Welcome back!

As you all saw on the League of Legends patch notes, the buffs have arrived. Personally I was really satisfied with this changes, since I was really looking for some buffs on one specific champion: Rengar. As many other may know, he isn't one of the best junglers but he, in my opinion, has TONS of potential. With this buff they gave a hope to all the Rengar players. I really want to hear your opinion, but personally now let's say that he is more viable then before mostly 'cause of the "fix" of his passive and buff on his ultimate.
For the other buffs and nerfs I mostly think they were nicely done, mostly the nerf on Yorick (it's almost impossible to beat a skilled Yorick for what I saw).

So that's it for me, since I just wanted to give my opinion to this changes. Hope you all a ncie day,
your Courier!