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Evelynn Build Guide by Emi

AD Offtank -Shadow's Sweet Seduction-

AD Offtank -Shadow's Sweet Seduction-

Updated on December 3, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Build Guide By Emi 13 1 116,717 Views 33 Comments
13 1 116,717 Views 33 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Evelynn Build Guide By Emi Updated on December 3, 2014
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Table of Contents

In General

Item Choices

Hi there, and welcome to my Evelynn jungle guide! Here, I hope to teach you how to play this champion and why the build presented is the most optimal way to build her. You will be shown example build paths, how to use her abilities, her teamfight potential, and all of those things that make Evelynn a jungler to be feared. Keep in mind this is a comprehensive guide and will be very detailed.

About Evelynn
Why is Evelynn a viable choice? Evelynn's defining attribute is her element of surprise through her passive stealth. As a jungler, her early game ganks are extremely effective because of this fact. She is a unique champion in that she can position herself in ways that would be impossible for anyone else, and thus can be extremely hard to deal with when playing against her.
About Me
I'm Emikadon: a guide writer and amateur artist here on this site. I am currently Gold V and I believe I have a solid understanding of each role. I have written quite a few guides here on MOBAFire, which you can find a list of here.

Side Note
This guide is extremely long, since I will cover everything you need to know in order to master Evelynn. If it was helpful in any way, please upvote my guide to let me know I've done a good job explaining! If you disagree with anything I have to say or believe I have left something important out, please leave a comment and I will gladly discuss anything you have to say ^_^ Also, I had gotten a little lazy in terms of coding, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!


+ Passive Stealth
+ Strong Ganks
+ High Damage
+ Good Mobility
+ Good Teamfight
+ Flanking
The defining characteristic of Evelynn is her passive stealth, which allows her to do many things that other champions cannot. She can position herself without her enemies knowing, and this can lead to very strong ganks. In addition to that, she has high base damages, even if she builds primarily tank items. She has decent mobility with her W, as the ability will reset upon kill/assist. Finally, she has extremely good teamfight presence, due to the element of surprise she brings, as well as her AOE ultimate. She can execute this through flanking, which is where she enters from the side of the fight instead of from the front.

Evelynn's main weakness lies in the fact that she is melee. While jungling, this is not much of a problem, but she is inherently squishy with little burst damage. This makes her a very weak duelist, and she won't be able to win most 1v1 skirmishes. She is weak against CC because outside of her W she has no escape, nor does she have any hard CC (stuns, knock-backs, knock-ups, silences, etc.) in her kit either. She requires careful positioning so that her Q lines up correctly, and if she is spotted pre-teamfight, it can ruin the element of surprise she brings.
- Melee
- Poor Dueling
- Weak against CC
- No Hard CC
- Requires Positioning
- Squishy Early Game

Flash is always a good pick due the sheer amount of ways it can be used. Blinking over walls can save your life 9 times out of 10, and you can use it to reposition yourself if needed. In addition, you can make so many plays with it. Evelynn already has a huge advantage of surprise with her passive stealth. Adding in a gap closer with that makes her beyond deadly.
Because this build is about Evelynn being a jungler, you need to pick up Smite to help you with camp-clearing, as well as to secure objectives like Dragon or Baron. A must-take summoner spell, as your team will be a cripplin disadvantage when it comes to taking the neutral monsters throughout the map.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage are your go-to marks when jungling as Evelynn. These are good for additional damage, especially early game, as you'll mostly be dealing damage through autoattacks. In addition, your Q and E both scale off of AD, which are your primary camp-clearing abilities.
  • Greater Seal of Armor are the most beneficial, as all of the monsters in your jungle deal physical damage. This will increase your survivability by reducing the damage you take, as well as make your health potions more efficient because you won't be chugging through as many.
  • Greater Seal of Health are an alternative to the standard page of armor seals. They give your health bar a nice boost early game, which will later on help your survivability because you will be building tank items. If you do take these, take them with a combination of 5 health/4 armor. Keep in mind that 5 health/4 armor setup is superior at the very early stages of the game, until your champion has 850 health. From this moment, armor seals become superior. They provide more effective Health Potions and mitigate AD damage from the enemy.
  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist are the usual glyphs I run, because they increase your survivability in early game ganks against magic damage opponents in addition to scaling later on in the game. Typically, I don't run flat MR glyphs because early game you'll be farming for the most part, and jungle monsters only deal physical damage.
  • Greater Glyph of Ability Power are better than MR glyphs if the enemy is AD heavy. You won't need the magic resist quite as much, and you can forgo the defense for more damage. The AP will increase your Q, E, and R's damage, which is always a good thing.
  • Greater Quintessence of Ability Power are the best choices to take because they give you 15 AP at the very start of the game, which increases your camp-clearing ability by boosting the strength of your Q and E. These will increase your kill potential when ganking, which balances out the squishiness early game.
  • Greater Quintessence of Armor are a good choice to pick up if the enemy has a lot of AD damage dealing enemies, and you would rather have the defense than the damage. They will also increase your survivability when farming your jungle, because all monsters deal physical damage.

  • Sorcery lowers the cooldown of your already spammable Q, which makes clearing camps much easier. Double-Edged Sword is good because it'll allow you to deal good amount of extra damage, while your (eventual) tankiness will soak up the rest.

  • Dangerous Game synergizes with playmakers like Evelynn extremely well. You already have a reset on your W, and adding in a clutch health/mana back will help you escape after an assassination even easier.

  • Evelynn's kit is a mixture of both magical and physical damage, and scales off of both AD and AP. Taking the points in Brute Force and Mental Force will give you an early game boost for ganking/clearing. Skip over Warlord and Archmage because you will not be building very many damage items.

  • All of the other masteries are for more damage.

  • Block and Unyielding 's damage reduction may not seem like much, but it can actually help you quite a bit when you're ganking. It may not be extremely significant, but it can help you survive through fights a little easier.

  • Tough Skin is a must take in the jungle, as it will help you save health potions as well as increase your survivability throughout your camp clearing.

  • Veteran Scars and Juggernaut basically give you more health as you scale later into the game. Since the best build for Evelynn is to build tank, these will make a huge difference once late game rolls around.

Shadow Walk (Passive)
When out of combat for 6 seconds, Evelynn enters stealth, only being able to be seen by enemy champions within 700 range or true sight. While stealthed, Evelynn regenerates 1% of her maximum mana every second and ignores unit collision.
Useful tips
  • This is the ability that defines Evelynn. Stealthed, you can position yourself in both ganks and teamfights in ways that no other champion can. Skirt along the edges of the enemy's vision to cut off any escape paths.
  • Using the element of surprise, you can elicit the "fight or flight" response from enemies. If you suddenly appear close to the person you're ganking, they might panic and waste summoners like Flash or Heal.
  • The stealth can be used to scout objectives. For example, if you suspect the enemy is doing Dragon, you can sneak up and check without them knowing. Be careful though! The enemy might be expecting this and may bait you by standing in a bush and waiting for you!
  • The mana regeneration is also a huge plus from this passive. It is basically a Chalice of Harmony whenever it's active, and can help you regenerate massive amounts of mana when roaming throughout your jungle.
  • If Evelynn's Shadow Walk is active and she goes in the detection range of an enemy champion she has no sight of, she will be seen but the stealth will not cancel.
  • Upon recalling, the stealth will break. However, the recall time is 8 seconds, where as Evelynn will become invisible in 6. Use this to bait out enemies by deceiving them into thinking you are gone.
Things to note
  • Enemies that are within 700 range will be able to see you. You will know this because they will have either a yellow eye (meaning you are very close to them) or a red eye (meaning that you have been spotted).
  • If you are visible while in stealth, there will be an exclamation point over Evelynn's figure.
  • Using item actives such as Sweeping Lens or Randuin's Omen will cancel the stealth. On the other hand, using consumables such as health potions or wards will not.

Hate Spike (Q)
Evelynn fires a line of spikes through a nearby enemy, dealing magic damage to all enemy units in its path.
Ability Details
  • Range: 500
  • Cooldown: 1.5
  • Cost: 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 Mana
  • Base Magic Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90
  • Bonus AP Scaling: +35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 % AP
  • Bonus AD Scaling: +50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 % AD
Useful tips
  • This is Evelynn's primary camp clearing ability. Positioning yourself just right will allow you to hit all of the monsters in a camp with a single Q.
  • This ability does not interrupt movement, making it an excellent ability to spam when chasing down a target/fleeing from a fight. Attack moving/spell moving while using this ability is essential!
  • Evelynn synergizes extremely well with champions like Maokai or Kassadin. The spammable nature of this ability will help stack their abilities Sap Magic and Force Pulse.
Things to note
  • Beyond a certain movement speed, the travel animation of Hate Spike will not be able to catch up the enemy. Make sure you're in range to actually hit this ability when chasing.
  • If you're sieging a turret and you need to clear any minions, be sure to position yourself so that the AOE will not hit any enemies. Otherwise, you will draw turret aggro.

Dark Frenzy (W)
Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy champions grant her a flat movement speed bonus for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 4 times.

Active: Evelynn removes all slows affecting her, gains increased movement speed for 3 seconds and ignores unit collision. Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown.
Ability Details
  • Cooldown: 15
  • Flat Movement Speed per Stack: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
  • Movement Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Useful tips
  • Activating this ability can help you close gaps when ganking. In addition, it can be used to get out of base/roam throughout your jungle much faster.
  • Both the passive and active stack, so hitting enemies with your Q will still increase your movement speed on top of the bonus MS you get from activating the ability.
  • Kills/Assists will refresh this cooldown, which makes it extremely useful if you need to break free of any slows when diving. It also can be used multiple times a fight, as each kill and assist will re-refresh it.
  • When ganking, you can use your Shadow Walk's stealth to position yourself correctly and then wait for your teammates to get ready as well. Afterwards, use W to close the gap between you and the enemy champion, ensuring that you pull off a successful gank.
Things to note
  • Activating the ability will break your stealth.
  • The ability will remove any soft CC (slows), not hard CC (stuns). Know this difference, or you might use this ability too early/too late.
  • Be careful if you're using this ability to cross the map/roam your jungle, as it has a very long cooldown. If a lane needs help and you've already used the active, it can put you and your teammate at a severe disadvantage.

Ravage (E)
Evelynn slashes a target twice, dealing physical damage with each strike. Evelynn then gains bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
Ability Details
  • Range: 225
  • Cooldown: 9
  • Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 Mana
  • Total Physical Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+100% AP) (+100% AD)
  • Attack Speed: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120%
Useful tips
  • The AS buff and double hit is really good for clearing camps. Just be sure to position yourself correctly before using it, because you don't want to waste any of the bonus attack speed.
  • When chasing down a target, be sure to abuse the attack speed boost by attack moving to stay next to them. This ability along with your Hate Spike will deal quite a bit of damage.
  • When taking down a turret, use this ability on a nearby minion.
  • If Ravage kills its target on the first hit, Evelynn will strike another nearby target with the second hit. If the target dies while she is casting Ravage, the sound and animation will be played but no buff or damage will be applied and Ravage will not go on cooldown.
  • Evelynn gains two stacks of Dark Frenzy after using Ravage on an enemy champion, giving you double the movement speed boost.
Things to note
  • This ability actually does interrupt Evelynn's movement animation. Know this if you're trying to escape.
  • Even though the damage scales off of both AD and AP, it deals physical damage. Magic penetration/MR reduction will not make this ability more effective.

Agony's Embrace (R)
Evelynn impales all enemy units in target 250-radius area, dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of their current health and slowing their movement speed for 2 seconds. Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a shield that grows in strength for each enemy champion hit and lasts up to 6 seconds.
Ability Details
  • Range: 650
  • Cooldown: 150 / 120 / 90
  • Cost: 100 Mana
  • Slow: 30 / 50 / 70%
  • Magic Damage: 5 / 20 / 25% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of enemies' current health
  • Shield Strength per Enemy: 150 / 225 / 300
  • Max Shield Strength: 750 / 1125 / 1500
Useful tips
  • This ability is what makes you such a threat in teamfights, as well as what makes building resistances on Evelynn so good. A good ult (even just rank 1) can get you a 600-750 hp shield, which is more than most tank items already. By building resistances such as Armor or Magic Resist, you make this shield even more effective.
  • Always initiate with Agony's Embrace, as it deals a percentage of the target's current health. The lower the enemy is, the less effective the percent health damage will be.
  • Your typical combo will be Shadow Walk -> Dark Frenzy -> Agony's Embrace. This gives you a huge advantage in terms of the element of surprise.
  • The slow can be used to get off multiple casts of Hate Spike as well as additional attacks from the AS boost from Ravage.
Things to note
  • This is Evelynn's only form of CC, and even then it a very weak form of it. Try and use it when you know your allies will be able to follow you up. Otherwise (especially at early levels) the enemy can get away very easily.
  • Remember that this ability deals damage equal to the target's current health. Even if the enemy is only at 10 HP, it will not kill. This ability is the exact opposite of an execute.

#1. Agony's Embrace
6 / 11 / 16

#2. Hate Spike
1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9

#3. Ravage
2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

#4. Dark Frenzy
3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
On Evelynn, you want to max your Q, Hate Spike first for the massive damage increase. It will help you in clearing your jungle, as well as let you contribute to ganks with a greater damage output.

Next, you want to start maxing your E, Ravage. The physical damage increases with levels, as well as gives you more attack speed with each subsequent rank. This is best for mid game, as you'll be taking important objectives like Dragon or Towers.

Lastly, you want to max your W, Dark Frenzy. The speed increases with level, but isn't as useful early game as it does not deal any damage. Late game, it becomes more important as you need to quickly initiate fights.

Always take a point in your ultimate, Agony's Embrace whenever you can. The shield strength and percentage of health damage it deals increases with each rank. In addition, the cooldown is lowered significantly.

Starting Items
This should be your go-to starting choice. It reduces any damage you take from the jungle camps, thereby giving you a huge amount of survivability. In addition, it lets you deal bonus damage to said monsters, which speeds up your clear time significantly. Along with this item, grab 4 health potions for sustain throughout your first clear. Finally, grab the Warding Totem trinket so you can have vision in your jungle. This is very important, as there are many junglers that can kill you even at level 2 if you are not careful!

First Buy

Spirit Stone Long Sword
On your first recall, you always want to try and purchase Spirit Stone. It will give you massive amounts of sustain by returning health and mana every time you attack a jungle monster. In addition, it increases your overall damage output to said monsters by 20%. Finally, it will build into one of your core items. If you ever have any extra gold, you can buy a Long Sword to start building into your Core Items, as well as give you some extra damage.
Alternatively, you can pick up boots instead for the increased roaming. They are slightly cheaper so you can get some health pots as well.


This is the number one consumable you should buy when you recall. It will provide you vision in both your jungle and the enemy's. Letting you know when to set up counterganks is one of many reasons. Vision. Wins. Games. This is less important, but even then, still pretty important. Vision wards will let you have a long-standing ward that will help you keep your own jungle vision free. Plus, it can deny vision when taking Dragon. If you feel like you'll need the additional sustain on top of the health/mana back, grab a couple health/mana potions to keep you healthy throughout your clearing and ganking. As soon as you buy your wards, sell your Warding Totem for a Sweeping Lens. This gives you massive amounts of vision control over objectives, as well as give you some peace of mind when farming.

Boot Choices

> Early game, these are really nice to pick up, as they'll let you travel between camps much faster. In addition, Evelynn is a champion that relies heavily on positioning to initiate fights. Having the huge movement boost will let you engage quickly and efficiently.

> Against heavy AD teams, you can opt to pick these up for the armor. Not only will this help against the physical damage dealing monsters in your jungle, but it'll increase your survivability in ganks by a huge margin against AD champions.

> Against heavy CC team comps or a lot of magic damage, Merc Treads are a super good purchase. While they are the most expensive boots you can purchase, the tenacity will help with Eve's inherent weakness against CC, as well as give you some good resistances.

Core Items

> Spirit of the Elder Lizard is the best jungle upgrade you can get on Evelynn. Not only does it give you massive sustain because of the health in mana back as well as gold generation, it provides other stats/passives that synergize extremely well with her kit.

> The 30 AD will increase the damage on both your Hate Spike and Ravage. While it isn't completely significant, it does make a difference if you're constantly spamming your abilities when clearing jungle camps. Also, it'll help you contribute more in terms of damage while ganking.

> 10% CDR allows you to use your abilities more often. While it isn't a hugely significant amount, it can let you get a couple of extra Hate Spikes in in a shorter period of time. Plus your ult has a very long cooldown to compensate for the incredible active, so the more often it's up, the better.

> The burn passive synergizes incredibly well with Evelynn's Ravage + AS boost. Because Evelynn already relies on keeping up with her target, the burn passive just adds on damage as you continually attack-move. Plus, it deals true damage, which is really helpful because you will not be building armor/magic pen.

> This is a great item not only because Evelynn scales incredibly well with resistances ( Agony's Embrace gives her massive shield), but the AD increases her damage and the magic shield can soak up burst from AP champions. All in all, it's a good item while still being pretty cheap.

> It later upgrades into Maw of Malmortius, which works for the same reasons as above. The main advantage for this upgrade is that all of the stats given on Hexdrinker become more effective: 25 AD increases to 60 AD, 25 MR increases to 40, and the 250 shield increases to 400.

> Sometimes if you're going against full AD comps, skipping this item and going directly for some Armor items can be better. Keep in mind that most AD champions will still have a little magic damage in their kits, and rarely will you find a well planned team comp only having AD champions.

  • 70 Armor
  • 500 Health
  • 10% AS reduction
  • Slowing active
  • 45 Armor
  • 450 Health
  • AOE damage
  • Cheaper

> Randuin's Omen is generally the item I like to pick up because it provides everything that Evelynn needs as a tanky initiator. The 70 armor is 25 more than Sunfire Cape, which works extremely well with your ult's huge shield. It also gives 500 health on top of that, which increases your survivability even when you don't have your ult up. The AS Reduction is extremely good against attack speed reliant champions and the active slow is really good for chaining CC (something that Evelynn lacks in her built in kit).

> Sunfire Aegis offers more in terms of damage, as the AOE burn works well with Evelynn's need to be in close range to do her job. I usually only get this item if I'm ahead or if my team already has a lot of CC (or against heavy AD comps in which I get both this and Randuin's). While it doesn't provide as much armor or health as Randuin's Omen, it still provides a good chunk of each for a couple hundred less gold.

> The 55 Magic Resist is amazing against AP champions who deal a lot of magic damage. It also increases the effectiveness of the shield from your ult.

> Even when you don't have your ult, Banshee's Veil provides 450 health. That chunk of health added along with the health regeneration is great for your overall survivability as a tanky initiator.

> The passive spell shield is what really defines this item. since Evelynn excels at sneaking around the map and positioning herself, the spell shield will prevent you from being caught out while doing so. Even if the spell shield is popped, your stealth won't break.
> The 10% CDR is really nice for spamming your abilities, and the 400 health and 20 MR are great for your tankiness. It doesn't provide nearly as much brute survivability as Banshee's Veil, but it makes up for it with utility.

> The aura is extremely useful if you and your teammates are up against a lot of magic damage. It'll give everyone around you some defense. It also gives a shield that can be activated during teamfights to soak up damage.

> Coordinate with your teammates to make sure you don't overlap. The aura does not stack, so it's generally advised you don't get more than one per team.

Final Item/Alternatives

This item is generally my last item, as it works extremely well during the late game on Evelynn. It deals percent health damage, which works extremely well with Agony's Embrace in terms of damage, the attack speed synergizes with Ravage, and the active slow along with Dark Frenzy will let you easily get in more Hate Spikes. The life steal helps with the Evelynn's need to be in close quarters, which increases her survivability even more.
As an alternative offensive last item, you can pick up Trinity Force. She benefits from pretty much all of the stats provided. The mobility works well with her W, the sheen proc can be used every activation of Hate Spike, the health increases her tankiness, and it provides both AP and AD for her abilities' scalings. The only downside is the huge price tag. Junglers usually don't have the money to get such an expensive item, but if you're really far ahead it can be a really good purchase.
This is basically another form of Randuin's Omen, except it gives Mana instead of Health. While mana problems is pretty rare on Evelynn due to the regeneration from her passive, the 100 armor and 15% attack speed reduction can be more effective than Randuin's in certain situations. Frozen Heart is generally better in the case of more AD enemies who really on attack speed. However, keep in mind that the attack speed reduction does not stack, which is why you would buy either one or the other.
Against autoattack champions, the returned damage can be extremely helpful. While it is a niche pick, it works very well against team comps with heavy AD auto-attackers. The 100 Armor goes nicely with the shield from your ultimate, which makes up for the lack of health provided in the item.

Blue Side Route
1. Elder Lizard
2. Wolves
3. Ancient Golem
4. Wight
5. Wraiths
6. Golems

1. Start at the Elder Lizard (Red Buff) on the bottom side of your jungle. It'll give you a slow on your autoattacks in addition to a burn. While this may seem strange, it works out later on as top lane is typically easier to gank than bot lane. Also, mana isn't too much of a problem because you'll be regenerating some due to your passive when you travel between lanes.

When clearing this camp, be sure you've positioned yourself to hit all three monsters with your Q. After killing the Elder Lizard and one smaller lizard, you'll hit level 2. Because of the burn passive, you can save a couple seconds by running away and hitting Q a couple times to finish off the last monster. Be careful though! It takes a little practice. If you do it too early, the lizard will just run back to the camp and you'll have to actually go back and clear it, which wastes valuable time instead of conserving it.

2. After you finish the Elder Lizard, run past your Wraiths and head for your Wolves. The travel time will allow you to generate a little mana, which is useful because you did not start Blue. Also, Wolves will do a little more damage than in comparison to Wraiths, but they give more exp as well. Again, remember to position yourself so that you hit all of the monsters with a single Q!

3. The third camp you want to go to is the Ancient Golem (Blue Buff) camp. This will give you a reliable source of mana regeneration as you clear/gank, and will also give you some CDR to spam your abilities. Your smite should be back up from your first camp, and make sure you know how much damage it does. Some junglers like to sneak up and try and steal your buff, so smite as soon as the monster falls below that health.

After Blue, you want to gank top at what should be around 3 minutes. Make sure you wait for your stealth before heading up the river! Too many times have I seen an Evelynn get impatient and go early, only to be seen by the enemy and have their gank ruined. On the picture above, you can see the two ganking paths you can take. Take the one through the river if the enemy is pushing, or take the one through tri-bush if your own top laner is pushing. I will talk more about what you should do during ganks in the next section.

4. After you have ganked top lane successfully, go back to your jungle. Typically, you won't have enough money straight off the gank (unless you had gotten first blood), so you want to continue farming. The Wight is closest to top lane, and thus will be the most efficient route to take. Once you kill that monster, you can opt to either recall, continue to farm, or even gank mid lane if you are healthy enough.

5. If you chose to recall, head to the bot side of your jungle once you've purchased your first couple of items. This is because both your Wraiths and Golems will be level 1 monsters, which gives you easy clears and gold. From there, let your bot/mid lane know that you're available for a gank. If you see an opportunity, capitalize it to do your job of snowballing your teammates.

Extra: Counterjungling One major thing that shows the difference between the good and great Evelynns is judging when it is good to counterjungle. Part of your job as a jungler is to have good map awareness, and get as much information as possible by watching the minimap while clearing your camps. If you ever see the enemy jungler show up somewhere on the opposite side of the map, you can take advantage of it by sneaking into the enemy's jungle and taking a couple. Always leave one small monster, as the respawn timers won't be start until the entire camp is dead, which is a great tactic for denying gold and experience.

Purple Side Route
1. Ancient Golem
2. Wolves
3. Elder Lizard
4. Golems
5. Wraiths
6. Wight

1. In contrast to Blue side, on Purple side you want to start with the Ancient Golem (Blue Buff). Just as the same reason with starting Red Buff on the opposite map, you start Blue Buff so that you can easily gank top lane after your 3rd camp. The mana regeneration and CDR works out well, as it'll increase your clear time by letting you get in more Hate Spikes a camp.

When clearing this camp, be sure you've positioned yourself to hit all three monsters with your Q. After killing the Ancient Golem and one smaller lizard, you'll hit level 2. While you won't have the burn like you would on Blue side, you can still save a couple seconds by running away and hitting Q a couple times to finish off the last monster. Be careful though! It takes a little practice. If you do it too early, the lizard will just run back to the camp and you'll have to actually go back and clear it, which wastes valuable time instead of conserving it.

2. After you finish the Ancient Golem, run directly for your Wolves. There is a very short travel time, and that's where having Blue Buff comes in handy, as you'll be regenerating a good amount of mana. olves will do a slightly more damage than in comparison to Wraiths, but they give more exp as well. Again, remember to position yourself so that you hit all of the monsters with a single Q!

3. The third camp you want to go to is the Elder Lizard (Red Buff) camp. This will give you a small CC when you gank with a slow on your autoattacks, as well as a burn. Your smite should be back up from your first camp, and make sure you know how much damage it does. Some junglers like to sneak up and try and steal your buff, so smite as soon as the monster falls below that health.

After Red, you want to gank top at what should be around 3 minutes. Make sure you wait for your stealth before heading up the river! Too many times have I seen an Evelynn get impatient and go early, only to be seen by the enemy and have their gank be ruined. On the picture above, you can see the two ganking paths you can take. Take the one through the river if your own laner is pushing, or take the one through tri-bush if the enemy is pushing.

4. After you have ganked top lane successfully, go back to your jungle. Typically, you won't have enough money straight off the gank (unless you had gotten first blood), so you want to continue farming. The Golem is closest to top lane, and thus will be the most efficient route to take. Once you kill that monster, you can opt to either recall, continue to farm, or even gank mid lane if you are healthy enough.

5. If you chose to recall, head to the bot side of your jungle once you've purchased your first couple of items. This is because both your Wight will still be level 1, which gives you an easy clear and some gold. From there, let your bot/mid lane know that you're available for a gank. If you see an opportunity, capitalize it to do your job of snowballing your teammates.

Extra: Counterjungling One major thing that shows the difference between the good and great Evelynns is judging when it is good to counterjungle. Part of your job as a jungler is to have good map awareness, and get as much information as possible by watching the minimap while clearing your camps. If you ever see the enemy jungler show up somewhere on the opposite side of the map, you can take advantage of it by sneaking into the enemy's jungle and taking a couple. Always leave one small monster, as the respawn timers won't be start until the entire camp is dead, which is a great tactic for denying gold and experience.

Early Game Tips

> Evelynn is very susceptible to being counter-ganked because of her early game squishiness, so always try and keep track of where the enemy jungler is. Do this by constantly checking the minimap while you're clearing your camps, and be sure to ping if you notice the enemy jungler about to gank a lane! Knowing where the jungler is will help you prevent from getting into a 2v2 or 3v3 situation, where Evleynn is weaker than most other early game champions such as Lee or Vi.

> If you find yourself taking a lot of damage from jungle camps, try kiting the monsters back and forth by auto attacking -> Q/E -> walk back -> rinse and repeat. While it's a little hard at first, experience can save you quite a few health potions in the long run.

> Always have your jungle warded in the major entrance and exit points. This will prevent you from being counter-jungled and losing exp from unfinished camps. In the worse case scenario, you can be outright killed if the enemy jungler sneaks up on you. By having the major choke points warded, you can bait the enemy by getting your teammates to come and catch him/her out.

> When ganking early game, make sure to abuse your stealth. Don't commit yourself to a gank until the enemy does. This way, you won't accidentally reveal yourself if the enemy backs off. Revealing yourself can allow the other lanes you're not ganking a chance to play aggressive because they know you're not in the vicinity.

> Part of the reason why Evelynn is a relatively powerful jungler at the moment is her incredible early gank potential. As a jungler, it is your job to get your lanes ahead by ganking and snowballing them with kills and objectives. Because of her stealth and mobility, she can easily position herself for a gank without the enemy knowing where she is. Along with that, she can contribute with a small bit of damage as well.

> As mentioned in the last section, you want to try and gank top lane after your 3rd camp. Your pathing should always be to cut off the enemy if they're running back to their tower. Thus on the blue side, you gank through the river if they're pushing or through the tri-bush if they're being pushed (vice versa for purple side).

> When ganking, you want to make sure your stealth is up. Evelynn's main advantage lies in the element of surprise. If you can position yourself so that you can rush in with Dark Frenzy, it becomes very difficult for the enemy to escape. Get your allies to bait the enemy into committing themselves to a trade, as this will make getting your CC (from Agony's Embrace) and damage (from Hate Spike and Ravage) off successfully.

> Alternatively, you gank by going through lane. Most people only put a pink ward in the river entrances and will only have green wards in the side bushes (which is not a problem for you). Going this route can help you remain undetected and pull off a gank successfully. However, doing this gank is harder to cut off an escape route, so it's good to have someone with hard CC to help you out.

> If your gank is successful, you have burned the enemy's summoners (which gives your ally an advantage in lane) or even just outright killed them. If this happens and you're low, you need to be wary of the enemy jungler showing to clean up. On the other hand, if you and your laner(s) are healthy, you should try and force an objective. This means that you want to do stuff like pushing the lane to get the tower, calling nearby allies to help get a Dragon from some global gold, taking enemy buffs, etc.

> One important thing to know how to do is set up a countergank. A countergank is when you notice the enemy jungler about to gank, so you head to that lane to gank as well (or it can be the opposite way around, where the enemy jungler counterganks you). Keep in mind that Evelynn is very weak when counterganked. This is because of her low dueling potential and overall lacking 2v2 presence. As utopus brought up, you typically want to avoid counterganks if you can, but sometimes it cannot be helped. If you find yourself losing the fight, immediately disengage.

> Evelynn's job in teamfights is to initiate with the element of surprise, then proceed to soak up damage for her team with the shield granted from Agony's Embrace. To land a good ult, stay invisible until you see an opportunity where the entire enemy team is bunched up. Once you see this, rush in with Dark Frenzy and land the AOE on as many people as you possibly can. If you have additional CC heavy champions on your team, they should begin chaining together the CC so that your carries can deal damage to the enemy team.

> Once you initiate, start disrupting their front tanks by wreaking havoc through constantly spamming Hate Spike and whittling them down with your carries. If you have item actives (such as Randuin's Omen or Blade of the Ruined King) be sure to use them. Chain the slow from your ultimate into the active of Randuin's for a very long slow (about 4 seconds worth) and to stop the enemy from disengaging. Also, if you have BotRK, use it on the ADC if you can to prevent them from being able to kite.

> Let's say that you've successfully won a teamfight and have gotten an Ace. The enemy team is dead with 40 second timers. What you do now is take objectives. It doesn't matter how low you and your teammates are. It doesn't matter that you have 3k gold in your inventory. If there are objectives to be secured, take them. The enemy team is dead, so they can't possibly kill you unless you get executed.

> The point is, if you've won the teamfight, you have to take an objective. If there's a minion wave, go and kill the tower. If there's an open inhibitor, destroy it so that you'll have a pushing lane for the next 5 minutes. If your team is healthy enough, go and secure Baron. The worst thing you can do is all start recalling and waste the free 40 seconds in which the enemy team can't do anything.

Well, congratulations! You've reached the end of my ridiculously long Evelynn jungle guide! I hope you've learned something after reading all of this, and I hope I've inspired you to play more of this champion. If you believe my guide was helpful in any way, an upvote is a fantastic way to let me know :3 If you have any objections to my build's content, comment in the discussion section! I'll be more than happy to hear your side of the argument. If my logic is wrong, please do not hesitate to correct me. I want this guide to be as accurate as possible, and I will update it if I do end up agreeing with you!

Thank you for reading!

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