Man, it's taking a god awful long time for the Hecarim Patch to come out. I'm really excited for this particular one though, I love the EXP patch they're doing, and the floating text...well, I don't know if it's going to be cool, or just plain annoying. It might be annoying because you'll see flying text everywhere during teamfights, but it might just be non-noticeable. I'm also glad they're adding the mastery pages to the server so we no longer have to remake them when we go to someone else's house/different computer, though I'll have to redo my old master pages -.-

A few things I'm wondering about is if Varus is coming out the same time as Hecarim. It would explain a lot about why it's being delayed for so long, but my friend says they probably encountered a major bug during PBE so they have to redo a lot of ****. TBH, I'm really excited for this patch because I'm hoping Varus comes out as well, and I really want him :o

Hecarim thoughts:
He'll most likely be played as a tanky dps (like how most champions are nowadays). I think he'll be placed nicely as a solo top champion, his W skill will heal him and let him sustain well top. His ultimate is going to be great in teamfights because of the fear. He's got plenty of AOEs, his Q, W and ult I believe. Now, I'm not a brony here, but I think his joke is a reference to My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. His joke is, "Suffering is magic" :P

Here's a link to the upcoming patch:

Link to Hecarim:

Link to Varus: