Wasup guys?

Yesterday I made really hard decision and as the final result I have transfered my account from EUNE to EUW. I had several reasons why I did that and then few points, that are important for me.

1) Gaming community at EUNE
I have a lot of friend at EUNE. Those are not just "online" friends, but even the ppl who I know personaly, we drink together, making holidays etc... And this was the hardest part for me from this whole action - to leave them there.

To the core, why I decided to switch server. Its been last week. I have played ranked solo que and lost everything (ok, won 3-4 games (from 20-25 cca). First I was thinking I play bad, but then I checked the after game score table and was surprised with two things. First: I had the most dealth damage from all 10 players (doesnt matter if I was solo, AD carry, jungle or mid) and second: I was over 2,0 KDA ratio every game. So the mistake was not in me, but somewhere else. I dont want to talk about teamplay or something like that. Everyone sometimes met good team and sometimes bad team. The problem was the ppl who a) fed&left b) blamed team members whole game c) played alone.
Im not sure if the community at EUW is "better" but I hope so!!

2) Top players
EUNE is the server with less top players than other servers. Its sad, but its true. I have transfered, because I want to be closer to these top players. I hope I will meet some of them one day. Sooner or later...

3) I want improve myself
Im not a nerd, not a freak who wants to be the best. I just like this game and I think about it a bit more than common player (I wrote a guide if you didnt noticed :-)). I know a lot of ppl who just play for fun (they never played ranked), build same items every game, they dont know how to last hit, wards are their enemies etc. I know some ppl who actualy use their brain while playing (including me), but that is so small minority part of the whole community.

So now I need some conclusion for you in case you read this. At first: Everyone who asked me to play with him can ask me again, because most of these ppl were from EUW or NA (they still have bad luck). So if you want to add me, PM here and we will talk about it.

Have a nice day, peace!
