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jhoijhoi's review & discussion service

Creator: jhoijhoi June 29, 2011 5:44pm
Rudmed's Forum Avatar
Dec 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2011 1:51pm | Report
^What they said...oh wait copyright laws hold on.

<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2011 3:18pm | Report
omg, thank you guys, was so nice to wake up to a whole lot of happy birthdays :D <3

You are all ****ing awesome.

Makes me love the MobaFire community even more :D

Last night at 12pm, Patch and Warlemming gave me my birthday present - an iPad!!!!!!!! Sooooooo happy, that's SUCH an awesome present :D

And today we're going to the markets so I can have Lepenny and then we're going shopping at the mall :D

Got a Guess watch from Patch's parents :D

Flying home this Tuesday to celebrate my birthday and my sister's graduation :D

It's like this whole week and weekend have been perfect :D

<3 So happy <3

Thanks for the birthday wishes, love you all! <3
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<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2011 4:03pm | Report
Happy B(ro... rah?)day.
"He cooked cake." - MrCuddowls

"Oh forget it, I have nothing to hid, I admit it, 12 hours of every single day of my life ever since I was eleven years old have been anal sex with canoes" - MrCuddowls
Xiron's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2011 6:02pm | Report
We're awesome. I know. :)
Thanks to JEFFY40HANDS!

lukkutroll's Forum Avatar
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Sep 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 10:28am | Report
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 11
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Morgana
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I like to know how to make it better
What I'd like you to focus on: Pretty much the guide in general
My Morgana guide. ( Still under construction )
Let me know if you chance your guide so I can change my vote. Can't keep track of comments
marisi's Forum Avatar
Jun 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 11:23am | Report
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 209
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Nocturne
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I would like some advice to improve my guide.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything exept the lack of vids.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 7:12pm | Report

!!! University > Reviewing !!!

- Author must have +100 Posts
- Guide must have been run through a spell and grammar check
- Author must be over Summoner Level 25
- Author must comment on any of my Champion Guides with their opinion.

Summoner Level:
Post Count (at time of request):
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES/NO
Guide For (champion):
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:
What I'd like you to focus on:
Guide Link:

Reviewable Guides

ShadowNet wrote:

Summoner Level:30
Post Count (at time of request):274
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Guide For (champion): Mordekaiser
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: To make it perfect. 3rd time I'm submitting, feels like going to a doctor.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything, by everything I mean everything. Make 30 points instead of 10 so I would submit less. :d
Guide Link:

NicknameMy wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request):564
Spell & Grammar check completed: Not really, i cannot do it^^. Google Translate sucks...
Guide For (champion): Master Yi
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Re-Review, I changed many things around. It is now more a general Yi guide with the focus at "Final" Yi.
What I'd like you to focus on: The changed things.
Guide Link: "Final" Yi, King of Jungle

ZioSerpe wrote:
Summoner Level:30
Post Count:103
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For: Poppy
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: having some major gaming opinion on my unique build
What I'd like you to focus on: gameplay, guide form
Guide Link:

Ssyrak wrote:
Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request - counting this post): 86
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES (I'm German so please don't expect perfect English. But I did my best)
Guide For (champion): Leona
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I put a lot work in my guide. I wanted to give players a well written and in-depth guide to Leona as she is a real powerful and funny champ to play. A review would help improving it.
What I'd like you to focus on: When reading my guide you should focus on anything that is important for yourself as I want a honest opinion.
Guide Link:

Blydden wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 223 (224 including this one?)
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Ezreal
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want to know if I've written my guide correctly this time. I really do.
What I'd like you to focus on: My format. I believe that the information is all correct this time especially, as I have examined my numbers myself and theorycrafted on this champion, Ezreal, more than two hundred times. I just want it to be an interesting read, as well as informative.
Guide Link:

Lugignaf wrote:

Summoner Level: Lugignaf
Post Count (at time of request): 3831
Spell & Grammar check completed: Eyup
Guide For (champion): Nasus
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: It's my third Nasus guide and currently riding the lines of 5th/6th highest rated. It is also my first guide to get over 20 votes and I just want to be drawing as much attention to it as I can.
What I'd like you to focus on: Alternate item choices and explanations. I'm not a person who explains stuff IRL too well and, I know some of that has transferred into my guide

Trojan995 wrote:

Summoner level: 30
Post count at request: 2338
Spell/Grammar check: Yeah
Guide for: Twisted Fate
Why I'd like this to be reviewed: I didn't have my last guide reviewed because it got a lot of exposure so I didn't worry too much about it, but this one has gotten so few votes. I didn't work very hard on it when it first came out but I switched around the build a lot and I rewrote the description to be more detailed, so now I've put a lot more effort into it and I'd like to see what touch-ups I can do to make it perfect.
guide link:

Symphunny wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 238
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Cho'Gath
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I am looking for further possible improvements as well as tips to organization.
What I'd like you to focus on: jungle section, i need help in really improving it
Guide Link:


Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 295
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Renekton
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Just created it. Would like some feedback.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything! Format, layout, build, etc!
Guide Link:

XnMiller wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 126
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES (I'm sure some slipped past me).
Guide For (champion): Talon
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I'm a novice guide writer and know it needs some improvement.
What I'd like you to focus on: I'm not worried about format so much as I am worried about content.
Guide Link:

Calibern wrote:

Took me awhile, but I finally meet all the requirements. XD
Summoner level: 30
Post count:102 (in forums it says i only have 94, you can check profile to see though)
Spell check: YES
Guide for: Xin Zhao
Why I'd like this reviewed: I worked on it for a while I think I could still use some improvement. Also, it's very hard to get votes without a vet reviewing it.
What I'd like you to focus on: Anything you think could use improvement.
Guide link:Click this or on my signature.

edit: I comment on your guide awhile back. Does that count, or will I have to comment again?

IceCreamy wrote:

Guide For (champion): Lux, Caitlyn, Janna
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because I want to know what other people think about it, and your topic caught my eye :P
What I'd like you to focus on: What you think about the build, the explanation and the reasoning. Also I really need some better titles :P
Guide Link:

Ssyrak wrote:

Hey, jhoijhoi. I'd like to ask you to review another guide I just wrote. It's pretty exotic as it is about a jungling Cassiopeia.

Summoner level: 30
Post Count (at time of request): 117 (counting this post as well)
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES (still trying to find some mistakes, will have found them tomorrow)
Guide For (champion): Cassiopeia
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: It is very exotic. Jungling with Cassiopeia. I'd like to hear your opinion.
What I'd like you to focus on: Please focus on anything that's important for you.
Guide Link:

PsiGuard wrote:

Summoner level: 30
Post count: 890
Spell check: Yes.
Guide for: Alistar
Why I'd like this reviewed: You wanted a rework, you got one. I've revamped most of the formatting and completely rewritten a lot of the sections. I also added a third high-damage AP build.
What I'd like you to focus on: Any mistakes I've made, or formatting suggestions if anything comes to mind. Laning Phase and Team Fights sections are more or less the same, so you can skip those if you want.

Click the awesome stamp in the sig ;)

Blowfeld wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count: 111
Spell & Grammar check completed: YES
Guide For (champion): Riven
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Because I'd like some constructive criticism from a guide pro;
What I'd like you to focus on: structure& layout, grammar mistakes WORD did not find;
Guide Link: This is where your cursor likes to be left clicked

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count: 426
Spell Check: yes
Guide for: Nidalee
Why I'd like this to be reviewed: Remade it and re-released it. Archived the old one.
What I'd like you to focus on: Everything, but if you could give some special attention to the playstyle section.

Nidalee-Olympic Gold Medalist (Javelin Toss)

Khazem wrote:

Summoner Level: 30
Post Count: 120
Spell & Grammar check completed: Yes
Guide For: General guide for solo'ing top
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I feel it's still very incomplete and lacking a bit. I'm looking for some good suggestions/feedback as to what I can add to the guide and maybe things I can expand on.
What I'd like you to focus on: The content of the guide, I kinda have the feeling I overlooked a bunch of stuff.
Guide Link:

I know I've missed a lot (I wouldn't be surprised), so just request again. I'm sorry, but I can't be arsed trawling through the last 10 pages looking for requests, and anyway, the more you request, the more I know you actually want it ;)

I have also updated the original post, along with the "review" post, so the last 10 or so reviews are now in the second post where they belong ^^

Sorry for keeping you all waiting.

I do have one more assignment to do (due on the 7th of November), but I figured I should nail some of these down :)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 7:22pm | Report
ShadowNet's Mordekaiser Guide
Verdict: A well-written and amusing Mordekaiser guide. Edit: A very aesthetically pleasing and extremely well presented guide that covers almost everything about Mordekaiser you could possibly want to know. However, the author does not have a Skill Explanation section. Edit: +rec
Possible Improvements: The author's attempt at videos is admirable, but they need to be fine-tuned. I think the lack of spell vampirism is a bad idea. I found nothing else wrong with this guide, and it was a good, enlightening read :) Edit: Love the reworking you have done, every section looks fantastic (besides the tips and tricks section). The only other thing I could suggest is having a look at the top Mordekaiser guides and considering what they have in their guides that you don't. What could you include to make your guide even more fantastic?

Constructive Criticism:

1) 3rd time lucky review? :P I think you need one main cheat sheet displaying a mix of the two builds. Morde needs: survivability, damage and spell vamp. A combination of both builds would be best.

2) What about AP Quints?

3) Alternative masteries? 9/21/0 ect?

4) Put "Never take spells" into List Format to make it look better.

5) Possibly move the tips and tricks under each corresponding ability (personal preference)

6) Item Sequence BBCode looks ugly :/

7) I've already +1. So it's time for a +rec :D
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 7:29pm | Report
Nickname's Master Yi Guide
Verdict: A very in-depth Master Yi guide that covers anything and everything you could possibly want to know about the best Back-doorer in the game. Edit: VERY MUCH IMPROVED since the last time I saw it and reviewed it. Definitely deserving of a +1, and the build is an interesting take on Jungle Yi.
Possible Improvements: The author shows great initiative by already have a section for Dominion, and I approve of this ambition whole-heartedly. The only downfall of his guide is the English language barrier, as a lot of his sentences seem off, and are only incorrect through silly spelling errors and weird syntax mistakes. The author needs to read over his guide out loud (or make someone read it out loud to him) and see where the mistakes are. Or, write it in German (?) and Google Translate it for his guide. This guide is really good though! Edit: I didn't like the use of the BBCoding for the item sequencing - I think it made the guide look a little too "clunky". Other than that, it's a pretty awesome guide and should help a lot of Yi players!

Constructive Criticism:

1) I find it better to go Quints of Alacrity and Marks of Desolation (I think this gives both stats "more" for the runes allocated).

2) Interesting build. Not something I've seen on him before.

3) "Squishy" :P Not "squasy"? :P

4) Immediate +1, this is a really informative guide!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Tauricus2017 ♡
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 7:41pm | Report
ZioSerpe's Poppy Guide
Verdict: An good Poppy guide that is a tad hard to read due to issues with paragraphical space.
Possible Improvements: Convert your walls of text into respectable paragraphs, with plenty of enter space between ideas - this will make people more inclined to read it. Each enter space is a reward for reading the paragraph before it. Currently you are not rewarding anyone for reading anything :) Get back to me when you've done this much ^^

Constructive Criticism:

1) Item build looks fine, but why an early Force of Nature? Also, if you've grabbed a Force of Nature, Banshee's Veil is not that necessary. Also, why the Youmuu's Ghostblade? Seems a really odd choice. All of Poppy's abilities are primarily magic damage - could you possibly swap it out for a hybrid item?

2) Your introduction is really lack-lustre... I'd suggest turning it into one or two paragraphs of well written writing - you don't want to scare people off with text that looks unreadable.

3) Also, why no philosopher's stone early game?

4) Update history should be moved to the end of the guide.

5) Center large icons, or use the "float" or columns tool.

6) I love the chess metaphor! Nice job there :)

7) Woah... that's a lot of text. You need to break it up, group it up. For example turn this:
Now it's serious rape time.
at the moment you have 5 item slots filled and a free one. You can either combine Avarice Blade and The Brutalizer into Youmuu's Ghostblade and then start Infinity Edge with B.F. sword and Cloak of Agility; or you can exploit Avarice Blade some more and grab Infinity Edge a bit faster.
The upside of this second pattern is getting your "promotion" faster.
The downside is that you lose Youmuu's active.
I like keeping avarice most of the times since we already have a whole lot of movement speed. And the other bonuses are good but not as good as it would be having IE sooner.
Either way complete both the item and grab negatron clock after that will later become Banshee's Veil
As I already made clear, upon completing Infinity Edge you became your team stronger carry while being the perfect offtank.
In teamfights now I highly suggest to use Diplomatic Immunity on an enemy that cannot bug you (low damage or low CC or best of all low damage tank that cannot reach you in time during the fight) and rape enemies carries/squishes at the speed of light, if you have lizard buff (and even better if you got golem too) they'll just shatter when hitting your hammer.
I'm seriously saying you're an immortal killer now, a pair of times I won 3vs5 (damn dem DCers) games when I had full build and buffs since I was frankly unstoppable.
Anyway if the game dragged far enough for you to get full build you cannot lose now unless your teammates all fall asleep.

Into this:
jhoijhoi wrote:
Now it's serious rape time. At the moment you have 5 item slots filled and a free one. You can either combine Avarice Blade and The Brutalizer into Youmuu's Ghostblade and then start Infinity Edge with B.F. sword and Cloak of Agility; or you can exploit Avarice Blade some more and grab Infinity Edge a bit faster. The upside of this second pattern is getting your "promotion" faster. The downside is that you lose Youmuu's active.

I like keeping avarice most of the times since we already have a whole lot of movement speed. And the other bonuses are good but not as good as it would be having IE sooner. Either way complete both the item and grab negatron clock after that will later become Banshee's Veil. As I already made clear, upon completing Infinity Edge you became your team stronger carry while being the perfect offtank.

In teamfights now I highly suggest to use Diplomatic Immunity on an enemy that cannot bug you (low damage or low CC or best of all low damage tank that cannot reach you in time during the fight) and rape enemies carries/squishes at the speed of light, if you have lizard buff (and even better if you got golem too) they'll just shatter when hitting your hammer. I'm seriously saying you're an immortal killer now, a pair of times I won 3vs5 (damn dem DCers) games when I had full build and buffs since I was frankly unstoppable. Anyway if the game dragged far enough for you to get full build you cannot lose now unless your teammates all fall asleep.

8) Your TT and Dominion sections should be deleted - they aren't in-depth, just leave those guides to other people :)

9) Pros and Cons should be at the top of the guide.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by owentheawesomer ♡

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