This is my first LoL blog. ^,^

I want to tell you a story how I started playing League of Legends.
It was late May in 2012, I was in my boyfriend's house then I started playing.

He showed my this cool game and Free Champion were Ahri. She was my first pick.
Needless to say I failed a lot and didn't like the game at all, as everybody called me noob etc. etc..

After few days I took my first exam. After it I found out that some of my friends already play League of Legends. I wanted to join them so badly. >.<
But on the other hand I didn't really wanted to play LoL, I just wanted to chat.

I was 5 lvl, then I started to play with real people 30lvl. It's was really hard as they had runes, mysteries and I had just my self. One good friend told me "That it's the only way to learn to play by playing with players who are better than you". He told me that in Lithuanian language so sorry for translating. ^,^'

In result, now I know how to play League and how to play it right! And after 3 months of training I'm finally 30lvl. just like my other friends.