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Wayne3100's Quest for Platinum (Season 3)

Creator: Wayne3100 November 25, 2012 4:47pm

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Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2013 12:02pm | Report
Crows foot wrote:

How is it possible for teemo to lose that lane?

Teemo has no sustain. When he pokes Garen with Blinding Dart, Garen can go in and silence him, etc...?

that's how i was told.

Garen can regen after.

Sig made by Hogopogo
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2013 12:26pm | Report
He was also building AP Teemo versus garen, meaning he can't kite a guy whose may counter is getting kitted. Bruiser plays safe, farms, gets Mallet, kite all the *****es.
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 2:54am | Report

Game 6

Solo Queue


Lost this because I'm Darius and got 1 assist, that shouldn't happen man.

Seriously though, I laned against Renekton and it started off pretty even (with him slightly outfarming me most of the times). Olaf came for a very early gank and I had to Flash but luckily Renekton also Flashed in so it was k. I warded the river after that (I started Crystalline Flask + 5x Health Potion + Sight Ward) and didn't have a lot of trouble for a while.

Lux had managed to pick up First Blood in mid lane though and the first gank Jax made (bot lane) ended in a double kill for Caitlyn and a kill for Olaf as he came in for the countergank. When Jax said he'd make up for it and went bot again, pretty much the same thing happened aside from Nunu & Willump getting the third kill.

So with bottom lane hopelessly lost and Jax giving up on ganking it further, he tried to gank mid but Lux had a pretty big lead on Katarina already so she almost killed them both on her own.

Meanwhile in top lane, when I finally managed to get Renekton low enough to kill him with one Decimate + Noxian Guillotine, Olaf came for a very successful lane gank. Basically I went in for the Q, Renekton used his ultimate (which I figured he would do so I didn't blow my ult on him yet), I Ignited him and wanted to stick around until I could ult, but he dashed to me and stunned me as a Ghosting Olaf ran from the brush. I died within Renekton's stun, who soon after pushed to get top tower (the last of the three front towers to fall).

After that I tried helping out mid and bot lane (both lanes were already pushed back incredibly far) and their team grouped up as well, but we never really had any big teamfights as Lux and Caitlyn were already incredibly fed and were snowballing heavily with some kills they got after some of my teammates got caught (I later got caught in a Lux snare as well but managed to survive due to having built so much health :3).

I eventually managed to kill Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Lux and Renekton (twice) but none of the "teamfights" (it was mostly 2v2, 3v3 etc., never really 5v5) we were having ended in our favour as they were way stronger. Because our first two or three surrender votes ended 3-2, they eventually pushed us back into our base and finished the job. They could've easily gotten Baron this game too as we literally had no wards around the area (or anywhere else for that matter) unless I placed them, but they didn't really need it to be fair.

The Renekton I laned against only has ~125 normal wins but I'm guessing he's a smurf because he was a pretty good player. I played decent this game but he definitely outlaned me.

Elo according to my profile: 1317

Also, that reminds me that I can finally show you what I meant when I said this:

Wayne3100 wrote:

Throughout this season I will keep you updated on my progress (using some incredibly awesome banners Mowen made for me, but I don't want to spoil what exactly I mean with that just yet :3)


(now let's hope I move to the right and not the left :3)

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 4:04am | Report
You don't poke Garen with blinding dart, you poke him with AA for the poision. I play AP teemo and I've never lost a Garen-lane! Ranged poke with delayed damage, which puts his regen off for like 12 secs instead of 8. Every 12-15 seconds you can get 1-2 aa's in, or deny him all farm.

You are faster than Garen with base movementspeed and w passive, so you don't need the Phage for kiting early on, and if he pops q you just need to pop w and move away.

But I always go Phage to FM when I go ap Teemo for survival and sticking power.

Even so, GAREN CAN*T WIN! If you don't play ******ed Teemo!
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 4:57am | Report
teemo counters garen what's there to talkabout, if he lost he is a bad teemo simple.

to get back on topic.
You turd shouldn't have dat 1 assist!

That banner is funny :)

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 5:28am | Report

Game 7

Solo Queue


Alrighty, so I had first pick again (happening a lot to me so far) and I decided to go for Olaf as they might think I'd be jungling him. The enemy team then picked Poppy for top which I was totally ok with.

Unfortunately due to some eh.. "miscommunication", shall we say, we ended up having both an Akali and a Katarina in our team for mid (the Akali at first had clicked on Janna which caused the confusion). However, there wasn't too much flaming as Katarina simply decided to go bot with Ezreal.

I was trading some blows with Poppy early game (her Q against my E) and tried poking her as much as possible with Undertow (which I maxed first) and I noticed she ran out of mana quite quickly. I eventually had her on about 30% HP (while I had about 50-60% HP myself) and she somehow started pushing so I wanted to freeze it, but Lee Sin came to gank (pretty good timing) and picked up First Blood. With Poppy buying Ninja Tabi while I went back and immediately got a Giant's Belt (rushing health early feels really strong :O) I had the lane under control from then on. Shyvana came to gank a couple of times but because I managed to harass Poppy and keep her low there wasn't really that much of a threat. The second time she came top my team also picked up the Dragon, which was a good call from them.

In bot lane Katarina actually managed to pick up a double kill quite early on (only a couple of minutes after the First Blood) and Ezreal later got a kill too, but some fights in the enemy jungle or near their towers during the mid game ended up badly for us with Cassiopeia and Shyvana getting double and triple kills. Meanwhile in top lane I managed to dive Poppy and kill her.

With a 0-2 score, Poppy gave up on top lane and started roaming and got herself somewhat back into the game as my team didn't react properly to my pings/warnings in chat, so I quickly killed top tower before heading mid as well to start the teamfighting phase.

With Ezreal and myself being pretty strong on our team and Cassiopeia being strong on theirs, we had some crazy teamfights that pretty much every time ended in both teams getting aced. Poppy picked up a lot of kills in these fights and was proving hard to handle (the fact that I even tried to stop her from reaching Ezreal when she used her ulti on him was also pretty stupid though, to be fair >.>).

Despite most fights being even we managed to pick up a lot of towers and more Dragons and eventually we started winning teamfights as Ezreal managed to kill the Poppy that was charging on him while Cassiopeia was unable to stop me from killing her. After a couple of good teamfights we got all three inhibitors, picked up a Baron -because why not- and finished the game.

The Poppy was a Season 2 gold player who played Poppy 39 out of 41 games last season and all 10 placement matches so far this season (going 3-7). But yeah iunno, don't think it's that great vs Olaf tbh.

Elo according to my profile: 1354

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 5:38am | Report
Wow, I'm surprised no one dodged a support Katarina. Good job on the win though!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 7:03am | Report

Game 8

Solo Queue


One of the most one-sided stomps I'll see this season.

Darius got First Blood in a gank top, then got another kill (not sure if top again or bot) and eventually came mid to pick up his killing spree. I then killed Katarina again as she decided it'd be a good idea to Shunpo on me in tower range (lol) while Darius was still doing work ganking bot and top. The enemy Cho'Gath came mid twice but never really threatened to kill me as I dodged his Ruptures and he also got counterganked on one of his attempts to help his bottom lane, after which he was pretty much useless.

Not sure why they didn't surrender (they got their first kill after we had gotten 8 and were literally getting stomped left, right and center), but we figured that if they weren't gonna give up we'd simply continue killing them in the lanes or enemy jungle. Eventually we grabbed Baron and finished the game.

First ranked game this season in which I hit 100+ cs at 12 minutes (which in normals actually happens more often), but then again the game was so easy there wasn't much for me to be nervous about like in the other games :P

Elo according to my profile: 1386 (5 lower than I started with after the reset, QQ)

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 10, 2013 3:24pm | Report
You should max E vs poppy as it isn't mitigated by her really good passive, even if it means giving up some sustained damage and slow power by not maxing Q.
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 10, 2013 3:35pm | Report
Good point. I felt the Q was working out well since she doesn't have sustain, but yeah, that sounds like it might've been the better choice. Cheers ^^

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!

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