Today is a shorter one since it's just first time with the newest champ Rengar!

King of the Jungle Rengar makes his appearance on the fields of Justice!

This guy was a decent jungler to be sure, but I've found his real strength is Top Solo. That being said my first time was jungling so that's what we're focusing on.

Farming - 8: I found his camp clearning was very fast even lvl 1. His lack of a mana/energy bar makes for spamming his skills very nice. Taking Q first not just due to it's damage/AS boost but for the fact it's got the lowest cooldown. Don't feel bad if you're spamming his skills nonstop, just be sure to use his full 5 stacks on his roar to heal yourself while you're jungling.

Laning Phase - 8: You really gotta gank, as a jungler that should be obvious and it's even more important on level dependent champs such as Rengar. Go into a gank 1 of 2 ways. A) Go into lane 4 stacks and E (bola shot) for the slow, if they flash no worries, come back later. The point is to hit 5 stacks with your Q off cooldown, hit it twice (for massive damage burst, scares the **** outa them) then W if they're still up, Exhaust if he's still up and hope your gank partner can secure the kill.

Team Phase 8: With his lack of any real damage AoE style his real target is the damage dealers, ADC and APC. Good options are to Ult in, wait for a good chance and pounce full burst. Another option is to go in yourself let them focus you a bit then Ult, this takes the initial burst off the enemy team and allows for your team to come in and mop up. It's a risky manuver since a good amount of CC/Silence will pretty much spell your doom.

Overall - 8: An all around solid champ. His ganks are strong but not top tier, but his sustain and burst damage are on a level almost his own. Coupled with his passive to jump out of brush on auto attacks and Q burst his initiate is pretty strong in 1v1. I've even managed to go 1v2 under an enemy tower and come out with 2 kills and a little health to spare. He's just that strong.