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Soviet's Guide shredding services.

Creator: Totallynotn00b June 28, 2012 2:30am
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 4:41pm | Report
Name: H4xdefender.

Link to guide: "Solo Top/ Jungle Jax"

Right. Erm. This guide has a few major issues.

It isn't exactly pretty

Hush alba. I know the hypocrisy is at ridiculous levels here but the point remains - it looks dull. And this is from someone who is wholly against random images here and there.

To get my point across, I'll give an example: for the most part, the images are the same size as the text. Ergo, it "still" sort of looks like a wall of text. I.e, is it too much to have the rune images and then detailing why you chose each one? (Don't get me wrong, one of the big +'s to this guide at the moment is that you explain pretty much everything you do which imo is the hardest part)

Even the most basic of coding/formatting would help here immeasurably: for instance, if you had used the basic tools on the website like "".

Let's look at arguably the most important (and thankfully the best) section of the guide: Your lane-match ups. Each one is just a paragraph of text. Need I say more?

Second gripe:

The chapter sequence seems illogical

The first few bits are fine. Runes -> Masteries -> Summoner spells -> starting Items. Then... Jungling. Um. Ok. What's this guide mainly focused on, jungling or solo top? Given how as you've said Jax works better solo-top anyway, i would have thought it would make logical sense to therefore have the larger and more important section first. But that's not the wierd bit.

The wierd bit is that it almost seems like this guide was a bit of a ripped up picture and you've glued it together again. Because after your lane-match up guides come item builds.... To me, and i'm pretty sure many others, it would make more sense if these two came together.

Third gripe:

Lack of information

Given what you've set out to do, i.e, solotop AND jungle, you're quite short on key information needed. I.e, what lanes to gank, ganking priority, ganking ability, what to look out for when ganking, etc.

But even if you didn't have a jungle section, you don't have a key section of any champion guide which is their abilities. Zip. Nada. You have a skill sequence, but don't explain it, let alone what each ability brings to the table.

Fourth gripe:

Lack of build explanation

You've stated out your core, and situational items. Fine. And you've explained your build.... sort of. The sub-title isn't as harsh at it seems. It's lack of build explanation here and there.

I,e: Frozen Mallet: A matter of preference whether you want this or Rylai's Crystal Scepter honestly
So what do I do? When should i get one or the other? I mean, you've happily stated that you get them if you want the slow, and that Bilgewater Cutlass is enough for the slow. So... do I buy it at all? If yes, when and why, and if no, why is it a situational item then?

Or an obvious one: Why can't someone get Ninja Tabi on jax? Or any other boots?

More importantly, you haven't stated why you've chosen to get said items in that order. Prime criminal being the Trinity Force.OBviously you're not going to be buying it straight out, but why Sheen before Phage or vice versa?

Lack of build explanation part 2

You've got the comment
IF you have any other items you want to know about on Jax leave it in a comment below.

Um... Why? Surely this should click within you that if there are other items you haven't discussed, you should discuss them? And I don't mean outlandish things from this build such as Deathfire Grasp, but more common brawler items like Randuin's Omen, Banshee's Veil.


You mention wards in places, but then don't really have a section on where or why. I.e, tri bush? Lane bush? Near baron? Or somewhere else so that you can jump away if you need to?


Isn't pretty to look at.
Illogical chapter sequence
Lack of explanations.

Conclusions: It's...ok :

This could very VERY easily become a good guide. Unfortunately you'll have to do the same I did and realise that even if you knew everything about a said champion, no one's going to listen to you if you can't present it in a readable manner.

In addition, you would either have to drop the jungling part of the guide, or you would need to massively expand said section to keep it on par with the rest of it detail-wise.

You've got good knowledge of the champion and got the experience needed to write a decent guide. Hence, why the match-ups sections is detailed and relevant. And indeed why it isn't in alot of guides - people lack experience, and make up for it elsewhere.

So yeah. Basically, if you want it to be recognised, the single biggest thing holding you back is it's presentation.

Result: No vote. Easily rectified.
SkullzX's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 4:16pm | Report

Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.):Skullz or SkullzX
Link to your guide : new and improved!
Any specific points that I should look at?: The old "wall of text"
Why should i review your guide?: I had the moeny/technoligy to improve it and i did! So don't you want to see the new and improved version 2.56574745754745745
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : So you could look at it again and tell me what I can further improve!
iownedya's Forum Avatar
Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 5:30pm | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): Iownedya
Link to your guide : Click the pic in my sig QQ
Any specific points that I should look at?: NOPE! Look at everythin'
Why should i review your guide?: Why not? I want reviews!
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : Duh, everyone wants feedback!
Thanks to Xiron and ProAsylum (Ignition) for the amazing signatures!
If I helped out with constructive criticsm, I would appreciate a +rep

Check out my review shop here!
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 3:50am | Report
Name: Matt
Link to guide: "Bluanimals new and improved jax guide"

Eh... I dunno.
It certainly looks impressive and all, but honestly? It leaves me a little underwhelmed. I just didn't warm to it. It to me seemed style over substance... and on deeper examination, i wasn't wrong.

Now for what I don't like, in no particular order.

It looks off:

It looks too much like you've copied and pasted it from somewhere else. By which I mean, how alot of the more mundane guides seem to think it's a good thing to just state what an ability does without going into its particular quirks.

You've added tips here and there, which is good - but to me you haven't differentiated what's "your" input, and what's common knowledge.

Lack of build explanation


This is what annoyed me a bit. You start off well, giving good detailed explanations as to what you started with and why. Then... it falls off a bit.

A great item on Jax and a lot of top laners. Gives you some health and attack damager as well as some decent CC for chasing (which you will be doing). Save it for Trinity Force.

Ignoring the spelling errors for one, (Since I'm not the beacon of correct spelling either, and it's perfectly readable) this doesn't really say much beyond the obvious.

I'll put it another way. you've stated that X does Y. and A does B.
Why should I get X as opposed to.. Z? When would I get X over A?

Further examples:

Rylai's Crystal Scepter
now all you need is a guarantee slow on Leap Strike as well.

But... Why? Why do you feel there is a need to have slows on everything? You've got a slow from Trinity Force, a slow from Hextech Gunblade, and a stun from Counter Strike. Do you really need more? If you do, you haven't justified it.

Lack of explanations regarding role

A common criticism I have of guides is the lack of explaining what they're meant to do.
Ok, you've got it - go for the squishies. But then stating things like "Don't be surprised if you can't reach these targets, they know where to be, which is at the back of their team".

On the one hand, fine, you've told them to keep their expectations realistic. On the other hand, you give no further advice as to what to do.

You're talking ****

Ohhhh dear. I was about to let you off the hook before I stumbled across more and more errors. This is criminal.

after two auto attacks so it immediately resets the timer, boosting your damage over time dramatically.

Two? Eh?

ten minion kills is worth more than a champion kill.

Dont remember minions being 30g a piece.

Don't try towerdiving him. Chances are his passive is up and he'll fling you to your death..

You "can" check you know...

The majority of his damage comes from auto attacks and Vicious Strikes

Um... No. It comes from endless thunderbolts to the head ala Reckless Swing


When she does Shadow Dance activate Counter Strike to negate any incoming damage and stun her.

No no no no no! Your Counter Strike negates basic attacks, of which Shadow Dance and Mark of the Assassin most definitely are not!


I'd suggest bringing Cleanse to break out of his ultimate



It's.... ok... just.

Um. I don't know what to say really.
You've made some utterly criminal errors that should never ever occur in a guide.
Tempted to call you out on a lack of experience, given the examples above.
since bloody hell, those errors are absolutely unforgivable

On the other hand, you've made an effort to make it presentable.
You've made the effort to detail the nuances of the champion in question.
You've got an idea of how to counter champions.
These save it from being a raging -1.

I had mixed feelings about this one. I "was" going to begrudgingly give this a good until I found errors... and even more errors... and these just snowballed into worse and worse mistakes that I have no idea how people haven't picked up on before.
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 8:29am | Report
Name: Iownedya
Link to guide: "Twisted fate, Pick a type! (AP,AD,AS)

RAGE LEVEL: This thankfully isn't my keyboard

This guide... looks the part. But it is freaking awkward .

Illogical chapter sequence

By which I mean, you've taken it upon yourself to write about 3 seperate ways of playing 1 character. There's nothing wrong with that. But to me, it would make more sense to put them together.
I.e, X- AP, Y - AD Z - AS.
So it would be
Currently, it's
If I was interested in all three, then perhaps you could get away with it.
But since I doubt people would be looking at a guide for more than one style at a time, it quickly becomes tedious having to sort through each chapter to find what you're actually after.

Inconsistency is everywhere.

most glaring example: masteries.
Ap masteries:

Brute Force and Butcher allow you to last hit minions. This gives a good advantage late game.
Ok.... i presume you mean last hitting will give you a good advantage late game.( Because as it currently stands, it's grammatically facepalm worthy ). But that's not the point. In the very tree above, there is NO presence of the butchery mastery whatsoever.

AS masteries:

You have a point in Demolitionist and yet don't talk about it.

Are you trying to BS the people you read and hope they don't notice?

There is no explanation of your abilities

This is an inherent flaw in your lay out. I don't care if you need to have three different skill sequences, they are still the same skills. Ergo, you should have one chapter dedicated to TF's skills, what they do, and the nuances behind each one.

For example, I don't see basic things such as his Pick A Card always going through the same rotation every single time. Things that need to be known to be a good TF.

And onto the more rage-inducing problems. Children, you have been warned.

Spoiler: Click to view

"Minor" quibbles:

You're a sheep.

greater-seal-of-resilience Flat armor was recommended by Icecreamy. They are amazing early game which affects the late game damage.

Erm. Ok. Let's ignore the fact that the second sentence makes no sense.
You took this because someone else told you to? Is this your guide or his? If you agree with him, then state why he's right at the very least.

It seems to be... lacking in detail.

I was tempted to say lazy. There are very few solid numbers in this guide at all. I mean, is it that hard to actually look at said item and put in the actual figures? It would make it look like you intimately know what you're talking about as opposed to just having a vague idea.


Madred's BloodrazorThis item deals a portion of the target's maximum health as magic damage
To ->>This item deals 4% of the target's maximum health as magic damage per hit.

Absolute irrelevancies

Under your pro's and con's section it almost looks like you did it just to even them out, so there is 6 apiece.
"Ultimate does no damage".

Um. I could file this under "lack of explanation", but how is this a con? By this logic, the likes of Chronoshift Wish are pointless as well?

Missing your Wild Cards will make you lose one source of damage when going AP

err... Surely this is then down to player skill more than a con of TF.
Else every champion with a skill shot would say "OMG THIS IS A MASSIVE DRAWBACK".
If you want to list it as a negative, list it as a skill that requires a bit more thought.


It's "£~@&$!.
The fact that the layout doesn't appeal to me I can somewhat forgive.
You've got inconsistencies within your guide, you've got choices which are unexplained.
But what absolutely ticked me off was the absolute horde of errors. Not just one or two innocent ones, but just LOADS of errors that come through lack of knowledge.

I don't freaking care how fancy a bucket looks. If it's full of holes, it's still useless.
And quite frankly, that's what this guide is. Pretty to look at, but blinking hell I wouldn't use it in it's current state.

Result: -1
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 9:02am | Report
I just wanted to say something about Sona (since that's who my guide is going to be about when I come around here again).

Maxing Aria of Perseverance gives you great sustain, and the armor and magic resist bonuses obviously help prevent damage. Maxing Hymn of Valor gives you nice poke (you can achieve the same thing with 1 point in it), and AD/AP bonuses.

Most of the time in teamfights, you are spamming your Aria of Perseverance for heals, and your Song of Celerity for AoE speed boosts. Both of them give more beneficial Power Chord proc's in teamfights. Thus, your points in Hymn of Valor are pretty wasted.

With Meditation , Philosopher's Stone, and smart play, it is pretty easy not to run oom too often maxing Aria of Perseverance. The point of Sona isn't to spam your spells 24/7, it's to spam them in short bursts when you need it, and then letting your mana regen catch up.

Maxing Aria of Perseverance allows your AD carry to play more aggressively, and be safer, so the extra AD they are missing out on isn't really lost.

If I helped you, click that +rep!
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 9:24am | Report

I just wanted to say something about Sona (since that's who my guide is going to be about when I come around here again).

Maxing Aria of Perseverance gives you great sustain, and the armor and magic resist bonuses obviously help prevent damage. Maxing Hymn of Valor gives you nice poke (you can achieve the same thing with 1 point in it), and AD/AP bonuses.

Most of the time in teamfights, you are spamming your Aria of Perseverance for heals, and your Song of Celerity for AoE speed boosts. Both of them give more beneficial Power Chord proc's in teamfights. Thus, your points in Hymn of Valor are pretty wasted.

With Meditation , Philosopher's Stone, and smart play, it is pretty easy not to run oom too often maxing Aria of Perseverance. The point of Sona isn't to spam your spells 24/7, it's to spam them in short bursts when you need it, and then letting your mana regen catch up.

Maxing Aria of Perseverance allows your AD carry to play more aggressively, and be safer, so the extra AD they are missing out on isn't really lost.

I was always of the opinion that you would take a point in Hymn of Valor first, for the Power Chord Hymn of Valor combo at level 1 to get lane dominance.
AFter that, one would get Aria of Perseverance.

At this stage of the game, if you get low, you're stuffed.

Post-philo, you would probably be ok. But I wouldn't take Sona for her heals. If you wanted that, I would have gone for Soraka.
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 9:27am | Report
Yeah, I agree with one point early, but I don't see the point of maxing it. The idea is to have the double powerchord damage, and the other auras are more beneficial teamfights/past laning phase.

Also, it's not a bad start to go Faerie Charm + 3x Sight Wards + 2x Mana Potions as a start, or Faerie Charm + 2x Sight Wards + 4x Mana Potions. You aren't losing sustain, as you can use Aria of Perseverace to heal.

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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 9:36am | Report
Your name (Prefered way of addressing you, within reason.): RosePhoenix
Link to your guide :
Any specific points that I should look at?: No
Why should i review your guide?: Because I've spent 20 hours of work on it and I believe it contains in-depth information.
Why do you want your guide reviewed? : I would like unbiased opinions on my guide
<Guide Critic>
Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2012 9:48am | Report

Yeah, I agree with one point early, but I don't see the point of maxing it. The idea is to have the double powerchord damage, and the other auras are more beneficial teamfights/past laning phase.

Also, it's not a bad start to go Faerie Charm + 3x Sight Wards + 2x Mana Potions as a start, or Faerie Charm + 2x Sight Wards + 4x Mana Potions. You aren't losing sustain, as you can use Aria of Perseverace to heal.

Dunno. HAven;t seen Sona in yonks. Fallen well out of favour. But months ago when she was still in favour, was pretty certain everyone maxed Q.

In fact, I did as well.

Q passive gives increased AD and AP, which to me is more beneficial in a team fight than say, extra movement speed.
The power chord of W doesn't change with level, and in a team fight would have the same effect at lvl 1 as lvl 5.
E... ended up being behind W since i needed to take W to heal people in lane.

I dunno. One could argue that defense>offense in this game anyway, so the passive of W would out weigh Q.
Just for laning phase, i always maxed Q for the poking damage, then W to prevent retaliation.

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