Solo queue:
First thing I heard in champion select was "Apfel don't feed". Olaf had looked up my match history while the bans were going on.

I held an even lane with that enemy Gragas while all the other team mates just kept dying in their lanes and jungle.
Gragas picked up some easy kills from stupid Ezreal solo in enemy jungle. GG.

But all I hear is " Orianna you're so bad, I don't give you blue buff anymore!"

In the meantime Olaf and Sona were chasing and killstealing all day until I had to save their ***es with my ultimate. Great.

The support had more kills and less assists than me as carry and still kept blaming me for being fail.

No one ever acknowledged, that I had the highest damage output of all. Even more than Gragas.
Now I'm hurt to the core. I'll just go cry in a corner somewhere because I'm so terribly hurt. -.-