
Hello boys & girls!

So, this is my very first blog here on and I thought for a long time about what subject my first blog should contain. Sure, I could write about a certain game of LoL I have played because it was so unique or something like that, or I could write about my every day life and by doing that put myself into the attention-***** niche of blogging. But I am not that kind of a person, when I write something long and put a lot of time in it, especially on the internet, I try to find a topic that is interesting, allows for some heated discussions and does not touch something that was beaten to death in 100+ publications before me. So finding a topic for my first mobafire-blog was actually quite difficult. In the end it was a simple round of Normal Draft on Summoner's Rift that I've played yesterday evening that showed me a topic I eagerly would like to convert into written form and discuss with other people related to the game I love so much and play almost daily.

Now, after this long introduction you probably are sitting at home in front of your screen, almost bored to death by the useless gibberish this random dude has written down so far and ask yourself: "Dude, tell us the topic already!". Fine, here you go. The topic I will talk abut in this issue of my blog is the phenomenon of extremely aggressive, unfriendly and annoying French trolls in League of Legends. Before I actually start elaborating on this subject I would like to say, that I in no way mean to insult the French nation as a whole and/or people from France that might have the pleasure to meet me inside the game or read my blog here on

The Problem

During my time in League of Legends I have met a lot of friendly, skilled and hard trying players from all over the world and the games I have played with them are something I sometimes like to remember while waiting in matchmaking or browsing mobafire.
However on the other side I have made a lot of contact with the exact opposite of those people. Players that showed extremely rude behavior, were insulting me and all the other players in the match, were feeding intentionally, picking without any communication with the rest of the team, either instant-lock or just ignoring chat-calls. Not going for team-objectives, not engaging in team-fights, blaming everyone else for the mistakes they made themselves, and so on. Sadly most of those individuals seem to originate from France. Until yesterday I did not pay much attention to such people but the game that I have played yesterday was just too much to handle. Just for your viewing pleasure I have uploaded the replay from the game:

WTFProF(Alistar) vs. A lot of French trolls
Be warned, this replay contains lots of cursing, flaming, dumb actions and general trolling from most of the participants!

Basically, the game was a Normal Draft on Summoner's Rift somewhere around 9 o'clock CET. I called for mid-lane first but since I was last pick and also one player before me called mid shortly after I decided to show some team-play and called support.
Already in champion-select the three individuals who all belonged to a pre-made (all of them were French) started to excessively spamming the chat and being rude. When I suggested one of them, the one who called for mid-lane with the reasoning of only being capable to play mid behind it, that he probably should learn to play other lanes too, because he normally would get his desired position in only ~20% of the Drafts and Ranked games that he would play I got following answer from him: "Ecoute à papa, si je dis que je vais mid je vais mid!". On a side-note, I started learning French in school at the age of 12 that's 8 years of studying French in school now. Translated his sentence means: "Listen to daddy, if I call mid I go mid!", only thing I replied to this was: "Great a 13 yo French kiddie, the game is lost...". I know, not very nice from me but it's also not very bright of him to start insulting me even before the game would start.
So the game started, our Top and Mid lanes fed the enemies like hell, insulted each other in French for not calling "ss" and what not. In the meantime all the French guys (in the enemy team there were one or two trolls who also were French) started randomly ranting in global chat. Evelynn came bot several times to help us out, sometimes she did a good job, sometimes she failed miserably, did not change the fact that our enemies started QQ-ing about her babysitting us and so on. In the end the game lasted for around 45 Minutes and we won, mostly because of the remotely decent Evelynn and the nice Twitch. I had to read some generic insults like "tg - ta geulle" or "fdp - fis d'une pute" from both Soraka and Akali and all three of them (Soraka, Akali, Evelynn) ended up on my ignore list.

My thoughts about the cause

Now the question I have is, why does it seem that most of the French population in LoL consists of 13 year old trolls with no brains or manners whatsoever?

During my 13 years of school I have participated in three exchange-programs with French schools, one in 7th, one in 9th and one in 12th grade. In all of those exchanges the classes consisted of roughly 20-30 pupils on each side, this means that I had the pleasure to meet and get to know around 60-90 French teenagers from the age of 12/13 to 17/18. While all of them were quite nice to talk to and interact with, I could not ignore some common habits among them that seemed weird and inappropriate to me.

1. They all behaved not according to their age. For example almost all of them randomly cursed during conversation and found it totally normal to start a conversation with each other by referring to the other individual as "***", "son of a *****" or similar. Also they seemed to enjoy singing sexually explicit songs during the bus-rides, one would casually start such a simple vulgar song and everyone in their class would tune in and sing it as loud as possible.

2. The French school system was at the most rigid and at the same time the most anonymous school system I have ever experienced. You could feel how the pupils were practically afraid of their teachers. The lessons were very head on with the teacher talking for 50 minutes straight. All schools had some insane rules. At the same time the interior of them was just horrible demolished, lots of tagging, missing parts of the interior like the doors of the toilet-booths and so on. In the later two exchanges every 2nd pupil was smoking during every break and was very proud of that fact, even during excursions here in Germany the teachers did not prohibit smoking.

3. Another interesting fact is, that despite them smoking on a regular basis and trying to look as cool and adult as possible, resulting in some very weird clothing especially among the girls, they all totally flipped out seeing us drinking alcohol casually. It is no big deal here in Germany, a lot of teens manage to land in a hospital because of alcohol-poisoning at the age of 13/14/15 and by the age of 16/17/18 most of them know how to handle alcohol and can actually start drinking for the pleasure and not because of the urge to look cool. The French pupils on the other side were totally impressed by that, tried to imitate it and of course failed miserably, including passing out, vomiting and not remembering the past night.

So now if you compare those observations I have made in real life with the behavior of the average French LoL troll you can see a lot of similarities. So my thesis is that the excessive trolling and rude behavior is caused by their real life behavior and the impact society has on them.

The ending-lines

So I hope you have enjoyed my very first blog, and if you are French did not get too offended by my rather harsh words. Everything I wrote here comes out of my own experience and is in no way proven by any research or empirical data.
I would also like to hear your opinions on this subject, write me a comment under this blog. Also you can comment on how you found my writing in general and weather or not you want to read more stuff like this written by me, if I get enough good feedback I could maybe make it a monthly or weekly thing. If you liked the blog you also can give me a +Rep, I would be very thankful to you!

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