Shuru: "I mean, Irelia vs olaf might as well be considered a top laner matchup, neither of them are primarily picked mid lane and are simply off picks. Tier lists aren't about situational picks or meta breaches but about what works simply all the time, pick Olaf into a top tier mage and see how he lasts against a top tier player on that top tier mage.

It's similar to Galio, sure he can wreck I'm certain match ups but that doesn't make him top tier. Low tiers or off meta picks beating low tiers or off meta picks consistently is just that, unreliable data for the construction of the top tiers"

Shuru, I agree that it is situational and your post proves my point. League of Legends can be very situational and sometimes, different champions shine.

You would never pick Olaf into a top tier mage but he was the single best pick in that matchup that Faker picked him in. Except if Olaf isn't on H4X's tier list, you can't pick it. Right?