So yesterday I started to use Smartcast and it's really awesome you can react so much faster - even though you will most likely be a lil bit confused for the first games because you still want to click your skills :/

The thing is up to now I never used them and I think this will benefit me after some time greatly it makes many things much easier and better.
  • instant spamming your skills by just rolling your head over the keyboard, no need to click with your mouse :) makes it really awesome for champs like Lux that have to fire their shots one after another!
  • you can get way more cs with champs like Ezreal
  • your reaction time is just better

I know I am a noob for not using it before :/
I'm lvl 30 about 550w and because I am not that new to the game and haven't used them before, so I wanted to share that information with you. So maybe some of you will start to use smartcast!

You can activate smartcasting ingame --> options --> keybindings
scroll down and there you can activate it!
Skill 1 - q
Skill 2 - w
Skill 3 - e
Skill 4 - r
You don't have to use all so if you feel uncomfortable with a skill you can still use it on the old way!

Yeah that's about it :) hope it helped and you all know I'm 2stronk now.
Thanks Luther for explaining it to me!