First of all, if you want the unofficial, but early, patch notes click here. This list is formed from the PBE, and is subject to change. At the time of this blog post, there isn't too much to write about, so I just grabbed some highlights.

  • Dr. Mundo- Maximum Dosage - Maximum Health regenerated reduced to 40/50/60%, from 40/55/70%. Kind of good, kind of not. Honestly I don't play Mundo too much, but I have never really found his ult to be a problem. Kind of a nusance, so this nerf should sort of tone him down late game. I mean, Spirit Visage is basically going to negate the nerf, but like I said, I don't play him so I have no idea.
  • Malphite- Health increased to 513 (+90 per level), from 505 (+82 per level). Wow. Malphite is already awesome right now, so this health buff is sweet. Never been so rock solid.
  • Phantom Dancer- Movement Speed reduced to 12%, from 15%. This kind of makes sense. I am still always stunned at how fast people like Vayne can get when she ults and also has 2 Phantom Dancers. Hopefully this nerf should kind of help.
  • Zeal- Movement speed reduced to 6%, from 8%.
  • Ashe rework. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT
  • Summoner's Rift graphical update. Nice. Really going to enjoy the new look. And hopefully we can get less people complaining about FPS stuttering.
  • Overall HUD beautification.
  • Darius? Meh. I don't think I will play him. Seems like a decent champ. We will have to see though.
  • This is just personal speculation, but turrets seemed to shoot more like DotA turrets in the above video. So maybe they are being totally reworked? Who knows. I could just be talking out of my ***.
Sad Robot Amumu
Tyrant Swain

Dark Flame Shyvana

Glaive Warrior Pantheon

Lord Darius

Kick *** skins. So excited for this next patch!