Today in a normal game i found some of the guys that are ruining the LoL community,
The first is someone that was playing as warwick, he got ALL the blue buffs but his summoner level was only 16 so it's only because he's unskilled, while he was at level 13 our anivia told him "could you give me the blue buff?" but when warwick read that, the blue golem was gone, he said "lol now?" then i (varus) said " you shouldn't get the blue buff, only the first" he replied with a nice:


this warwick is so cute, but i knew that flaming wasn't the solution, as a warwick player i told him: " i jungle as Warwick without the blue buff because i think the ap carry needs it more"
he thought that jungling without blue was impossible so he said: "what's your best score?"
I was like.... so MY score will determine if YOU are a good jungler... i said that i got 9/2 but i didn't really remember if it was the best.

I hate this kind of people, they are new to the game and when you try to help them they just say F*ck you... Why? What's the point? If you are new try to listen to me and maybe you'll be a better player.

in the same game i was laning with diana, it was a normal game so i didn't really care if i there was no support, we started a fight and i got the only kill, could you imagine what she said?
"KS"... so obvious
But i don't really care if she thinks that she is the only one that deserves to get kills. The strange thing is what she said after...
"another one and you'll be alone in your lane"
i was like O.o, what? i got a kill, (not stealed) and she said that if i will kill more she will go top leaving me (the ad carry) alone bot? it's like surrendering but without the vote, all that only because i got a kill.... Then after 10 minutes or so we started a fight again, diana seriously damaged the enemy fiora then fiora and diana were both retreating, i used my q to secure the kill, and again:
this time it was impossible to "steal" the kill, diana was retreating and she already used her ulti twice, there was no ignite and fiora was at the limit of my q's range, i said all this thing to her but this didn't change anything... then diana went alone in the jungle and died... she said: "varus noob" i simply replied: " i was not even there -.-" again she just thought that she is like a goddess, everyone should defend her and noone should kill her enemies....
and finally we were pushing mid to the victory, she got a triple then died, i got a kill using only my q and she said:
i was like: omg i don't want to live on this planet anymore, SHE WAS DEAD, how cold she get the kill? i can't see if she used ignite but i think that if you are dead you cannot complain for a ks....

Sometimes i hope for someone that doesn't flame at all, or someone that doesn't complain, everyone in a a lol match is doing is best, even if they die in a stupid way they are trying their best, flaming and complaining doesn't help at all, if someone dies in a stupid way i just say "why were you alone?" or "why you did that?" maybe they had a good reason, and i always try to add some smiles to my messeages, even if i'm saying that something was a poor move.

Thank you for reading and sorry for my bad english but english is not my main language and i'm just 16 so i'm still learning :)