I haven't played LoL for long, just little over maybe half a year (although I've had my account for about a year, I've only started playing in the last 6months) & for the most part, I've enjoyed it. I like these sort of games, I like the champions that come out, the ability to get skins, watch how pros play etc. All these things make the game, to me, seem great.

However... There is something that bugs me about LoL, and I don't know if it's like this in other serves or is worse to a lesser or greater extent but, a lot of people I have played with in the EW server are very eager to rip off your neck & **** down your neck if you make even one mistake. At first, this didn't really bother me. 90% of the time I tend to stay quiet if someone is flaming/raging in the chat. But every now & then I find myself responding to these people.

It'll go maybe something like this:

I'm playing jungler, I'm still relatively new to it, still getting a grasp of things & then all of a sudden someone at bot gets slain. They then type in the chat "omg. noob jungler not ganking enough!!!!!". And to be fair to them they're right about me being a noob. So, sometimes I'll respond and say something along the lines, if I'm feeling nice, "sorry dude, I'm still getting this jungling thing down. I'm sorry for my noobie-ness". And sometimes, not often, they'll may say "fair enough" or "whatever" and will remain relatively quiet. But the thing that happens more often, if I respond to them, they will fly off the handle with me - calling me a noob, saying they'll report me, that I'm a ****ing idiot etc. And you sit back in amazement (or at least I do) and think "can someone REALLY be that angry about a mistake I/someone made in a video game?".

The first time this happened I just thought to myself "well, there's bound to be flamers from time to time" but, the more I played the more common this seemed to me. The anger isn't always directed at me, for the most part the flamer blames everyone else but himself/herself. And to bring it back to me, whenever the anger is directed at me & I feel chattie that day which, is poor play on my part too - I shouldn't indulge in responding to flamers, I'll tend to hit back with "hey look, nobodies that great right off the bat dude - not everyone you run into is going to play at a "pro" level. The usual retort I get is just to keep calling me a noob & sometimes someone will tell me to get my *** back into bot games, which, I actually agree with so I started to play them more often. But is the anger really needed? I mean, I'd learn more from & appreciate constructive criticism, you know? Them maybe saying "hey look, if your new you should probably focus your time more on bot games, so you get better, you have a wider margin of error there, more room to learn your champs better etc". Than to get some guy yelling at me or my teammates at how bad we are & should uninstall the game. Because all that does is make people not want to play better, it demoralizes them in the middle of the game, so they begin to play even worse than before & more importantly, it makes them think "well, this LoL community is a bad community". Which, I'm beginning to think, or at least think that the EW community is bad.

That's my ***** fest done. I mainly posted this on the off chance anyone sees it and get their response on it because, I really wanna know if this is me just being unlucky and running into a few bad people or if the Lol EW community or the LoL community in general is like this.

Thank you for reading.