Spark, Trueshot Barrage are just some examples.
  • Fleet of Foot is also a must on someone who relies on mobility, and Nocturne is one.
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Summoner Spells

What I would use:

spaceMy choices are Smite and Ignite, although Flash is still valuable. I decided to leave Exhaust to the carry/fighter since you need Ignite for those annoying regenerators on top lane( Olaf and Dr. Mundo, anyone?), but take it if you want extra CC.

Smite: I will explain why you need it in the Gameplay section. This is for very early jungle and both early and late Vilemaw. Also useful for killing Summon: Tibbers, H-28G Evolution Turret, and the likes.

Ignite: For early finisher and to hinder those heavy Regenerator/Lifestealer like Olaf or Dr. Mundo. This also grants vision on enemies from patch 4.5 onward, making Paranoia harder to juke.

Flash: If you really can't get over it, then do use it. Flash is essential for performing over the wall escapes and instant assassination. You can read about it in almost all other guides.

I will never use:

spaceWhile you may pick any summoner spells you like, some are not so good idea when used on Nocturne. They are just useless or Nocturne have better things to do.

Clairvoyance: You already got your Grez's Spectral Lantern, you do not need this, also, to trade Smite, Ignite, or Flash for this is definitely not worth it, not even when playing support.

Clarity: I know you need mana, but not THIS much. Twisted Treeline already gave you semi Mana Font anyway.

Teleport: No, just no. The map is small enough and there are no wards to perform teleportation ambush. You got your Paranoia to jump into fights anyway.
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In Battle Actions

Combine the above Skills and Itemization, the combos you use will be:

  • into , use to block something, preferably CC, then start autoattacking. Save for chasing or that last bit of burst damage. Pop your active if the enemy is retreating for an easy should they try to juke. could also be used on , , or a juking do not forget this useful fact. Use anytime the opponent start retreating or you're low on health. This is the basic combo in most games, which can be modified further with active items.
  • in, use if you have it. fire then use on desired target. something and autoattack the enemy to death. Should they run, and keep attacking. Use for the same reasons as above. This is for initiating after you got tanky.
  • After you get any variant of , time your item actives in conjunction with your skills every 2 seconds to raise your DPS. should go first in this case, then fire > > > every 2 seconds. After that, should they run, > if not, autoattack for 4 seconds, then > the enemy should be dead, else, just beat him/her to death with autoattacks.

spaceYou can make one up to suit your playstyle, Items with actives are fun to play with, just incorporate those actives into your combo. Creativity knows no limit:D
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Champion Abilities

spaceThe basic uses are exactly the same as in Summoner's Rift, only that they will be used much more frequently because of the map's passive manafont. I will only note the notable points and their differences in Twisted Treeline.
Umbra Blades: Wonderful passive. With this, Nocturne's minion slaying abilities are among the top in the game, both lane and jungle, and half of the the reason I will never get Ravenous Hydra. The cooldown reduction on each attack makes Berserker's Greaves all the more worth using. When this is up, try to hit as many minions as you can. The same goes for when destroying turrets, hit an enemy minion when this is up to recover health/help clear mobs.
Duskbringer (Q): Yay! The nuke!, and the other half of the reason you do not need Ravenous Hydra. Duskbringer is good to use for harassing the opponent in lane, simple fire it, run in, Umbra Blades, then retreat. You deal a chunk of damage by just that. This can also be used to catch and finish a weakened opponent easily, especially when the enemy's Flash is on cooldown. When destroying turrets, fire this and stand on the trail, the AD boost will help. Also when escaping, fire this on your escape path to get to safety easily. Take caution while clearing jungle camps not to fire this into the lane or you might get spotted and ganked. Take this at level 1 and max it immediately.
Shroud of Darkness (W): Spell shield. With passive attack speed boost. Said boost is doubled when the shield block something, one of the reason Nocturne can outdamage any opponent easily. Simply fire Duskbringer, Block something with Shroud of Darkness, then autoattack them to death. How this spell is used separate good Nocturne players from bad ones, try to use them to block hard CCs. This is one of the reason you can forgo Mercury's Treads, though you can still get CC locked if you're not careful/during team fights. Shroud of Darkness can also be used to proc Sheen on turrets. Take this at level 3 or 4, but max it last.
Unspeakable Horror (E): Fear. It maybe a delayed CC, but it is hard enough to net you a kill. 2 seconds are enough to deal tons of damage and with some practice, the fear can force them to run towards your team(target enemy will run away from Nocturne). Take this at level 2 and max it after Duskbringer.
Paranoia (R): Daaaarknesssssss. Enemy hearing this will walk to their nearest turret or brush. This actually is useful for saving your teammates and turrets sometimes. The active part is what actually defines it. Twisted Treeline is so small that at rank 3, this can practically go anywhere(given that you stay in a relevant position). Use it to chase or initiate, and depending on the situation, escape. This will also annoy global ult users like Twisted Fate and Shen since they can't see their allies(in Shen's case, his ult will actually fail if he's channeling it). The burst damage from this can also help you win some 1v1 situation. As a side note, When he is dashing, Nocturne is immune to all form of CC(the timer of the CC will still tick, meaning if you get stunned mid-dash, you might be stunned at the end of the dash if the duration is long enough), while it is not easy to abuse this, it is a good fact to know. Take this whenever possible.
spaceCheck out how to use them in sequence above if you haven't since you need items to pull off a full combo. During early fights, just do what a normal Nocturne do, into , pop if you have it and use for chasing after you hit level 6.
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Starting Item

spaceI know there are alternatives, but if you wish to stick to my playstyle, these are musts. These set up, coupled with my runes&masteries make my early gameplay possible.
This item has become awesome ever since they modified it. HP, AD, Life gain on hit early game gives you enough power and sustain for jungle mobs and early killing. Sell this if you're in a situation which you need that last bit of gold for a major item or you have a full item slot.
I no longer take boots as a starting since flask will give you the exact thing a Nocturne wants; Health sustain and Mana, the latter heavily. Everyone knows Nocturne is starving for mana, even in Twisted treeline. As with Doran's Blade, you sell this later, preferably when you got Randuin's Omen or Banshee's Veil.

Early Game

spaceTake tier 2 boots and Grez's Spectral Lantern as soon as possible. These will help you avoid ambushes and net you some kills.

Get this, or any other Tier 2 boots you see fit on your first Recall. If you can get Tier 2 boots before the enemy, you can secure some otherwise difficult kills. I normally recall and take Berserker's Greaves immediately after I got enough gold(since the map is so small, you have no trouble pressing B and get back to lane at all, you could even fake MIA to your opponent, disappearing from the lane, I will explain more in Gameplay section).
This, readers, is a must. It gives a great combination of AD and Armor, and is quite cheap. In a wardless map like Twisted Treeline, having something to reveal a portion of the map is invaluable. The active will also slap any Akali, Talon, Twitch, or any other invisible champs hard in the face if they try to hide.

Mid Game

spaceRight after those, focus on early damage and late survivability. Blade of the Ruined King is an absolute must. This item will let you melt carry and tanks alike and will provide you with a solid CC. After that, go for survivability all the way.
My favorite item ever since preseason 3 to now. The thing for it is that 5% damage of opponent's remaining health every hit, this combined with the 40% attack speed it gives can make it your only offensive item for a while until your opponent starts to build some serious armor. This with Grez's Spectral Lantern will allow you to lifesteal tank your opponent to death in 1v1 situations. The unique active gives you an extra nuke that takes 15% off your opponents and give it to you with CC and a speed boost. Chasing is no longer a problem.
If your opponent start to build some armors, upgrade your lantern into this. The passive now works with champions! This proc deals magic damage, making armor useless in blocking it. Also, rush this if the enemy Teemo hit level 6. You can clear all the shrooms and make him feel useless and the extra health helps mitigate the pain even if you step on one.
In any order depending what you face,
but you'll eventually get them all unless the enemy is funny.
Take this when you need to chase. When you face something like Singed or Garen, mainly something that is normally faster than you. It will help you catch up/escape from them. As a plus, the attack speed boost will make your Blade of the Ruined King melt your enemies.
Now that Runic Bulwark no longer exists, Banshee's Veil has become my new staple MR item. Get this early to mitigate magic damage done to you. This also builds into Quicksilver Sash then Dervish Blade if CC becomes a problem.
Build it early if you face an AD champion in your lane or skip it if your opponent hit their head and somehow play an all AP team. This thing's unique passive will let you beat most auto attack champs 1v1. You will need this for Randuin's Omen later.


spaceOnly buy these if the situation calls for it, read each Items individually on when to buy them.
This item is there for one thing, and one thing only, the passive Lifeline. Dervish Blade is more preferable because of it's active, but get it if the enemy CCs are not too heavy but the damage is. Leave it as Hexdrinker until very late game, since it the upgrade cost isn't exactly cost efficient.
As of 3.11, Trinity Force and Frizen Mallet gives roughly the same sticking power. There are 2 main situations when Frozen Mallet will be better than Trinity Force, when you need to slow down the enemy for your team and when you need the tankiness this item provides. Trinity Force will actually help you kill(because of the Sheen proc) and escape(because of the MS) better, but if you think a single fight will be long and you will put all abilities on cooldown to the point that Sheen burst is useless, take this.

If you face a CC heavy opponent

spaceSelf explanatory. Get them if you face a team with high Crowd Control abilities.
Immediately take this. If you wait, it might be too late to recover. Simply press it when you're stunned or heavily slowed will save you and your team. Also good to buy against casters.
Then build it into this later in the game, preferably late game. The attack speed and CDR is a small increase in power, but Quicksilver Sash upgrades into nothing else. As a useful tip, buy this right after you use the active on Quicksilver Sash to refresh the cooldown immediately.

When fed early on

spaceIf you're fed early, pick these then go for the tower and end the game quickly before the enemy can recover.
Grab this. It gives no offensive stats, but the proc will allow you to melt towers and squishies(there should be a lot if you're fed) in a flash. The mana will help you continue your reign since you have pseudo Mana Font(the same thing found in Chalice of Harmony, but weaker) ability in Twisted Treeline.
Then build it into this. I would get this later for endgame anyway, but if you somehow got fed and have loads of gold, go for it. Trinity force gives a boost to ALL stats a Nocturne need. Health, Mana, Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Move Speed, Critical, and even AP, which will make my Unspeakable Horror a bit stronger. The 200% proc will melt towers and squishies even faster!


spaceIf you make it here, you either have won halfway or are on the brink of destruction. Finish all your previous items and pick a finisher, preferably a Trinity Force to add a bit of everything(and the best Move Speed boost in the game if taking the Phage boost into consideration) plus a good proc.

I know it is weird for these to appear here. I pick Berserker's Greaves earlier because I need all those early burst damage. Now that you have rank 5 Shroud of Darkness and got/will get Trinity Force, you no longer need them. It is not uncommon for me to sell Berserker's Greaves since it'll be harder to instantly melt enemies because, if they know what's good for them, they'd probably have built some health/armor by this point(just melt them if they didn't), that means they'll live longer and be throwing more CC at you and/or attack you more. Pick a Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi according to the situation.
Just like its required items, in any order depending on what you face.
Finish what you started. This item gives you 2 Spell Shields, which will stop a caster dead cold if used correctly. The Health and regeneration passive on it will allow you to continue fights longer than you think you would. Just don't cast Shroud of Darkness when the shield is up, since both shields will pop at the same time.
The best thing against AD carries, actually the best thing against all AD champs. It got a strong unique active that is useful even against non AD champs, Healths are welcomed too. The duration on the active actually scales with Armor and Magic Resist, which you should have plenty with my build, so you have another reliable CC in your hand!
Unless you got it when fed, get this last as you might need the tankiness first. More tankiness, damage overall, and movespeed to finish your job makes it a perfect final slot item.
This item works well for a last slot if you find your enemy(ies) full of armor items, or you can even get this earlier by midgame if you predicted a lot of armor. It is actually a good idea to sell Zeal and skip Trinity Force to take this if more than one enemy got over 200 armor.

Take one of these depending on your style. Normally I'll take Enchantment: Alacrity since it also helps get around the map, split push, and such. I pick Enchantment: Furor when I face Singed and other fast champs, but all of this depends on personal style.


spaceAfter you got all your items, the rest of your gold go to these elixirs. Ichor of Rage gives Attack Damage and Attack Speed boost, this is certainly useful for any Nocturne even before endgame. When you are a bit behind and need that steroid boost, grab one of this, it will also help you destroy turrets faster. Ichor of Illuminations aren't recommended until lategame since it's an AP boosting item, but the cooldown reduction helps you pull off more Paranoia and this plus the Vilemaw buff will get you 35% CDR without investing on any Cooldown Reduction item.

Item Summary

spaceJust let me note that Movespeed IS important for Nocturne, I cannot stress this enough. While slows will give you the chasing function, Movespeed lets you join fights, which may happen anytime, anywhere in Twisted Treeline faster. Don't always butt in with Paranoia, if you're near, move in and save it for chasing. On another note, just use both movespeed AND slow.
spaceIt all depends on the situation. One match you need one thing, another it is useless. Also, you have to buy what you need depending on the situation, this is true for both Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. What I mentioned is what works best for me. You can't take my build and use it with your style. You have to find your own item sets that works with your play style with experiments and trials and errors.
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Style: Jungling Top

spaceThis is what I do and what I don't not do, it is what works best for me, which may not be for you. You will have to find what works for you on your own, but you can take mine as a guide and a head start to not have to go through what I did.

Before I start...

I need to explain that, when I play Twisted Treeline, I always tell my team to:
  • Go bottom, I'll take top and always will. This is a must for my action. I need to pressure top lane and have quick access to the jungle. Jungle camps are easier to reach from top lane.
  • Unless I want to gank, I want my allies to push hard so that bot will not gank top(if they somehow do, destroy their turret) and when they pushed to the turret, one or both of them go jungle to create false MiAs. I will do the same to my lane to create a real Paranoia on the enemy team.
  • To usually check the brushes under the top lane(especially the one on whatever side you're on). This is the usual ambush spot.
  • To prioritize safety over kills(but take the kills if opportunity present itself!!). In Twisted Treeline, if somebody get fed, it is harder to stop them than in Summoner's Rift, because there's only 3 people to stop said person as opposed to 5 in Summoner's Rift, the snowball effect is greater and harder to stop here.
  • Everyone may, and will take the jungle mobs whenever they have the chance, eg. when they pushed their lane to the turret, when they need that last 100 gold, when they need to recover and such. This will get my team an advantage in gold and experience and utilize jungle resources to the fullest(they won't be stealing my exp at all, jungle camps respawn fast enough and I also have my lane).
  • Since we can do it, they can too. Be sure to verify each MiA carefully before calling, false MiAs can cost vital kills and the game.
spaceMy actions will assume that all the above points are true and I can do my activities safely. We are aggressive and will base our strategy on pressuring the enemy. You do NOT have to be the same.

Early game

spaceGrab a Doran's Blade and Crystalline Flask, walk to the desired position, wherever you and your friends plan your ambush. Duskbringer any suspicious brush, you can use the sound effect to verify how many enemies are there. Commence the first fight if you think there is a chance to win.

Super fast first camp

with the 4.8 updates having nearly doubled the big wraith's health, making first clear much slower, leashing might help, but the perfect solution for this will have to wait.
After the 1:40 mark, run to where the Wraith Camp is, aim your Duskbringer in a way that will hit all 3 Wraiths and Smite the big Wraith immediately before taking damage, it should die. Umbra Blades the remaining 2 Wraiths, hit one of them til they're low and target the other, with this you should finish the camp with another Umbra Blades and run back to lane, which, with my setup and starting item, you will have full health and only 1 or 2 of your minions dead. This is one reason you must take Smite.

Go in for the kill
spaceHead to your lane, kill 2 minions by any means, preferably harassing your opponent in the action. You will hit level 2 by now, take a point in Unspeakable Horror immediately and proceed to hit attack the enemy and see how s/he react, if s/he fights back, use Unspeakable Horror and kill him/her, if s/he run, let him/her go; if the enemy retreat a little then fight back, the remaining enemy minions will swarm and kill you before you kill your enemy. Either way, finish the remaining minions, but save your cooldown on Duskbringer. After you're done, fire another Duskbringer, rush in, then Unspeakable Horror. If you pull off the fear, Ignite then autoattack, this should net you a kill or a free Flash.
spaceAfter this, push your lane like mad, but watch out for ganks from bottom lane. Should you feel unsafe, retreat. If you're high on health, tell your friends to check the brush right under top lane, if there's someone, perform a pincer attack counter gank, else, go take the Wolf camp. If low on health, just retreat a bit and observe the situation, you may take the Altar at this point. Push your lane to prevent your lane opponent from leaving the lane(if you manage to push to the turret, the opponent will be forced to stay in or lose the turret). Now see how your bottom lane do, if the enemy overextends, go for a gank, if not, go take the Golem camp. You should have enough gold to Recall for tier 2 boots now, just be sure to leave a few marks for your opponent, or s/he might feel safe enough to freely gank or farm. You should make your opponents be wary of you all the time, this not only make them underfarmed, but also make you their team's main priority, their focus, allowing your two teammates to do their thing in later teamfights.

Create Fake MiA
When you're in lane and wish to recall, walk into the jungle before doing so. This may make your opponents call fake MiAs, this will be useful to pull off as bottom lane will less likely get dived if they're at a disadvantage.
spaceKeep pushing your lane and only kill if the opportunity calls for it, do not make risky moves unless you know what you're doing, then head to the jungle to clear camps until your lane has been pushed back, this is your chance to kill your lane opponent, if not, repeat. You should tell your bottom lane to be passive if you want to gank, and to be aggressive if you are approaching for the kill. Invade enemy jungle as needed since you need to leave some jungle camps on your side for your team so they can farm their share too.

Mid game

spaceBy "midgame", I meant to say "When you got your Blade of the Ruined King after tier 2 boots and Grez's Spectral Lantern". At this point, your DPS should skyrocket to the point that you can melt any unfed opponent, but this is not what you should do immediately. Your level should be around 9-12, depending on how well you do. Go to Vilemaw. He spawns at 10:00 mark, which, unless you do extremely well, should have already spawn. If by chance at this point you are the one pressured, buy some Doran's Blade and focus your priority on clearing mobs, you will recover if your team can hold it.

Vilemawing :3
When you face him, Duskbringer into him and start autoattacking. Use Shroud of Darkness to increase your DPS, all of Vilemaw's attacks are counted as skills except for the double arm shockwave. Once he hit 1000 or so health, your Blade of the Ruined King's passive will start to drop in power and your life will start to deplete. Get Vilemaw down to your Smite range and finish him, there, your early Buff:D This is the other reason you need Smite. If your opponents haven't noticed your first Vilemaw, you might be able to get a second on spawn(since the enemy won't see the timer unless they check).
spaceNow continue playing as normal. Even if you're a bit behind the enemy, you should be able to net yourself some kills if you're careful and analytic. Take enemy's altar when you have the chance and protect yours. Try to damage enemy turret even only by a bit, turrets do not regenerate and will be destroyed in time, get a Sheen if you need help with this.

Time to get situational
spaceStart building defensive items like Negatron Cloak and Warden's Mail and if the enemy escapes too much, a Zeal. You already have more than enough damage with Grez's Spectral Lantern, Blade of the Ruined King, and Berserker's Greaves(if you take it), now you need the survivability. Rush for The Lightbringer now if there's a Teemo in the enemy team or add a Last Whisper if the enemies are getting too tanky.

Late game

spaceAgain, by saying "lategame", it is when you finished Banshee's Veil and Randuin's Omen(or other items built from your midgame items). Now that you're no less tanky than a real tank(Armor + M.Resist + Health + Lifesteal), you can roam around killing stuffs, destroying turrets, or if you were at a disadvantage, you should have recovered by now. Take Vilemaw whenever the opportunity calls for it(usually when you got an ace or the enemy team all Recall to base). Go continue your job as an Anti Carry, an Offensive Tank, an Assassin all at the same time(If you got your Trinity Force, your damage output will be as high as an AD carry's).
Procing Sheen I think this deserves a mini section. When fighting with any variant of Sheen in hand, please do note that the active on Blade of the Ruined King, Randuin's Omen, Dervish Blade, The Lightbringer, Ravenous Hydra, or any other active items will proc them all. As Nocturne itself is no spammer, using these item actives in conjunction with his skills will allow you to proc Spellblade constantly in a fight, this will cause your DPS to skyrocket to the same level as a medium fed AD Carry. Do not forget to abuse it.
spaceI do not think I need to explain the rest, just end the game and don't toy with enemies. They can and will recover if you don't finish them when you have the chance, and you'll regret it.
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Change Log

2/3/2013 Updated the information on Blade of the Ruined King. This makes Vilemaw go down even faster!!
15/3/2013 Today is Nocturne's Birthday!(the day of his release) HBD to him!!
23/3/2013 Ever since the price change on Blade of the Ruined King was implemented, it has been tested that Spellsword is no longer worth taking since you will rush sheen much less often. Masteries updated.
5/4/2013 New section added : How to make your Nocturne. This section is still under construction.
21/5/2013 Spellsword properly removed from the guide. It is still viable, but not worth mentioning anymore.
2/8/2013 Item update : Many magic resist items are tweaked. Updated the guide accordingly. Also removed nearly never used items from the guide.
20/8/2013 A minor clean up and changes to pay more respect to the guides I used as references. Also removed the discontinued "How to make your Nocturne" section, I may re-add it later if I have the motivation, information, and time to do experiments that is.
5/9/2013 Item update : Trinity Force has been updated, now it is even better on Nocturne.
2/10/2013 Minor cleanup : Some information are outdated. Cleaned.
8/12/2013 I have updated the guide to make it compatible for S4, however, I have yet to go deep in detail since it is still pre-season. I will update the guide once everything have become stable.
20/12/2013 Another minor cleanup : Some old information leftovers still remains in the guide, if you find more, please do notice me.
27/12/2013 Added information about Ravenous Hydra and why I'll never take it, at least not on Nocturne.
15/3/2014 Again, this is Nocturne's birthday, HBD to him!
25/3/2014 It seems many have accepted Ravenous Hydra on Nocturne, I am still against it, so there is no update to the guide, but I will start gathering data from today on to prove it's value on Twisted Treeline Nocturne.
31/3/2014 Never, no matter how much I test it, Ravenous Hydra is not worth using on Twisted Treeline Nocturne. There might be a specific method/build to use it though.
22/4/2014 I totally forgot to update Mercurial Scimitar into Dervish Blade. I rarely get Quicksilver Sash myself, but still think it is a valuable item.
16/6/2014 Some minor clean up. And yes, I know the gameplay section needs to be updated as the jungle mobs' change in health really does affect this guide in a hard way, but I have yet to find a good solution to address this problem. The strength of my playstyle is the over-leveling-overwhelming part, so it's not like I can just ditch the jungle part either. There has to be a way, I am looking into it now.
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Thank You

spaceThank you for reading this far, and feel free to leave a comment or PM me for whatever it is, just be constructive if it's a criticism, I do not like reading insults(but will read them, in case they contain something constructive) and yes, please tell me if you have an idea on how to improve this guide. I am willing to make this a guide for everyone new to/wishing to improve themselves at Twisted Treeline and those seeking to gather informations.

spaceAs I stated, this is NOT the only way to play Nocturne in Twisted Treeline, he is a very flexible champion which can be modified to suit any person's playstyle.

Go build your own Nocturne and if you'd like to, tell me about it:) you can even ask for advice
if you need one in making your unique Nocturne.

I will make a section for any dedicated, viable, and creative Nocturne<3

Thank you!

  • jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here
  • PsiGuard's guide, for helping me shape my early Nocturne(which, I know, is nothing like this but it is still worth mentioning), the guide can be found here.
  • Aseafy for noting me of some of my mistakes, I appreciate more people like this. I also used his Twisted Treeline guide in this guide.
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