So guys I just got off a game of league and in that game I was playing Corki.( Team comp was good for him) In that game in solo queue at the time. We got in the game and our WW proclaimed he was jungling. However right before the game was about to start mumu changed all of his masteries and decided he would jungle as well. Meaning all 3 of the remaining players were soloing. Me as a Corki was not enjoying it. They both went jungling one got left side other got right side. I was so mad i was about to leave until this Vayne was kind enough to give me first blood. It just went uphill from there it, it was ganks ahoy. Anyway to make a long story short most of my team was fed (Except Wukong who fed the enemy team) and we won the game with double junglers despite being laughed at. Idk bout the result of this strategy every game? Anyway what do you guys think?