A list of champs I play and what I think my elo with them is objectively at.


My main role, the one I consider myself strongest in.

Soraka - 1600+ my love, my heart, my favorite champ bar none
Alistar - 1400+ you don't wana be my enemy when I play him, I sneaky and dastardly
Blitzcrank - 1400+/- if I get lucky or the enemy team too aggressive I feed carry sick and twisted style
Lux - 1300 +/- haven't done a lot of support with her but I've done it a few times and did well
Morgana 1300 +/- same as Lux
Lulu - 1200 +/- done a few games, but nothing stellar or abysmal
Zilean - NA not played enough in this role
Nidalee - NA not played enough in this role
Sona - NA not played enough in this role
Janna - NA not played enough in this role
Kayle - NA not played enough in this role
Taric - NA not played

AP Mid:

Lux - 1500+ under-appreciated champ, I think some don't know what to do with her, she snowballs with early kills
Sion - 1400+ not a traditional Mid but I do well on him.
Cho'Gath - 1400+ again, not a traditional Mid but he's fun
Heimerdinger - 1400+ the reason I kept playing LoL, Heim is OP, then get good with him... it's sick.
Annivia - 1200+ only played her a handful of times but it was an easy win each time
Karthus - 1200+ I'll never get very good with him but he's fun to play
Fiddlesticks - 1200+ same with Karth, love to play him, not super good
Zyra - 1200+/- still new haven't practiced her enough yet
Ryze - 1100- fail Ryze is sad to watch
Orianna - NA haven't played her yet
Kassadin - NA fail Kass is fail.
Annie - NA I don't fail on her but I don't do well enough compared to most
Veigar - NA I fail so hard at Veigar it's just not worth playing him, ever
Morgana - NA A sad fail since she's so similar to Lux but for whatever reason...
Zilean - NA Another sad fail, he's just so easy to play, why I can't cross that threshold of awesome on him, no clue


Riven - 1400+ she's fun to play and has great ganking potential
Malphite - 1400+ he's solid, decent ganks, extreme initiate potential
Udyr - 140+/- he's ok to play, good ganks, good surprise damage even tanky
Dr. Mundo - NA done it once, need to practice
Alistar - NA never jungled with him but I know it's done and I'd like to learn
Amumu - NA done it once or twice, worth trying more

Solo Top:

Not done any PvP solo top yet but of the champs that are used these would be the ones I'd have some degree of skill with.


Champions I've played at least once but hated/failed with:
Ahri - I really like her but for some reason I just can't get good with her
Akali - again, really enjoyed playing her but my skill at her is abysmal
Corki - bot lane champs are my least favorites, and not because I can't farm.
Lee Sin - tried several times with this guy, jungle mostly but just face-dirt fail every time
Master Yi - not bad but not great with him, not one of my favorite champs ultimately
Morgana - I'm worse than your average elo hell morg player, it's not pretty
Nunu - dislike playing him in any role, he's just not fun
Poppy - another champ I love but can't play well, wish I could but just not in it
Rammus - same as Nunu, just boring to play for me
Ryze - I'm not horrid but the level of skill some others have shown with him made me not wana even try anymore
Sivir - yet another auto attack champ I can't/won't play
Skarner - honestly, only played him once, failed so hard I couldn't sit for a week
Teemo - I like him, to some degree but I'd rather play him as support and I'd fail pretty badly at that even
Twisted Fate - As AP I suck with him, as AD I suck with him... nuf said
Zilean - as AP Mid I suck, as Support I'm still on the fence

Champions I've played at least once but no more than 3 times and enjoyed:
Vayne - tried her on a free week, one of only 3 AD Carries I like and play well
Urgot - same as above
Irelia - quadrakill first time playing her, she's OP, will play her as much as possible to get even better on her
Nocturne - same as Vayne/Urgot but I think I'd like him more as jungler.
Gangplank - bought him on sale, played him twice and liked him, didn't play him again afterwards will try again soon
Fizz - another I tried during a free week and loved him, just waiting for him to go on sale. very OP

Champs I still need to play:
Jarvan IV
Xin Zhao