I was listening to one of my League of Legends Podcasts, and they started to talk about why Dr. Mundo is a god-awful jungler. He may have the fastest clear time, but his ganks and mid game are garbage. I have actually found this to be true! I have played with a couple Dr. Mundo junglers, and each time I said that he sucked as a jungler, they said, "But he has the fastest clear time!". No joke.

As explained in the podcast, most efficient junglers have a form of HARD CC, such as a stun or snare. Mundo has none. While his Infected Bonesaw can do a hefty slow, it is a relatively short slow and can't be called an effective ganking tool. Where as, Maokai, Warwick, and even Lee Sin have some form of hard CC.

Now, you probably have seen pros play Dr. Mundo in the jungle. Thats great, but if you also actually watch their jungling, Dr. Mundo will fall apart mid game, and make the team lose. If you watched Mono eSports, TSM actually lost a lot of games due to Dr. Mundo the poor ganks coming out of the jungle. theOddone is arguably the best jungler in the scene, and he plays Dr. Mundo jungle, and in some games, that killed TSM. There was a game where Dyrus just got incredibly fed, but poor ganks coming out of the jungle forced TSM to actually lose the late game due to Mundo's mid game.

Now, I am NOT saying that Dr. Mundo is a bad champion. Just throw him up top and it's gg. But he should just stay out of the jungle.

FYI: IF you don't know who theOddone is, he is a Team Solo-Mid player who is known as being one of the best junglers in League of Legends. He pioneered jungle Maokai.

But make sure to leave a comment below and let me know what you think!