As we progress into 2012,

League of Legends finds its champion roster closing in on the 100 mark. While many enjoy the amount of choices that are given, as DotA had a number similar to what League is getting to, I feel that having this many champions may too much for Riot to continue balancing. As we're seeing the new champion, Sejuani, looking like a scrambled mess of past champions put together, Riot ahould focus more on other aspects of League of Legends, and slow the champion making process: possibly removing some of the lesser used and forgotten champions.

Frankly, looking at the champions that are mostly used, I can think off of the top of my head some champions that you just will not see unless someone is out to troll: Evelynn, Heimerdinger, Karma, Katarina, Urgot; these champions have not found a way in recent times to be remotely useful [With Karma and Katarina being the closest to useable] and sit on the sidelines to only be used when someone feels lucky and hits the Lock-In button to let League decide who's up for the job. I can't particularly remember the last time I've seen any of the above characters do a good work in their kit to help their team. The last three Heimerdinger's were lucky enough to get a couple kills before getting swarmed by all the new Tanky, Gap-Closing, Bursty Champs. So really, some of these champions have been around for awhile, haven't seen any love in terms of buffs/nerfs/skins [See: Urgot], and have been left in the dust of balancing since little to no people play them. So in all honestly, why keep them around?

Also, instead of making a new borderline-over-powered champion every two weeks, why not work on bug fixes every two weeks and space out the champions, giving them proper time to be balanced and enjoyable, instead of taking a hat full of phrases like: "Tank", "Slow", "Pusher", etc; shaking them up, grabbing three, and making a character out of it. Do we really need another slow/perma-slow champion when characters like Rammus, Volibear, and Skarner are perfectly able to do the same ability. I just don't see the necessity of mixing more roles together and making champions just for that factor. Why not REALLY make a unique champion that people will wow about instead of putting a mash-up of Ashe and Rampage from Heroes of Newerth and allowing her to do Tons of Damage. Whoo, my wallet is quivering in excitement.

And whatever happened to Achievements? Un-lockable Avatar Icons? Magma Chamber? All these interesting ideas that would put more beneficial effort towards the game instead of another Champion Spotlight. But the game plan for now is to continue adding new champions and new skins, continuing the massive profit being made consistently for the past couple years. But I can't be the only one who believes that seeing some other functions implemented that have Already shown up on other League of Legends cilents would be nice to see, a nice showing of affection from Riot Games that has nothing to do with buying more RP. I understand this may sound selfish, but for all the money they make on this game, I can't imagine it being too hard to put in some Achievements that could get you new Avatar Icons. There ya go, two birds one stone. Riot has the time and the staff to continue making one of the better games out there, lets see if they have the tenacity to implement community ideas instead of profitable ones first.