Well, before I start to discuss things, i want the readers to know that I am just new to the game and I want to learn things that will make me a good player in LOL. I want to learn new things and tricks. Right now, I am focusing to the champs Ashe, Amumu, Poppy, Warwick, Nunu, and Abbie. Well, I just thought if I'll play I want to get keys so I can open boxes and I can only do that if I use my owned champs. Also I want to focus on improving my handling of champ Ashe. The reason why I am writing tihs is because I want to know things and tricks from other players, especially when it comes to runes and mastery of the champs.
I wanna a lot of things about runes, since it helps a lot in the game and you'll have a lot of advantages in the game. I wanna know the runes that suits for Jungles and Ashe. Next thing is mastery I also wanna know things about. How does it affect the champs in the game and how can I be able to make one mastery useful for me.
That's all I want to say. to those who can give me tips well I'll wait for it. I also want to know guides for the champ Ashe.