So I'm back, anyway just wanted to update people on what I will be doing because many of you are probably wondering why I have returned so quickly from my permanent ban. So after I was banned I still kept in contact with many people of Mobafire, people I consider friends and eventually became very active in the In-houses, either casting or playing in them.

With that I had an idea to make a weekly show called Mobacast in which I review a week in Mobafire basically. I talk about the mobafire in-houses, patch previews, interview Mobafire members and above all, just talk about League. I brought the idea before Mowen and she has been gracious enough to allow me the opportunity to do this.

So I am currently going to be working on Mobacast in the next few weeks hoping for an official launch time of mid-late August or into early fall. If anyone is interested in being involved feel free to let me know, because after all this is a show about what's going on in Mobafire.

I appreciate the opportunity from Mowen and the Staff for allowing me to try this experiment and hope you will be just as interested in it as I am.

Additionally, with that I have also decided to take a more positive role in the community. It's not fair to the people I've harassed or anyone else on the forums and the point of this community is to share knowledge of the game and allow people to get better. I will be limiting my interaction on the forums and it will almost entirely be for either Mobacast, In-house, or theorycrafting/discussion purposes as to avoid my trolling behavior.