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Nami Build Guide by Mystral

Support Nami, The Tidecaller - Support Guide

Support Nami, The Tidecaller - Support Guide

Updated on February 24, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mystral Build Guide By Mystral 5 3 286,834 Views 11 Comments
5 3 286,834 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mystral Nami Build Guide By Mystral Updated on February 24, 2018
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Hi everyone, I'm Lulu On Drugs and I play on EUW server, I am Gold IV and I main the support role.
I really like Nami, I always loved mermaids lol.
I have a account if you want to see some of my clips!

If you're interested, check out my Lulu guide!

I'm Italian so.. Forgive my English.

Thanks for the 200k views! ^o^
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Pros / Cons

+ Amazing CC
+ Peel
+ Sustain
+ Mobility from her passive
+ Funny to play
+ Engage/Disengage skills
+ Great synergies
+ It's a mermaid
- Hard to master
- Mana hungry
- Very squishy
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Summary Banner

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Biography and base stats


Alias: The Tidecaller
· Tidecaller Staff
· Water Magic (Nami's Ultimate)
· Sharkees (Fizz's Ultimate)
· Koi Fish
· Urf
Gender: ♀ Female
Race: Vastaya (Marai)
Birthplace: Marai Tribe, Mount Targon (Coastline, Guardian's Sea)
Residence: Unknown
· Tidecaller
· Emissary
Faction: Runeterra (Vastaya)
Related: |

Base stats:
Health: 489 (+ 74 per level)
Mana: 377.24 (+ 43 per level)
Attack damage: 51 (+ 3.1 per level)
Attack speed: 0.644 (+ 2.61% per level)
Movement speed: 335
Armor: 29 (+ 4 per level)
Magic resist: 30 (+ 0.5 per level)
Health regen.: 5 (+ 0.5 per level)
Mana regen.: 11,5 (+ 0.4 per level)
Range: 550
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  • Summon Aery: Aery allows Nami apply a generous shield and heal her teammate with Ebb and Flow during trades/fights allowing your teammate to stay healthy. It even helps you with your poke. Always try to make bounce Ebb and Flow on the enemy to gain health and movement speed.
  • Celerity: The bonus movement speed from Celerity pays off big when you're running at an enemy champion to get into range to cast Aqua Prison just ahead of them. Often you wont want the movement speed to position properly, but with Celerity you're much more likely to.
  • Scorch: This allows you take take very aggressive trades early in lane and come out ahead thanks to your Ebb and Flow healing. You can still choose Waterwalking if you prefer. I personally wouldn't recommend Gathering Storm because of the low AP scaling that Nami has.


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Summoner Spells

Flash: Allows a blink to where your cursor is. I always use it, because it's good in any situation, allowing you to escape, to save an ally or simply to get a kill.

Exhaust: Slows a target by 30% and reduces its damage by 40%. Exhaust is a great spell to pick as support, because you can use it to engage or to disengage. I always pick Exhaust, I find it really strong against almost everyone.

Ignite: Sets fire to the enemy and does damage over 5 seconds, applying Grevious Wounds. If you're going to play aggressive or the enemy team has a lot of heals/lifesteal, pick Ignite instead of Exhaust.

Cleanse: Pick this if the enemy team has a lot of CC or if they don't have burst/assassins. IT DOESN'T REMOVE SUPPRESSIONS ( Nether Grasp, Infinite Duress, Impale, Devour and Fear Beyond Death).
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Surging Tides (Passive)
All allied champions touched by any of Nami's abilities gain 60 (+ 20% AP) bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds, doubled when touched by Tidal Wave.

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Aqua Prison (Q)
Nami sends a bubble towards the targeted area, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit, revealing them, and suspending them for 1.5 seconds.
MAGIC DAMAGE: 75 / 130 / 185 / 240 / 295 (+ 50% AP)

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Ebb and Flow (W)
Nami unleashes a stream of water onto the target champion or herself, which then bounces to nearby unaffected champions up to twice, alternating between enemies, allies and herself.
Ebb and Flow heals allies and deals magic damage to enemies, with each bounce being 85% (+ 7.5% per 100 AP) as effective as the previous one.
HEAL: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+ 30% AP)
MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 50% AP)

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Tidecaller's Blessing (E)
Nami blesses the target allied champion or herself for 6 seconds, causing her target's next three basic attacks to each deal bonus magic damage and slow their target for 1 second.
TOTAL BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE: 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 60% AP)
BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE PER HIT: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+ 20% AP)
SLOW: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% (+ 5% per 100 AP)

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Tidal Wave (R)
Nami summons a tidal wave that surges forth, dealing magic damage to all units it hits, briefly knocking them up and then slowing them for 2 - 4 (based on distance traveled) seconds.
MAGIC DAMAGE: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 60% AP)
SLOW: 50 / 60 / 70%

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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > > We want to max out Ebb and Flow because it is our main healing/damage dealer skill. Then Tidecaller's Blessing as it allows you/your ally to deal more damage and slow with auto-attacks. We level up Aqua Prison last because it has less utility than the other skills, it is a skillshot, so you could miss it and it has a long cooldown.
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Item Sequence

Eye of the Watchers 0
Mobility Boots 1000
Ardent Censer 2300
Redemption 2300
Twin Shadows 2400
Randuin's Omen 2700

This item now gives 10 AP instead of 5, so I think that it's worth because we're going to poke the enemy, trying to deny the farm to their ADC. Don't be afraid to use Tidecaller's Blessing on you and AA enemies. You can do like this: E on you > AA > AA > W on him > AA. Ebb and Flow will make you win the trade because it deals damage and heals you.

I always build these, because movement speed is vital. You can choose between Boots of Swiftness and Mercury's Treads.
You can build Ionian Boots of Lucidity, you will have 45% CDR and 10% CDR on Summoner Spells.

This helps your basic-attack based teammates to survive gaining attack speed, health and dealing magic damage on-hit. It's a great item, if you are able to make your Ebb and Flow bounce on two of your teammates (heal an ally - bounce on an enemy - bounce on an ally) it's very very strong. It even procs on Ebb and Flow and Redemption's heal and Locket of the Iron Solari's shield.

Standard item. It gives health (unfortunately from 400 it became 200), cdr, mana and health regen and healing power. It heals less than how it was used to heal BUT... Now it has a new passive: Uberheal. Redemption's heal amount is affected times as much by heal and shield power amplifiers! With this build we have 20% shielding/healing power, so I think it's okay.

YESSS! I missed this item so much! Great stats for supports, low cost (2400 gold) and a useful active: two ghosts that reveals two enemy champions and slow them by 40% for 5 seconds. I recommend to build it as first or second item if the enemy team has a stealth champ in team ( Vayne, Evelynn, Rengar and so on).

This is the item we need to survive to AD assassins (like Zed, Talon, Rengar and Kha'Zix)! It gives a lot of HP and 60 armor, it makes you pretty hard to kill for an ADC (for the passive that reduces crit damage by 10% and the one that slows enemy's attack speed by 15% if you're hit by an AA).

Other items you can choose

I don't build this item that much, but its stats are pretty strong on Nami. Build this if the enemy team has 2-3 attack speed-based champs like Vayne, Jinx, Master Yi, even Camille if she builds AD.

Thornmail is OP right now. It gives you health and a lot of armor. When you get hit by an AA, you reflect magic damage equal to 10% of your bonus armor plus 25 (so I would recommend to build another armor item, like Randuin's Omen) and inflict Grevious Wounds on the attacker. It also slows its attack speed by 15% for 1 second.


Take this item if they have a heavy engage like Unstoppable Force, Glacial Prison, Curse of the Sad Mummy, Solar Flare or even just a Blitzcrank/ Thresh. This is your main item against AP champs, build it if they have a fed AP that could just burst you down like Fizz, LeBlanc, Ahri ecc. Now it gives AP and 10% cdr, so it wouldn't be a so bad choice.

Alright guys, you team is going well, they're not dying that much and enemy towers are gone in like 15-20 minutes. This is your item after Redemption. You can poke and stack Blood Charges, so when you heal someone, you will heal them even more.

This item is pretty cool: its stats are great to be tanky and its passive will help your AP carries dealing 10% more damage. It even gives you the 10% cdr you need to reach 45%. You can choose between this and Adaptive Helm.
Choose this if you have Ornn in team, so you can upgrade it into Infernal Mask!

This item gives more armor than MR, so why I put it in "against AP"? Because of its active. If enemy team has 2-3 AP champs and you use this on a minion that's going toplane, you force their AD/ADC to go top to kill it and depush the lane. In that time, your team can try to engage a 5v4 and most likely to win it.


This item doesn't belong to us anymore. It's great on champs like Leona, Rakan etc. Now when you ult near your ally, it surrounds you with a frost storm and ignites ally's AA. The storm around you slows enemyes by 20% and your ally's AA burn enemies for a 50% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. Don't build this, we're not going to join the party in the middle of the fight.

I like these, but I prefer Mobility Boots. If you want to keep running a bit fast in fights, pick these. If you want to run faster around the map, take mobility ones. These reduce slowing effects by 25%, so they're pretty good, because lot of champs have slowing skills.

Pick this if you want to keep a lane safe from being pushed. It has the same passive as Ohmwrecker, but the damage done by the first and the fourth Voidspawn gain 15% of your total health as damage, so I would recommend to build another HP item in addition to Redemption.

There will always be at least one enemy in the enemy team that has a hard CC, so this is a good choice. If you time it right, you can save a teammate granting him 40% movement speed after the "cleanse". It stats are not great but we like that 20% bonus shielding power. It works very well with Redemption for the its passive!

Ohmwrecker is an underrestimate item. It gives great stats and it's useful for diving under towers. It gives movement speed when you walk near a turret (even destroyed ones) and it can disable both of Nexus' turrets at the same time. It gives armor, health and cdr, try it out sometimes, you might have fun.
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This is where you and your team should ward:
  • Yellow: Vital to protect the jungler on your team
  • Blue: For protection depending on which lane you're on
  • Red: To guard Dragon and Baron
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Laning Phase

I start with Ebb and Flow, because I can poke and heal at the same time. Take Aqua Prison only if your team wants to invade or if they have a champ like Blitzcrank with Ignite and you're afraid you or your ADC will die if he grabs at level 1.
Always try to stay near the target you use Ebb and Flow on to heal yourself and speed you up!
If they have a very aggressive lane like Caitlyn + Zyra, then just play passively. You are squishy and Cait could just E your Aqua Prison.
If you have an ADC like Vayne, Ezreal, Lucian, they probably will jump in front of the enemy and attack him, so when you see them dash or something, use Tidecaller's Blessing on them, Ebb and Flow (so it will heal and speed your ADC and deal damage to the enemy). If you're close enough, then try to Q one or both enemies (even if it's the support).
Always try to recall when your adc is recalling, so you get back to lane together. If your adc recalls but you have enough health and mana and you need gold, stay in lane and last-hit minions. You'll recall when your adc recalls again or if you know that he's not going to die if you go back. You can use your skills on you to get in lane faster, but be careful to not waste too much mana.
Buy Sightstone asap and keep bushes warded to avoid enemy ganks. Ward the drake if they have a champ that can solo it, like Shyvana, Kindred, Udyr etc. or if you see that they want to fight for it.
There will be times in which you won't have wards to place, so don't push the lane and try to stay behind minions.
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Slow Queen
Nami/Ashe synergy

Can't touch her
Nami/Caitlyn synergy

Little bombardier
Nami/Corki synergy

Nami/Draven synergy

Annoying explorer

Mustached outlaw
Nami/Graves synergy

Beautifully deadly
Nami/Jhin synergy

Even more hypercarry
Nami/Jinx synergy

Vengeful purifier

Cute but lethal
Nami/Kog'Maw synergy

Sexy Captain
Nami/Miss fortune synergy

Bounty hunters

Shurima's mercenary
Nami/Sivir synergy

Yordle gunner
Nami/Tristana synergy

Corrupted arrow
Nami/Varus synergy

Late game beast
Nami/Vayne synergy

Vastayan revolutionary
Nami/Xayah synergy

I didn't write about Kalista because I didn't experienced this botlane so much, but I think that it could work well with your ultimates and your Aqua Prison.
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Nami channels the primal energies of the ocean, harnessing its mystical restorative properties and commanding the raw power of the tides themselves. Though many doubted her, Nami had the bravery and determination to take on a dangerous quest when no one else would. Now her people believe she is the Tidecaller, a chosen one destined to complete a quest essential to the survival of her entire race.

The Tidecaller's sacred duty is to acquire a moonstone, a powerful object found only in the towering reaches of the surface world. Her people, the Marai, rely on the moonstone's light to ward off the terrors of the depths. However, the stone's power lasts only one hundred years. Before its light fades, the Tidecaller must journey into the Great Deep, retrieve an abyssal pearl, and carry it to the surface. There, on the night of the winter solstice of the hundredth year, the Tidecaller makes a ceremonial exchange with a landwalker bearing a moonstone. By trading the pearl for the moonstone, the Tidecaller ensures the survival of the Marai for another century.

However, in Nami's time, as the hundred years drew to a close, no Tidecaller had been found. Without a chosen one to complete the quest, her people would face disaster, but the Marai waited in faith that the Tidecaller would appear. Nami refused to sit idle, insisting that without a Tidecaller to save them, someone had to act. Bravely, she decided to begin the quest herself and ventured alone into the dangerous depths. None expected her to survive, but after six days of battles with untold horrors, Nami returned with the pearl in hand. The Marai hailed her as the new Tidecaller. All that remained was for Nami to journey to the surface and complete the exchange.

When Nami arrived at the surface, however, she found only an empty shore. She waited for days in a mystic cove, unsure of what to do. In all the legends of the Tidecallers, the bearer of the moonstone had never failed to arrive. Nami faced a choice. She knew the surface world only through tale and rumor, but the survival of the Marai depended upon her. Summoning the tide to bear her ashore, Nami began her search for the moonstone and became the first of her kind to explore the world above the ocean. She left her home behind, and vowed not to return until she had completed the Tidecaller's quest.

"I am the tide, and I cannot be turned."
- Nami
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