Let's start with a little bit about me and League of Legends. I am not the best of players, I wouldn't even consider myself a good player right now, this is what I aim to change whilst I do this blog.

I started with my account, Sukiiru. I most likely came across everything everyone hates about solo queue all within my first 5 games, but I carried on playing where most newer players wouldn't. Though I didn't do the best, I kept trying. Another problem to this was that I duo queued with a friend of mine who was level 30 while I was level 7-12. So I was going up against level 15-25s often and with them having a hell of a lot more experience than me, I really failed in games. I don't wish to change this because it got me learning more about the game in such little time.

The other worst part was that because of this, I didn't really play more than 3-5 champions, so I didn't get the best start with getting used to different abilities and roles. I was usually running solo top without even knowing how to do it well. I mean, 30-40 CS in like 10-15 mins is bad, I know this now.

Eventually, I gave up on solo queue and just got playing AI. I eventually got to level 30 using 2 XP boosts and playing about 150 AI games and had 83 normal wins. As you can tell, I sucked.

My aim with making my 'smurf' is to do it all again, but this time I will do it right. No AI games to boost my level. I am not just going to 'faceroll' new players in solo queue, though when I play solo queue I will try my best to help the new players understand the game roles etc whilst I play. I am currently level 10 with 25 wins 18 losses.

For the new players that may possibly read this, all I can say is stick to playing and learning, once you get past all this part, the game becomes fun to play and it is a great game when everyone on your team pulls together. Don't worry about losses, they are unavoidable.

This is what needs changing.