Hey guys! Haven't posted anything in a whlie, so let's start something new!

First Up: Champion Guide: Like among many, you guys requested another guide from me. Of course, being a busy guy I am, I try to fit in some more time (lately even MORE busy then usual). So before I even start making a guide, I want your people's attention and tell me: Who should I make a champion guide on? I have so far came up with 4 possible options that I feel can really hit the top: I have a lot more possible options, so leave a request here!

Meanwhile, my Xerath guide is still missing something. That's right! My Xerath Montage! My dad is going to get me a RAM that will hold more space, which will mean I'll have enough space for this new program I'm going to get for editing videos. This will allow me to make my Xerath montage, and don't worry, I'll make sure it's full of awesomeness =)

This Week's / Today's Topic: Any caster champion you want a guide to be made for? What you want to see in the montage?