"My Opinion"

1.Lulu- Overall kit is amazing especially with attack speed champions ex:Kogmaw, Vayne. Her Pix shield does a bonus 60 damage (Average) per auto attack her ulti is a giant heal and is one of the best engages you can get she stays relevent throughout the game and synergizes well with every aoe in the game (Fid, Kat, Karthus) plus her W is a 3 second disable and any disable 2 second or longer is OP

2.Nami- In her current stage she is "Amazing" considering she has an AOE heal a 2 second stun (2 seconds or longer)she has an amazing buff you can give your ad carry that basically gives him a slow effect on auto attacks along with the single disable and the slow she has a MASSIVE ulti that is a knock up and a giant slow its basically 2 janna ultis with a slowing effect on it imagine the effect it can have on a team fight not only will it disrupt any channels it will completly **** up the flow of the enemy combos.

3.Nunu- Nunu amazing Blood Boil that gives 60% attack speed and massive movement speed. His snow ball is an amazing poke and a decent way to engage but the slowing isnt the best part but his E lowers the attack speed of anyone he targets by 25% thats amazing but it also stacks with nunus ulti that is an GIANT AOE snow ball and along with that it also stacks with frozen heart basically nunu with frozen heart renders the enemy ad carry worthless. As a bonus Nunu also has one of the highest Base HP's in the game

4.Taric- Taric is an amazing pick his Innate tankiness (the armor from his shatter) with runes will give you a very big upper hand early on and when he gets his ultimate he can just initiate with his stun and burst a target as well as giving his team mates bonus damage.

5.Leona- STUN STUN STUN STUN STUN STUN STUN STUN plus shes amazingly tanky because of her base HP and her W buff.

6.Alistar- Heal and complete displacement along with innate tankiness

7.Blitzcrank- Can you hit a grab? even so if the enemy support is smart and guard the carries from grabs its hard so make it work during lane phase (and ward) counter pick during champ select if the enemy picks a squishy then wreck ****.

8.Sona-(my favorite :D) Her amazing poke and amazing AOE ulti is amazing but she is currently so squishy that is she gets grabbed by blitzcrank she will die before she gets to the other side. Sona is still a good pick but because of how squishy she is you must play extremely safe/smart early game.

9.Soraka- Her burst heal and mana feed is still amazing but in this aggressive "zoning" meta she juts doesnt fit in.

10.The Rest- i'm too lazy to name the rest if they are not on the list then they may not be doing well at the moment or i just forgot to list them

I'm sure i missed some other supports i just made this list from the top of my head feel free to correct me and give your own opinion

This list is just my opinion of the support champions alone but synergy is a big factor for bot lane and certain supports do better with certain carries.

Ward Map
Very sloppy but you get the general idea (and no u dont ward all of these spots all at one times ._. these are just all possible spots)