That's right.
Unfortunately, I was banned until August 25, 2286.
Reasons varied from trolling, harassing, being racist, etc.
This was my 4th (and apparently final) ban.
Highest ELO Rating: 1434
ELO at Time of Ban: 1327

You can see more of my stats by clicking HERE.

Notable things I've done on the account:

  • Played over 3,000 normal games
  • Played over 1,300 ranked games
  • I've bought a lot of skins, 2 being legendary (Teemo and Tryndamere).
  • I collected almost every champion (was behind like 5).
  • Made a lot of friends; made a lot of enemies.
  • I've been fed and carried games; I've fed and lost games.
  • Sadly, I have NOT gotten an official penta-kill before the ban.
  • Jungled using 'absurd' champions (i.e. Brand, Veigar, Oriannaa, Ezreal, etc.)

Yeah those are a lot of games. Roughly 4 month's worth of non-stop playing (presuming games are 40 minutes on average). I made a new account under the name Noob Ahri Bot to start fresh. Unfortunately, I was unable to add everyone I knew on EVILISLEMONS. That's too bad. People come and go, I guess. Who knows. my brain may start functioning again one day and I'll be able to recall the names of those I've played with.

Thanks for those who've stuck with me through the months.