Hello there ladies and gentlemen.
First of all I hope you all had fun on your happy valentine's day, I know I did, and I wish ya the best ;)

Ok, LoL talk, that's why we're here after all xD

As the topic suggests, what would you guys think about new announcers in League of Legends? How would you like it, more to the point? I think that it would be quite awesome if we could have new announcers spicing the game up a bit.

Take HoN for example (don't shoot me) you can buy other announcers for your game in HoN, which seems like a pretty cool thing to be honest. I'm getting a bit tiered of hearing that same female voice over and over again. And yes, I know that it gives the feeling of certain...purity and power, like we are in the fields of justice, the "League of Legends", as it were, I get that. But there are ways to keep that feeling, and still bring freshness to the game.

I think that Riot should look into it, and that it will do no harm to the game whatsoever. What'd you guys think about it?