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League of Legends Gromp


Gromp is a large monster found on Summoner's Rift. Unlike any of the other small jungle camps, he spawns alone. Gromp can be found next to the top lane for the blue team, and on the side of the bottom lane for the red team.

Gromp begins fights with 100% attack speed and full damage, decaying over 5 attacks.
Level-dependent Statistics
Gold: 105
Level 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Health 2100 2325 2325 2550 2550 2820 3000 3180 3180 3450
Experience 135 138.38 145.13 155.25 155.25 168.75 168.75 182.25 182.25 182.25
Magic Reistance -15 -22 -22 -26 -26 -28 -30 -30 -30 -30
Attack damage; Click to see
CS Count: 4
Armor: 0
Attack Speed: 1.004-0.501
Movement Speed: 330
Spawn Time: 1:42
Respawn Time: 2:00

Level 2 values are always the same as level 1 values.
Info from LoLWiki

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Kyuusik | October 17, 2017 9:14am
Gift of the Toadstool was removed :///
Dang Rito, removing such amazing smite buffs.
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