So I gotta comment on this weeks Champions.

Lets start with Annie. Alright, it was a while since she was Free to Play but considering her 450 IP price it could be pretty common hero. Normal Game Usage Est: Every second or third game. But lets talk about her for a moment. Everyone knows who is against her in mid, he is in for a tough game. Stunning, protective shield Bear walking little kid.

Malphite: Wow again? But anyhow, he is pretty much used also. Fun to play, kicking *** while taking massive damage. His ultimate can make you regret the moment when you camped with 2 or more of your teammates in same spot. Normal Game Usage Est: Second or third game.

Lulu: Little people know to play it, and those who do they might get interested in this pretty good Champion. Her play style can warry from jungle, damage, support. **** she can almost tank. Normal Game Usage Est: Every or every second game.

Yorick: Damn this guy is awesome. Very much unterrated, and unused. I love him. If you play against me in some normal game, expect him :). Otherwise Normal Game Usage Est: Fewer, he is tough to play, but hella fun.

Shen: No..just. No. Normal Game Usage Est: Quite often.

Miss Fortune: Free to Play *****. She is too often on the week schedule. Normal Game Usage Est: Too ****ing often.

Sivir: Just like MF. Awesome support, and creep killing ability.

Veigar: ALso like MF and Sivir. Great nuker, beware if mid against this little guy.

Gragas: Finally this guy is free to play. I've seen many active Gragas players lately in normals. He can be very tanking, or very deadly. Or both. He can setup a great kill by using his ultimate, and he can harrass with his Keg. Also mana regen is huge cuz of his very utterly overpowered ability to do the same. Normal Game Usage Est: Often. Expect him. But he is quite hard to play, so pushing him around can make you get over the game easy.

Xin: Also very often. Normal Game Usage Est: Every? Probably. He can be very tough dps, with high damage, health, and armour, making him ultimate warrior. Beware.

Thats my two cents on this week Champs. They can be compiled in teams pretty well. For example Lulu + Gragas + Xin + Veigar + MF = Too much AoE ultimates and eveything else that comes with it. It will be a good week, and a very hard week.

Best of luck summoners. Take care.