So I jumped into a solo-q game today for some stress relief and I got more than I bargained for, but in a good way.

We all know them, we've all seen them, we might have even been an offender once or twice. The cry of "OMG KS!".

Today I decided to bot lane Diana since no one wanted to support or jungle (one of those games I guess) and I really didn't care if I won or lost this game. I was laning with a Xin and all was well and good in the first two minutes, that is until we started fighting MF and Taric. We're doing the dance, having some fun and he scores first blood. "GJ" I say, was a team effort and we managed to pull it off. Then Taric made the mistake of chasing after a low health Xin so I unload on him too, Xin coming back in (for whatever reason) and I manage to pick him off before Xin and he curses at me.

At this point I have a sneaking suspicion of this dudes point of view but I keep my tongue and continue. Next thing we know we got the enemy jungler (Malfph) and MF bearing down on us so we back off to the tower and they idiotically tower dive us at full health. Naturally they both die, I get both kills, and Xin breaks down. "FK U KS, you can die for all I care." and with that he leaves bot lane with me to defend solo. Hmmz well w/e I don't really mind, at this point I'm already fed and can 1v1 anyone on the enemy team and probably survive a 2v1 tower dive without issue but something in me cracked a smile (this is bad btw). I saw a 3 man gank mid and I went in where Xin had 'retreated' and Cho (out mid) were defending. Cho dies almost outright, Xin is hugging the tower and I come in balls to the walls and take another kill and the chase is on, Xin is one hit away from killing Annie (evil smile broadens) Q my kill. Xin implodes, "reported you KSing fk".

Aaaah, this is gonna be fun, I can tell already, for the remainder of the game if it was just Xin and I vs whomever I took his kill every single time laughing the whole way. Needless to say we won the game, Xin cursed at me, and wanted enemy team to report me to which half of them called him noob or stupid and I had relieved my stress.

Thanks Xin, you were priceless.