Morning MobaFire :) I was too busy the last few days to jump on the "My Gaming History" bandwagon, but today I am completely free to do what I want, and I felt the need to write a whole lot of stuff no one would ever read, so here I am :D

S When I was younger I wasn't much of a gamer at all. I was relatively active, chasing lizards, torturing my sister and climbing trees (I never fell). I read and wrote a lot, and collected stickers because they were awesome.

In terms of gaming, I didn't start until I was about 9. I played The Lion King and Ren and Stimpy on the Sega Mega Drive. I played Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Snap on the computer, back when computer screens had ***es the size of a good toaster. I enjoyed Crash Bandicoot on the Play Station One, and Dead or Alive on the Play Station Two. When I hit high school (year 8, 2004), I stopped playing a lot of games on platforms and only casually played games on my first laptop (which cost $250 from eBay): Pharaoh, Civilizations III, Alpha Centauri and Spore. I watched my father play Doom, and occasionally joined him when it wasn't dark. Dance Dance Revolution was the only "game" I "played" on the Play Station Two at this point.

S It was only until I finished high school, moved out and started living with Patch and Warlemming, that I turned into a "gamer". Our first big purchase was a $1000 52" flat screen TV and a brand new Xbox360. Warlemming got me obsessed with Guitar Hero III and Rock Band II. Together we played more hours of mind-numbing guitar and drum solos than most real muscisians when practicising. S

S Then Left 4 Dead came out. We couldn't get enough of it. Speedrunning a level on Expert was thrilling and the teamkilling was immense. We killed each other for the luls, killed each other by accident, killed the bots because it was hilariously funny when they died. L4D is a violent game :P

About this time, War and Patch introduced me to Warcraft III (this was the year 2009 and I had never played this game before). We played Pokemon TD until we got sick of it. We played YouTD and GreenCircle TD and GemTD and Skibi's TD. We played a lot of TDs because that's all I liked. Slowly they forced me to try other custom maps. And I was slowly converted. We played Vampirism until it was no longer hosted online. We played DotA and 7 times out of 10 lost to the AI. Zombie Survival maps, Maze Building Tournaments, Castle Fights, Kodo Tag... Warcraft III opened my eyes to computer games.

If you have never played W3 before, I completely recommend it. The Battle Chest sells for like $30 here in Australia, cheap as. The modability of the custom games had lead to Patch creating maps to supplement our Dungeons and Dragons games, and lots of laughter.

For the longest time we stuck to the above games, with the boys deviating to play Stacraft II when it came out, along with Borderlands and Team Fortress. Then Minecraft came along. We were there from the beginning. When creative servers were the only places to hang out and becomming a trusted user who could kick griefers was the only form of power one could get. We were there for when Survival came out and we were there when Notch got water to move. Some of you may recognise Warlemming as the YouTube user who created tutorials for Cannons when redstone was released. For a while, Minecraft was all we did.

However, Minecraft, as most open sandboxes, got boring. Other games caught our eyes. The boys got me interested in EYE, an indie game which was pretty neat, but very repetative. Warlemming started playing Dwarf Fortress and Terraria. I went back to my Warcraft III TDs.
S Suddenly it was the Christmas of 2010. We were in our hometown and over a friend's place (Hobbles17). He was playing this weird game that looked incredibly boring. He controlled a crystal bird and whenever I turned to look, he missed skill shots. He was playing League of Legends, and he was trying out Anivia.

Patch and Warlemming downloaded the game and played it with Hobbles, while I sulked in the corner, not wanting to play some stupid game that was like DotA. It was a two day sleep over, and when I went home, I immediately downloaded the game. I played it in secret for a few days until I hit level 5. My first champion was Fiddlesticks.

Our love for LoL exploded. It was all we'd play. We were desperate to hit level 30 and try ranked. We met a lot of awesome people along the way, some of who I haven't seen in a long time, like Doc8 and Desspy. I mained Ashe until level 30 and then tried some other champions (Nasus, Malphite, Sona).

I used MobaFire once, to look up an Ashe guide. If I remember correctly, the top guide at the time consisted of 2x Doran's Blade, Mercury's Treads, Brutilizer and Black Cleaver. I did alright with this build, but when I hit 30, I returned to MobaFire with 300 wins under my belt and made my Ashe guide.

Fastforward about 9 months and we're here, in 2012. Not much has changed since last year in terms of gaming. I've been exposed to some awesome older games like Hitman, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie. I tried playing Halo and Call of Duty, but sucked incredible ***. I was introduced to Red vs Blue and I ****ing love the series ("Oh Andersmith, I miss you").

To this day I have not tried HoN and I don't want to.

And that's about it ^^ Hope you enjoyed reading and found it a little interesting at least :P EXTREME NOSTALGIA RIGHT NOW. This took a long time to compile, create and organise... but I guess it was worth it :P

- jhoijhoi <3