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Udyr: The Jungle Phoenix [Hybrid - Tank / DPS]

Udyr: The Jungle Phoenix [Hybrid - Tank / DPS]

Updated on February 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Restrictnine#5232 Build Guide By Restrictnine#5232 370 40 904,775 Views 664 Comments
370 40 904,775 Views 664 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Restrictnine#5232 Build Guide By Restrictnine#5232 Updated on February 14, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Udyr
  • LoL Champion: Udyr


My first Note to the MOBAfire community starts here. Many of you know and were accustomed to the old Udyr build I had posted, and a few considered it the "Udyr bible". First of all, there is no one way to play Udyr. Second of all, this guide is going to have a somewhat different format than before. I am removing the Type 2 Jungling builds in favor of the Type 1 jungling that allows for more efficient ganking. I will leave in the Type 2 Jungling section in the event that people do not like my Jungle route. Another big change is the builds in general. The build section seemed cluttered and confusing, so I opted for a cleaner build section that tailored more to types of playstyles and less to types of jungling.

The guide now goes in depth with more gameplay than just early, mid, and late game. It will include some of the "chapters" that Matt came up with for guide making suggestions. It will also go more in depth with the individual sections. This is due to the new Guide Format that quite honestly makes updating guides bearable. Enjoy the new and [hopefully] improved guide.

Please comment and try the build and strategies before voting. Thank you.

Last Updated: February 10th

Lol @ Pokimoki.

Because for some reason, people seem to be more at peace if they actually see scores. Yes, these are consecutive, yes I am level 30, yes, I do play ranked [although not super awesomely], and finally, NO, it wasn't pubstomping. We played premades every time.

This guide focuses on the Items, Masteries, and Runes, while attempting to focus on the gameplay as a whole instead of just the early game as it did before. Two builds in one guide needs much more explanation than it did before.


AA - Auto Attack
Stun - Blazing Stampede, immobilizes the enemy, preventing them from performing any actions, other than skills like Cleanse and items like Quicksilver Sash
Slow - the frozen mallet passive or Red Buff passive, slows the enemy's Movement Speed
AoE - Wingborne Storm, area of effect
Shield - Iron Mantle, damage absorber
Kiting - the ability to run away while attacking the chaser.
CC - Crowd Control, mainly slow or stun
ArPen - Armor Penetration
mPen - Magic Penetration
AD - Attack Damage
AP - Ability Power
AS - Attack Speed
MS - Movement speed
MP5 - Mana per 5 seconds
MR - Magic Resistance
CDR - Cooldown Reduction
HP - Health Points
MP - Mana Points
BD - Back Door
FB - First Blood
KS - Kill Steal
Tank - A champion that is designed to take heavy focus for the team
Offtank - A mix between DPS and Tank; Designed to take a beating, while dealing heavy damage
DPS - Damage per Second, refers to champs that deal sustained heavy damage such as Kog'Maw, Tristana, and Xin Zhao
Rager - A person that has little to no control of their anger and frustration. They can be fantastic players, but have difficulty when they lose control. I may add a rage section later on, depending on how much text I am allowed in a guide.
QQ - Needless rage talk that isn't targetted at any player, but instead the gameplay mechanics such as skillshots or champion skills and statistics.
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Thank you for taking the time to view my build style for Udyr, The Frozen Jungle. As you all know, this guide used to take advantage of the bulkiness / slow of the frozen mallet and the damage of Madred's Bloodrazor. That build is definitely viable, but I prefer a sturdier Udyr, which in turn means a different playstyle.

  • For a melee champ, one of the best skill sets in the game.
  • Very strong jungler.
  • Fantastic ganks; even if it is a failed gank, the enemy will have had to pop at least one summoner spell.
  • One of the strongest damage shields in the game.
  • A great stun in Blazing Stampede.
  • Primal Udyr skin is quite possibly the sexiest skin in the entire game.
  • To Be Continued...

  • Absolutely no range.
  • Can be a pain in the *** at times because Udyr isn't the best of carries.
  • CC can become a problem very quickly
  • If your team's carries don't do ****, you are relatively useless.
  • HUGE learning curve.
  • The last few recent patches have really screwed with the Udyr Niche, so it can be hard to find a set playstyle for Udyr.
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Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

Recommended Summoner Skills

Ghost - This Summoner Spell is great for Udyr. Think about his Blazing Stampede. Do you see that speed boost? Ya. When you pop ghost, you get about 560 or 570 movespeed. The only people that can run away are people that can jump walls, continuously slow, and Sivir... [**** her buffed MS ult]. If you go with Trinity Force, you get even more speed.

Smite - You are a jungler, and while it isn't absolutely REQUIRED, i strongly STRONGLY suggest this. This is the reason Udyr is one of the fastest jungles in the game. Without it, you just can't keep up with the rest of the lanes, or even the enemy jungle. Highly recommended. Consider it required.

Optional Summoner Skills
Flash - I have seen a few Udyrs take this, and even a few suggestions, but honestly, it just doesn't compare to Ghost. Ghost compounds so much better with Blazing Stampede than this skill... BUT. It can give you that little jump on the ganks, it can counter enemy flashes, and can even get you out of a jam. This is the one skill that counters the slows from the other team that is really the only reason you should ever die.

Teleport - When I made this guide, EU had almost NO impact on US gameplay, but after the big tournament, people have taken serious looks at EU. Teleport is one of the most commonly used spells in EU for good reason. They tend to entirely avoid team fights, and Udyr is a backdooring champ. It can also get the jump on enemies. Tele to a ward and the enemy won't see your animation. It is great for ganks. I really only see this as an option on DPS Udyr however, because you will have move speed from maxed out Blazing Stampede and Trinity Force.

Exhaust - This skill is if you like the pure DPS Udyr. Between your stun, shield, lifesteal, and damage boost skills, however, this is almost overkill. Only the hardest of carries can take you on late game. Usable, but in all honesty, overkill. A good example of using this skill would be against Tryndamere. Although even then, I find Ghost more useful. This would also be a strong choice for LANING Udyr, which I will actually talk about later in my guide.

Cleanse - Just because i love this skill. When they attempt to stun lock you, all you want to do is hit W for Iron Mantle or E for Blazing Stampede. Either one of these could get you out and avoid a death, but those damn CC teams just eat you alive. Well, my friends, Cleanse is going to make all [actually most] of your problems go away. This skill got nerfed, but it still gets rid of all the CC that pisses you off, outside of skills like Children of the Grave and Ignite.

Clarity - For the newer Udyr players, this is a good option. some people have trouble keeping their mana up early game, and can actually cost you in the jungle. But never fear, newbies. This skill will save you. Definitely not advisable, but still usable. Also usable for smurf accounts that don't have the runes to jungle effectively.

Fortify - Another good choice for laning tank Udyr. Grab this and get it upgraded and you can turn the tides of a tower dive battle quite nicely. Requires some hardcore map awareness though, so newbies might not want to jump at this one.

Revive - LOLFAILNOOB... Well not really. I haven't tried it, but I can imagine an extra 400 health on a lv 4 Udyr with double buff is a pretty terrifying sight on ganks. Haven't tried it, i confess, but if it works for Evelynn, why not for Udyr? Granted, it is mostly for jungling on Evelynn, but she doesn't NEED it. Might be something you want to try out sometime.
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Tank Items

Core Item Build

Early Game

Mid Game
catalyst the protector

Late Game

For a while i went two health pots, Cloth Armor, and a sight ward, but with phoenix dance you need at least 4 health pots so I can't do that anymore. The exchange is that I have a much faster jungle and a much more dangerous gank. Again, this change is due to my personal preference.

Mercury's Treads - I love this item. Reduces length of CC effects on Udyr, which is the reason he gets killed 90% of the time. It also gives you much wanted and needed MR. In my personal opinion, primary threats early to mid game for Udyr is AP users. Because he has a pretty decent Base Armor, but his MR is a little lacking. You can run away from most Physical DPS champs. You will have a much harder time running away from Annie or Anivia, who can quickly burst you / stun you down. Ninja Tabi is entirely viable if you want to have full boots as fast as possible. Now, however, that I opt for this after Wriggle's Lantern. I grab a Boots then wait to finish off merc treads.

Madred's Razors - As much as people swear by Heart of Gold, as i once did, this item is REQUIRED for udyr. It gives armor, damage, and a great passive that makes jungling that much faster. Great item, Especially on Udyr, and as such you should get it early.

Wriggle's Lantern - I saw the power of this item all the time on jungle Xin Zhaos, and I thought well why the hell not put it on Udyr? Turns out, it's a pretty *****in item. Between Iron Mantle and the lifesteal on this item, you can heal from 1/4 health to full health in just one camp. Yes, The procs combo with the lifesteal.

Randuin's Omen - This item should be a staple for all Tanks. Health, Health regen, one of the highest armor items in the game, and has one of the best actives ever. A slow that also reduces AS in AoE, with a low cooldown of 1 minute. absolutely amazing, and perfect for Udyr.

Banshee's Veil - For a while i thought Force of Nature was the better MR item... But it is more situational. Without health, there is nothing to regen! Banshees gives you crazy health along with a nice passive and some MR. Can't ask for much more on Udyr. Between this item and Randuin's Omen, you can't go wrong in a match. Plus it doubles as the best carry defense item. Which makes it even better on an offtank such as Udyr.
NOTE: Yes, I am making this a theme throughout my guide to have random notes here and there. At this point, you should have all the bulk you need to survive just about anything UNLESS the other team has ridiculous farm. If this is this case, maybe just grab Sheen and continue to build more defense.

Trinity Force - At this point you are sufficiently tanky and the game is usually almost over. In the event that it isn't, it might be time to think about getting more damage to counter people that keep getting bulkier. Gives you all kinds of stuff, but the most important ones are the damage proc, the move speed, and the on-hit slow. It is seriously one of the best items in the game, but often overlooked because of its price.

Sunfire Aegis - This is the standard Udyr tank item. You can get it earlier if you so choose, but I prefer to get trinity force first for more damage. synergizes really well with Wingborne Storm.

Situational Items

Madred's Bloodrazor - Ahh the ever wonderful tank-killer, Madred's Bloodrazor. It is awesome on Udyr in so many ways. This is the item to take if you don't like Trinity Force. It cuts through armor like nothing, and with the tankiness you built up early and mid game, you are a tour de force.

Quicksilver Sash - This is the best undiscovered item in the world. It gives you awesome MR which is cool, but the reason this item is so good, is it removes ALL DEBUFFS. ignited? QQS. Mordekaiser on your ***? QQS. literally any and all debuffs are removed by this item. Why people don't take it more often is beyond me, but seriously consider this item when you are in a match. Udyr's biggest weakness is CC, so why not counter that with a great item that is fairly cheap?

Frozen Heart - This item is great on Udyr if you don't need any more health. Second most armor for a single item in the game, 25% CDR, and an AS reduction to all DPS champs. Pretty situational, but pretty good too.

Last Whisper - Now, this is a very offensive item, but when you have Trinity Force and their team is super bulky, you will want to grab this to cut through their armor. Note, however, that while this combo is uber rape, Madred's Bloodrazor is much cheaper. That being said, Last Whisper and Triforce is a deadly combo.

Guardian Angel - Right. So this is the item you want to get when you just cant handle the focus. I noticed that If you are bulky, Guardian Angel often times gets you out of a bind. The ressurection time is fairly long, so unless your team really blows balls, you will want to get this item. People like to target you in some games, and this is your answer. If you have no issues with dying, don't bother with this badboy. There are better items.

Frozen Mallet - Well then. This item gives you health, damage, and a 35% on-hit slow. OMGWTFNERFPLOX!!!! But not really. This item is for those annoying champs that always seem to be kiting you like Kassadin or Ashe. Also makes you dangerous as hell in general.
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DPS Items

Core Item Build

Recommended Core Item Build

Early Game

Mid Game

Late Game

The starting jungle items are the same, so i won't bother with copy and pasting the same long, dry paragraph. Same old Jungling Route, etc. Surprise! the Jungle phase is exactly the same for both Item Builds.

Mercury's Treads - I still take this item because even though this is the DPS build, it still requires a little bulkiness and CC reduction, which is what Merc Treads are. I'll go more in depth with the boots in the next section.

Wriggle's Lantern - I still take this item because it is just so damn good for jungling and ganking, and gives you early lifesteal that is just too good to pass up. It is all around a great Jungle item and almost every jungle should get it.

Sheen, Zeal, & Phage - Obviously you want to get Sheen first, but a lot of people get Zeal over Phage. That's a no-no. Phage is soo much more useful than Zeal early on, because it gives you some really nice health and a chance to slow the target. I honestly think that is way more useful than a small Move Speed boost.

Youmuu's Ghostblade] - Ya... So ArP plus AS plus Move Speed is GG for the poor soul that is getting chased. Plus you get sweet blade flower things around your wrists that just scares the **** outta everyone. But in all seriousness, fairly cheap for a mini Master Yi ult and amazing ArPen. It is something I think all DPS Udyrs should carry.

Trinity Force - I'm going to make this the staple item for DPS Udyr. It is just so good and no one can take advantage of it better than Udyr other than maybe Evelynn. The slow debuff and Move Speed buff are just so amazing for DPS champs, and the constant procs are too good to ignore on DPS champs like Udyr.

Infinity Edge - This would be my personal preference if I was going with a B.F. item. It gives you awesome AD, and come ridiculous crit buffs. Which is good because you won't be using Iron Mantle all that much anyways.

Last Whisper - Because Udyr has pretty good base AD as it is, and Triforce procs so often anyways, I figured this item would top it off and officially make Udyr unstoppable. Suck it Rammus i just ignored almost half of your armor! Ya. It's that awesome.

Situational Items

Madred's Bloodrazor - Again, a fantastic item for Udyr in general, but especially for DPS Udyr. If you can, I would even suggest getting this for

I put in B. F. Sword because it makes more sense to make a section for all three of them because it is really preference which one to take.

Bloodthirster - Yum. Really a great item on Udyr. Anything with Lifesteal is good on Udyr. The only problem is you can lose stacks very easily on Udyr, as you are relatively squishy and as DPS Udyr, you are often times a target. Charging it can be a pain.

Black Cleaver - Attack Speed plus damage plus Armor Debuff. Ya, pretty amazing for DPS Udyr. Just fricken expensive. But then again, all three of them are a ton of gold. If you like the niche that this item provides, go for it.

Hextech Gunblade - WTF Gunblade? on Udyr? Really? Yes really noobs. Think for a second. You have a Burst Wilding Claw, and a proc Wingborne Storm. Both do magic damage and are a big part of your damage. Thats where the Spell Vamp comes in. Then it gives you
some really good Lifesteal that is just great on Udyr in general. Yea mane. It is a mid game item, because it just doesnt have the damage output that the B.F. Sword items do or Triforce.

Banshee's Veil - The typical DPS carry item. It stops one CC every 30 seconds, gives you much needed health, and has a decent amount of MR that combos really nicely with your standard MR per level runes.

Guardian Angel - Right. So the revive isn't the greatest, but when you are fairly squishy, the revive is definitely amazing. Its something like a 2 or 3 second revive time that you are invulnerable, which gives your team plenty of time to get to work on the other team. Plus it has some really nice overall defense that rounds out your bulkiness. Better than most think, give it a try.

Frozen Mallet - Well then. This item gives you health, damage, and a 35% on-hit slow. OMGWTFNERFPLOX!!!! But not really. This item is for those annoying champs that always seem to be kiting you like Kassadin or Ashe. Also makes you dangerous as hell in general.
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Boots Section

Right. Well. Even though I picked Mercury's Treads for both builds, it is HARDLY the only boot that is viable. Udyr can make use of almost any boot. Move Speed is his best friend, While attack speed and even magic pen are his groupies. Dodge and armor never hurt either. Let me elaborate.

Mobility Boots - Right. The troll boot. Well not so much my friends. Check it out. 5 Move Speed boost when not in combat. So basically you catch everything in sight. Only problem is that is all it does and the buff goes away when you hit something. Situational, but viable.

Boots of Swiftness - More reliable version of boots of mobility. Same general idea, synergizes really well with triforce. I prefer these over boots of mobility.

Mercury's Treads - for those CC heavy, caster heavy teams. Quite honestly the most reliable all-around boot because I personally love MR. But again, preference. These are expensive boots too. Up to you.

Berserker's Greaves - For the diehard DPS player that just has to have the maximized damage output. One of the cheaper boots too.

Ninja Tabi - the original Udyr boot. Has dodge and armor... pretty self-explanatory. Cheapest tier 2 boot as well, if you want the early Move Speed for ganks, here ya go.

Sorcerer's Shoes - Yea mane. Sorc boots on Udyr. BUT WAIT THERES MORE! Spell penetration on Udyr means more damage from Tiger and Phoenix!!! If you really like your proc damage, go with this one.
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Trinity Force vs. Madred's Bloodrazor


Now, This is really the biggest question anyone has when building offtank Udyr. Do I go with Triforce or Madred's? Well this section will hopefully explain and dispell this uncertainty.

Trinity Force - because Sheen is a recipe item, it makes early damage a breeze, and often times I will begin to build this just because of Sheen. It is a great Mid Game item no matter what, but if the other team is super bulky, this item's viability diminishes drastically. But against squishies, the Burst Damage is just insane. If you want to switch up the skill build, Wilding Claw synergizes really well with this. People seem to think this item just isnt as good as madred's bloodrazor. Well that's not entirely true. It is useful for more than just damage, but the game seems to be turning into a "who can do more damage" game. Triforce has movespeed. madred's doesn't. Triforce has a slow. Madred's doesn't. Don't be so selfish, think about what will help your team out more. If you can get your target down to 1 health but he still gets away... Madred's is NOT always better.

Madred's Bloodrazor - This item is soo great. It synergizes with your Runes, so the damage output is even better. It also gives you a little bit of defense and some AD, so it is a... triple edged sword? Lol whatever. But this item tears Tanks apart. Because it does % health damage, armor is completely ignored. It is much more sustained damage than Trinity Force. For this reason, it is a better LATE game item. Early on though, sheen is a much better choice. If they have a late game tanky team, you can get this and just melt their faces off. This is the ultimate hard carry tryhard Udyr item hah.

What if their team is made up of all tanks?

Then you want to go with Madred's 100%.

What if their team is mostly squishies?

Then you want to go with Triforce, unless their squishies are just building health items like Rod of Ages or other health items.

What do I do if I want early damage, but I know that Madred's is the better item when late game comes up?

If this comes up, you want to build Sheen, then later when you need more damage you can either just start building Madred's Bloodrazor or you can sell Sheen to build Madred's faster.

Say there are a lot of really mobile champs like Nidalee and Kassadin on the other team?

Definitely Triforce. You want to put as much damage as possible on them while they are still in range. Plus it gives you an extra Move Speed boost that helps you chase if they are the only ones left.
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Tank Skills

Bridge Between - Now, I know this isn't actually a skill, but bear with me on this one. Basically, as long as you stance dance in less than 5 seconds, you stack 10% AS and 3% dodge up to three times, and keep that buff as long as you keep dancing. DANCE ALL THE TIME. Unless you have no mana of course. but that is usually irrelevant after 15 min into the game.

Wilding Claw - Used to hate this skill. Now it's buffed. Holy ****. Have you seen the damage on this badboy? It's actually worth leveling now! Unfortunately for tank Udyr, it is the least valuable skill. But i put three into it after i max phoenix because it is just so good. It can be leveled last too because turtle is also really valuable.

Iron Mantle - This is the skill that makes Jungling so effortless for Udyr. It has amazing lifesteal, and a great damage shield. Max this second after putting three into tiger, because you become pretty tanky with it, as well as great lifesteal that lets you stay in the jungle instead of having to recall for more Health Potions. I max this third because although it is good, your items will do plenty of tanking early on. You need your skills to do damage.

Blazing Stampede - This skill is great. This is what makes Udyr viable, and in my opinion, imbalanced. A reliable 1 second stun that can be used on every champ on the enemy team, and can be used again on each champ every 6 seconds. Plus it gives you a speed boost for 4 seconds at level 5. Use this. All the time. I put one point in after your first round of jungling, and max it second because I find that the early Move Speed is just too good for early team fights.

Wingborne Storm - Everything about this skill I love. The AoE activation gives you AoE damage as well as bonus AD. Plus every three hits you deal bonus magic damage IN A CONE. That means that not just the person you are attacking takes bonus damage, but everyone behind him as well. This is the skill that makes Udyr OP. Not Wilding Claw, not Blazing Stampede, and not Iron Mantle. You build full tank and you will STILL rape noobs with this skill.
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DPS Skills

Wilding Claw - Tiger Stance plus DPS Udyr = HEAVEN. Unfortunately, my preference is Wingborne Storm, so ya. Otherwise this would be maxed first. You can choose to max this before Blazing Stampede, but I like the Move Speed more than the damage boost, mainly because Wingborne Storm is enough for what I want to do anyways. But it is all preference.

Iron Mantle - Meh. Just okay on DPS Udyr. Pretty much all it is good for is a little damage reduction and out-of-battle healing. Leave this at three, but put at least one into it at lv 2 for early jungling.

Blazing Stampede - Right. So this skill is what makes Udyr ganks so amazing. With the combination of red buff and the stun, your laning buddies have PLENTY of time to catch up, and on the outside chance that the other team DOES get away, they will have to burn AT LEAST one summoner spell, which works greatly into your favor because you can just go back in a minute and gank the same lane. I personally like to max this second because the Move Speed is so broken early on.

Wingborne Storm - I love this skill sooo much. Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed in the upcoming patch. The proc is just soo broken right now. It honestly makes you unstoppable once you have your two main tank items. You can keep up damage output with your dps carries if you are aggressive enough.
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Greater Mark of Attack Speed - For most DPS hybrid junglers, I would use greater mark of desolation, but because Udyr NEEDS that extra AS, Greater Mark of Attack Speed is almost required. It makes your jungling way more effective. His natural lv 1 AS is soooo fricken slow, so this is almost required, especially for the route that I take. Plus, it procs Wingborne Storm that much faster. This makes your damage insane, and I wouldn't even CONSIDER ArP reds on Udyr. That's how awesome these baddies are.

Greater Seal of Scaling Magic Resist - Some people like to go with Greater Seal of Evasion seals because it stacks with Bridge Between, but i say nay. You have base 30 MR, which doesn't scale with level. This is a problem. My solution is using MR per level runes. This way, you have 30 base MR, plus 25 MR from Mercury's Treads, plus 40.5 MR from your runes at level 18. That is 95.5 MR from runes and ONE ITEM. For mid game, this is more than enough to keep you alive long enough to do damage. I thought about greater seal of defense, but this makes no sense, because Armor at level 18 without any runes or items is already at 86. Plus the Wriggle's Lantern armor, you have plenty of armor. So MR is required basically. Runes plus Mercury's Treads and natural armor plus Wriggle's Lantern is basically amazing early game tankiness.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist - This is really the only rune type that i was 100% sure about. Some people take Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction, but you really don't need CDR when you have blue buff, and 5% from the flat CDR isn't THAT useful anyways, because you will be stance dancing anyways, so keeping Bridge Between up won't be an issue. MR is incredibly important on Udyr. So much so, sometimes i feel like the MR per level runes were made specifically for Udyr.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed - I thought about using greater mark of alacrity] marks with [[greater quintessence of desolation quints, but it just didn't have the same effect. I found that the extra 10.6% AS was SO damn helpful. At level 1, with AS marks and quints, plus stancing on cooldown, your AS is .895 attacks per second. Without AS quints, you only get .826 attacks per second. Without ANY AS runes, you have only .724 AS per second. Ew. .895 and .826 may not sound like much, but honestly, I never jungle Udyr without it now. It is so nice to have that extra .69 attack speed. Mind you, this is just at level 1 too. It just gets better with levels. greater quintessence of desolation is usable, but I strongly recommend Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed.

NOTE: I use the same runes for both builds because I honestly feel this is without question the best Rune setup for Udyr. Don't question. It is worth every last IP, I promise.
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For masteries I like to run 0/14/16. The important part is 16 in Utility. This gets you your extended buff duration, your experience bonus, improved Ghost, mana regen, and finally, a Move Speed boost. Now, why do I get the Move Speed boost instead of putting those points into Defense? Because that little extra Move Speed is great for ganks, and beyond the health masteries, there really isnt anything worth getting. Losing 30 bonus health is worth it for the Move Speed boost if you ask me. In Defense, I go for max armor, two in MR, the dodge section of the tree, minion damage reduction, and two into the bonus flat health mastery.

For DPS I use the same masteries because I feel that the extra little bulk early on is important for jungling more than anything, but if needed you could go with 14/0/16, grabbing improved smite, crit chance OR ap boost, then you have two options. You can either go with 5 in the 5 points in the 15% magic pen section, or you can skip that and go with AS, ArP, and Crit damage masteries. It gives you that extra Oomph. It really is all preference. I just think that the 16 in Utility is required.
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Phoenix Jungling

Most people call this phase the Early Game, but that isn't really what it is for Udyr. His Early Game sort of blends in with the rest of the match. I will explain.

Jungle Phase Type 1

NOTE: This style is much faster and has much more damage output on ganks. I recently switched to it from Turtle Jungling, and it needs more health potions, but the reward is so worth it. If you do it correctly, you can reach lv 4 before your solo lanes.

First you want to start at small golems with phoenix stance. Wingborne Storm is by far the fastest jungling method, and quite honestly doesn't really put you in too much danger. You just have to know when to use which skill. Phoenix twice for the golems and smite the first one. Pop a health potion if you want, but you don't really need it just yet. Head on over to wraiths. Phoenix first, wait till the third hit proc goes off, then hit Iron Mantle. Health potion required for this one. Time for wolves. Phoenix till proc, Turtle. Health potion if you want more health. This is where it gets fun. Phoenix till proc at Blue Golem, Turtle till your shield is gone, then Phoenix again. If you have more mana for another phoenix, do it. Otherwise just pop another health pot and smite when it gets to about 612 health. On to Red Lizard. Phoenix Turtle Phoenix, and keep doing that but MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH FOR ANOTHER PHOENIX. You can't do red buff without phoenix up. Now, if you purchased 5 health pots and didn't use one at the first camp, you can use it after red buff and stay out to gank. OR you can recall and grab Boots. This takes some time off your buffs, but increases your chances for a successful gank. Up to you. I usually recall.

Elaborated Jungle Route
Small Golems [#1]
Hmm. Udyr at small golems first? Doesn't he kinda need Blue Buff ASAP? Well no. not really at all. His damage is more than enough to keep him alive, with the help of health potions of course. First point into Wingborne Storm, hit it, smite the first one right away, then pop Phoenix again when you can. Health potion if you are too low for comfort. I usually do just to avoid any random ganks. You will level up, and put it into Iron Mantle

Wraiths [#2]
If you popped the potion, you should only be missing 80 health or so. Open up with Phoenix till it procs, then switch to Turtle and use a health potion. let Udyr do the rest. Honestly a lot easier than most people think.

Wolves [#3]
Right. Same thing as Wraiths. Phoenix till proc, Turtle, and you are done. Put another point into Phoenix. Health potion after you switch to Turtle. Moving on.

Blue Golem [#4]
Right. So this one is pretty sweet. Phoenix till proc, Turtle till shield is down, Phoenix till health is at 612 health, then smite. Don't forget your health potion though. If you have really low health still use another one, but I don't think you will.

Red Lizard [#5]
Righto. Hardest camp to do. Phoenix till proc, Turtle till shield is down, Phoenix till proc, etc. MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH FOR A PHOENIX. You want to end on Phoenix otherwise you won't have enough damage without smite. Pop your last health potion unless you don't have any, but if you are frugal enough you will have 1 left over. Use this for your next round of jungling or ganking if you did well enough.

Dragon [#6]
This used to be possible at around lv 4 with blue and red buff, but with the buff to dragon, you need at least about lv 7 and wriggle's lantern. Dragon debuffs your attack speed, making it much harder to solo at low levels. I personally like the change because champs like Fiddlesticks and Nunu can't just solo it at lv 2. My advice is to gank bottom lane and if you grab a kill or two, or force them to recall, go do dragon with your bottom lane and middle lane if they aren't being pressured. Early Dragon is very good. But I don't suggest doing dragon after your first gank, because even with your whole team, Lv 4 team dragon is very risky.

Ganking Techniques

You will want to wait in the brush, pop Ghost, and swing away with Blazing Stampede / Wingborne Storm. Make sure your team knows whats going on. If you don't gank while you have buffs, you are useless both early game AND mid game. To be honest, As long as i have the buffs, I don't even go for jungle camps. I spend the ENTIRE time looking for ganks. The biggest difference with this type of ganking technique is it includes boots, and you have a longer double buff duration. Both of these are incredibly important.

Now, how do you go about picking a lane to gank? Well there are a few factors that come into play. First, and most importantly, is how pushed each lane is. If there is a lane pushed to the tower, that is a problem. Second is how much health / mana does your lane have left? If they are low, it is a bad gank opportunity, and you should either not bother or cover the lane so they can recall. Third is the health of the other team. If they are below half, they are something similar to a tasty prime rib. Mmmm...

Right. So now you have your lane. If it is mid, there are a few things you want to make sure to do. You probably won't get them the first time you gank, but don't let that discourage you. Once they waste one or both of their summoners, go around for another gank, and this time they have almost no defenses against you. I strongly suggest using the little path with no bushes on the side. It gives you much more time to be hidden, and you are farther behind them allowing you to cut them off. Red buff, your teammate, and Blazing Stampede should prevent them from getting to their tower before you kill them.

If it is solo top, well that is a pretty easy gank unless any of a few things happen. One: they may have warded the "gank" bush that is such a great gank spot. To counter this, you might want to actually travel through their jungle and hide in the bush on the other side of the river, then come out and cut them off. Two: they might actually have their own Jungler in that bush. That is very bad because suddenly YOU are the gankee. Very bad. As Udyr though, you have a pretty strong early game and can outdamage most other junglers with double buff. The final one is a rare one, but can still occur. Any traps that people can set down, such as Caitlyn, Nidalee, or Teemo, can all effectively ruin your gank with their traps.

Try to run around to the back of them instead of straight at them so that you can cut them off. It guarantees that you get a stun and the Red Buff slow on them. Really good ganking partners include those with a lot of CC. Damage isn't as important, because you do plenty as it is with the early red buff. Taric is a great ganking partner, Kennen is great, Nasus is good, Sion is good, Annie is great, etc. Factor that into which lane you gank. Keep in mind which Summoner skills they have and which ones they have used already. Also make sure you keep an eye on the other lanes and especially the lane partner. The worst thing you can do is get killed by the other lane partner while you are focusing the first one.
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Turtle Jungling

NOTE: This is my old Jungling style. It can use the same route, but is significantly slower, and needs an extra stop, which means you have Blue Buff for a shorter time. I strongly suggest using Phoenix Jungling. This is in here just to explain another form of jungling.

The good part about this style is you only need two Health Potions, which means you can afford to buy a ward.

Jungle Phase Type 1

This Jungle style is a little bit slower, as you have to start with Turtle, but the speed sacrifice is more than made up for in the Ganking Phase. To do this route, it goes a something like this. At the beginning of the game, ward the enemy red buff so you can grab a free buff and maybe a kill, OR you can ward your own blue to make sure no one steals it. Once warded, you run back to your small golems and start there. For this route you have to put a point into Iron Mantle first. Why is this? Because you do not start at blue buff, and you need to keep your mana up. Once they spawn, Smite the first golem and finish it off. Skip over the Red Buff camp, and work on the wraiths, followed by wolves. This will bring you to lv 3. Then head over to Blue buff. Hit Wingborne Storm and then spam Iron Mantle. Because you are a higher level, smite around 600 health left. You will be low, but between the last Health Potion and the turtle stance from the small lizards, you will have at least 3/4 of your health left. Head on over to the Lizard camp and hit Wingborne Storm, making sure to proc the passive AA damage boost, then switch to Iron Mantle. Do this, making sure you always have enough to switch back to Iron Mantle. Yay you have double buffs with maximum possible duration! Sadly, you have to recall because your health is quite low. Well that is good because this way you have your Boots. Interestingly enough, you will have a **** load of MS. Before boots, you have 330 Move Speed. Meh. But after you get Boots, you have a whopping 381 Move Speed. Holy ****! 381 Move Speed plus enhanced Ghost plus Red Buff slow? Exactly. It is insanity. Gank away, my friends.
You will want to put a sight ward at the green dot, which is the enemy Red Buff. Follow the numbers, with 6 being dragon. The yellow dots are where you hide out to gank, and the red lines are where the enemy should be for an ideal gank, unless you have some reliable CC like Taric or Nasus.

Elaborated Jungle Route Type 1
Small Golems [#1]
Hmm. Udyr at small golems first? Doesn't he kinda need Blue Buff ASAP? Well no. not really at all. Iron Mantle is more than enough to counter the lack of sustained mana regen. Here's how this camp goes. Smite one of them right away, pop Iron Mantle and go to town. Just spam Iron Mantle until both are dead. No Health Potion needed, interestingly enough. Between your dodge, shield, and life steal, you will be fine. I personally hit Iron Mantle four times. That is all you need, and if you do more than that, you will be behind on mana for the rest of the run. Once the golems are done, you will be level 2. Put that point into Wingborne Storm.

Wraiths [#2]
Erright. You will have almost full health. Yay. Pop Wingborne Storm, wait until the passive AA damage procs, then switch to Iron Mantle. DO NOT STANCE AFTER THIS. There is no need. The smaller wraiths do almost no damage anyways, and by the time your shield is gone, the big wraith is just about dead. After the big wraith dies, pop your first Health Potion. This will bring you back up to a safe level of health. It also times very well with the next camp.

Wolves [#3]
You get here, pop Iron Mantle as soon as you start on this camp, and don't stance after that. Take out the big wolf first, of course. Easy enough, almost impossible to screw up. Here comes the important part.

Blue Golem [#4]
This camp is important, but fairly easy. Pop Wingborne Storm and the second Health Potion, then Iron Mantle. You can either wait for the AA damage proc or you can switch right away. The former is faster and the latter is safer. Smite the golem at about 600 health, then stop dancing and kill off lizards in Iron Mantle. I usually go for Wingborne Storm and the Health Potion right away, wait for the AA proc, switch to Iron Mantle, switch back to Wingborne Storm before your passive expires, then switch back to Iron Mantle as soon as possible. By then, you should be able to smite the golem, and easily kill the lizards.

Red Lizard [#5]
This is the only really hard camp. Pop Wingborne Storm, wait for the proc, then switch to Iron Mantle. From then on, it's really up to preference. I like to switch back to Wingborne Storm just for the AoE and AD buff, but make sure to stay in Iron Mantle as much as possible, because you need all the health you can get. I like phoenix, turtle, phoenix, turtle, phoenix, turtle, turtle, turtle. At that point, you will be level 4, and should put that point into Blazing Stampede. Time to go ganking. Hehehe.

Dragon [#6]
Dragon is a bit irrelevant, because it isn't really in this jungle route. Dragon is more of a... team thing. You really should never do it alone. And if you do, you got some serious balls. Probably give them a free dragon and a free death. :) Just put it in here for the symmetry.
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Mid Game

So Mid Game is something like after you get Merc Treads to once you get your first or second Core defensive item, a.k.a. Banshee's Veil or Randuin's Omen. Mid game is basically the same for DPS and Tank, so bear with me on this one. You are fairly tanky for what you do, but you can't just dive the entire team and come out without dying. Your main goal is to put down damage without dying for the rest of your team. To do so, you open with Blazing Stampede and switch to Wingborne Storm and just go to town on the enemy. Try to pick the squishiest carry on their team, but don't be stupid about it. If you have to run through four fed champs, it's defiinitely not worth it. Once you have Merc Treads and Wriggle's, you should be bulky enough to take on any one champion, or maybe even two champions. If you can, try to leave the kills to your carry. A fed Ashe is much better than a fed Udyr, as much as I would like to argue. Tanks don't need nearly as much farm as Carries do.

At this point, you don't really need to straight up Jungle anymore because laning phase is over. Make sure to grab all the lanes with big waves, because Wingborne Storm clears waves super fast. Just don't get caught way across the map when a fight breaks out. That is a HUGE mistake. Also make sure you always have a ward on Dragon, and eventually baron too. More wards are always nice, and if the other team seems to always know where you are, don't be afraid to grab an oracle and scour the map for wards. It is free gold and makes the other team super paranoid. Don't get cocky though. Just because you have oracles does not make you god.

At this point it is NOT your job to initiate. If you initiate you die. You just can't handle the focus that is required of a straight up tank. Mid game initiates include Hard CC like Amumu's ult or Ashe's Ult. Udyr initiate is a Late Game initiate when he can take a beating.

Make sure to stay with your team, or at least one other person, because odds are you won't be able to take down a full health champ on your own.
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Late Game [Tank]

So Late Game is very different for DPS and Tank. You could almost call them opposites. I'll start with the Tank Udyr. Now you are virtually unkillable. Your damage is a little lackluster if you went True Tank and skipped Triforce, but whatever. Now you can initiate. You have the bulk to do so and you aren't gonna take **** from Nobody. Banshee's soaks up a CC, and Randuin's makes the entire enemy team vulnerable. Once the teams clash, your main job is to protect your hard carry. The best carries to carry are the Ranged Physical DPS. If you don't have a true carry, it could become a problem. Tank Udyr doesn't have the damage output that is required of a carry. Even with Triforce, you just can't match up against their DPS carries like Miss Fortune or Sivir. At all costs thought, protect your carry. If kassadin decides to Riftwalk in and try to take out your carry, Stun his *** and hope to god your team knows what the **** they are doing. Ping him if needed, and just go to town on him. Same goes with any Anti-Carry. The biggest one is Poppy. The ultimate anti-carry, because [he] she is completely immune to all outside effects, other than her target. This presents a huge problem because there is nothing you can do to protect your Carry for the six seconds that Poppy is ulted.

At this point, you really don't need the buffs anymore. Give Blue Buff to your AP carries and Red Buff to your Physical Carries, preferably Ranged Carry. If you have no true Ranged Carry, or they already have the buff, or they have Frozen Mallet, then grab Red Buff. Because Udyr with Red Buff is incredibly scary, even late game.

If you went with Triforce, you are a force to be reckoned with. If you went pure tank, you can't be killed, unless you are ******ed and decided roaming around by yourself was a good idea at 60 minutes into the game.

If you have Triforce you can be a little more aggressive, but if you are a pure tank, your job is to protect the carry and that is it. If you went with Triforce you can roam around the edges of your team looking for any poor squishy that comes too close to you.
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Target Priority

Now, because Udyr is both a tank AND dps, A.K.A. Offtank, he makes a fantastic Anti-Carry. He can use his Banshee's Veil to get in the middle of a fight unhindered and can blow up whoever he wants. While it is fairly easy to dive a team, it is more difficult to pick a target to disable. So, i got a brilliant idea from a fellow guide maker. I'll give him credit at the end of my guide. Basically, You want to take out the ones that do the most for the team. This is of course assuming it isn't late late game and you don't have to protect a ranged carry. If you are initiating, this is who you should go for.

Top Priority
  1. Sivir - With her ricochet she just eats teams alive. In my opinion the best ranged carry in the game.
  2. Ashe - Anyone who has seen an ELO late game Ashe knows why you get her first. End game her non-crit hits do 450 or more.
  3. Corki - Moved him up because after his "buff", he has become a significantly more effective carry.
  4. Pantheon - After his buff you just cannot ignore him anymore.
  5. Anivia - The more you kill her, the harder time she has of getting ahead for the rest of the match.
  6. Akali - Surprise? Not even. She takes your carries out so fast. It is the job of every Offtank to get rid of the anti-carries.
  7. Miss Fortune - Not as good as before, but still a ranged carry.
  8. Teemo - His blind and poison can faceroll any champion, especially your carry. The faster he dies, the faster you destroy their damage output.
  9. Kennen - No one likes a painful team stun, so the sooner hes gone, the sooner you have an advantage. It also helps to get close to him because his main damage is poking from afar.
  10. Kog'Maw - A few weeks ago I would have put him at top, but he lost some of his effectiveness lately. He is still dangerous, and therefore is still in Top Priority.
  11. Morgana - If she gets her ult off, you are screwed. Don't let that happen.
  12. Sona - One of the best AoE stun / Support champs in the game, and can keep her team alive just enough to kill your entire team. She needs to die.
  13. Fiddlesticks - So I never really thought of Fiddle as much of a threat, but that Ult of his is basically guaranteed a kill if left unchecked.
  14. Ryze - He has some serious nuking power... Try to eat him before he starts his combo.

High Priority
  1. Twitch - Sucks now, has way less damage. Kill him just to get rid of him lol.
  2. Tristana - She would be in the Top Priority tier, but because of her amazing escape skill, she shouldn't be bothered with if you can take someone out from the Top Priority tier first.
  3. Annie - Nobody likes an AoE nuke and stun, and she goes down super easy anyways. Just get rid of her before she makes a scene.
  4. Twisted Fate - He has that annoying stun, and can escape fairly well. Depends on if he is their main damage or not, but he's in High Priority.
  5. Veigar - Eats your casters. Can't let that happen. Must die.
  6. Nunu & Willump - This may seem like a strange place for him, but you can easily destroy his usefulness. His ultimate "charges" as it channels, so the earlier you stun him the earlier you ruin his ult, and the less damage he does. Good Nunu & Willump players go AP, which is why hes higher. Tank Nunu & Willump is obviously useless, and shouldn't be targeted.
  7. Ezreal - Hard as hell to catch, but squishy once you do. I found that is actually a lot easier to get to him with Frozen Mallet, so I moved him up. He is still a carry, and must be stopped.
  8. Shaco - Once he realizes you aren't scared of him, he will **** his tights and Deceive the **** outta there.
  9. Katarina - Her ult is devastating, and her pokes hurt. But her damage output is decreased when you break her ultimate. Just poke her and you are done.
  10. Xin Zhao - He has some really annoying CC, and can be dangerous if left unchecked.
  11. Lux - She gives the illusion that she's hard to catch, but once you do, she's an easy kill. Her CC is a major nuisance.
  12. Gangplank - His crits end game can 2 hit your casters, and that is bad. Very bad.

Mid Priority
  1. Warwick - Not a huge priority, but his ult can really screw up your team structure.
  2. Janna - Support that needs to die, but has really good escape methods. Not worth chasing over the high and top priority tiers.
  3. Taric - Taking him out of the fight is necessary. The only reason he isn't higher is because he is bulky... ish. depending on how he's built.
  4. Vladimir - You will want to make him waste his pool so when your team comes in after you he has no real escape.
  5. Master Yi - He's annoying. 'nuff said.
  6. Evelynn - Her stun is surprisingly annoying, and the sooner you get rid of that, the sooner your teammates can stop raging. I moved her up to Mid Priority because i find that good Evelynn players are far more dangerous than i originally gave them credit for.
  7. Soraka - Just because she is support.
  8. Malzahar - Meh. Easy to avoid, until he ults. THEN you want to get rid of him.

Low Priority
  1. Kayle - Not a hard carry, but she can do some damage with her slow. The only reason she's lower is that if you focus her, she will just ult and make your efforts useless.
  2. Heimerdinger - He should die, but hes not your problem. He does damage whether he is disabled or not.
  3. Kassadin - He does some heavy damage, so scare him off. He's a ***** to catch though, so don't chase if he runs off. I moved him down a tier because of his Ult. Attack him just enough to scare him off, but DO NOT CHASE.
  4. Karthus - Hes a huge pain, but he keeps on chuggin even after you kill him, which is almost more dangerous because he has nothing to be afraid of.
  5. Nidalee - Also needs to die, but amazing at kiting; something you cannot deal with.
  6. Swain - Stupid health regen, and lots of annoying CC. His damage output is a little low, so he isnt a higher priority.
  7. Sion - Going for him can waste his stun on you, which is good, but he is tanky as hell.
  8. Gragas - One of those bulky champs that should die but just isn't the best for anti-carry focus.
  9. Mordekaiser - Mordekaiser has impressed me of late. With his recent HUGE buff, he is far more dangerous and actually changes the tide of the battle even without his Ult. Because of this buff, however, people don't build him quite as tanky as before, so between Madred's Bloodrazor and Frozen Mallet, he may be someone you want to go for.
  10. Udyr - He's a serious pain for your team, but mirrors are always really risky, because if he has slightly better runes [assuming you dont have my recommended runes] or he is slightly farther along on his item build, you are screwed. He is also really bulky, so i suggest saving him for later.

No Priority
Just a little side note for this part of the priority section, I actually stared at the remaining champs for about ten minutes trying to figure out how to go about this. I'm not even going to write a reason to go for them, because you shouldn't. I will explain why not to. Most reasons will be "tank blah blah blah" so don't get excited.
  1. Poppy - She is an anti-carry, but her ult makes it useless to target her.
  2. Cho'Gath - Lots of health scales well with your madred's, but most of them go tanky, and so it takes forever to kill him in a team fight. Time that is wasted.
  3. Zilean - If you focus him, he has to blow his ult on himself, which is good for your team. But like i said. He has his ult. Meaning he will just revive.
  4. Olaf - His ridiculous lifesteal is just dumb, and he has burst, which eats you up. Try to avoid.
  5. Dr. Mundo - Another one of those annoying ults that you just can't seem to handle in a teamfight. Ignore him if possible.
  6. Blitzcrank - Lots of annoying CC, and usually pretty bulky. His damage is less than stellar though, so don't bother in teamfight scenarios.
  7. Urgot - His poke hurts like a *****, but there's no point in targetting him. Way to bulky. I moved him a little farther down because I find his shield and natural bulk super annoying.
  8. Nasus - You really shouldn't ever 1v1 him with his ult and natural lifesteal. Just a bad idea.
  9. Rammus - If you can get rid of him, that means no AoE ult and no taunt. But he usually stacks anti-AA stuff, including his Defensive Ball Curl.
  10. Amumu - That % health damage from Despair hurts like a *****. Sadly, he's a tank, and he wants to get hit for Tantrum.
  11. Shen - There's that taunt again. Unfortunately, he's an incredible tank.
  12. Malphite - If you get in melee range, he can use ground pound. It hurts. A lot.
  13. Garen - Sunfire Aegis plus Judgment is very bad for Udyr's health.
  14. Galio - With Bulwark, he likes taking the hits, and it makes his Ult that much easier to activate.
  15. Singed - The only way he is effective is if you chase him.
  16. Alistar - All he will do is stun you and then push you. Waste of time.
  17. Tryndamere - Okay. Maybe it is important to focus him, but it isn't your job as Udyr to focus him. Anti-Tryndamere champs include ranged carries, AP carries, CC champs, and burst champs. Udyr is none of these, and while he has a stun, that is only once every six seconds.
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Tryndamere Section

So there seems to be unrest on the topic of me putting Tryndamere at the bottom of the Target Priority section. Well, I have made this section to settle those arguments.

Tryndamere is designed to be an unstoppable Melee DPS, Sort of like olaf. The difference between Olaf and Tryn is two things. One: Olaf can die, and Tryndamere cannot [at least during the 6 seconds his ult is active]. Two: Olaf cannot be CC'd when he ults, while Tryndamere can. Combine those two things, Olaf is a much higher priority than Tryndamere because Udyr has the type of CC that suits chasing, not disabling. Champs like Ashe, Kennen, and Malphite have disabling CC. I apologize for saying your team should never focus Tryndamere. Focus to me means this:

Your entire team focuses the majority of their damage to this champ until he dies

Focusing CC is an entirely different story. You can stun tryndamere all you want, and it will be far more effective. Keeping stuns on Tryndamere is NOT what I consider focus. Although, early game [meaning before Tryn reaches 6] you want to focus Tryndamere all you can to keep him underleveled and underfed. It changes the dynamics of the game. In fact, i just played a game where we killed the enemy Tryn 4 times before he even reached lv 6, because we zoned him, and when he tried to gain exp, we killed him. That is extremely effective in disabling his usefulness in the rest of the match.

If Tryndamere IS fed, however, and the rest of the team isn't fed, then you might want to focus Tryndamere, in order to force his ult earlier than he wanted. As SOON as he pops his ult, your team needs to CC lock him. Between slows, stuns, and walls, you should be able to prevent his escape and kill him. However, I find many more people more viable targets FOR UDYR. Udyr has steady sustained damage with this build, not burst like Wilding Claw builds or tri-force builds. As a team, maybe you do want to focus Tryndamere. It is all up to priorities and how well your team can decipher priorities. But I designed this target priority list assuming the rest of your team was busy with the other parts of the team. Of course there are exceptions to every situation in this list. If the No Priority champs are fed as hell and the rest of their team sucks, of course you want to focus that champ. But assuming skill levels are all the same, they are exactly the same amount of fed, and they are all building their typical builds, this is the order that i think priority should be. Obviously this is never the case, so arguing that urgot should be one spot lower, or tryn should be a few groups higher, is irrelevant. This is assuming Tryn isnt overly fed, but the people that argue Tryn should be focused are used to seeing fed Tryns, namely themselves. Great, if you are fed, then we will CC you down, maybe focus you if you are carrying your team. But otherwise, you are a low priority for focus in the sense that i meant it.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and i will do my best to answer them.
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Feel free to ask me questions in the posts, I will do my best to keep it up to date and add the questions into this section

Q: Why did you change the Masteries to 0/14/16 from 0/21/9?

A: I did this because i found that an increase in Move Speed means more gank time, and more effective ganks, as well as longer buff duration. The only thing that is really sacrificed is 4% reduction in damage, which isn't much in the first place, and 4% AS at lv 18. You also lose 30 flat health, but that isn't really an issue. The change allows you to gank faster and longer, with more success.

Q: Why did you get rid of Madred's Bloodrazor?

A: Because it just was too expensive to get consistently and it sacrificed too much bulkiness to be worth it. Tank Udyr is just more viable.

Q: Why are ganks suddenly under so much emphasis in this guide?

A: Well before it was a very gold dependent build, but now not so much. The ganks are more for the benefit of your lanes to give them an early advantage. The more kills THEY get early on, the better your team will do as a whole.

Q: Why is Frozen Mallet no longer in the Core Build? In your last guide, it was one of the biggest items in your build because "it synergizes so well with Bear Stance"?

A: I no longer have it in my core build because it just doesn't offer the bulkiness that I like with this build. The main use of it was for catching people out of position and making sure they don't get away. With this build, it is a lot more team-oriented, so catching people out of position isnt as big of a deal anymore. The little extra health isn't as good as extra MR or armor, and it just doesn't do much. Its main use was to allow you to get consistent hits of Madred's on your target, but with your role in this guide, you should be with the team, not roaming around and trying to gank. I find that True Tank items work better than Frozen Mallet do. It is, however, still in the optional items section.

Q: Can you still Jungle with Phoenix Stance if you have no AS runes?

A: Yes, you can. I actually did it on accident in a game. I forgot to switch my runes from Master Yi to Udyr, so instead I had ArP reds, Mana per 5 per level yellows, AP Blues, and ArP Quints. It was a little slower, but I had no problem Jungling. The only discrepancy was that I had to Use a health potion at every single camp, and I just barely finished with Red Buff. I would suggest waiting till Smite is up again for Red Buff if you go with ArP instead of AS.
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I have plenty of room left so ill keep it updated to the current trends. I don't know how often i will update, but i will keep the old metagame styles up so we can see the change.

11/21/10 - Ahhh yes. The tanky metagame. Tanks and Offtanks dominate, which means Udyr thrives. Not only does he fit right into this metagame, he does very well to counter the tanky metagame with Madred's Bloodrazor. It shifted to the tanky metagame from the AoE fad, but I personally believe that this drifted away due to the effectiveness of the EU playstyle of avoiding team fights altogether.

12/14/10 - Patch .107 COMPLETELY changed the metagame. Super carries take yet another hit with twitch being nerfed to hell, and the tanky metagame is significantly weaker now. Between the removal of Innervating Locket and the general nerf of offtanks, tanky metagame takes a HUGE hit. Gragas and Malphite took preliminary nerfs, maybe more to come. Same with pantheon. On to Udyr. lets see. Phoenix took a slight nerf/buff... for this build, it is a nerf, but it just means you have to use it differently. It isn't too bad. Tiger stance, on the other hand, took a HUGE buff! Tiger Stance is officially viable now. GG Chaotic =3... 150% plus up to 200 damage is a great buff. It also gives you passive AS over time so you dont have to stay in Tiger Stance for the AS boost. I think the new metagame tailors more towards teamwork, and away from super carries and offtanks. Counter Warding is going to be HUGE with the change in wards. The entire Jungle Metagame has changed. The patch actually helps Udyr quite a bit with the reduction in solo lane exp.

1/15/2011 - With the HUGE buff that Udyr got, he just straight up went up in viability. The metagame favors casters right now, so MR is often times the way to go. It makes tanking Udyr quite easy to be honest. The Phoenix buff made Udyr's Jungling and ganks significantly better, and the Tiger buff is really nice for the people that enjoy single target nukes.
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End Notes

Now that I have explained my Udyr build, i hope you better understand his style. With a strong jungle phase / early game, Udyr can control the map quite easily. His mid game is a little lacking, but Udyr makes up for it with one of the strongest late games out of any champ i know. His sustainable damage output mixed with his amazing variety of skills and a natural tanking ability that makes any Tank champ jealous, Udyr is nearly unstoppable with the right team. Just don't forget. Play smart, and nothing can stop you.
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Additional Comments

Thanks to SixSonatas for the great template idea. Also thanks to DEWO, PotatisFarFar, Scrax, and Alahric for the input on my guides to make them better. I also appreciate everyone else that takes the time to check out my guide and give ideas to make my guides better. Thank you to TheUn4givenrage for the target priority section. Thank you to foggy12 for the sweet banner and Signature.
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  • 1/15/11 - Basically remade the entire Guide.
  • 1/16/11 - Added a Madred's vs. Triforce Section.
  • 1/16/11 - Updated Priority list and FAQ
  • 2/10/11 - Added Video For first 10 minutes of a game

Guides by Taggrin A.K.A. Restrictnine
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In The Works

1. Tiger Stance Jungle section / Skill build change
2. Team Comp section
3. More Videos
4. Item Update [build and descriptions]
5. In Depth ward section / "Pushing" section
6. Tiger vs. Phoenix Section
7. The more videos the merrier! because Im pretty sure theres not a bandwidth limit on youtube!
8. Revamp of the DPS build, the more criticism the better because DPS udyr isnt my favorite.
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