Hello guys,
i haven't written anything here before, but i feel like doing it right now.
In my blog, i will probably be ranting about all kinds of League stuff most of the time.
As the title says, my first topic will be the LoL community.
Before you all start raging at me for what i am about to say, i know that there are a lot of solid dudes in the community,too, ive actually met quite a bunch.
But i feel like most of the community are pretty much *******s.I've never seen more flamers,trolls and other idiots in one community than in the LoL community.And ive seen quite a few,believe me.First of all let me mention that i play mostly blind pick.I only play ranked if i feel like doing so,which happens like two or three times a week.
A very common thing that seriously pisses me off is that the majority of laners who lose their lane seem to tend to just blame the jungler.Dont get me wrong i dont wanna whine,my main role isnt jungle.But i feel bad for these guys who play jungle because they are interested in playing something else than solo lanes and stuff and get a guy like that Darius i recently had on my team.I joined queue intending to play top lane,but all roles except jungle were called quickly by my teammates.
So i pulled out Jarvan jungle,hadnt played it in a while and i felt like doing it again because i like it a lot(one of my favorite junglers).
So i was like:"Ok,get red,gank that toplane lvl 2 if Akali doesnt level shorud up that early,if she does,go for another lane."
I saw she didnt level up her shroud yet on level 2,so i decided to go for it,since bot and mid said they dont need a gank yet.
Since akali is pretty squishy and she didnt have her shroud yet,i expected a pretty easy kill.
I went straight in her face with my knockup,but i couldnt catch her because this stupid Darius didnt make any attempt on following up.
I was like:"Idiot.Anyways,just gonna gank something else."
The game progressed and to my surprise,i noticed this Darius was seriously loosing his top lane,which i found ridicolous.I decided to gank again coz Akali was like 3-0 and had a massive creep advantage.But ya know,a fed Akali with shroud isnt the easiest thing to gank...
And again,that idiot Darius decided its not necessary to follow up,getting me killed.
His reaction:"OMFG NOOB JARVAN".
I was like:"Are you ****ing kidding me?!"
But i actually managed to stay calm,answering with a dry "Reported.",even tho we ended up loosing pretty hard primarily because of that Akali.
And in the end,Darius started writing to all,stuff like "NOOB JARVAN NO GANKS REPORT".
Is it my fault that people like him are completely ******ed idiots?
People like this Darius are the reason i am writing this...but i guess you guys understand me pretty well.Completely unskilled ****s who keep blaming others for their own stupidity.
Seriously pisses me off.Anyways,i hope to be meeting more friendly people in the future.
Peace out guys,see ya!