We all feel like some champs are underrated. Champs like Karma, Galio, and Gragas are underrated champs who aren't seen very often at all. They're not even that bad. Hell, Gragas just destroys yet he isn't seen very often. Trundle was underrated too, I've seen people dodge just cuz I locked in Trundle who is a great jungler imo.

Yet other champs become underrated or see very little game time after nerfs that really haven't impacted them that much. For example, Akali is still strong yet she isn't conidered that great after her nerfs. The same happened with Lee Sin and Ashe. They all used to be top bans,but they're gone now.

Champs like Amumu and Singed have lost their luster as time has progressed (remember when they were banend at low elo 24/7).

So who do you think is underrated or isn't receiving as much game time as they should be? Who do you think could become underrated in the future?