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Rammus Build Guide by mrquytk

Rammus King Dame ( update rammus 2012 )

Rammus King Dame ( update rammus 2012 )

Updated on February 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrquytk Build Guide By mrquytk 3,523 Views 1 Comments
3,523 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mrquytk Rammus Build Guide By mrquytk Updated on February 1, 2012
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Hello. This is yet another guide by me, and now for the unique turtle, Rammus. Before we move on, I'd like to tell you some things.
  • Please do not down-vote, flame or do any other negative action just because the cheat sheet is incorrect in your opinion, or lacks anything. I will suggest you make a comment on this, after your have checked the following things:
    • Please check all the five builds. They all are for different situations, and I'll explain them all later in the guide. Please read that section first.
    • Read the entire Items section. You might find the answer to your question there.
    • Read the FAQ, and see if your question might be in there.
    If all above is done, feel free to leave a comment. I beg you not to down-vote or do anything else negatively before you have submitted a comment and I've answered you.
  • This guide is my way of playing Rammus. I'm in no way telling you exactly the best was of playing Rammus. Several sections of this guide will explain the different uses of items in different situations. This is all personal preference.
  • If there is something you dislike, please tell me so I can eventually correct it, or give you an answer to your question.
  • When voting, please tell me WHY you up/down-voted. I'd like constructive critism very much, as I'm not a professional guidemaker or player of any kind.
  • If you have a screenshot of a game you played you think is good, feel free to give me a link in the comments if you want me to add it.
  • English is not my primary language, and I don't know it too well. There might be a few mistakes here and there, but I'd be really happy if you could comment and tell me where I eventually made the mistakes, for so me to correct them.

    [h=3]Runes, Masteries and the original items in this guide (Yes, there are a big items section handling all the items in all the builds, but...) are after build ONE on the cheat sheet, which is the general build. Of course I will talk about the other builds, but for at least runes and masteries, it's for build one.[/h]
    With that being said, it's time to move on to the guide. Thank you very much for reading above. "Mhm"
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In case you don't understand a couple of abbreviations I use in this guide, here's a list of commonly used abbreviations:

Abbreviation - Definition
Armor - Armor
MR - Magic Resist
ArmPen - Armor Penetration
MagPen - Magic Penetration
AD - Attack Damage
AS - Attack Speed
AP - Ability Power
Hp5 - Health per 5 seconds
Mp5 - Mana per 5 seconds
CDR - Cooldown Reduction
CC - Crowd Control Effects (Disables)
CS - Creep Score
MS - Movement Speed
tl;dr - Too Long ; Didn't Read
IMO - In My Opinion
TBH - To Be Honest
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
Pull or Leash - Get a teammate to hit the target and go back to lane immediately

Let's get on with the guide, shall we? "Ok".
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For the general build, the masteries are set as the follows:

So, basically this is my personal preferences. Some points can be swapped here and there, and yet today I don't know which is the best.Initiator etc can be very useful, however so is Honor Guard. Mercenary is another decent spell, I mean it will reward you with some good gold if you get 40 assists, huh?

30 assists:
Mercenary level 1: 240g
Mercenary level 2: 480g
Mercenary level 3: 720g

720g is something, and for only three mastery points. However, again, Veteran's Scars requires 5 mastery points, and so it goes on... It's up to you to decide, and just putting 30 points in there somewhere will make great difference :)

The rest is pretty much basic tank masteries, 0-21-9.
The jungle build isn't really very different;

Again, it's a wide selection of alternatives.Summoner's Resolve will grant you some bonus gold throughout the game, just like Mercenary again, as explained above. A very very useful mastery point for any jungler is the Runic Affinity. 20% longer buff duration is gold! Swiftness is good for moving faster... everywhere. The point placed in Summoner's Insight is for your Flash.
- Keep in mind that Initiator can be incredibly useful in some situations.

Rammus Jungle is now much better than before!
- Why is that?
Due to the new mastery, Bladed Armor. This stacks up with your Defensive Ball Curl, and will make a sweet difference. Your jungling will go faster, and all the red wraiths will now die while you attack the blue. (Well, you're probably too fast so you gotta auto-attack them anyway :)). Tough Skin and Indomitable will protect you nicely, granting you more surviability in the jungle.

A good choice for almost any jungler is Butcher. Some, like Rammus and Amumu are tanks, and will have much more benefits from the Defense Tree.
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[h=2]Items (+Treads or Tabis!?)[/h] For the item section, I'm going to talk about the general build and the jungle build. The two others are very situational, and I will also explain situational items; when and where to get them.

General: Regrowth Pendant, Health Potion
Physical: Cloth Armor, 5x Health Potion or 3x Health Potion and 2x Mana Potion
Magical: Null-Magic Mantle, 2x Health Potion

Make your support cv their base 5-15 sec after start.

General Build (#1)(#2)
- Regrowth Pendant
This item will give you extreme sustainability in the lane, aswell as later on build into Philosopher's Stone. It's amazing to have, and can let you stay in lane basically forever, as long as you don't risk too much. With your Defensive Ball Curl, this will make you never ever need to go back. I'm not telling you to NOT go back. No.

- Philosopher's Stone
Built from your starting item, this item is to be got early on. It'll reward you with 5 gold per 10 seconds, which will reward you in getting 30/1min, 300 gold each 10 minutes you have it. Keep it for 30 minutes and it'll give you more than it costed - and that's when you sell it. You only need the hp regen and mana regen on your way in the early game phase.

- Heart of Gold
Another gold per 5 item, which also gives you a small HP boost in the laning phase - sweet! Another sustainability item, great to have! With both this and your Philosopher's Stone, the amount of gold you gain per second is almost doubled! Wow. This item, however, won't be sold. It should build into Randuin's Omen later on.

- Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi
It's up to your opponents what you get. I'd like to get Mercury's Treads if they have 5+ strong cc's (stun, suppress, taunt) or like 6-7+ cc's including slow. I also get them if the opponent team is balanced AND have 3+ cc's. If you're facing a heavy AD team, or just heavily fed, and barely (5-) cc's, I'd go for Ninja Tabi.

- Guardian Angel
A great item which gives both Armor and MR, along with an amazing passive! This item tends to be gotten in late game, however getting it before is actually very rewarding. It's passive will always be 750 HP and 375 Mana, which will be worth more early game than late game! Therefore I use to get it earlier on, but it's all up to yourself. Before this, I do grab a Giant's Belt to get another small boost of HP on the way though.

- Sunfire Cape
Nice item, both armor and HP! A sweet passive, and doesn't cost way too much. I'd say its a nice item to get.
Note: If you need to sell an item, this is the one I'd go for. E.g. if you face a very heavy AD team and want to buy another Thornmail or so. This is the one I'd sell.

- Randuin's Omen
This item will give you an AOE slow to both attack and movement speeds, and if you use this while your Defensive Ball Curl is activated, it has an amazingly longer effect. This is built from your earlier gotten item, Heart of Gold.

- Warmog's Armor
Crazy HP boost. With the kind of ""minor"" stats you've gotten so far (not really HUGE boost - items), it will help great together with your Defensive Ball Curl. This is where you get at the point that HP items is worth more of your money than getting Armor/MR.
Note: This item can be extended and bought later instead.

- At this point, your Philosopher's Stone should be sold a bit ago.

Now, it's up to the opponent team what YOU need:
If you seem to need armor, get a Thornmail for sure! A freaking amazing passive (30%!!!!!!!) will TEAR down their AD carries, and with the sick Armor you'll get form activating Defensive Ball Curl, you'll be dealing more damage from Thornmail to them than they deal to you, lol.

If you seem to need MR, Force of Nature is for you. If neither, it can be anything you THINK you need. :)

- Thornmail
This item will give you a sick Armor boost. It's quite cheap also, so it can be an alternative to stacking, if you need LOADS of Armor.

- Force of Nature
Amazing regen, also gives a sweet MR boost. Buy/stack if you need MR.

- Frozen Heart
This item gives you an awesome armor boost, and mana. It has a 20% CD Reduction, along with screwing up the enemies' AD carries by lowering their AS by 20%!! That means that their AS will drop from 2.000 > 1.600! *Insert-Trollface-Here*. So basically, this item combined with Thornmail is just magnificent if you fight against a heavy AD team.

- Warmog's Armor
If you feel like you already have enough Armor and MR or the opponent's carries aren't way too fed, getting another Warmog's Armor would be a good investment.

[h=3]Situational Items[/h]
All builds (#1)(#2)(#3)(#4)
So, every game you play, the opponents characters and amount of feed will vary. This is why I made this section. Let's take a closer look on when to get which items!

- My opponents have really heavy AD damage.
Build 3.
An AD carry's worst enemy is definitely the Thornmail and Frozen Heart. None of them should be stacked, as both of them gives different bonuses along with great Armor. Therefore, getting one of each and a Warmog's Armor or another HP-yielding item would really do. You might also consider Randuin's Omen as an item, due to both Armor and HP, along with a small CD Reduction AND TWO AS slows. WHAT? Yes, because of the 20% chance on attacked to slow their carries AS, this will be activated. No doubt. Any AD carry should have a good attack speed, making this very likely to affect them. Not to mention you get an AOE slow which also slows their AS. With your Defensive Ball Curl on, you get a free +1.5sec with this slow, EXCLUDING your original armor and MR. This is incredible to Rammus.
tl;dr: Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen, Warmog's Armor. Dem AD carries bees mad.

- The enemy has prodigiously high magic damage.
Build 4.
Unfortunately, there's no item similar to the marvellous Thornmail, which they imo should create. As Magic Damage usually are a bit bigger than Physical, they could make like returning 20% or 25% of the damage as Physical Damage.
So anyway, your core items in this situation would definitely be Banshee's Veil and Force of Nature. Both of those items will provide you with a sweet MR boost, along with other bonuses. Force of Nature will give you a pleasant HP Regen, and Banshee's Veil will give you an astonishing passive which removes a debuff every 60 seconds. Yes. Any stun, silence, fear... won't affect you. Note that this also blocks spells like Children of the Grave. After acquiring those two items, I would recommand getting any HP items, e.g. Warmog's Armor or Randuin's Omen. You might think, "Omen!? Why in this situation?". Well pretty basic - you need some armor to protect you anyway. It also adds to your AD, and gives great surviability with both its Passive and Active.
tl;dr: Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature, Warmog's Armor, Randuin's Omen. Dem AP casters bees mad.

- I'm facing an 100% balanced team. What do I build?
Both. Absolutely both. I recommend looking at Build 1, which is the standard. Guardian Angel is a flawless item for these cases. It provides you with both Armor and MR, along with a sweet passive which imo works better the earlier you can get it. Anyway, don't worry. Get Armor, MR and HP items and you should be fine. Your Defensive Ball Curl should do a huge amount of the job though, so getting HP would be your best bet here. Of course not just only HP, but mostly HP for sure.

[h=4]A list of situational items[/h]

- Aegis of the Legion
Really cheap cost for the bonuses it actually gives, and can really help your team. A good item when your team is squishier than usual, or you need a nice boost early on.

- Spirit Visage
Another pretty cheap item, gives a nice little MR along with some CD Reduction and a 15% increase to your regenerations. Combined with items like Force of Nature, you can get really strong.

- Warmog's Armor
Stacking? If really needed, then yes. This would be only when the enemy has like two really fed AD carries, and you already got yourself 400 armor with your Defensive Ball Curl. However, I think any tank should get this. This item might be considered pretty nooby, but I deny it. It gives really great health, and when it gets stacked up it gives you incredibly much health. Not to mention that it doesn't cost way too much either. Imo, this is a must.

- Thornmail or Frozen Heart?
I'd prefer both. However, if you only need one, I'd go for Thornmail which probably contains the best passive in the entire game. It will just tear down their AD carries along with your Defensive Ball Curl. Either of them is a must I must say, anyway. Atleast as long as you dont meet a full AP team. Let's just not for god's sake hope this happens to our dear LoL comrades...

The rest of the items are pretty straight forward or mandatory imo. If you have any suggestions, or if I left out anything, feel free to PM me or leave a comment.

[h=3]Do I get Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi? (After dodge removal)[/h]
This is, in fact, a large topic. Now as I write this pre-patch, I haven't tested the new Ninja Tabi yet. However, a 10% damage reduction from auto attacks would be GODLY against a heavy carry team.
I WILL update this as soon as I get to test them a bit. Please tell me what you think too in the comments.

I'd say the following (before testing):
If the enemy has strongly with auto-attackers... That is one-two fed, or three+ - get Ninja Tabi. A 10% reduction in addition to your armor (I do not know which one of those will apply first. Hopefully it will be Armor first, then the bonus) would strike their carries hard. They can't do **** to you now. Your were immortal before... Then what are you with an additional 10% reduction? Woah. What I'm pointing at here, is that it's an extremely strong item against AD carries especially.

To sum it up, if they have strong auto-attack damage, it's a brilliant item. I will update this sooner or later, please leave a comment on this if you have any input or opinions on this. Thanks.
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Skill Sequence

Build 1#, 3#, 4#
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

We'll start out withPowerball. We only need one point in this skill for the speed. You should basically always be spinning when not in lane. Afterwards get a point in Defensive Ball Curl for a great increase in your sustainability, thereafter maxing Puncturing Taunt asap. This is your main skill, and what makes Rammus an amazing butt-saver.

We want to get Defensive Ball Curl as second priority, excluding the ultimate which always should be gotten when it can be. Lastly just put your points in Powerball.

Skill Priority: Puncturing Taunt > Tremors > Defensive Ball Curl > Powerball.

Build #2
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Pretty much same as above, except for the starting phase. You want to put two points intoDefensive Ball Curl, as this is what makes you able to jungle. Always keep it active while fighting. Get Puncturing Taunt at level 4 for a gank, then max it asap.

Skill Priority: Puncturing Taunt > Tremors > Defensive Ball Curl > Powerball.
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Summoner Spells

[h=2]Summoner Spells[/h] Alright, so this is the deal. I think Flash is a must. At least for myself. It has so incredibly many uses, and I just love it. Now, if you're going to lane, I think Teleport or maybe even Fortify would be your best bet. Personally I choose Teleport. As for jungling which I do most of the time, Smite is a must.

Some of Flash's uses are...
- Escaping
- Escaping though a wall
- Kiting
- If you get counterjungled
- Getting over creeps while in Powerball mode
- Which allows you to catch the enemy with Puncturing Taunt
- Saving a teammate
- In case of danger

...and that's only some.

Viable choices:
- Cleanse
I heard of this strategy once... Soft cc (things that can't stop you 100% but weaken your effectiveness; slow, silence etc). counts as one point - hard cc (stun, taunt, suppress) counts as two. If it passes X points, get the item/summoner spell. I think this was for Mercury's Treads but it can be used for Cleanse aswell. Let's put it 8 points? You can decide this, I normally don't use this spell tbh, unless I can see (draft pick) that they have a very heavy cc team. Keep in mind that you maybe want to get Mercury's Treads though, which has Tenacity (reduces cc durations). So, decide it yourself.

- Ghost
This is a summoner spell that is amazing for escaping enemies chasing you. This can save your life many times, or maybe even a turret for that matter. Combined with Powerball it can give you a magnificent speed.

The rest of the summoner spells are better not to be chosen by a tank imo.
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In this section I will be explaining my choice of runes.
Hence that this is for build one.


Any rune could fit here. Marks doesn't give a good defensive bonus, so you should use what you have. If you have 9x Greater Mark of Fortitude, I'd suggest you use them. If not, anything else. These runes aren't too important for an tank.
Jungle: In the jungle, these runes are great. I'd suggest you to use Greater Mark of Alacrity, Greater Mark of Strength or Greater Mark of Desolation. These are runes that really help you out. Greater Mark of Fortitude is a decent choice aswell, imo.

Note that I don't encourage you to buy 9x Greater Mark of Fortitude. If you have them, they're better than Greater Mark of Insight. If not, go with the Greater Mark of Insight. The health bonus aren't too big, but it is something.

Seals are probably the most important runes for Rammus. All I can say is Greater Seal of Resilience. Armor, Armor Armor. Rammus gains AD from Armor, and Seals' biggest boost is Armor. You can choose for yourself wheter you want flats or pr.level, but I'd prefer flats myself. This is due to the great help it gives you in the jungle: 1.41 x 9 = 12.69. It gives you a whopping 12 armor bonus in both lane and jungle, and this will be 30 with your cloth armor, along with 6 from masteries which will give you 36. Rammus' base armor is 21, which will reward you in having a sick 57 armor to start off with!!! As you can see on the graph in the previous section, the physical damage dealt to you will be reduced by around 36%!!! This bonus is SICK early game, where spells doesn't do too much damage. Wow. No doubt here.
Jungle: Exactly the same. Insane surviability boost.
Remember that this will add to your AD aswell. 57 armor divided by 4 equals 14. That means an extra 14 AD for you.

As for glyphs, the best for Rammus to get would definitely be Greater Glyph of Warding or Greater Glyph of Shielding. This is really, really up to you, but you want to get MR for sure. Per level might be a good idea though, as these will kick in at level 7, and their effect will be bigger than the flats right there at level 7. By that time, peoples' spells aren't way too strong, and therefore I'd suppose that per levels would be the best.
Personal preference.

Greater Quintessence of Fortitude. Health quints are imo best, but it's up to you what you choose. Quints are good overall, and anything tanky would work. Greater Quintessence of Defence, Greater Quintessence of Warding etc. Nothing really much to say here for sure. It's all up to yourself. I just have to state that starting out with (26 x 3) = 78 more health will really help.

Greater Mark of Insight

Greater Seal of Resilience

Greater Glyph of Shielding

Greater Quintessence of Fortitude

Now, lets move on to the masteries I've chosen. "Ok".
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the build

First of all, I will explain the cheat sheet builds.
But before that, I'd like you to know that the builds have a lot of items in them at the end, as the items you would get should really vary on the opposing team.

Build 1:
Build one is the general build. It's how you would build for a decent enemy team, usually consisting of around equal damage output of AD and AP. If the teams gets a little bit more unbalanced, I've added a bunch of other items you can get to satisfy you and your team.

Build 2:
Build two is the general Rammus jungle build. Rammus is a decent jungler, and it's quite easy to do. A video will be added later.
The runes of this build are a bit more specified to your job as a jungler, and so are the early-game items. The rest of the items are around the same as build two. Remember to adjust them after how well the enemies' AD or AP carries are doing.

Build 3:
This build is for if you're facing a very heavy AD team. It contains a bit of MR aswell, however it mainly focuses on getting Armor. Armor will also improve your AD, which is a great bonus. Remember to not always exactly follow this build. If the enemy's AD carry is fed, and you see the AP carry also has picked up a small bunch of kills, it might be smart to a little bit MR. Guardian's Angel should give you MR needed enough though, if the enemy's caster sucks.

Build 4:
The opposite of build three, is build four. This mainly focuses on heavy MR, with a little boost of Armor aswell. Remember that getting some Armor is great for Rammus, due to his passive. However if you find your enemy AP carry with a blowing 30/2/14, it's worth investing some money in a bunch of MR. Remember that the enemy might have an AD carry there too, having a potential damage ouput. Be aware.

General information
Common with all the builds, you will find health items as a key. Why, you ask? Well, as you probably already know, when you start stacking higher Armor and MR, the effects will just decay more and more until you get stuck at round 83%. You can't go much higher if you don't have six Thornmails and activate Defensive Ball Curl I guess. However, this shouldn't be done. You lose too much money.

Here's a nice graph for you:As you can see, around 400 is the limit. It flattens so much out that... well yes. The cap of Armor/MR you should get before you should stack health, is around 200-300.

Then, the question would be: But I have my Defensive Ball Curl, which gives me +150!!! Shouldn't I then just get 50 Armor and 50 MR then spam Warmogs???

No. Why? Simple. As said in the tips when playing against Rammus, his stats are slightly lower than any other tank when Defensive Ball Curl is deactivated. Along with any other abilities, it has a cooldown. And to cover the room between the cooldown and the activation of this spell we need Armor and MR. A fight will probably last longer than six seconds, and the cooldown of this spell is 14 seconds. That makes you very vulnerable within those eight seconds, and therefore getting Armor and MR is a must, like with any other tank. It's when Defensive Ball Curl is activated Rammus really shines. That's when he is amazing. When it's off, he's like any other tank, except that he is a turtle.

Really? Well, since I'm one of the nice turtles, I'll give you the short story.

Use build one/two for general games. If the opponent team is quite balanced, I'd recommend one of those. Notice that it's up to you what you buy late game though.

If you're facing a heavy AD opponent team, go for build three. It also builds a little MR of course. However if you're facing a strong MR team, go for build four. Build four also builds a bit armor.
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jungle rammus

The new jungle
Looks like Rammus still can do his old route. He's still capable of completing the whole jungle, clearing all the camps, before going back. Another possible route would now be going Double Golems first, however I think that the Blue Buff route is working better. It makes you able to spam your skills by both basically unlimited mana and 22.5% CDR. Thereby you can Powerball whereever you are.

Rammus Jungle has been extremely improved from the latest patch imo. The mastery change patch. Bladed Armor makes his Defensive Ball Curl even stronger. Those two combined is incredibly strong. Now, I tried a few other starting items in the jungle. Still, it seems like Cloth Armor is the best item to start out with, along with Health Potion x5. This gives Defensive Ball Curl a boost, and adds to your AD aswell. E.g. Ruby Crystal or Doran's Shield gives you some great boosts to easily survive soloing Blue Buff, however leaves you without any Health Potions, making you die at either Wraiths or Double Golems. With Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potion, you are able to complete the route with two potions left. These should be used though, making you able to gank straight after red buff. And all this without any runes (Maybe 1 hp pot left without runes). SOLO blue.

This allows for an early gank for your team, hopefully bringing you in the lead. A great start.

Now, the best route would be the following;
Grab Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potion and head to Blue Buff place. Find a nice bush to scout from, and ask your team for protection. Let's assume there were no invasions. Head to the Blue Golem and ask for a pull. You should get it, but if your team is doucebags then solo it. From now on, you can still kick *** by soloing it. Smite at around 445 HP.
After acquiring Blue Buff, put a point in Powerball and drive to the wolves. At the end of wolves, you can either use Powerball to deal some quick damage and make them hop back (immediately after autoattack), or kill them with auto attacks and drive on to Wraiths instead, for quicker movement. Atm, I don't know which way is the quickest. However you'll save 30 HP by doing the first.
Wraiths is gold as Rammus, as from now, both Defensive Ball Curl and Bladed Armor will kill all of the three red wraiths automatically, so therefore all you need to do is attack the blue wraith. By the time you finished the blue, the reds should already be dead. Move on to red buff.
Q: Why Red Buff before Double Golems?
A: First off, there's no risk to take. You will manage to kill both for sure. Also, Double Golems will go down quicker if you already have the Red Buff.
Though, make sure you have Smite below 15-20 sec cooldown to complete Red. If you have it above, it might be smart to go Double Golems first. Some times you're just too fast. :)
Move on to either of the ones you haven't killed yet (Red/Golems), and kill them. Make sure you always keep a potion up, except for when at wolves though. Anyway, you SHOULD have enough hp to gank (I'd say 50-60%+) if you count in the amount of HP restored from potions within you reach the lane. If not, you failed. Assuming you have, go gank now.

Hopefully the gank was successful, and you can now recall, Boots of Speed and eventually Heart of Gold, depending on how much gold you got from ganking yet.
Move on to wolves>wraiths>golems>gank>blue>............... Gank WHENEVER there's an opportunity; Low HP enemies, lane pushed too far (by them) etc.

- As long as you have Blue Buff, Powerball should be used at all times available for sick movement speed around the map.
- After the first or second blue, try to give it to your AP carry if possible. If you can do this without messing up too much for yourself, your AP carry will get a SIGNIFICANT advantage over its opponent in an iron grip.
- Rammus is extreme at ganking. Getting Guardian Angel early can help you towerdive aswell. The tower will cancel shooting at you while you're reviving, breaking its extra-damage chain. If you have creeps or an ally at the tower, it will attack them aswell.
- A nice strategy to use when ganking is loading up Powerball in a bush, drive in at maybe 50% of its duration, eventually use Flash to hop over minions (if you're really in for the kill) too.
- Your standard ganking combo would be Powerball, Puncturing Taunt > Immediately Defensive Ball Curl > Tremors.
No. No. Your ally/allies DID get an assist, and it's something. Though it would be preferred that you give the kills to your carry, it ain't armageddon ;)

[h=4]UP-TO-DATE Jungle Video for Rammus as of 16th of November 2011.[/h]
Level 30 Masteries, NO tank runes only a few Tier 2 Armor Penetration and Tier 1 AS runes, not even full page.Was recorded on another account on another server. ;) (Explanation for the runes, if you wondered).

Old videos; < 16th of November 2011

[h=3]Default route[/h]

I didn't use full runes in the video - barely any at all. << It was some time ago that I did this. I will probably add another in the future if I get time - hopefully in a real game.

[h=3]Default route with commentary by Hahano[/h]
[h=3]Another jungle route[/h]
Not by me. Click the video to go to YouTube for credits ;)
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