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Support Tier List [10.10] Carrying with Support! Patch 10.11

ItsPaulygon's Tier List ItsPaulygon's Tier List
Last updated on June 7, 2020
4097 19
11 Votes


Welcome to my Support tier list! (I will update this regularly every patch!)

In my tier list, I will show the best picks to take on the top lane for the current patch ranking from S (highest) to C (lowest)
You can check out my other tier lists on my profile about the other lanes as well!

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S Tier

These supports can either engage really well with low risk or can protect their ADC really well and snowball them to the late game. You will have low risk of losing when picking these supports.


A Tier

These supports are really good especially if you know how to use them



These supports are good with a appropriate ADC. They aren't necessarily bad, but they can be overwhelmed by the other supports on the top of this list. Pick them only if you're comfortable with them and if you're confident with your ADC. If you're not sure about your skill with them or your ADC, pick something else.


C Tier

Can be good if played well or if you main them or if you have the best ADC paired with good synergy. If you can't use them properly, avoid using.


GO Kill yourself right now

Seriously, you should.

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 17, 2020 4:35am
I first wanted to write about putting Mordekaiser above Lux, Xerath and Orianna. But when I thought about it I figured out that he can be a life savor with his R. still, if he misses his E, he has absolutely no supportive kit before level6, and his R has a really long cooldown. Morde top, Morde mid, Morde jg and now morde sup? -_-...
I understand that there are a lot of memes about Lux sup out there but she's a really good sup. Double stun, Slow, Shield, Damage. She got them all.
ItsPaulygon | May 17, 2020 5:04am
Lux does have a stun, a slow, a shield, and good poke. The problem with her though, most engage supports like Nautilus and Blitzcrank can just delete her in lane once they see an opening. There is a build with a more utility type of Lux which where Lux takes aftershock to do more steady all ins against their enemy laners, if that was the case, she would be ranked higher. But since the most famous build is the one with either aery or comet, I'm basing her off that. She is lower than Morde just because, yes, she can be a good support, but her stun is a bit sluggish and can easily be dodged, her poke as well can be predictable, her shield has a bit of delay, and just other supports outright dominate her. But, of course, this doesn't mean Lux is bad in the hands of a good Lux player.
SELORONIOS (118) | May 17, 2020 5:14am
But I still don't see why Mordekaiser is better than her. when morde misses his E early, what is he gonna do?
when he don't have enough power, what can he do with his Ultimate? his Q's are easy to dodge and if he's playing sup most adc's can kill him inside his own Ultimate because he doesn't have damage. What is he gonna do if enemies all in? what can he do beside dealing damage hoping he can kill them... his cooldowns are pretty high and she doesn't have CCs. what role is he gonna play, he can't poke, he can't defend. Maybe it works good in low tier, but he'll be absolutely useless in high tier. I he uses his ultimate on ADC, he probably die because he have no damage and most ADCs have good mobility. If he uses it on Tank sup, he can't kill him. He'll be wasting time. If he use it on mage sups. He might be able to kill him but it still depends. Most of them have kits like lux so they can delay him. Morgana can even deny his R so if the enemy picks Morgana he's absolutely Fu**ed up.
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MaximusPrime (2) | May 14, 2020 11:00pm
Why is Blitzcrank ranked so high? Yes, he has a very good engage but if he is in a matchup where he doesn't have lane prio or misses his hook then he has absolutely 0 lane pressure and is fairly useless until his hook comes off of cd.
ItsPaulygon | May 14, 2020 11:39pm
Blitzcrank is ranked so high because of his amazing engage potential, you can engage either via hook first and combo, or run in with W, then E, then follow up with a hook afterwards. Not only this, Blitzcrank has a silence with his ultimate. He is on par with Nautilus and Thresh because his hook has almost more range than Nautilus's hook and it is faster than Thresh's. His combo and engage potential is what makes him always in the S tier.
MaximusPrime (2) | May 15, 2020 4:00am
Wait, are you ranking supports based on kits individually or what they provide to the laning phase/teamfights? I do agree that Blitz has a very strong engage kit though.
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xDopii (4) | May 14, 2020 11:07pm
its not IF he hits the hook, its the fact that he has a hook while also being a mobility tank and usually theres no bad lanes for him
MaximusPrime (2) | May 15, 2020 3:56am
I see, but I still feel like there are quite a few bad matchups for him where he can't land his hook easily (like poke and shove matchups)
Steve57 (7) | May 14, 2020 3:22am
Udyr, viktor, zoe can be supports?
ItsPaulygon | May 14, 2020 9:57pm
Udyr, yes, just like Lee Sin, his strong defense and point and click AA stun is actually ok? But ofc, not recommended unless paired with an ADC of good synergy. Viktor, yes of course, he has strong poke and can easily get wards from that. Zoe, good poke and cc.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 10, 2020 1:46pm
Soraka is one of my favorite champs to see on my team. She has the range. She has it all. And Morgana??? Absolutely. I main her myself, I know how obnoxious she can get. Really, though, all of these champs are so much fun and give an entirely new dynamic on how to play each matchup, and it's a shame that people dunk on the support role so much! We can't all be heroes, but let's be real, support is the real hero!

Alright, I'm off my soap box. I love playing around with A tier, like, as a whole. Senna, Pike, Yuumi, and Soraka are some of my favorite champs to both support me when I'm ADC, and to play myself. Yuumi is a special case, though, because it all depends on the champ matchup, how well you and said champ's summoner work together and communicate, and how well that summoner plays their champ. There's only so much my book cat can do! So many times I get left behind by my champion if we get separated, they run into a firefight and BOOM they're dead again, so I end up tagging along with whoever is closest, because my ADC ran off to who knows where, and dang it, there is no way I'll get there in time to be meaningful. If that wasn't the case, I think Yuumi would be more obnoxious than she already is.
Loaghin | May 8, 2020 11:34pm
Hey ItsPaulygon,
I was wondering why you rate Xerath so low? I agree with many of your top tier picks, and Xerath certainly isn't the most ideal one, but he is quite a high damage mage and with decent mechanical knowledge should be able to absolutely dominate in immobile lanes, which aligns with what many bot lane combinations are. If paired with another early game lane bully (Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Draven, etc.) they have even more potential. Together they should be able to snowball a lane, which is exactly what bot lane wants so they can gain more gold with less resistance. I also think that the poke Xerath brings can be quite dangerous with any other high poke champion, which would theoretically make up for the lack of engage tools that he has, if either his team has good engage, or if the enemy team does not have these tools. I feel like he belongs solidly in the B tier, maybe even A tier (which might be a stretch I admit) due to these reasons.

Overall, your tier list was really good, and I do agree with most of it. Especially that Yasuo ranking. I hate Yas bot lane.

Thanks, Loaghin.
ItsPaulygon | May 9, 2020 12:43am
Well, simply because Xerath isn't the ideal support for the bot lane. He does have a lot of damage, but due to being a support, other supports will do better, I do agree there are similar supports like him made for the support role, an example is Xyra. But Xyra offers much more usefulness and almost the same amount of poke and damage Xerath gives. The reason why Xerath is low, is because though he is good, other supports can just synergize much better with the other ADC's and give better results. Though, it doesn't mean he is a bad pick.
Steve57 (7) | May 8, 2020 5:52am
Mordekaiser and heimerdinger are not troll picks on supp?:D
ItsPaulygon | May 8, 2020 6:43am
Mordekaiser can surprisingly do well as a support, especially in a scenario with a very aggressive ADC. Mordekaiser can just ult the enemy support while your ADC can solo the enemy ADC.

Also as Heimer, not really a healthy pick for support, unless matched with good synergy in the bot lane. But he is mostly known to be an ADC rather than a support, and he is paired with Lulu.
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